Model: Universal Design For Learning Plan

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MODEL Universal Design for Learning Plan

(Adapted using: CAST (2018) Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Wakefield, MA: Author)

Review the guidelines below before planning your lesson. These strategies should be
implemented into your lesson planning and delivery to reflect your subject matter knowledge,
demonstrate your ability to develop well-structured lessons, adjust your practice, meet the diverse
needs of students, create a safe learning environment, communicate high expectations, and
demonstrate your professional standards for teaching. These are the Essential Elements for

 Use a variety of formal and informal methods of assessment to measure student learning, growth,
and understanding, including documenting measurable assessment criteria.

 Offer ways of customizing the display of information (auditory , visual, kinesthetic)

 Activate background knowledge (How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge.
Ex. Questions, discussion, peer to peer collaboration, student work)

 Connect to and reinforce the learning outcome throughout the lesson.

 Uses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that support students of
diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, diverse academic needs, academically advanced
students, and English learners.

 Highlight connections from the activator to the body of the lesson and the closure.

 Clarify vocabulary and symbols to remove language barriers. (provide specific review of
vocabulary and provide visuals to align)

 Vary the methods for response and navigation through the lesson (active learning, grouping,
recording, collaborating)

 Use multiple media/strategies for communication (explicit instruction, role play, performance,
discussions, charts, questions, SMART board, white board, collaboration)

 Develop questions to check for understanding (What questions will you use to check for
understanding? Ex. What did you learn about.., Who can tell me ….?)

 Optimize individual choice and autonomy (What choices do students have in the lesson related to
how they respond, materials they use, how they collaborate?)

 Vary demand and resources to optimize challenge (What are you building into the lesson to
challenge student thinking beyond the norm expectations?)

 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation (What about the lesson is motivational?
Ex. Group work, active learning, materials, student choices, relevance)

 Optimize relevance, value and authenticity (How will you connect the learning to the real world
outside the classroom? What professions or life experiences need this knowledge?)
Universal Design for Learning Plan

Name: MODEL Date: spring 2020

Subject: (indicate one) Arts, English Language Arts, Mathematics, History & Social Studies, Science and
Technology/Engineering .

Grade Level: 6th

Standard: Grade 6 3. Give examples of how archaeologists, historians, geographers, economists, and
political scientists work as teams to analyze evidence, develop hypotheses, and construct interpretations
of civilizations.

Learning Outcome /10 points

This should directly align to your Standard.
Students will describe ways of interpreting and analyzing archaeological evidence from societies.

Evaluating Student Learning / Assessment

Evidence of Assessment Evidence of Learning
(Question, observe, conference, observe, document, (Record, analyze, applying, collaborate, evaluate, make
discuss, analyze, evaluate, read, provide feedback, etc.) inferences, perform, draw, build, edit, answer questions, create,
discuss, self-assess, peer-assess, etc.)

 The teacher will confer with students  Students will answer questions throughout the
throughout the lesson. lesson to show their knowledge of artifacts and
 Teacher will question students fossils.
throughout the lesson to uncover student  The students will discuss with their peers why
understanding. they think specific object are artifacts or fossils.
 The teacher will analyze students’  The students will create a written record of one
responses to questions. artifact noting specific details of the object.
 The teacher will evaluate student work
as they sort artifacts and fossils and
create a written record.

Assessment Criteria
Student assessment should connect back to the learning outcome.
A complete evaluation tool should be included on a separate page.
4 – Exceeds the standard
3 – Meets the standard independently
2 – Meets the standard with assistance/accommodations
1 – Does not meet the standard
Student Name Student is able Student is Student is able to use Student is able Anecdotal
to able to archaeological terms to record and Notes
differentiate compare to describe ways of draw an
between a and contrast interpreting artifact using
fossil and an artifacts and archaeological details and
artifact. fossils. evidence (artifacts) archaeological
from societies. terms.
Students’ Prior Knowledge
3.1 Background knowledge of the learners (What knowledge do the students bring into the lesson? How do you know
they have this knowledge?)
 This is the first lesson discussing artifacts and archeology.
 Students bring the knowledge of “identity” as they have been working on personal identity cubes.
Through art and text, these cubes reflect their personal identity.
 The concept of personal identity is used to bridge knowledge about identity of other cultures. Ex.
What is a family tree? If you are a leaf on your family tree, think about how small you are on the
human family tree.
 Students have studied their family history and are familiar with timelines, and how they fit into their
family history.
 Students write a question they will answer: How do we know about our family history? Students
then orally respond to this question with specific evidence. Ex. Photos, documents, stories,
computers, etc. These responses are recorded on a chart.

2.1 Clarify needed vocabulary and symbols for student success (What prior knowledge do they have about the
vocabulary being taught? Please list key vocabulary terms.)
 Vocabulary is displayed on a word wall; words in yellow and definitions in orange. As vocabulary is
introduced in context, it is “matched” by students on the word wall. Ex. History, heirloom,
archeologist, fossil, artifact

Highlight 3-4 norms used that relate to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills needed for the intended age in this
learning activity (refer to Yardsticks by Chip Wood or adolescent norm source)
 Learns in cooperative groups
 Likes to be involved in scientific studies and deductive reasoning.
 Can develop hypotheses
 Likes work that feels grown up

Activator of the Lesson Time allotted ________ minutes

Evidence of Teaching Evidence of Learning
(Explicitly instruct, question, model, analyze, demonstrate, (Record, analyze, apply, collaborate, evaluate, make
conference, observe, role play, record, perform, create, discuss, inferences, perform, draw, build, edit, answer/ask questions,
etc.) create, discuss, etc.)

Sequence Instruction Sequence Learning

 The teacher will introduce the lesson by
reminding students of the “identity cubes” they  Students will reference prior notes to answer
made previously and how these relate to their questions; What is history?
identity and their own timeline.
 A vocabulary word wall will be used to connect  Students will develop their own definitions
words to definitions. Words will be on yellow before using the word wall definitions.
paper and definitions on orange paper.
 The teacher will relate their family history to  Students will write a question: How do we
the human family tree and how our own history know about our family history? Students
is a small part of the bigger human family. will share ideas and these will be recorded
 Students will be asked: What is archeology? on chart paper. (stories, photos, certificates)
 A “dig strip” will be used to look at the history
of the human family. This will be large and  Students will answer what they think
displayed on a bulletin board. Cultures such as archeology means.
Mayans, Egyptians, etc. will be used to explain
why we need to understand artifacts from the  The students will be actively involved in
past. answering questions related to artifacts and
 The teacher will “roll back” different layers of fossils found in the dig strip. Ex. Students
the dig strip to uncover artifacts and fossils. will decide if the object uncovered is an
The first dig strip will uncover more recent artifact or fossil, and would it represent our
artifacts such as potato chip bags and a CD current culture.
player. The connection will be made as to why
it is an artifact (man-made) and what time  Students will reference the provided
period it would represent. vocabulary sheet during the discussion.
 Another layer will be rolled back to uncover
bones. Questions will be asked. Ex. Are bones  Questions will be answered by the students.
man-made? What is a bone called? (a fossil) Ex. Are bones man-made? What is a bone
Four layers in total will be used. called? (a fossil)
 The concept of heirloom will be introduced as a
family artifact. Students will be instructed to
bring in a family heirloom to class tomorrow.

Body of the Lesson Time allotted _______ minutes

Evidence of Teaching Evidence of Learning
(Explicitly instruct, question, model, analyze, demonstrate, ((Record, analyze, apply, collaborate, evaluate, make
conference, observe, role play, record, perform, create, discuss, inferences, perform, draw, build, edit, answer/ask questions,
etc.) create, discuss, etc.)

Sequence Instruction Sequence Learning

 The teacher will use a real artifact to model how  The students will be answering questions
to describe and make inferences about an object. based on the artifact being modeled. Ex.
Descriptive vocabulary will be emphasized and What is this artifact made from? What
how you can make inferences. Ex. What is this details do you see? What colors do you
artifact made from? What details do you see? see? Does it look like something you
What colors do you see? Does it look like would use every day? What do you see
something you would use every day? What do when I open it? What would the wax tell
you see when I open it? What would the wax tell you?
you? (the object is a Shabbats candle used in
Jewish ceremonies)  Students will apply their knowledge by
 The teacher will instruct the students to transition sorting a group of objects into artifacts and
to small groups to apply their knowledge of fossils using a Venn diagram. Students
sorting artifacts and fossils. Some artifacts will will be working in small groups to
be real objects and some pictures will be used for collaborate and discuss their ideas.
other artifacts and fossils. A large Venn diagram
will be provided for sorting.  Students will be challenged by placing
 The teacher will confer with each group as they each object in the Venn diagram and
work to sort the artifacts and fossils. Students “naming” them. Ex. Small round spoon.
will place them in a Venn diagram. Questions
will be asked to uncover student thinking. Ex.  Students will then choose one artifact from
Why did you decide that was an artifact? What their group of objects and create a “written
did you notice about fossils? record” as an archeologist would to
 The teacher will redirect students after they describe the object using words and
complete the Venn diagram to look at one pictures. Measuring tapes, rulers, and
artifact. colored pencils will be provided to help
 The teacher will model how to analyze an object assist with accurate descriptions.
looking at how you would describe it and what it
might have been used for. This will be related to  On the other side of their papers, students
the relevance of archeologists keeping “written are challenged to make inferences as to the
records” possible use or purpose of the object. To
 Assessment criteria will be charted reviewed by further challenge students they can try to
the teacher prior to students working on their find their object online to compare their
written record. inference to the archeological information.
 On the other side of their papers, students are
challenged to make inferences as to the possible  Time permitting: students can try to find
use or purpose of the object. To further their object online to compare their
challenge students they can try to find their inference to the archeological information.
object online to compare their inference to the
archeological information.
 The teacher will confer with students as they
work on their written records to promote
descriptive language. Ex. How would you record
this detail? What do you notice about the inside
of the object?

Closure of the Lesson Time allotted _____minutes

Evidence of Teaching Evidence of Learning
(Explicitly instruct, question, model, observe, create, discuss, connect, (Record, analyze, apply, collaborate, evaluate, make
review, show relevance, etc.) inferences, create connections, answer questions, discuss,
Sequence Instruction Sequence Learning
 The teacher will ask each group to share their  Each group of students will share their
written records focusing on how they described the written records in focusing on how they
archaeological evidence (artifact) and what described the archaeological evidence
inferences they have as to the purpose or function (artifact) and what inferences they have as
of their artifact. to the purpose or function of their artifact.
 In a large group, students will be asked the  The students will share any online
following: Why is it important for archeologists to information they may have uncovered.
examine artifacts from other societies? What can  Students will be asked the following: Why
we learn about these societies? Connections will be is it important for archeologists to
made to how we will leave artifacts for other examine artifacts from other societies?
generations and what will they discover about us? What can we learn about these societies?
Should we be more careful about what we leave? Connections will be made to how we will
Ex. Plastics in landfills. leave artifacts for other generations and
 The teacher will remind students to bring in a what will they discover about us? Should
family heirloom to class tomorrow. we be more careful about what we leave?
Ex. Plastics in landfills

Extending the Lesson

How would you extend the learning into another lesson? (Provide one follow up lesson idea with specific details.)
 Students will bring in a family heirloom to make a connection that these are family artifacts.
 In small groups, students will share their family artifacts including how they described the artifact and
why it is a family artifact.
 Students will create a written record of their family artifact.
 The teacher will help students place their written record using a family artifact in chronological order
on a timeline. Ex. This picture is from the 1920’s so where would it go on our timeline?
 Personal connections provide motivation as students see the relevance of artifacts.
List Materials

 25-30 artifacts for small groups (borrowed from colleagues)

 25-30 photos of fossils for small groups
 Word wall vocabulary and definitions
 Dig strips with pictures of artifacts and fossils
 Venn diagram graphic organizer for each group
 Vocabulary sheets for each student
 Written record sheet for each student
 Computer laptops for word processing
 Chart paper and easel
 Measuring tapes, rulers
 Pencils, colored pencils
 Assessment tool

This lesson is based on Annenberg Media: Explorations in Archeology and History

Gwen Larsen teaches sixth–grade social studies at Harbor School in Boston, Massachusetts. In her introductory
lesson, Ms. Larsen guides students through an exploration of their family histories, leading to their place in the
larger human family and the development of civilizations. Ms. Larsen's students work in groups to differentiate
between fossils and artifacts. The lesson concludes with student presentations of their own family heirlooms.
The Teacher Candidate demonstrated the following: = met, - = developing, X = not included

 Use a variety of formal and informal methods of assessment to measure student learning, growth, and
understanding, including documenting measurable assessment criteria.

 Offer ways of customizing the display of information (auditory , visual, kinesthetic)

 Activate background knowledge (How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge. Ex.
Questions, discussion, peer to peer collaboration, student work)

 Connect to and reinforce the learning outcome throughout the lesson.

 Uses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that support students of
diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, diverse academic needs, academically advanced students, and
English learners.

 Highlight connections from the activator to the body of the lesson and the closure.

 Clarify vocabulary and symbols to remove language barriers. (provide specific review of vocabulary
and provide visuals to align)

 Vary the methods for response and navigation through the lesson (active learning, grouping, recording,

 Use multiple media/strategies for communication (explicit instruction, role play, performance,
discussions, charts, questions, SMART board, white board, collaboration)

 Develop questions to check for understanding (What questions will you use to check for understanding?
Ex. What did you learn about.., Who can tell me ….? Explain why you thought that?)

 Optimize individual choice and autonomy (What choices do students have in the lesson related to how
they respond, materials they use, how they collaborate?)

 Vary demand and resources to optimize challenge (What are you building into the lesson to challenge
student thinking beyond the norm expectations?)

 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation (What about the lesson is motivational? Ex.
Group work, active learning, materials, student choices, relevance)

 Optimize relevance, value and authenticity (How will you connect the learning to the real world outside
the classroom? What professions or life experiences need this knowledge?)

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