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1) Choose the most suited contrasting linker:

(Even though, though, although, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, while, whereas, despite, in
spite of)

1. ___________ the rain, we still went to the park.

2. ___________ it was raining; we still went to the park.

3. It was raining. ___________, we still went to the park.

4. John bought the watch, ___________ the fact that it was expensive.

5. John bough the watch. ___________, it was expensive.

6. ___________ it was expensive, John bought the watch.

7. I finished the homework. It, ___________, wasn’t easy.

8. I finished the homework, ___________ it wasn’t easy.

9. ___________ the fact that it wasn’t easy, I finished the homework.

10. She went for a long walk, ___________ being cold.

11. ___________ she was cold; she went for a long walk.

12. She was cold. She went for a long walk, ___________.

13. The restaurant has a good reputation. ___________, the food was terrible.

14. ___________ the restaurant’s good reputation, the food was terrible.

15. ___________ the restaurant has a good reputation; the food was terrible.

2. Select the best option for each sentence. Both may be correct in some sentences. Mark

a) Even Though/Despite I am not feeling well, I’m going to go to work.

b) Despite/Although living alone, I never feel lonely.

c) However/Though I don’t play any musical instruments, I love music.

d) My education was very expensive. However/Although, I make more money because of it.

e) Even though/Although I studied a lot, I still failed the exam.

f) Understanding a culture helps to reduce misunderstandings. Nevertheless/However, there are

times a misunderstanding will still occur.

g) In spite of/Although his bad temper, he was a very kind person deep inside.

h) In spite/ Despite being exhausted, he continued working.

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