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1 Circle the correct answer. (10 x 1 = 10)
1. Many children form a strong / sharp attachment to their grandparents.
2. A swift / thriving town like this would be a great place to open a shop.
3. The cottage had a timeless quality / feature about it.
4. With so many people coming here to find work, this city is now too densely / remarkably populated.
5. The noise from the street was so loud that Jane’s words were inconvenient / inaudible.
6. In close-knit amenities / communities like this one, people look after each other.
7. “I’m not at all worried about the exam,” one student remarked with reserved / studied unconcern.
8. Rather than respond to my suggestion, Thomas just eyed / muttered me with contempt.
9. How can the prime minister govern / secure support for the new law?
10. People were smiling but there was an indifference / undercurrent of anxiety in the room.

2 Complete the sentences. Choose from the words given. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. The area is trying to shake its image as an unsafe neighbourhood. out / off / away / through
2. Venturing the jungle, the explorers couldn’t help feeling anxious. among / for / into / by
3. Can I tell you something strict confidence? for / with / by / in
4. We must stand to the people who want to build a hotel on the beach. on / out / up / down
5. Everyone looked Mark as their leader but he wasn’t comfortable with that role. on / at / for / up
6. Instead of worrying about the past, let’s look . in / away / ahead / in front
7. The company can save money by cutting on the amount of electricity it uses. on / out / back / off
8. The local authorities keep promising to crack down crime. on / for / which / to
9. These old buildings should be torn before they collapse. off / back / out / down
10. Jamie was burning curiosity about the promised surprise. with / from / of / by

3 Complete the text. Use the words below. (11 x 2 = 22)

landmarks vibrant case mind time breath
calling sensing stands focal elegant


Venice has so much to offer – romantic canals lined with (1) ....elegant........................................ buildings, beautiful bridges and
narrow streets where you feel like you’ve stepped back in (2) ......time...................................... . But it’s St Mark’s Square that is
(3) ..........focal.................................. point of the city, with its beautiful architecture and (4) .......vibrant..................................... atmosphere
day and night.
On a recent trip to Venice, I climbed to the top of one of the city’s most famous (5) .....landmarks....................................... – the bell
tower which (6) .........stands................................... on St Mark’s Square. The view across the water was so amazing it took my
(7) ...............breath............................. away. Suddenly, though, I noticed an enormous cruise ship approaching. I couldn’t believe
my eyes! It towered over any nearby buildings and totally ruined the view. (8) ......Sensing...................................... my surprise, an
Italian standing nearby explained that many such ships arrive every day in the summer. As well as spoiling the view,
they also create environmental problems. Residents are (9) ...........calling................................. on local authorities to stop these
ships coming into the city. They claim that while tourism brings money to a city, in Venice there’s a strong (10) to be made for restrictions. Shouldn’t it be gondolas that spring to (11) ...........mind.................................
when you think of Venice and not giant cruise ships?

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 8 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

1 Circle the correct answer. (8 x 2 = 16)
1. “Where’s George?” 5. Which of the players winning the race?
“Oh, he told be a bit late this morning.” a. did congratulate you c. you congratulated were
a. he will c. to me that he’d b. did you congratulate on d. did you congratulate their
b. me he’d d. he would 6. “Has Paul gone already?”
2. I hope you’ve apologized his camera. “Yes. I wonder why early.”
a. damaging c. Jim for damaging a. he must leave c. must he leave
b. that you damaged d. to Jim for damaging b. did he have to leave d. he had to leave
3. All my friends urged the job offer. 7. I can’t believe the teacher accused the essay
a. me to accept c. that I accepted from an online source.
b. to accept d. my accepting a. me copying c. that I copied
4. You should ask photos inside the museum. b. me of copying d. me for copying
a. if can we take c. can we take 8. Andrew suggested at 7.30 last night.
b. we could take d. whether we can take a. to meet c. in meeting
b. that we meet d. we will meet

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 8 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words below. (10 x 2 = 20)
among the most so much every bit as more and more easily the least
1. This part of the country is every bit as mountainous as the north.
2. You should be proud! Yours was among the most impressive photos entered in the competition.
3. If you knew Emily as well as I do, you’d realize she isn’t so much unfriendly as shy.
4. This is easily the least expensive restaurant in town, which is one reason why it’s always busy.
5. Engrossed in the novel, I became more and more interested in the characters’ lives.

highly perfectly deeply seriously utterly

1. Max is in hospital but don’t worry – he’s not seriously ill.

2. It’s highly unlikely our school team will win the championship.
3. Stella is utterly convinced that she’s right.
4. It’s perfectly understandable that you’d prefer not to drive such a long distance.
5. I was deeply hurt by your comments yesterday.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words,
including the word given. (6 x 2 = 12)
1. The team was more disappointed than tired after losing the match. MUCH
The team was not so tired as disappointed after losing the match.
2. I’ve never stayed in a hotel anywhere like as luxurious as this one. BY
This hotel is by far the most luxurious I’ve ever stayed in.
3. “It’s your fault the documents have been misplaced!” Trish said to Jason. BLAMED
Trish blamed Jason for misplacing the documents.
4. “I think you should get out of the sun,” Katie’s mum told her. STAY
Katie’s mum advised her not to stay in the sun any longer.
5. I hadn’t expected our physics exam to be as easy as it was. NEARLY
Our physics exam wasn’t nearly as difficult as I’d expected.
6. “When is the parade taking place?” we asked. KNOW
We wanted to know when the parade was taking place.

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