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"Filling My Plate with Balanced Nutrients during a


Opening :
Hello Guys Back again in our Vlog from Group 1, OK, in this Vlog we will
explain and show about the Nutritional Intake that must be fulfilled during the
pandemic. And we took the theme "Fill my plate during a pandemic". Wait - Wait,
you guys are curious huh. Just watch our video. Enjoy watching………

Uh, forgot the password, Group 1 paswordnya “Sehat….. Aman …. Bergizi”

(Citra) Suara 1

Role 1 : (Sherli)
Voice over:
 The alarm went off indicating I had to get up to start the day. (Nurahma)
Suara 2
 Orang : "Uhhhhh.... it's still really sleepy. Oh... no - no, today I have to
start the day with a sense of enthusiasm, I can't be lazy, cheer up for
 Sometimes encouraging ourselves is an obligation for us. because with this
we will learn how to be someone who doesn't fall easily (Nurahma)
Suara 3
Role Play
 Alarm bunyi (Backsound alarm), actor membuka selimut dan bergerak ke
kanan dan kiri layaknya orang bangun tidur . Dan kemudian memegang hp
untuk mematikan alarm (dibarengi dengan kata – kata point pertama)
 Aktor bangun dari tidurnya kemudian sedikit melamun dan
membayangkan kemudian berkata "Uhhhhh.... it's still really sleepy. Oh...
no - no, today I have to start the day with a sense of enthusiasm, I can't be
lazy, cheer up for myself."
 Aktor menyalakan lampu dan merapikan tempat tidurnya dan ada voice
over “Sometimes encouraging ourselves is an obligation for us. because
with this we will learn how to be someone who doesn't fall easily”.
Role 2 : Sherli
Voice Over :
 To make it look fresh, I want to take a shower first, guys (Bella) Suara 4
Role Play
 Aktor mengambil handuk dan kemudian melangkah dan menutup pintu
kamar mandi
 Kemudian setelah sesi ini, actor sudah rapid an kemudian mengambil susu
di atas meja dan membuka laptop
 Ketika laptop divuka seperti di video yang aku kirim klik di youtub
informasi pandemic dan langsung muncul video.
Role 3
Voice Over : Milea
 Why am I so hungry huh? and earlier there was a suggestion that we must
fulfill balanced nutrition during the pandemic. OK, I'll start to fulfill a
balanced nutrition starting from ourselves, because who else will take care
of our health if not ourselves. (Bella) Suara 5
Role Play :
 (Full backsound) Aktor menutup laptop dan melamun kemudian saat
melamun (voice over mengucapkan kata “Why am I so hungry huh? and
earlier there was a suggestion that we must fulfill balanced nutrition
during the pandemic. OK, I'll start to fulfill a balanced nutrition starting
from ourselves, because who else will take care of our health if not
Role 4 : Citra
Role Play :
 (Full backsound ) Aktor bersiap mau pergi ke tempat belanja, dan keluar
menggunakan motor dari pintu gerbang.
 Aktor berada di Jalan Raya
Role 5 : Citra
Voice Over :
Versi Indonesia :
Halo Teman - Teman semua bagaimana kabarnya nih ? Saya harap kalian sehat,
aman, dan bergizi ya. Megingat di tengah wabah pandemi saat ini kesehatan
sangatlah penting, maka dari itu mulailah menjaga kesehatan dengan makan -
makanan yang bergizi dan bernutrisi. Agar tubuh sistem tubuh kita kuat dan tidak
rentan terhadap penyakit terutama di masa pandemi seperti ini. Nah maka dari itu
mari sama - sama menerapkan gizi seimbang dimasa pandemi ini dengan cara "Isi
Piringku Bergizi Seimbang di masa Pandemi". Nah teman - teman yang perlu
diketahui bahwasannya gizi seimbang suatu susunan makanan sehari - hari yang
mengandung zat gizi dalam jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
tubuh. Untuk memperoleh Gizi yang seimbang kita dapat memanfaatkan sumber
pangan lokal yang masih segar dan tidak mengandung pengawet atau pewarna

Versi English (Ihsania) Suara 6

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are healthy, safe and nutritious. Given
that in the midst of the current pandemic, health is very important, therefore, start
maintaining health by eating nutritious and nutritious foods. So that our body
systems are strong and not susceptible to disease, especially during a pandemic
like this. So, from that, let's apply balanced nutrition together during this
pandemic by "Filling My Plate with Balanced Nutrients during a Pandemic".
Well, friends, you need to know that balanced nutrition is an arrangement of daily
food that contains nutrients in the type and amount according to the body's needs.
To obtain balanced nutrition, we can take advantage of local food sources that are
still fresh and do not contain preservatives or artificial coloring

Role Play
 Shoot bagian sayuran
 Shoot bagian buah
 Orang mengambil dan memilih sayuran
 Orang membuka kulkas mengambil sayuan segar
 Orang mengambil buah
 Orang mengambil dan cek 1 set sayuran
 Orang mengambil daging segar
 Shhot bagian daging

 Orang memegang dan cek daging ayam segar

 Shoot bagian perdagingan
 Shoot bagian Tofu
Role 6 :Comot Youtube
Voice Over :
 Okay, friends, here's the composition and method of making a "safe,
healthy and nutritious" food menu for Filling My Plate with Balanced
Nutrients during a Pandemic. (Milea) Suara 7
 Komposisi yang tepat dala isi piringku adalah setengah piring terdiri darai
satu per tiga terdiri dari buah - buahan, dua per tiga terdiri dari sayuran,
dan setengah piring lainnya terdiri dari satu per tiga lauk pauk dan dua per
tiga makanan pokok. Ini isi piringku, mana isi piringmu?
(The correct composition of the contents of my plate is that half a plate
consists of one-third consisting of fruits, two-thirds of vegetables, and the
other half consisting of one-third of side dishes and two-thirds of staple
foods.This is my plate, where is yours?) (Nurahma) Suara 8
Role Play
 Video diambil dari youtube tadi, kemudian bagian suara di mutr dan
digantikan suara kelompok 1, kemudian dikasih back song, dan pas waktu
diakhir itu nanti tulisan “ Ini isi Piringku, mana isi pirinmu diganti
english” dengan “This is my plate, where is yours?”.
Role 7
 Okay, here's the group 1 vlog with the theme "Filling My Plate with
Balanced Nutrients during a Pandemic". So what are you waiting for,
hurry up and try it for you to maintain your health during the pandemic by
filling my plate with nutritious food. ( CITRA) Suara 9

Thank You For watching

Group 1 Passwordnya : Sehat, Aman, Bergizi

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