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1 Introduction to the Computer age

2 Features & Highlights of Computer Age

3 Types of Computers
4 Inventions and Development

5 History of Computer

6 Importance and Benefits

7 Ethical issues related to the Use

of Computers

8 Effects to the Society

9 Suggestions to limit negative effects


The Information Age began around

the 1970s. It is also known as the
Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Computer Age

Media Age. This era brought about

a time period in which people could
access information and knowledge
Regarded as the period when the
widespread use of computers has
fundamentally changed people's
Features & Highlights

Networks and Internet

Computer Age Mobility
Knowledge & Research
Misinformation & Disinformation
Knowledge Economy
Productivity & Leisure
Imagination Age
Culture change
Digital Dependency
Moore's Law
Types of Computers

Personal Computer (PC)

Is a single-user instrument.
Personal Computer

PCs were first known as

microcomputers because they
were a complete computer, but
built on a smaller scale than the
monster systems operated by
most businesses.

A PC that is not designed for

portability is a desktop.
Types of Computers


a.k.a. notebooks.

Are portables that integrate

the essentials of a desktop in
a battery-powered package
somewhat larger than a
typical hardcover book
Types of Computers

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)

Are tightly integrated Personal Digital Assistants

computers that usually do

not have keyboards but rely
on a touchscreen for user

Are typically smaller than a

paperback, light-weight, and
battery powered.
Types of Computers

Is a computer that has been
beefed up to provide
network services to other

Usually boast powerful

processors, tons of memory,
and large hard drives.
Types of Computers

In the early days of Mainframes

computing, mainframes could

fill an entire room or even a
floor of rooms.

This type of computer

typically costs millions of
Types of Computers

Wearable Computers
Wearable Computers

Are integrated into cell

phones, watches, and other
small objects or places.

They perform such common

computer applications as
databases, e-mail,
multimedia, and schedulers.
Inventions and Development

Internet is the wider

network that allows
computer networks around
the world run by companies,
governments, universities
and other organisations to
talk to one another.
Inventions and Development

Development of fiber
optic cables
Inventions and Development

The Apple 1 was a huge

advancement in
computer sciences and it
carved the path for the
computers we have now.
Inventions and Development

Inventions and Development
World Wide Web
used initially by companies
as an electronic billboard for
their products and services,
morphed into an interactive
consumer exchange for
goods and information.
Inventions and Development

Electronic mail, which

permitted near-instant
exchange of information,
was widely adopted as the
primary platform for
workplace and personal
History of Computer

Brainstorm Area

The first counting device was used by the primitive


They used sticks, stones and bones as counting tools.

As human mind and technology improved with time

more computing devices were developed.
Abacus - it is believed to
be the first computer. It
was a wooden rack
which has metal rods
with beads mounted on
Napier’s Bone - It was a
calculating device which was
invented by John Napier
(1550-1617) of Merchiston.
In this calculating tool, he
used 9 different ivory strips
or bones marked with
numbers to multiply and
divide. The first machine to
use the decimal point.
Pascaline - known as
Arithmetic Machine or
Adding Machine. It was
invented between 1642 and
1644 by a French
Biaise Pascal. It is believed
that it was the first
mechanical and automatic
Stepped Reckoner or
Leibnitz Wheel - It was
developed by a German
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz in
1673. A digital mechanical
calculator. It was made of
fluted drums.
Difference Engine - In the
early 1820s, it was designed
by Charles Babbage who is
known as "Father of Modern
Computer". It was a
mechanical computer which
could perform simple
calculations. It was a steam
driven calculating machine
designed to solve tables of
numbers like logarithm tables.
Analytical Engine - This
calculating machine was
also developed by Charles
Babbage in 1830. It was a
mechanical computer that
used punch-cards as input.
It was capable of solving
any mathematical problem
and storing information as a
permanent memory.
Tabulating Machine - It was invented
in 1890, by Herman Hollerith, an
American statistician. It was a
mechanical tabulator based on punch
cards. It could tabulate statistics and
record or sort data or information.
This machine was used in the 1890
U.S. Census. Hollerith also started the
Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
Company which later became
International Business Machine
(IBM) in 1924.
Differential Analyzer - It
was the first electronic
computer introduced in the
United States in 1930. It
was an analog device
invented by Vannevar Bush.
This machine has vacuum
tubes to switch electrical
signals to perform
calculations. It could do 25
calculations in few minutes.
Mark l - The next major changes in the
history of computer began in 1937
when Howard Aiken planned to
develop a machine that could perform
calculations involving large numbers.
In 1944, Mark I computer was built as
a partnership between IBM and
Harvard. It was the first
programmable digital computer.
5 Generations of Computer

First Generation Computer - (1946-1959)

In these computers, vacuum tubes were used as
the basic components of CPU and memory. These
computers were mainly depended on batch
operating system and punch cards. Magnetic tape
and paper tape were used as output and input
devices in this generation.
Some of the popular first generation computers are;
- ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator and
- EDVAC ( Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
- UNIVACI( Universal Automatic Computer)
- IBM-701
- IBM-650
5 Generations of Computer

The second generation (1959-1965)

Was the era of the transistor computers. In this
generation, magnetic cores were used as the
primary memory and magnetic disc and tapes were
used as the secondary storage. Assembly language
and programming languages like COBOL and
FORTRAN, and Batch processing and
multiprogramming operating systems were used in
these computers.
Some of the popular second generation computers are;
- IBM 1620
- IBM 7094
- CDC 1604
- CDC 3600
- UNIVAC 1108
5 Generations of Computer

The Third Generation

The third generation computers used integrated
circuits (ICs) instead of transistors. These
generation computers used remote processing,
time-sharing, multi programming as operating
system. Also, the high-level programming
PL/1, ALGOL-68 were used in this generation.

Some of the popular third generation computers are;

- IBM-360 series
- Honeywell-6000 series
- PDP (Personal Data Processor)
- IBM-370/168
- TDC-316
5 Generations of Computer

The fourth generation (1971-1980)

Computers used very large scale integrated (VLSI)
circuits; a chip containing millions of transistors and
other circuit elements. These generation computers
used real time, time sharing and distributed
operating system. The programming languages like
C, C++, DBASE were also used in this generation.
Some of the popular fourth generation computers
- DEC 10
- STAR 1000
- PDP 11
- CRAY-1 (Super Computer)
- CRAY-X-MP (Super Computer)
5 Generations of Computer

The fifth generation (1980-till date)

Computers, the VLSI technology was replaced with
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration). It made
possible the production of microprocessor chips
with ten million electronic components. This
generation computers used parallel processing
hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software.
The programming languages used in this generation
were C, C++, Java, .Net, etc.
Some of the popular fifth generation computers are;
- Desktop
- Laptop
- NoteBook
- UltraBook
- ChromeBook
Importance and Benefits

Computer Age and its People could access
development proved that it plays information and knowledge
a big role in everyone’s life, in fastest way, as computer
wherein we experienced a lot of age brought a lot of new
things. People make the inventions and innovation. It
impossible to possible. is very important in our daily
lives. It makes us updated in
Computer Age brings new trends, issues etc.
opportunities for everyone to
improve human experience, our
economies, education, businesses
and our lives.
We humans and the society benefits from the computer age as it is now.


We humans and the society benefits from the computer age as it is now.


Health Care
We humans and the society benefits from the computer age as it is now.


Ethical issues related to the Use of Computers
Identity Theft
Music & File Sharing
Ethical issues related to the Use of Computers
Packet sniffing
Ethical issues related to the Use of Computers
Communication Issues
Computer Crime

Copyright and Privacy

Effects to the Society

Computers has been around for a

while and it is created to help the Society

daily lives of the people in the

society and as time goes by it has
created lots of effects in our
society and not all of it are the ones
they expected to be the effect
years ago.
Positive Effects to the Society
an organization of data computerization of tasks and easier
and information access to information

Faster Communication
Negative Effects to the Society
Causes posture problem Affects mental and physical

Breaks physical social

Suggestions to limit negative effects

Breaks physical social Affects mental and physical

Causes posture problem

Although computers may Limit what you post on

help us communicate Make sure that you
social media, and as
with each other and we have a proper posture
much as possible don't
can socialize on the while using a computer
make social media your
internet, we must limit or laptop and do life to avoid cyber
ourselves in stretching and take
communicating virtually bullying. Try to spend
breaks to avoid posture less time on computers
and try to have a physical
social interaction
problems like back and try exercising and
especially with our problems. eating healthy.
neighbors or nearby

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