What Is Functional/Neuromotor Fitness?: Apply It!

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by Leslie Stenger, M.S.

sk five health and fitness professionals to define functional training, and it is
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Apply It! very likely you’ll get five distinct and different definitions. Chances are
there’ll be some similarities, yet at the same time some interesting differ-
Functional training is a broad and ences. How can that be? Think about the factors that influence your re-
confusing concept because of the sponse when you are asked the question, “What is functional training?” It is
multitude of definitions and appli- one of the most misunderstood terms in the industry, and the reason is simple. The term
cations. The aim of this article is functional training originated in sports medicine and, more specifically, in rehabilitation
to: clinics. Early definitions focused on rehabilitation to enhance or develop the skills associ-
1) review the multitude of defini- ated with activities of daily living (ADLs) and, frequently, when working with older adults
tions for functional fitness from (1,2). Functional training then moved into the coaching arena through athletic training
respected health and fitness and followed into training facilities where athletes and average individuals were
professionals. exposed to a plethora of methods associated with functional training. According to
2) translate the complexities of DaSilva-Grigoletto et al., functionality from the perspective of the physical therapist is
functional fitness into context for based on a prescription of neuromuscular conditioning aimed at the development
practical application by health and and maintenance of ADLs (3). In this context, the desired outcome is rehabilitative
fitness professionals. in nature to restore function. Strength and conditioning coaches working with athletes
3) apply general programming use the term to reflect the type of programming that will enhance sport performance.
guidelines to the development of Personal trainers working with clients use the concept to reflect a variety of outcomes
a functional neuromotor program. such as enhanced movement patterns, motor skills, occupational skill, or improvement
Key words: Functional Training, in one or more fitness components (strength, cardiorespiratory, flexibility, muscular
Functional Movement, Functional endurance). The development of a functional training program starts by defining the
Exercise, Integrated Movement, desired outcome of the program rather than developing a program based upon a
Purpose-Driven Training packaged fitness assessment. This unique way of looking at a concept requires the
health and fitness professional to look at programming from a backward design, which
will be discussed later. Your perception (i.e., your experience, knowledge, and
education) and your specialization (i.e., personal trainer, exercise specialist, coach, etc.)
usually dictate your answer to the question “what is functional training?” No doubt,
your perception is the lens through which you view the concept of functional training.
Two fitness professionals could watch an individual perform a functional training
exercise and “see” the performance outcome differently, a perspective based on their
own experiences. These two factors, experience and specialization, influence how
functional training is individually defined.

There are two factors that influence your response when you are
asked to define functional training: your perception, which results
from experience, knowledge, and education, and your own
specialization in the field.

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Specialization influences the desired outcome

of a field that has been divided into three
professions: strength and conditioning,
personal training, and physical therapy. These
three professions have merged into what is now
referred to as a performance specialist.

A performance specialist offers services to

individuals that participate in active Over the years, functional training has been expressed in a
occupations such as the military, firefighters, variety of ways, and it is beneficial to review some of the defini-
tions from professionals who have spent their careers in the
police, emergency medical personnel, etc. health and fitness industry. The professionals I chose to highlight
Functional training aligns with active in this article have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the
occupations that can benefit from training that health and fitness field. You’ll note that their area of specializa-
tion may influence their own individual lens and definition of
is specific to the skills that transfer to the functional training as depicted in Table 1 and Table 1a.
efficient movement patterns associated with After reviewing a multitude of definitions for functional
the specific job. training, the most simplistic and intuitive is described by noted
strength and conditioning coach Mike Boyle as “Function is,
essentially purpose. Functional training can therefore be described
ACSM WEIGHS IN as purposeful learning” (1). What separates functional training
Each year since 2007, ACSM has conducted a worldwide survey from other forms of training is that it is individualized, and the
of health and fitness professionals to determine the top fitness general outcome is improved movement. The following is a list
trends for the year. A summary of the survey results has been pub- of common themes associated with functional training:
lished in ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® for each of the past
12 years. Functional training has appeared in the top 10 trends • Purpose-driven
in 9 of the 12 years and in the top 20 all 12 years. For the purposes • Intentional
of the survey, functional training is defined as using strength train- • Multiplanar/Multijoint
ing to improve balance, coordination, force, power, and endur- • Real-life activities
ance to enhance one’s ability to perform ADLs (4). • Specific
• Task-driven
• Injury prevention
• Chain reaction with body
• Individualized program
• Integration
• Real-life activities

The terms functional training and functional fitness are fre-

quently used interchangeably, yet the terms training and fitness
are not the same. Merriam-Webster defines fitness as “the condition
of being physically fit and healthy or the quality of being suitable
to fulfill a particular role or task.” Whereas, training is defined as
“the skill, knowledge, or experience acquired by one that trains”
(5). That leaves us with the term functional, which is defined as
“something used to contribute to the development or maintenance
of a larger whole.” Prominent sports scientist and biomechanist,
Mel Siff, defines functionality as the following:
36 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® November/December 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1: Functional Training From Key Health and Fitness Professionals
Professional Definition of Functional Training/Movement/Exercise(s) Specialization Web site
Mike Boyle (1) An exercise continuum involving balance and Strength and www.bodybyboyle.com
proprioception, performed with the feet on the conditioning
ground and without assistance of machines, such
that strength is displayed in unstable conditions
and body weight is managed in all movement planes.
Paul Check (24,25) Functional exercise is a means to an end by training Holistic health www.chekinstitute.com
movement patterns that are essential to your work educator
or sports environment. The program must consider
the desired outcome on all primary physiological
systems of the body while considering the emotional,
mental, and spiritual component of the human being.
Gray Cook (23) Patterns and sequences remain the preferred mode Physical therapy www.functionalmovment.com
of operation in biological organisms. Place the www.graycook.com
emphasis on movement patterns to let the body
parts develop naturally.
Vern Gambetta (26) Functional training involves more than working on Strength and www.gambetta.com
unstable surfaces and using stability balls and stretch conditioning
cords. It encompasses a range of method and
applications that aid in the transfer to training to
competition and is open to innovation. It involves
movement of multiple body parts in multiple planes.
Gary Gray (14) Function can be defined and applied by observing Physical therapy www.grayinstitute.com
the Physical, Biological, and Behavioral Sciences.
Therefore, function is scientific, yet it is also
individualized, similar to our fingerprints. What is
functional from one individual to the next may, more
often than not, differ.
Juan Carlos Santana (27) Functional training focuses on the movement Performance www.ihpfitness.com
function of the human body as classified by the specialist
four pillars of movement: locomotion, level changes,
pushing, pulling, and rotation. Train body movements
that are performed every day. A spectrum of
activities that condition the body consistent with
its integrated movement.
Nick Tumminello (13) Functional training is all about transfer into your Personal trainer www.nicktumminello.com
specific movement task and specific training goal
(i.e., the purpose of why you’re training). If the
exercise transfers positively into the target sport,
activity or physique goal you’re training for, it’s

“Functionality depends not only on the exercise itself but on There are two other terms that have very distinct definitions and
many other factors, such as the pattern of execution, the charac- should not be used interchangeably with functional training: correc-
teristics of the athlete, reps, and sets, the manner of execution, tive exercise and sport-specific training. Eric D’Agati, a Functional Move-
the phase of training, interaction with other training, the current ment Systems trainer, describes the difference by explaining
physical and mental state of the athlete, the overall training corrective exercises as being designed to correct an imbalance or
program, and several other variables” (6). dysfunction found in a movement. Whereas, functional exercises
Over the course of time, there have been many derivatives of reinforce the movement once the corrective exercise has been
the term functional training. Many definitions are used synony- applied (7). Mike Boyle describes sports-specific training as activities
mously because there are common terms and ideas within the that often mimic the exact skill associated with the sport. It may
definitions as reviewed in Table 2. incorporate exercises that are general in nature but will be used
Volume 22 | Number 6 www.acsm-healthfitness.org 37

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TABLE 1A: Common Reference to Functional Training
"Function is, essentially, purpose" -Mike Boyle-
"Train, not drain" -Paul Check-
"First Move Well–Then Move Often" -Gray Cook-
"Train Movements Not Muscles" -Vern Gambetta-
"Movement Follows the Path of Least Resistance" -Gary Gray-
"Functional Training is about movement not the machines or
equipment" -Juan Carlos Santana-
"Functional training is all about transfer into your training
goal(s)!" -Nick Tumminello-

specialists will offer services to individuals that participate in active

occupations such as the military, firefighters, police, and emer-
gency medical personnel. Functional training aligns with active
occupations that can benefit from training that is specific to the
skills that transfer to the efficient movement patterns asso-
ciated with the specific job. This specialized type of training is
referred to as tactical training. The National Strength and Con-
ditioning Association (NSCA) offers educational courses and a
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator program. The
American Council on Exercise and the National Federation of
through participation in the sport (1). The goal of functional train- Professional Trainers both offer specialization courses and certifica-
ing is not to mimic movement requirements of sport, such as the tion specific to functional training.
serve in tennis. Instead, the focus is to train the various movement
patterns that will enhance the specific skills associated with the
tennis serve such as rotation through multiple planes. WHAT THE RESEARCH REVEALS
The current body of research focusing on functional training re-
flects a vast array of exercise options with varying designs, focus,
SPECIALIZATION IDENTIFIED and outcomes; however, there is very little research specific to func-
Specialization influences the desired outcome of a field that has tional training as a training program. The reason stems from the
been divided into three professions: strength and conditioning, fact that functional training is a very individualized program, and
personal training, and physical therapy. According to Mike no one program can address the general population. This concept
Boyle, the three specializations, to some degree, have merged was confirmed in the ACSM Position Stand produced in 2011 (8).
into what is now referred to as performance development or One purpose of the paper was to provide detailed evidence-based
enhancement, and the professionals are now known as perfor- recommendations to improve physical fitness parameters to im-
mance specialists (1). In many instances, these performance prove general health. A table was created to provide specific
recommendations and studies that represent evidence-based re-
search supporting recommendations for cardiorespiratory exercise,

TABLE 2: Synonymous and Misinterpreted Terms

Synonymous Misinterpreted
-Functional training -Sport specific
-Functional exercise -Corrective exercise
-Functional movement
-Movement science
-Performance training
-Neuromotor training

38 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® November/December 2018

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resistance training, and neuromotor exercise training. There are specificity of training (SAID principle). Nick Tumminello,
very specific recommendations for program development of car- NSCA’s 2016 personal trainer of the year, explains that training
diorespiratory exercise and resistance training but very few studies for specificity focuses on improving specific adaptations that
that have evaluated the benefits of neuromotor exercise training, transfer into target movements. Training using squat variations
especially in younger adults. Therefore, the recommendations to improve vertical (squat) jump height is an example of a spe-
are stated as “unknown” for volume, pattern, and progression cific exercise (13). Gray describes the concept as “applied func-
of neuromotor or functional training. tional science” (14). In clear terms, the principle of specificity
explains the need to develop a program based on the defined
outcome (15–17). Gary Gray is a respected physical therapist
and is often referred to as the “Father of Function.” Gray’s con-
Traditional progressive resistance training focuses on increasing cept of “applied functional science” focuses on the quality of
load/weight in a gradual manner with the purpose of strengthen- movement in developing a training program, a major paradigm
ing major muscle groups often for performance and/or aesthetics. shift in how training and exercise are perceived (18).
On the other hand, functional training focuses on enhancing the “Applied Functional Science is the convergence of Physical
quality of movement through training specific skills associated with Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences that con-
movement. Figure 1 demonstrates common differences between sists of the Principles-Strategies-Techniques process for functional
traditional and functional training. assessment, training and conditioning, rehabilitation, and injury
ACSM refers to functional training as neuromotor training prevention that is practical for any and all individuals regardless
and defines it as training that incorporates motor skills such as of age or ability” (14).
balance, coordination, gait, agility, and proprioceptive training
(8). Chiung-ju et al. describe functional training in a similar
manner. They view the concept as an attempt to train muscles Movement Literacy as an Art
in coordinated, multiplanar movement patterns and incorpo- Movement literacy implies that the health and fitness profes-
rate multiple joints, dynamic task, and consistent alterations sional not only has the theoretical knowledge of the body as a bi-
in the base of support for improved function (9). The link ological system but also understands how biology influences
between traditional and functional training is displayed within physical action and, finally, how to instruct the client, patient,
the evidence-based principles. Three common principles are and/or athlete to achieve the desired outcome. Simply put,
associated with resistance training: progressive overload, training functionally requires the body and mind to work to-
variation, and specificity (10–13). Progressive overload con- gether to link efficient movement patterns resulting in the de-
notes a gradual increase in load placed upon the body dur- fined outcome/goal. This places the burden on the health and
ing training over time. Variation, also referred to as fitness professional to assure that link occurs and requires a spe-
periodization, reflects a systematic manipulation of acute cific level of rapport between the health and fitness professional
program variables over time to promote various physical and client, patient, and/or athlete (12,14,19). Gray Cook, phys-
adaptations to the training. Specificity refers to designing ical therapist and co-creator of the Functional Movement
the program and selecting the exercises that will result in a Screen (FMS), describes this concept as movement literacy, the abil-
specific adaptation to a specific stimulus and is referred to as ity to read and write movement patterns (20). This requires the
the SAID principle or Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. professional to understand human movement within the body
The principle most closely associated with functional training is and how to develop programs to address specific movement pat-
terns with a major focus on the importance of instruction for
Figure 1. Traditional training compared with efficient movement to occur. Instruction addresses the ability
functional training. of the health and fitness professional to convey the information
in a way that each patient, client, and athlete can understand
how it will benefit them on a personal level. This ability to per-
sonalize instruction is referred to as the “art” of the profession.
Nobel-prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman, explains that
the key to success as an instructor “is to be able to explain the most
complex ideas in the simplest terms” (21). For example, agility is an im-
portant secondary fitness component for all individuals and an
experienced health and fitness professional (instructor) will be
able to define how agility is important to each patient, client,
and athlete. An older client may need to enhance agility to be
able to play with their grandchildren, whereas a basketball
player needs this skill to effectively defend their opponent or
control the ball on offense.
Volume 22 | Number 6 www.acsm-healthfitness.org 39

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approach that involves becoming aware of the role the entire

body plays relative to efficient movement. Being able to move
efficiently is a central theme throughout our lives. Human
movement can be viewed on a continuum from being less func-
tional to more functional based on the ability to move efficiently.
The following progression model developed by Kennedy and
Yoke is one example that could be helpful in creating functional
movement program design insights. They developed this for fit-
ness professionals to help them organize movement progressions
in a systematic order represented by levels that could be viewed
on a continuum similar to Figure 2. See Table 3 for a descrip-
tion of each level (2,22).
Another helpful option is the FMS initially developed by
Gray Cook and Lee Burton for athletes. Visit the YouTube
video on “What is Functional Movement Screening” if you
are not familiar with the FMS testing system (https://www.
PROGRAM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS youtube.com/watch?v=p5yqSZaz4ms). The FMS is a predictive
When a professional is presented with a concept that is broad, system consisting of seven steps to rank movement patterns
confusing, and often misunderstood, it is helpful for him/her basic to efficient movement and function (23). Once a general
to establish a pathway that provides a framework for defining ranking has been established, the next step is to develop an in-
and describing the topic as it relates to program development. dividualized program that will address the physical needs and
In very general terms, functional training refers to an outcome- also the desired outcome of the patient, client, and athlete as
based program that may include a variety of training styles that defined by the health and fitness professional. A functional
are performed with a purpose to enhance specific movements, training program applies the most appropriate training
related to ADLs, and/or sport-recreational skills. The common methods that specifically address the movements associated with
denominator in a functional training program is simple; that is, the planned outcome. This philosophy requires a backward
the outcome defines the program. So, in essence, the health and fitness logic in program design as illustrated in Figure 3.
professional must first define the desired outcome and then pro-
gram to achieve it. It may sound simple, but it is not; to develop 1. One must start with a defined outcome. Development of
a functional training program, one must be able to integrate the outcome/goal is based on critical factors such as the
knowledge from a variety of the movement sciences such as following:
anatomy and functional anatomy, motor behavior, applied bio- ο The physical and behavioral abilities of the client, pa-
mechanics, exercise physiology, and human behavior. To avoid tient, and athlete based on a variety of assessments.
confusion, always remember, it is critical to start with defining ο The desired outcome that has been established be-
the desired outcome, followed by an analysis of the movement tween the health and fitness professional and the client,
patterns and muscle groups that support the outcome. Specific patient, and athlete.
exercises are not “functional” in nature, but a program designed 2. The health and fitness professional analyzes the screen-
to achieve a specific outcome can be termed a “functional” ing information, the assessment results, and the desires
training program. of the patient, client, and athlete to develop the most
Functional training is simple to understand on paper but appropriate training methods.
complicated to implement. To this day, there are no universally οThose training methods should promote the enhance-
accepted methods for how to train functionally. Health and fit- ment of specific body system(s) defined in the outcome,
ness professionals must use their individual experiences and cli- based on the principles and most effective strategies for
ent feedback to decide the specific training method to bring the defined outcome/goal.
about the desired outcome for participants. ο Program implementation is based on the most appropriate
In general, fitness program development is based on the ap- techniques or individual exercises that will ensure the patient,
plication of PRINCIPLES that represent the scientific evidence client, and athlete can achieve the defined outcome/goal.
necessary to select the most appropriate STRATEGIES that will
lead to choosing specific TECHNIQUES or movements that PROGRESSION RECOMMENDATIONS
address the desired outcome (14). The principles, strategies, and Many of the general strength training programs using individual
techniques should not be viewed as isolated units. Knowing how muscle groups and exercises do not apply because functional
to apply the appropriate principles, strategies, and techniques to training programs are unique and individualized for a specific
create a functional program for participants is the “art” of func- person(s) with a purposeful goal. For example, a client is inter-
tional training. Therefore, functional training is an integrated ested in purchasing a horse that will stay on the property rather
40 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® November/December 2018

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Figure 2. Functional training considerations (A,B,C,D).

than a stable. This client needs to develop appropriate strength

to perform daily tasks such as move bales of hay and pick up
TABLE 3: Progression Levels buckets of water. These activities require overall body strength
LEVEL 1: Isolate and Educate: The focus of this level is to through movements in multiple planes. Kettlebell exercises would
determine patient, client, and athlete awareness of muscle be more effective than isolated exercises on machines. Progres-
location and function. sion occurs on a continuum and is a critical aspect of program
design; however, progressions are based on skills associated with
LEVEL 2: Add External Resistance (if applicable for the exercise
at hand): The focus of this level is to perform the exercise while the desired movement patterns rather than any one skill as illus-
the health and fitness professional reinforces the muscle trated in Figure 2. According to ACSM, progressions for tradi-
groups involved and the proper movement patterns. tional resistance training are defined as “the act of moving
forward or advancing toward a specific goal over time until
LEVEL 3: Add Functional Training Positions: The focus of this
the target has been achieved for the trainable characteristics of
level is to add more functional movement to the exercise. In
muscular strength, power, hypertrophy, and local muscular en-
most progressions, the targeted muscle group is still isolated
as a primary mover while the stabilizers assist. durance” (15). Figure 3 depicts a variety of progression continu-
ums that assist in understanding the thought process of applying
LEVEL 4: Combine Increased Function and Resistance: The functional training principals to program from other profes-
focus of this level is to engage more of the stabilizing muscle sionals in the field.
groups while in functional positions.
LEVEL 5: Use Multiple Muscle Groups with Increased SUMMARY
Resistance and Core Challenge: The focus of this level is for Functional training is a mysterious philosophy of training be-
multiple muscle groups and joint actions to move simultaneously cause of its many definitions and inconsistent implementations.
or in combination. Resistance, balance, coordination, and
Yet, in the purest form, functional training is a dynamic concept
torso stability are progressive to an even higher level.
that is rooted in the improvement of movement and can be
LEVEL 6: Add Balance and Increase Functional Challenge, adapted for any individual. The improvement of movement
Speed, and Rotational Movement: This level provides the most can and will be interpreted differently among health and fitness
freedom and creativity for the health and fitness professional. professionals. Each functional training program can be individ-
At this level, exercises may require balancing on one leg, using ualized with a focus on integrating movement patterns to
a wobble board or stability ball, applying plyometric movements,
achieve a defined outcome/goal. At its very best, functional
or rotating the spine while lifting or some other sport-specific
training is fluid in nature and enables the professional to be cre-
maneuver or life skill.
ative and apply his/her knowledge, education, and experience
Selection of exercises and any modifications are based on the to help each patient, client, and athlete with whom they have
assessment/screening results, the ability of the patient, client, the privilege to work. So, go ahead and apply your interpretation
and athlete based on assessments, the motivation of the patient, of functional training into your programming and see what you
client, and athlete, and the defined outcome.
come up with!
Volume 22 | Number 6 www.acsm-healthfitness.org 41

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Figure 3. Functional training program development.

17. Haff GG, Triplett TN. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 4th ed.
1. Boyle M. New Functional Training for Sports. Champaign (IL): Human Human Kinetics: Champaign (IL); 2016.
Kinetics; 2014. 18. Scordino J. Applied functional science [Internet]. [cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available
2. Kennedy-Armbruster C, Yoke MM. Methods of Group Exercise Instruction. 3rd ed. from: https://www.grayinstitute.com/videos/article-details/340/movement-
Human Kinetics: Champaign (IL); 2014. literacy

3. DaSilva-Grigoletto M, Brito C, Heredia J. Functional training: functional for what 19. Cook G. Athletic Body in Balance. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2003.
and for whom? Revista Brasiteriade Cineanthropom Desempentro Humano. 2014; 20. Cook G. Movement Literacy. [Internet]. [cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available from:
16(6):714–9. https://www.otpbooks.com/gray-cook-movement-literacy/
4. Thompson W. Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2018. ACSMs Health Fit J. 21. Feynman RP. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman. Ashland (OR): Blackstone
2017;21(6):10–9. Audiobooks; 1997.
5. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. [Internet]. [cited 2018 Jun 19]. Available from: 22. Kennedy CA. Functional exercise progression. IDEA Personal Fitness Trainer
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literate [Internet]. 2003. [cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available from: http://www.ideafit.com/
6. Siff MC. Functional training revisited. NSCA Strength Cond J. 2002;24(5):42–6. fitness-library/functional-exerc-ise-progression
23. Cook G. Movement: Functional Movement Systems. Santa Cruz (CA): On Target
7. D'Agati E. Functional vs corrective exercise: Anthony D'Agati. [Pod Cast: cited
Publications; 2010.
2015 July 8]. Available from: https://www.functionalmovement.com/Articles/
611/functional_vs._corrective_exercises 24. Chek P. Functional training: what, when, why, how and where to do it [Internet].
[cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available from: http://www.ppssuccess.com/
8. American College of Sports Medicine. Position Stand: quantity and quality of
exercise for developing cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor
fitness in apparently healthy adults: guidance for prescribing exercise. Med Sci
Sports Exerc. 2011;43(7):1334–59. 25. Chek P. What is functional exercise? [Internet]. [cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available from:
9. Chiung-ju L, Shiroy DM, Jones LY, Clark DO. Systematic review of functional training
on muscle strength, physical functioning, and activities of daily living in older 26. Gambetta V. Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports
adults. Eur Rev Aging Phys A. 2014;11(2):95–106. Conditioning. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2007.

10. Bruscia G. The Functional Training Bible. Aachen (Germany): Meyer & Meyer 27. Santana JC. Functional Training. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2016.
Sport; 2015.
11. Hawley JA. Specificity of training adaptation: time for a rethink? J Physiol. 2008;
12. Siff M, Verkhoshansky Y. Supertraining. 6th ed. Rome, Italy: Verkhoshansky
Publishing; 2009. Recommended Readings:
• Bruscia G. The Functional Training Bible. Aachen (Germany): Meyer & Meyer
13. Tumminello N. Functional training: separating the sense from nonsense. [Internet]. Sport; 2015.
[cited 2018 Aug 1]. Available from: http://nicktumminello.com/2014/09/
• Boyle M. New Functional training for Sports. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2016.
• Cook G. Movement: Functional Movement Systems. Santa Cruz (CA): On Target
14. Gray G. Functional training defined. IDEA Health & Fitness [internet]. [cited 2018
Publications; 2010.
Aug 1]. Available from: http://www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/functional-training-
defined • Cook G. Athletic Body in Balance. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2003.

15. American College of Sports Medicine. Position Stand: progression models in • Gambetta V. Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports
resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(3): Conditioning. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2007.
687–708. • Liebenson C. Functional Training Handbook. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2014.
16. Reilly T, Morris T, Whyte G. The specificity of training prescription and physiological
assessment: a review. J Sports Sci. 2009;27:575–89. • Santana JC. Functional Training. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2016.`

42 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ®

November/December 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Web sites: companies to large hospital-based programs and understands the complexities
• http://www.bodybyboyle.com/
and rewards of working in both profit and nonprofit organizations.
• https://chekinstitute.com/
• https://www.functionalmovement.com/
• https://www.ihpfitness.com/
• https://www.grayinstitute.com/
• http://www.coreperformance.com/about/
• https://www.ptonthenet.com/ BRIDGING THE GAP
• http://nicktumminello.com/
Functional training requires the body and mind to work
together to link efficient and purposeful movement
patterns resulting in a defined outcome/goal. Creating
Leslie Stenger, M.S., is an assistant professor of that link is the responsibility of the health and fitness
Exercise Science at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. professional and requires a specific level of rapport and
Leslie is an ACSM EP-C W, spinning instructor, and trust between the health and fitness professional and the
Pilates mat instructor. She has more than 25 years client, patient, and athlete. Health and fitness
of experience in the health and fitness club industry. professionals need to understand human movement,
She has worked in every segment of the industry including how to develop programs, and how to instruct individuals
corporate, community, clinical, public, and private clubs. to promote efficient and purposeful movement for the
She has gained experience from individually owned client, patient, and athlete.

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