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Activity 1

Name: JOBELLE A. SALCEDO Course Code: EDUC 30033

Course & Year: BEED II Date: 04-17-21
1. Draw in a one whole piece of paper a similar figure found here. From your own point of
view, sketch and equip the naked figure with the necessary competency standards that a
21st century teacher should possess, color if necessary (e.g. cap symbolizes what
competency, pants, polo/ shirt, cellphone/ laptop in hand, shoes, eyeglass, etc.). 




Open for Technology




2. Read CMO 74 or 75 s. 2017. Review the Competencies and read the corresponding
Performance Indicators under each of the 7 Domains. Identify one Performance
Indicator for each cluster that you consider as most important and that you are excited to
do. Identify also one Performance Indicator that you consider least important and` that
you are not excited to do. Place your answer on the matrix below:

ICT Domain Performance Indicator Most Performance Indicator Least

Important for Us to Do Important for Us to Do
Domain 1 Demonstrate awareness of Discuss National ICT policies
policies affecting ICT in affecting classroom policies
Domain 2 Use UCT as a tool to develop 21st Develop digital learning
Century Skills Information, Media resources to enhance teaching-
and Technology Skills, Life and learning
career Skills and Effective
Communication Skills

Domain 3 Initiate flexible learning through Apply relevant technology tools

online communication for classroom activities

Domain 4 Demonstrate proficiency in the Propose or recommend

use of technology tools to technology and policy
support teaching and learning innovations related to promoting
continues learning among

Domain 5 Facilitate flexible learning Legal group activities using

environment that enhance technology tools
collaboration with the use of
technology tools

Domain 6 Explore existing and emerging Join online expert and learning
technology to acquire additional communities
content and pedagogical learning

Domain 7 Demonstrate social ethical and Provide support to learners digital

legal responsibility in the use of culture and behaviors
technology tools and resources

3. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a conceptual
or operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition.

1. Absolute Link : A term used by Web authors. In

an HTML document a Relative Link indicates
the location of a file relative to the document,
whereas an absolute link specifies the full URL
2. Access : The name of a Database program forming
part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs.
3. Accessibility : The fundamental issue
regarding accessibility is that everyone should
have access to the services provided by ICT
4. Address Book : Usually supplied as part of
your Email software. An address book in this
sense is used to keep a record of all the email
addresses of people whom you may wish to
contact by email.
5. ADSL : Abbreviation for Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Line. A high-speed digital
telephone connection that operates over an
existing copper telephone line, allowing the
same line to be used for voice calls.
6. Adware : is software that may have been installed on
your computer by a remote computer
7. AJAX : Acronym for
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a
Web programming tool (or rather a set of tools)
that makes it possible to create interactive
Web applications that work in much the same
way as computer applications on your
computer's hard disc
8. Backup or Back Up : Used as a verb, to back up means to copy
a File or Folder from your computer to
another Storage Device,
9. Baud : A unit of measurement at which data can be
10.Binary File : Strictly speaking all computer files are Binary,
consisting of a string of ones and zeroes, but
the term binary file is often used to differentiate
program files and data files from text files,
which contain only unformatted printable ASCII
11.Browser : A software package installed on the hard disc
of your computer that enables you to access
and to navigate the World Wide Web - to "surf
the Web" in colloquial terms
12.C&IT : Abbreviation for Communications and
Information Technology. The same thing as
ICT but the other way round! C&IT
(Communications and Information Technology)
is a peculiarly British term
13.CALI : Acronym for Computer Assisted Language
Instruction. A term which has now become
almost obsolete, having been replaced
by CALL in the 1980s.
14.Cascading Style Sheets (CSS : Cascading Style Sheets are a feature
of HTML that enables a range of styles for
headers, body text, bullet points, links etc., to
be specified for hypertext documents
15.Copyright : New technologies have raised all kinds of
new issues relating to copyright - mainly
because it has become so easy to copy
materials from a variety of digital sources.
16.Database : A structured collection of data that can be
used for a variety of purposes. Databases are
usually stored on a Hard Disc inside your
computer, on a CD-ROM, or at a website.
17.E-learning : E-learning (electronic learning)Ask a dozen
people what they understand by e-learning and
most will probably say that it involves using a
computer to access materials on the Web or to
follow a distance-learning course using
a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
18.Excel : The name of a Spreadsheet program forming
part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs.
19.Google : A popular Search Engine. Probably the most
widely used search engine on the Web. You
can also use Google to find definitions of
words. Call up Google
at and in the search
20. Output :  Anything that comes out of a computer after
being processed


4. With an ICT gadget, find a friend in the FB, Twitter or Instagram who is also a college
student. Preference should be given to a pre-service teacher from the Philippines or
abroad. Choose at least 3 important concepts that you can discuss with him/her. Record
your thoughts in the discussion and also your friend's thoughts. Are they similar or
different? If they differ, why?
Concepts Identified My Thoughts about the My Friend's Thought about
Concept the Concept (Ask your
friend to get an answer)
Example: Concept about
borderless classroom
because of technology
Concept A
Concept B
Concept C

5. Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced
your life as a learner from elementary, high school and college.

How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner

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