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Baniqued, Jeff Jireh B.

BSIT 1B Date: July 30, 2018

Subject: Understanding the Self

Activity 2: Self-Description essay

 How I would like other people see me?

I would like other people to see me as who I am, and not based on their

expectations of me or based on what others’ say about me. I don’t care if others

will say to who really I am. I would like people to see me as a whole, and not just

immediately form an opinion of me based on one separate incident, action or words.

Because your real attitude cannot be seen based on what words you spoke, or the

way you act. I would like others to see that I am trustworthy and stop doubting my

words when there is no valid reason to doubt me. People should think first the

consequences of doubting anyone without solid evidence. I guess I want to be seen

as someone who is approachable yet mysterious. Literally speaking, I am

approachable yet ready to help if someone has a problem. I want people to know

that I’m complex, but I don’t want anyone to think they can just intrude upon my

life. Besides, they are not the one who molded nor nurtured you, intruding someone

else’s life is not acceptable. I want people to think of me as rational, intelligent and

creative. I definitely want people to see me as a unique person and unlike anyone

else, I want them to try to classify me and pretty much fail. I want people to see

me as someone they can come to for a unique perceptive on things. I’d also love

people to see me as an orderly person which for the most part they actually do,

because I seem to be able to fool people into thinking I’m not organized when in

reality I am. Not all my friends know that I am a type of person who likes to

organize things. I especially want people to appreciate or like what I do, and even

praise it a little.

Ideally, I would like to be seen as someone who is intelligent, clever, funny,

and enjoyable to be around. The reason is having a funny attitude makes someone
else happy, and could make their life more enjoyable. I am always worried about

coming off as cold or awkward, so I guess I would want to be seen as understanding

and at ease socially too. Because if you possess this kind of attitude it would reduce

the chance of getting angry easily to little things. Mostly though, I would want

people to think of me as someone who is smart and whose opinion can be valued,

even if I think it’s wrong. I’d love people to see that I am capable of change and

what I like or do in the past might not be the same as now. Besides maturity

changes while you are growing.

The last thing I’d like everyone to see me is being a good role model to

everyone by doing great things that can inspire and make everyone change to what

they are as of now. And I hope people will just take my words for certain things,

like when I say ‘no’, it really means ‘no’.

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