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Web Based Resort Room and Cottage Reservation Management System

Capstone Project
Presented to Mr.John Michael Legaspi

Phinma Araullo University

Lorenzo, Angelo R.
Lucas, John Marvin P.
Constantino, Reiven A.

May 2021
Chapter I


Nowadays online reservations for a Resort room and cottage are now becoming
popular especially to those people who like to travel. Mostly because of how the
customer can easily browse from site to site and chose an event or book a room he/she
desires with the time and date the user preferred in just a click of button. This saves them
time, energy and less hassle. With online reservation transactions are faster, the client just
simply type-in the information needed and send it to the company. Through this the client
and the company can easily coordinate with each other in a more flexible manner to get
the information needed for choosing an event or booking a room, thus making the
information more accurate. And since it is an online based system this will help in adding
popularity to the company because of its easy access and 24 hours availability in and out
of the country.

Online based system also gives benefits on diminishing double booking accidents
since the customer have a full access on viewing each rooms and availability. In addition,
viewing of rates and the total amount of reservation will also be available for them to
view. Having an online based system will help the company be more organized and with
this they can easily handle any changes they might need.

The website which deals with the easy online reservation in a resort with a
security and is known as, ‘Resort room and cottage reservation Management System
.This Project provides User can easily check availability of rooms and if room is
available, the user can get a reservation in the hotel. By the use of Internet, the user can
save so much time for his reservation.

The concept of this study is to enhance the development of the existing system
into an online based system, as well as determining the problem that affects the use of
manual reservation system and to give solution to the existing system pertaining to the
customer’s needs in giving an easy access during reservation. They can access the
website whenever they need to check the availability or make reservations. With online
based system transactions are faster and easier, the customer and the company can easily
coordinate with each other in a more flexible manner to get the information needed for
choosing an event or booking a room, thus making the information more accurate. Since
it is an online based system, this will help in adding popularity to the company because of
its easy access and 24 hours availability in and out of the country.

The following problems have delivered during the course of the study:

1. How is the Web Based Resort room and cottage reservation Management
System developed?
2. How effective the proposed system?
3. They can add information, edit the time and date of their schedule?
4. The user can manage their rooms if they want to cancel?


The proponents will analyze and develop an Online Reservation System that will help the
company to progress and minimize the problems in the procedure of their reservation

1 . Increasing the security and confidentiality of each files and report by

providing a security module that is accessible only to the authorized person in
the company. The system will have a login module for the administrator and the
registered users each having their own username and password, thus making the
system more secured not only for the company but also to other users.
2. To lessen time consume.
3. To spend less time in searching and retrieving of files.
4. To becoming make easier to find the availability of rooms.


The purpose of this system is to collect, analyze and define needs and features of
the Web based resort cottage management system. It focuses on the capabilities needed
by the owner and the target users and why these needs to exist. This software is aimed at
facilitating the prompt , accurate and easy management of a cottages. It will be very
helpful to owner on the hand to the clients who will use the system.







Yes No

The user sign up in has Two interface, the Admin and the Customer login they will
both using username and password. Once input, select Sign up to create Account to fill
up the customer information and sign in to be automatically taken to the resort cottage
management system.

The interface for the web based resort cottage management owner is the same as the
customer, except that it has more options like modifying and viewing other clients

The owner will get the customer details to get cottage type and number and also to
check availability of that cottage


In this system, the owner can add new clients and manage that customer
information. It can also add bill directly to that client’s bill . This software works at all
Resort room and cottage that cater a large number of clients and want to computerize the
complete management process.

The user can easily view the availability of the rooms , and manage information.

The limitation of this system the user cannot view, delete and modify other clients
information. This project cannot be used for different branches.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Studies

Asupra, “Automated System of Billing and Reservation”,“2001”

Studied an automated system of billing and reservation for “Pearl Manor Pension House”
Incorporated. After a careful study by the researchers it has been found out that the
employees’ encounters problem with their present system, these problems are:  a. time
consuming in processing check-in. b. delayed computation of bills and c. time consuming
processing of reservation. After a careful study of the current system of Pearl Manor
Pension House, Incorporated, the group came with a conclusion to; automate their
system. The automation of the system will give advantages to the company because it
will make the computation of bills a lot easier and more accurate. Processing is faster and
more convenient for both the user and clients. The results of interviews and research
study that was conducted by the researchers lead to form a recommendation of
automating the billing and reservation system of the company. The system will be the one
responsible to process all the transactions.

Cagalawan,”Online Hotel Reservation” 2003”

Studied and proposed an online hotel reservation for Bacolod Executive Inn. The findings
of the study stressed that some problems exist in their current system namely: a. time
delay in updating email reservation processing, b. difficulties in confirmation of the
availability of rooms in walk and telephone reservation and c. report generation is time
consuming. As the result of investigation and observation to the existing reservation
procedures, the group came with a conclusion that the Bacolod Executive Inn particularly
the reservation must be developed through an online system for their better service. It
will provide advantages in the part of the establishment because it will increase the
number of customers, minimize the workload of the personnel and the generation of
reports on time, and will provide promotion to the establishment through the website that
will highlight the quality of service they offer. After a detailed study, the researcher’s
recommendation is based on the accurate and relevant information from the data
gathered. The proposed on-line reservation system for the Bacolod Executive Inn
provides better service to the customers. The researcher’s recommendation is based on
the accurate and relevant information from the data gathered. It could improve its current
operation as soon as the proposed systems implementation would take place.
Estores,, C. Ignacio, “Sierra Madre and Spring Valley Online Reservations With
Billing System”,“2009”

Sierra Madre and Spring Valley uses a manual system for their reservations. Their
reservation is done mostly through calls. Their computation of bills is also done
manually. The database for customer records and other files needed are not included in
their system.

From the specified problems above, the system that was created is online reservation and
billing system. It monitors the files and records of the customers via database. Clients
with user accounts can reserve hotel rooms and other amenities and payments for their
reservation are also done via internet.

The proponents’ proposed system is similar to their study in terms of monitoring their
customer records and other files needed by having a database. The system also includes a
user account for the clients of the resort.

B.B.  Zapanta, R.L. Belardo, F.E. Flores, G.L. Sobrevilla, ” Online Billing and
Reservation System of Villa Silvina Resort ”,“2009”

Villa Silvina Resort uses the traditional way in providing quality service and catering to
the needs of their customers. Villa Silvina Resort also focuses on keeping track of
records, generating billing reports and inventory reports.

Villa Silvina Resort uses a manual billing and reservation system and they experienced
difficulties in monitoring the reservations and billing, specifically in organizing the
reservations and accuracy in the computation of the total bills. Using a manual system is
prone to errors because of inconsistency of data, misplaced data and redundancy of

The proponents cited some similarities in the use of manual process in their transaction
which could be used as reference. The system makes the operation faster.

D.M. Cabatbat, G.S. Gonzalvo,” Online Billing and Reservation System of Hotel

The ‘Online Billing and Reservation System of Hotel Dominique’ was developed for the
replacement of the manual system of Hotel Dominique. In reservation, the system
contains the checking of available rooms, function rooms and amenities. Viewing of the
assessment of reservations and cancelation of reservations are also provided in it. In
billing, the system offers online payment thru the use of credit card. The proponents of
this study used the V-Model as their methodology.
The proponents found some similarities with Hotel Dominique’s Online Billing and
Reservations System. In terms of reservation, both systems are proficient of making,
checking, viewing and canceling of reservations. The proposed system uses the same
methodology used by the study.

M.P. Benamir, K.R. Berin, G.N. Gallano, ”Online Billing and Reservation System of
Villa Felicidad Resort”,“2009”

The reservation system of Villa Felicidad Resort is done manually. The management
encounters inefficiency in their transactions and operations particularly in scheduling of
reservation, security of data or misplaced data due to disorganized filing. It is also time
consuming for the computation of bills. The resort is also having a hard time with these
entire stated problems. The goal of this study is to eliminate the difficulties of Villa
Felicidad Resort and have a more efficient reservation process.

The proponents saw some similarities in their study in terms of using the manual
reservation process. The system has confirmation online and also serves as an
advertisement for Adams Beach Resort.

Maridable, “Automated Reservation and Booking System”,“2009”

Studied an automated reservation and booking system for Jaunts and Journeys Travel
Center. The researchers found out that the company is still using a manual system and
experiencing a delays in their transactions, processes and operations specifically in the
generation and of reports, computation of payment, user authentication, and costing of

J.A. Legaspi, M. Lamson, P.V. Gazme, “Online Billing and Reservation System of
Adams Beach Resort”, “2011”

The Online Billing and reservation System of Adams Beach Resort was developed in
order for the company to have a systematized form of operation and transaction in
addition to a trouble-free work for the officers-in-charge. The system has a user-friendly
environment and includes reservation packages, services and procedures. The similarities
of Online Billing and Reservation System of Adams Beach Resort to the study of the
proponents is that it also aims to have a systematized form of operation and transaction
for the clients and to help the manager to have a trouble-free work. The proponents
system also have a user-friendly environment/website where the clients can also see the
different rates, amenities and reservation packages offered by the resort.
Constante, K., Estollose, E., San Jose, A., “Online Billing and Reservation System of View fort
Terrace View hill Resort Carmona, Cavite”, “2011”

View fort Terrace View hill’s main problem is the lack of technology which leads to
conflict of schedules, data inconsistency, data redundancy, data loss, lack of security and
it is space consuming. Because all of the transactions are stored in one logbook, all of
these problems are encountered by the management. In order to avoid these problems, the 
proponents proposed an online billing and reservation system for View fort Terrace
View hill Resort. The system has a database for the resort where all of the company’s
transactions are stored and it has also the ability to compute all the billings of the client.
Online Billing and Reservation System of View fort Terrace View hill Resort Carmona,
Cavite has similarities to the study of the proponents because of the
following problems. In terms of the problems data inconsistency which make it more
difficult to know what is the exact date of reservation made by the client, data
redundancy which duplicates the reservation information, poor data security meaning the
data is not safe from alteration and deletion. The study will help the proponents in solving
these problems through the proponents proposed system

C.L. Adap, J.R. San Juan, P.B. Sillio , “Online Billing and Reservation System for Royal Palm
Paradise Resort”, “2013”

The system contains two pages which are Administrator page and Customer page. The
administrator page has the authority to access the whole system and will be able to update
all the records of the customer for reservations made through phone call or walk-in
customers, change the status of the reservation of the customers, update the list of the
facilities available in the resort. Computation of bills of reservation and add-ons, and
generating of reports are also under the Administrator page.
The proponent’s system also contains two pages similar to the Online Billing and
Reservation System of Royal Palm Paradise Resort, wherein Administrator page will
manage all the transaction made by the customer/user. In Administrator page can all so
see reports, update all records and the list of the facilities in the resort

Technical Background

The researchers used XAMPP and php in developing the Resort room and cottage
reservation system. XAMPP and php is frequently used in developing a program because
it is easy to learn and use. XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server
solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database,
and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP programming languages.
This project is Resort Room and Cottage Management Systems which allows users to
book their room and cottage in the resort from anywhere; this is an automated system
where the user can search the availability of rooms and cottage in the resort. The search
can be done based on the dates. The rooms and cottage that available come with the
status available; it will display all the rooms available as of that particular search date.
The system can help the resort administration manage their transaction and reservation
and reservation processes and can be easily edited, delete, filter, monitor, store and secure
of all the reservations records. These studies help the proponents to formulate the  resort
Chapter 3


The Iterative and Incremental Agile Model is very useful as SDLC model because you
can focus on every step from requirements to release stage.

Requirement Analysis

To discuss the problems they encounter when they are using the traditional Manual
spreadsheet process. The proponent needs the requirements for gathering the data is the
spreadsheet that they using for the customer payment and information, the survey of the
employees and opinion the planning of idea will be followed on how to design, create and
arrange the system..


To create the project the design will follow after the planning and construct the system
into a drawing object that the scope of the idea will be understood easily. The
programmer and analyst will make a friendly user interface where it is easy to understand
and use.

The primary goal during the Developing is to build the solution components code as well
as documentation. Some development work may, however, continue into the Stabilizing
Phase in response to testing. On the technical front, a successful web site requires an
understanding of front-end web development. This involves writing valid HTML / CSS
code that complies to current web standards, maximizing functionality, as well as
accessibility for as large an audience as possible.

In Testing, the performance of the system will be measured, this will be specified the
quality or reliability of the system that takes procedures. The proponents will be allowed
to retrieve reports update, add, edit, delete and do some work in the system to ensure the
capacity of endurance of the system and the capability to work.

Implementation Plan

This phase will be for the implementation of the system or when will this be released.
After the system would be functional and tested and proven, that will be the time for the
system to be released.

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