Booklet Global Village 2021

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Global Village is an event organized by AIESEC in Universitas
Sebelas Maret, and this year Global Village aims to showcase
cultural diversity presented by Project Participants of Local
Project from various cities around Indonesia.
Carry out cultural exchanges between cities around Indonesia,
to foster mutual respect and tolerance for differences.
Increase insight about cultures around Indonesia.
Roll call is a tradition at AIESEC where everyone has to
dance with the choreography according to the song chosen.
OCs will play roll call video
Every city that contribute in global village must send one
Project Participants for explain about their city (social
economy, culture, culinary, language, etc).

Project Participants presents their culture in powerpoint form

Must explain about the unique culture in their city
Project Participants will be presented about 8 minutes
Project Participants selected will be performing about their ability based
on their culture. The aim of this performance is to show off about
Project Participant's talent to the others participants.

References: singing, dancing, cooking demonstrations, etc.

Selected Project Participants are given the option to take video
(Send to OC global village) or live performance
The performance time is about 7 minutes

1 06.45-07.00 p.m Opening room for PPs PPs wiil join room Zoom 15'

2 07.00-07.05 p.m Opening by moderator Moderator will open Global Village 5'

3 07.05-07.13 p.m Role call parade Playing role call video 8'

4 07.13-07.23 p.m Check in Moderator lead the check in 10'

5 07.23-08.18 p.m Culture sharing session PPs will deliver their presentation 45'

6 08.18-08.53 p.m Performance session PPs will deliver their performance 35'

7 08.53-09.03 p.m Check out Moderator lead the check out 10'

8 09.03-09.08 p.m Closing & Photo session PPs will join room Zoom 5'
August 2nd, 2021 August 3rd, 2021
07.00 PM 07.00 PM
Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting
What We Expect?

We hope you can show your unique local culture in your

city because this will be the symbol of cultural diversity
around Indonesia, a higher step to be an impactful person,
don’t miss the chance!
Register yourself at
Yoga Pranata Saphira Pualam Langit Biru
Organizing Committee President Organizing Committee Program
+6282278132121 +6289528461918

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