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Diverticula Disease of the Colon in Japan

A Review of 61,5 Cases



Sugihara K, Muto T, Morioka Y, Asano A, YamamotoT. Diverticular From the Department of Surgery,
disease of the colon in Japan: a review of 615 cases. Dis Colon Rectum University o] Tokyo, and the Department of Surgery,
1984;27:531-537. Tokyo Kohseinenkin ttospital, Tokyo, Japan
Of 615 patients with diverticular disease of the colon, 429 had divertic-
ula in the cecum and ascending colon, 98 in the sigmoid and descend- ease of the colon for each year and every decade was
ing colon and 88 in both the right- and left-side colon. T h e right-sided analyzed.
type was more common in younger people and more predominant in Records of 625 patients with diverticular disease pre-
men, whereas the left-sided type was more common in the elderly and senting to the Departments of Surgery of T o k y o Univer-
showed no difference in numbers between men and women. More than
50 per cent of patients were asymptomatic and 25 per cent complained sity Hospital and T o k y o Kohseinenkin Hospital between
of disturbed bowel function. T h e frequency of diverticulitis was not 1971 and 1982 were reviewed. Diagnosis of diverticular
related to location, but to the number of diverticula. Seventy-seven were disease of the colon was made by double-contrast barium-
complicated by acute inflammation (rlght-sided diverticulitis, 61, and enema examinations in most patients and by plain film
left-sided diverticulitis, 16). Many patients with right-sided diverticuli-
of the abdomen after upper gastrointestinal barium-meal
tis improved with medical treatment and the operative procedure of
choice was drainage of the inflamed area with supplemental appendec- examinations in a few.
tomy. [Key words: Diverticular diseases; Diverticula; Diverticulum; Diverticular disease was divided into four types accord-
Diverticula of the right-side colon; Cecal diverticulum; Diverticulitis] ing to distribution of diverticula as follows: right-sided
type, with diverticula present in the cecum and ascending
IN THE FIRST QUARTER of this century, diverticular and proximal transverse colon; transverse colon type,
disease of the colon was recognized as a medical problem with diverticula only in the transverse colon; left-sided
of increasing magnitude in western countries and, in the type, with diverticula in the sigmoid and descending
1960s, the clinical, surgical, pathologic, and physiologic colon; bilateral type, with diverticula, in both the cecum
aspects were studied. However, almost all diverticulax a n d / o r ascending colon and in the sigmoid a n d / o r de-
disease in western countries is left sided, whereas in Japan scending colon, including involvement of the entire
right-sided diverticular disease is more common. As Jap- colon. Ten of the transverse colon type were excluded
anese lifestyle has been westernized recently, it is expected from this study in order to clarify the difference between
that left-sided diverticular disease will increase in the near right-sided and left-sided types.
future. According to the number of diverticula, diverticular
This paper presents the clinical features of 615 Japa- disease was also divided into three types: solitary; scat-
nese patients with diverticular disease and the outcome of tered, which had two to 14 diverticula; and ,grouped,
management of 85 patients with complications of divertic- which had more than 15 diverticula in one segment of the
ulitis and hemorrhage, with special reference to the com- colon.
parison between right-sided and left-sided diverticular On the basis of clinical manifestations, 615 patients
disease and to the management of right-sided diverticulitis. with diverticular disease were classified into four ,groups:
,group 1 consisted of asymptomatic patients with inciden-
M a t e r i a l s a n d Methods
tal demonstration on barium-enema examination for
A total of 1839 consecutive double-contrast barium- other reasons; group 2 consisted of patients who com-
enema examinations performed between 1975 and 1982 in plained of abnormal bowel habit, abdominal discomfort,
the outpatient clinic of the T o k y o Kohseinenkin Hospi- and pain, or symptoms similar to irritable bowel syn-
tal were reviewed, and the frequency of diverticular dis- drome; ,group 3 consisted of patients with inflammation,
that is, diverticulitis, diffuse peritonitis, and fistula; and
Received for publication December20, 1983.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Sugihara, Department of Surgery, g r o u p 4 consisted of patients with hemorrhage. Diagno-
University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo Japan 113. sis of diverticulitis was based on one or more of the
532 SUG,IHARA, ET AI.. August 198,t

following: clinical findings with elevation of leukocyte (Fig. 2). T h e left-sided type increased in fiequency with
count, radiologic evidence of diverticula with typical increasing age u p to the eighth decade, whereas the right-
deformity of the diseased segment (Fig. 1), and confirma- sided type had a higher frequency in y o u n g e r patients,
tion of local i n f l a m m a t i o n of the diseased segment at with a peak in the seventh decade (Fig. 3). T h e c h a n g i n g
operation. frequency of the bilateral tytye, both with year and with
age, was similar to that of the left-sided type.
Results Distribution of Diverticula: Of 615 patients with diver-
ticular disease, 429 had the right-sided type, 98 had the
C l i n i c a l Features left-sided type, and 88 had the bilateral type.
Frequency: Of 1839 b a r i u m - e n e m a examinations per- Age at Diagnosis: A c o m p a r i s o n of age distribution of
formed, 244 (13.3 per cent) revealed diverticular disease of the three types is s h o w n in T a b l e 1. T h e age distribution
the colon. T h e frequency in patients with the right-sided in patients with the right-sided type was definitely differ-
type was 9.7 per cent, w h i c h was five times gqeater than ent from that of the left-sided and bilateral t,ytYes. Patients
that of patients with the left-sided type; however, the in the fifth decade had the greatest n u m b e r of right-sided
frequency of both types increased with advancing years type,, as c o m p a r e d with patients in the seventh decade for
the left-sided and bilateral types. T h e average age of
patients with the right-sided type was 51.0 years, which
was 13.9 years y o u n g e r than that of patients with the
left-sided type. Of 122 patients under 40 years of age, 97.5
per cent had the right-sided type, whereas 64.9 per cent of
patients over 70 years of age had the left-sided or bilateral
type, the rate of the left-sided and bilateral type increasing
with a d v a n c i n g age. T h e youngest patient with the right-
sided type complicated by diverticulitis of the ascending
colon was a 16-year-old girl and the youngest patient with
the left-sided type was a 36-year-old m a n without com-
Sex Ratio: There were 403 men and 212 women. Sex
ratio varied with the differing distribution and n u m b e r of
diverticula. T h e right-sided and bilateral types were more
prevalent in men and male-to-female ratio increased in
p r o p o r t i o n to the n u m b e r of diverticula (Table 2).
Number of Diverticula: T h e nmnbers of diverticula
were different in the right-sided and left-sided types, one-

2O 9 a right-sided

... . . . -. left-sided

:~----~: bilateral

(J 10

~ ' . ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~r~.,~. ~ ~-../~

'75 "76 '77 '78 "79 '80 '81 '82

FIG. 1. Double-contrast barium enema reveals muhiple diverticula
o[ the cecum and ascending colon and the app(!ndix filled witlt barium. FIG. '2. The fi'e(luencyof diverticulal disease of the ('olon has beer
The colonic wall shows the discrete defect with limited distensibility at gradually increasing with advancing ",ears not only in the left-sided
the midpordon of the ascending colon. but also the right-sided tYI,~'.
Volume 27

TABLE1. Age Distribution of Three Types of Diverticular TABLE2. Sex Ratio Variation with the Differing Distribution and the
Disease of the Colon Number of Diverticula
Patient Age Right-sided Left-sided Bilateral Total Distribution Right-sided Left-sided Bilateral Total
(Years) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent)
Solitary 1.5 0.9 -- 1.4
--<19 3 (0.7) -- -- 3 (0.5) Scattered 2.2 0.9 1.7 1.8
20-29 33 (7.7) -- 1 (1.1) 34 (5.5) Grouped 27.0 2.4 4.4 4.9
30-39 83 (19.3) 1 (1.0) 1 (1.1) 85 (13.8) TOTAL 2.1 1.2 2-l 1.9
40-49 108(25.2) 3(3.1) 8(9.1) 119(19.3)
50-59 87 (20.3) 20 (20.0) 16 (18.2) 123 (20.2)
60-69 83 (19.3) 44 (44.9) 33 (37.5) 160 (26.0) o n l y diverticula of the c o l o n w i t h o u t any lesions o n
70-79 30 (7.0) 25 (25.5) 28 (31.8) 83 (13.5) b a r i u m - m e a l e x a m i n a t i o n and gastroduodenoscopy.
80> 2 (0.5) 5 (5.1) 1 (1.1) 8 (1.3)
TOTAL 429 (100) 98 (100) 88 (100) 615 (100) Emergency a n g i o g r a p h y was performed in two patients
w i t h o u t positive findings.

third of the right-sided type being solitary (Table 3). O u t c o m e of T r e a t m e n t of Diverticulitis

G r o u p e d type was less in the right-sided type than in the and H e m o r r h a g e
other types. T h e r e was n o relationship between average R i g h t - s i d e d Diverticulitis: Figure 4 shows results of
age a n d n u m b e r of diverticula in each type (Table 4). treatment in 61 patients with right-sided diverticulitis. Of
Clinical Manifestations: Patients with diverticular dis- 36 patients treated medically, 35 were i m p r o v e d a n d 26
ease were classified into four g r o u p s on the basis of clini- required no further treatment. Eight h a d resection of the
cal manifestations. T h e p r o p o r t i o n of the four groups diseased segment because of repeated inflammation; three
was similar in each type, with more than 50 per cent of h a d recurrent attacks w i t h i n a year a n d the others had
patients being a s y m p t o m a t i c and 25 per cent complain- several repeated attacks in three years. Gastrectomy and
ing of a b n o r m a l bowel function (Table 5). Seventy-seven right h e m i c o l e c t o m y were performed in one patient with
patients (12.5 per cent) had inflammation; 61 had right- c a r c i n o m a of the stomach after i n f l a m m a t i o n had sub-
sided diverticulitis, and 16 had left-sided diverticulitis. sided. O n e patient, w h o did not i m p r o v e with medical
With the increasing n u m b e r of diverticula, the diseased treatment, required ileocecal resection. O n l y ten of 36
segments tended to be associated with diverticulitis more patients were diagnosed correctly as h a v i n g diverticulitis
frequently (Table 6). Diverticulitis was more predomi- on the first visit to the hospital, b u t only w h e n acute
n a n t in men; there were 50 m e n and 11 w o m e n with appendicitis was ruled out because the site of tenderness
right-sided diverticulitis and 15 m e n a n d one w o m a n was lateral or cranial to McBurney's spot or the patient
with left-sided diverticulitis. T h e average age of patients h a d a previous history of appendectomy. N o n e of the
with right-sided diverticulitis was 40.1 years, the youngest patients w h o h a d emergency operations was diagnosed
being a 16-year-old girl and the oldest a 72-year-old man, preoperatively as h a v i n g diverticulitis. T h e c o m m o n
whereas the average age for those with left-sided divertic- preoperative diagnosis was acute appendicitis in 18
ulitis was 58.7 years, the y o u n g e s t being a 44-year-old patients and intra-abdominal abscess in five. L a p a r o t o m y
m a n a n d the oldest an 83-year-old w o m a n with diffuse disclosed i n f l a m m a t o r y involvement of the cecum or
peritonitis. Patients under 40 years of age with diverticula ascending colon with the n o r m a l appendix. Appendec-
of the r i g h t colon suffered from diverticulitis more fre- t o m y a n d drainage were performed o n 22 patients a n d
q u e n t l y (Table 7). T h e average interval f r o m . o n s e t of resection of the diseased segment with anastomosis o n
s y m p t o m s of right-sided diverticulitis to hospital admis- three. E m e r g e n c y resection of the bowel was d o n e in the
sion was five days (two to 14 days). early period of this study because the i n f l a m m a t o r y mass
H e m o r r h a g e f r o m diverticula occurred in only eight could not be differentiated from carcinoma. Coiocutane-
patients. Bleeding from diverticula was diagnosed w h e n ous fistula developed in one patient after drainage. T h e
b a r i u m - e n e m a e x a m i n a t i o n a n d c o l o n o s c o p y revealed operation rate was 57 per cent o n the whole, with n o

TABLE3. Number of Diverticula oJ Three Types of Diverticular TABLE4. Average Age of Patients with Three Types of
Disease oJ the Colon Diverticular Disease of the Colon

Right-sided Left-sided Bilateral Total Patient Age (Years)

Type of Disease (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) Right-sided Left-sided Bilateral Total
Solitary 133 (31.0) 13 (13.3) -- 146'(23.7) Solitary 47.9 62.4 -- 49.2
Scattered 268 (62.5) 58 (59.2) 61 (69.3) 387 (62.9) Scattered 53.0 65.7 62.2 56.3
Grouped 28 (6.5) 27 (17.6) 27 (30.7) 82 (13.3) Grouped 47.1 64.6 62.6 58.0
TOTAL 429 ((100) 98 (100) 88 (100), 615 (100) TOTAL 51.0 64.9 62.3 54.8
534 SUGIHARA, ET AL. Augus 1984

% TABLE5. Clinical Manifestations of Three Types of Diverticular

Disease of the Colon
Right-sided Left-sided Bilateral Total
: _- r i g h t - s i d e d
(Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent)
~-. - . - ~ left-sided
Group 1 240 (55.9) 58 (59.1) 52 (59.1) 350 (56.9)
Group 2 131 (30.5) 27 (26.7) 22 (25.0) 180 (29.2)
Group 3 54 (12.5) 12 (12.1) 11 (12.5) 77 (12.5)
10 Group 4 4 (0.9) 1 (1.0) 3 (3.4) 8 (1.3)
t~ Group 1 = asymptomatic; Group 2 = disturbed bowel function;
Group 3 = diverticulitis; Group 4 = hemorrhage.
t- gency o p e r a t i o n g r o u p was as h i g h as 40 per cent.
o. Hemorrhage: A l l e i g h t p a t i e n t s w i t h massive b l e e d i n g
were treated m e d i c a l l y a n d n o f u r t h e r t r e a t m e n t was

D i v e r t i c u l a r disease was n o t widely recognized in
10~ 20-- 30~ 40~ 50~ 60~ 70~ 80-- J a p a n ~u n t i l a b o u t 1970 because, first, lefi-sided diverticu-
Age l a disease was infrequent; second, double-contrast b a r i u m -
e n e m a e x a m i n a t i o n was n o t w i d e l y p e r f o r m e d and, third,
FIG.3. Changing frequency with age. The right-sided type is more
common in the younger age group. The left-sided type is increasing r i g h t - s i d e d d i v e r t i c u l a r disease h a d n o serious clinical
with age. p r o b l e m s . H o w e v e r , over the last ten years, various dis-
orders of the l a r g e b o w e l have b e e n i n c r e a s i n g in n u m b e r
o p e r a t i v e deaths. O p e r a t i v e f i n d i n g s were p e r i d i v e r t i c u l i - a n d o n e of t h e m (diverticular disease) has d r a w n the
tis o r p e r i c o l i c abscess in all patients, a n d there was n o a t t e n t i o n of m a n y gastroenterologists. Because J a p a n e s e
diffuse p e r i t o n i t i s . P a t h o l o g i c e x a m i n a t i o n of 11 resected lifestyle has b e e n westernized recently, it is n o t u n r e a -
s p e c i m e n s revealed that all of 53 diverticula of the c e c u m s o n a b l e to e x p e c t to see m o r e left-sided diverticular dis-
a n d a s c e n d i n g c o l o n were false d i v e r t i c u l a a n d consisted ease. T h e s t u d y ~ of 12,505 b a r i u m - e n e m a e x a n a i n a t i o n s
of o n l y m u c o s a a n d s u r r o u n d i n g m u s c u l a r i s m u c o s a d u r i n g 14 years s h o w e d that d i v e r t i c u l a r disease has
w i t h o u t m u s c l e coat. increased year b y year, the f r e q u e n c y i n the last three years
Left-sided Diverticulitis: Sixteen patients m a n i f e s t e d b e i n g 12.4 p e r cent. F u r t h e r m o r e , n o t o n l y left-sided b u t
left-sided diverticulitis (Fig. 5). Of ten p a t i e n t s w h o h a d also r i g h t - s i d e d diverticular disease has increased, as
successful m e d i c a l treatment, six h a d n o f u r t h e r treat- s h o w n in this study.
m e n t a n d four u n d e r w e n t elective resection of the diseased It has been g e n e r a l l y accepted that i n western c o u n t r i e s
s e g m e n t w i t h p r i m a r y a n a s t o m o s i s after i n f l a m m a t i o n d i v e r t i c u l a r disease is a c o m m o n c o n d i t i o n , affecting
h a d subsided. O n e p a t i e n t w i t h a colovesical f i s t u l a h a d a m o s t l y the s i g m o i d a n d d e s c e n d i n g colon; however,
one-stage o p e r a t i o n . T h e r e were n o p o s t o p e r a t i v e c o m - d i v e r t i c u l a of the c e c u m a n d a s c e n d i n g colon are rare. I n
p l i c a t i o n s in the g r o u p w h o h a d elective o p e r a t i o n s . p o s t m o r t e m surveys, SlacM c o u l d n o t find r i g h t - s i d e d
E m e r g e n c y o p e r a t i o n was p e r f o r m e d o n five p a t i e n t s d i v e r t i c u l a r disease, Parks 4 f o u n d it o n l y in 2.7 p e r cent,
w i t h free p e r f o r a t i o n a n d diffuse peritonitis, three of t h e m a n d H u g h e s 5 in 5 p e r cent. R o e n t g e n o l o g i c e x a m i n a -
b e i n g in septic shock. S u t u r e o f the p e r f o r a t e d site, d r a i n - t i o n s 6-s also disclosed the very l o w frequency of the c o n d i -
age, a n d d i v e r t i n g c o l o s t o m y were d o n e in four; two tion. O n the o t h e r h a n d , M i a n g o l a r r a , 9 r e p o r t i n g o n 758
recovered a n d the c o l o s t o m y was closed, one d e v e l o p e d a
TABLE7. Age Distribution oJ Diverticulitis
c o l o c u t a n e o u s fistula, a n d o n e d i e d f r o m sepsis. O n e
p a t i e n t w h o h a d a p e r f o r a t e d s e g m e n t exteriorized d i e d Right-sided Left-sided
f r o m sepsis. T h e o p e r a t i v e m o r t a l i t y rate for the emer- Patient Age diverticulitis diverticulitis Total
(Years) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent)
TABLE6. Frequency of Diverticulitis --<19 1 (33.3) -- 1 (33.3)
20-29 15 (44.1) -- 15 (44.1)
Right-sided Left-sided
30-39 12 (14.3) -- 12 (14.1)
diverticulitis diverticulitis Total
40-49 14 (7.5) 2 (18.2) 16 (13.6)
(Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Per Cent) 50-59 9(8.7) 5(13.9) 14 (11,4)
Solitary 10 (7.3) 1 (13.3) 11 (7.3) 60-69 7 (6.0) 5 (9.1) 12 (7.5)
Scattered 41 (12.5) 3 (2.5) 44 (11.2) 70-79 3 (5.2) 3 (5.7) 6 (7.2)
Grouped 10 (18.2) 12 (22.2) 22 (26.8) 80 --> 1 (16.7) 1 (12.5)

ri~t-sided diverticulitis

emergency operation medical treatment
25 36
FIG. 4. Outcome of treatment for I
patients with right-sided diverticulitis. resection and appendectomy and not improved improved
anastomosis drainage
3 22 I 35
a I I
colocutanous no further treatment resection and elective operation no further treatment
fistula anastomosis
1 21 l 9 26

patients with diverticular disease, found the right-sided or segments initially affected rather than by spread from
type in 14.4 per cent, the left-sided type in 69.8 per cent, one segment to another. However, as the right-sided type
and the bilateral type in 16.1 per cent. Podesth and Pace t~ is more c o m m o n in y o u n g people and the bilateral type
reported the right-side colon to be involved in 52 per cent has characteristics of both the right-sided and left-sided
of patients, the right-sided type in 27.6 per cent, the left- type (the sex ratio being the same as that of the right-sided
sided type in 41.2 per cent, and the bilateral type in 20.8 type and the age distribution being similar to that of the
per cent. They thought diverticula of the right-side colon left-sided type), it is assumed that patients with the right-
was not a rare condition. Apart from Japan and Japanese sided type may develop diverticula in the sigmoid or
in Hawaii,n only in Korea 12and Thailand 13is right-sided descending colon with the passage of time and finally
diverticular disease more c o m m o n than left-sided. In show the bilateral type.
other countries, such as Israel, 14 Iran, 15 Jordan, 16 and Clinically, it is important to distinguish diverticulitis
Brazil, 17 left-sided diverticular disease is predominant, as from disturbed bowel function or painful diverticular
well as in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, diseaseY 4 T h e frequency of diverticulitis is not related to
and Australia. the location but to the number of diverticula, Parks ~
In this study the left-sided type in Japan showed the estimated that between 10 and 25 per cent of patients with
same trend as diverticular disease reported in western colonic diverticula developed peridiverticular inflamma-
countries 5,~8-2~ in terms of average age, age distribution, tion and Miangolarra 9 found 13.4 per cent of patients
and sex ratio, whereas the right-sided type was more with right-sided diverticular disease were complicated by
c o m m o n in the younger age group and more predomi- inflammation. Horner 7 reported that the frequency of
nant in men. diverticulitis increased in proportion with increasing
Painter ~2 suggested that diverticula were regarded as follow-up time. In this study, 12.5 per cent of patients
primary in the sigmoid colon and secondary in the prox- were associated with diverticulitis.
imal colon, spreading toward the cecum. Parks ~3thought It is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis of right-
that if a segment of the colon was going to be affected by sided diverticulitis before operation, the rate of correct
disease, this was often determined early in its course, and diagnosis being between 0 and 24.2 per cent in the litera-
progress of the disease was more often within the segment ture0, 25-3~and 16.4 per cent in this study. T h e most corn-

left-sided diverticulitis
emergency operation elective operation medical treatment
for fistula
FIG. 5. Outcome of treatment for
~,patients with left-sideddiverticulitis. 5 1 10
exteriorization suture, diainage elective operation no further treatment
and colostomy
4 4 6
536 SlSGIHARA, E T AL. august 1984

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The Congress will be held November 12-16, 1984 in Karlovy Vary Czech-
oslovakia. The scientific program will include review lectures, symposia,
round table discussions, short communications, posters and scientific films.
Congress languages are English, Czech, or Slovak with simultaneous trans-
lation. Main topics will include: early diagnosis of digestive malignancies
and possibilities of prevention, inflammatory bowel diseases, therapeutic
endoscopy, recent developments in the diagnosis and therapy of gallstones,
chronic pancreatitis, advances in the surgical treatment of digestive diseases,
and endocrine tumors of the digestive system. A social program will be
arranged for participants and post-congress tours will be available. For
further information, contact Czechoslovak Medical Society, J. E. Purkyn~,
Czechoslovak Congress of Gastroenterology, Vi't~zn~ho finora 31, 120 26
Praha 2, Czechoslovakia. Telephone: 294145. Telex: 121293. Cable:
purkynemedical praha.

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