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Project Management Processes

PMP® Overview
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Project Management Processes

• Project Management Processes
• Initiating Process Group Activities
• Planning Process Group Activities
• Executing Process Group Activities
• Monitoring & Controlling Process
Group Activities
• Closing Process Group Activities
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Project Management Processes

• Initiating Process Group
• Planning Process Group
• Executing Process Group
• Monitoring & Controlling Process Group
• Closing Process Group
• Project Management Process Group and
Knowledge Area Mapping
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Processes
• Define what to do when in a project.
• Define what you need to do to manage the project.
There is a process for managing projects:
Initiating (Start)
Planning (Plan)
Execution (Do)
Monitoring & Controlling (Check & Act)
Closing (End)
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Processes
• Interaction of Project Management Process Groups
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Processes
• Process Groups interaction in a Phase or Project
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group Activities

• Select Project Manager
• Determine company culture & existing systems
• Collect processes, procedures & historical info
• Divide large projects to phases
• Understand the business case (Why is this project done?)
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group Activities

• Uncover initial requirements & risks

• Create measurable objectives
• Develop project charter
• Identify stakeholders
• Develop stakeholder management strategy
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group Activities

• Determine how you will do planning

• Finalize requirements
• Create project scope statement
• Determine what to purchase
• Determine team
• Create WBS and WBS Dictionary
• Create activity list
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group Activities
• Create network diagram
• Estimate resource requirements
• Estimate time & cost
• Determine critical path
• Develop schedule
• Develop budget
• Determine quality, standards, procedures & metrics
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group Activities

• Create process improvement plan
• Determine all roles & responsibilities
• Plan communications
• Perform risk identification, qualitative and quantitative risk
analysis and risk response planning
• Go back - Iterations
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group Activities

• Prepare procurement documents
• Finalize “how to execute & control” parts of all management
• Develop final PM plan and performance measurement baseline
that are realistic
• Gain formal approval of the plan
• Hold kick-off meeting
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group Activities
• Execute the work according to PM plan
• Produce product scope
• Request changes
• Implement only approved changes
• Ensure common understanding
• Use the work authorization system
• Continuously improve
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group Activities
• Follow processes
• Perform quality assurance
• Perform quality audits
• Acquire final team
• Manage people
• Evaluate team and project performance
• Hold team building activities
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group Activities

• Give recognition and rewards
• Use issue logs
• Facilitate conflict resolution
• Send and receive information
• Hold meetings
• Select sellers
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group Activities
• Take action to control the project
• Measure performance
• Determine variances and if they warrant a change request
• Influence the factors that cause changes
• Request changes
• Perform integrated change control
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group Activities
• Approve or reject changes
• Inform stakeholders of approved changes
• Manage configuration
• Create forecasts
• Gain acceptance from customer
• Perform quality control
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group Activities
• Report on project performance
• Perform risk audits
• Manage reserves
• Administer procurements
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Project Management Processes

Closing Process Group Activities

• Confirm work is done as per requirements

• Complete procurement closure
• Gain formal acceptance
• Complete final performance reporting
• Index and archive records
• Update lessons learned
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Project Management Processes

Closing Process Group Activities
• Hand-off completed product
• Release resources
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group

• Starts with authorizing the project and assignment of the
Project Manager
Major Outputs:
Project Charter
Identified Stakeholders
Strategy for Managing Stakeholders
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group

Progressive Elaboration:
• Estimates, product scope and some other steps might start in
initiating and iterated in planning process
• PM Plan is finalized in planning but detailed estimate, scope and
some other points might be clarified during execution or
monitoring & controlling.
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group
Project Manager Assigned:
• Project manager is assigned early in the process.
• This is not the case in real world for many cases.
Business Case:
• The reason why project started is taken into account throughout
the project.
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group

High-Level Planning is done:
• Creating high-level WBS
• Order of Magnitude Estimate ( 50%
• High-Level risk identification
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Project Management Processes

Initiating Process Group
Reasons to start Initiating Process:

Business Need

Begin a New Phase of

The Project

Project has so many problems that

you re-evaluate the business need
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group
• Planning enables walking through the project and getting it
organized before it is actually done.
• Resources, time, and money can be saved during “planning” and
while the work is being done.
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group
• Result of Planning Process Group is

Planning Project
PM Plan
Process Group Documents

• Planning is iterative, thus, result of each step may affect or cause

changes to previous steps
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group

• Iterations start after Risk Analysis since final cost and schedule
can be determined after Risk Analysis.
• Risk Management can result in changing resources, when they
are used, in what sequence activities are performed, and almost
all parts of “planning”.
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group
• High Level of Confidence in Schedule requires more planning
• Low Level of Confidence in Schedule requires less planning
• Effort you need to spend in planning when creating a schedule
with +/-20% accuracy is less than +/-%5 accuracy.
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group

Rolling Wave Planning:
• You might not be able to plan a phase of your project (test, install,
etc.) in detail until the phase is finished. This is called rolling wave
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group

• Who is involved in planning? Everyone!

• PM Plan and project documents are compiled by Project
Manager with input from stakeholders
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Project Management Processes

Planning Process Group
Reasons to start Planning Process:

Initiating Process Group is


Approved changes,
including corrective and
preventive actions, require
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group
• Purpose of executing process group is to complete the work
defined in PM plan and to meet project objectives.
• Executing the project management plan
Focuses on:
Managing people
Following processes
Distributing information
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group

• Meetings are important in executing process group
During meetings
Review risks
Upcoming contingency plans
Do not only discuss status or what is done.
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Project Management Processes

Executing Process Group
Reasons to start Executing Process:

Project Planning is

Integrated change control

results in a changed project
management plan
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group

• Measuring performance of the project to the project management
• Approving change requests
• Recommended corrective and preventive actions
• Defect repair.
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group
• Project manager is accountable for meeting the performance
measurement baseline
• Project manager takes actions to correct any variances.
• Any deviations from the plan should be made up rather than
requesting a change to the project to accommodate them.
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Project Management Processes

Monitoring & Controlling Process Group
When to enter M&C, and why to go other
process groups from M&C Initiating Process Group to
review Project Charter

Requested Changes
Planning Process
Group to Re-Plan

Work Performance Monitoring &

Information Executing Process
Controlling Group is to repair
Process Group defects

Deliverables Closing Process Group

if project is finished
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Project Management Processes

Closing Process Group
• Project is finished in this process group.
• Includes administrative activities.
• Final product is delivered.
• Celebration !
• Report final project performance of resources
• Latest versions of Lessons Learned are compiled.
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Project Management Processes

Closing Process Group
• Formal sign-off and acceptance is acquired.
• Project is closed after getting final sign-off and administrative
work are completed.
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Project Management Processes

Closing Process Group
Reasons to start Closing Process:
Project Phase is

Project is complete

Project is terminated
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Process Group and
Knowledge Area Mapping
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Process Group and
Knowledge Area Mapping
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Project Management Processes

Project Management Process Group and
Knowledge Area Mapping
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Project Management Processes

Question #1
In which project management process group is the detailed project
budget created?
A-) Initiating
B-) Before the project management process
C-) Planning
D-) Executing
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Project Management Processes

Question #1
In which project management process group is the detailed project
budget created?
A-) Initiating
B-) Before the project management process
C-) Planning
D-) Executing
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Project Management Processes

Question #2
The BEST time to assign a project manager to a project is during:
A-) Executing
B-) Closing
C-) Initiating
D-) Planning
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Project Management Processes

Question #2
The BEST time to assign a project manager to a project is during:
A-) Executing
B-) Closing
C-) Initiating
D-) Planning
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Project Management Processes

Question #3
A project manager gets a call from a team member notifying him
that there is a variance between the speed of a system on the
project and the desired or planned speed. The project manager is
surprised because that performance measurement was not
identified in planning. If the project manager then evaluates
whether the variance warrants a response, he is in what project
management process?
A-) Initiating
B-) Planning
C-) Executing
D-) Monitoring & Controlling
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Project Management Processes

Question #3
A project manager gets a call from a team member notifying him
that there is a variance between the speed of a system on the
project and the desired or planned speed. The project manager is
surprised because that performance measurement was not
identified in planning. If the project manager then evaluates
whether the variance warrants a response, he is in what project
management process?
A-) Initiating
B-) Planning
C-) Executing
D-) Monitoring & Controlling
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Project Management Processes

Question #4
During a team meeting, a team member asks about the
measurements that will be used on the project to judge
performance. The team member feels that some of the measures
related to activities assigned him are not valid measurements. The
project is BEST considered in what part of the project management
A-) Initiating
B-) Executing
C-) Monitoring & Controlling
D-) Closing
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Project Management Processes

Question #4
During a team meeting, a team member asks about the
measurements that will be used on the project to judge
performance. The team member feels that some of the measures
related to activities assigned him are not valid measurements. The
project is BEST considered in what part of the project management
A-) Initiating
B-) Executing
C-) Monitoring & Controlling
D-) Closing
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Project Management Processes

Question #5
Which of the following is a characteristic of project management
A-) Iterative
B-) Unique
C-) Unnecessary
D-) Standardized
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Project Management Processes

Question #5
Which of the following is a characteristic of project management
A-) Iterative
B-) Unique
C-) Unnecessary
D-) Standardized
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Project Management Processes

Question #6
Which of the following is NOT an input to the initiating process
A-) Company processes
B-) Company culture
C-) Historical WBSs
D-) Project scope statement
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Project Management Processes

Question #6
Which of the following is NOT an input to the initiating process
A-) Company processes
B-) Company culture
C-) Historical WBSs
D-) Project scope statement
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Project Management Processes

Question #7
The project sponsor has just signed the project charter. What is the
NEXT thing to do?
A-) Begin to complete work packages.
B-) Verify Scope.
C-) Start integrated change control
D-) Start to create management plans
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Project Management Processes

Question #7
The project sponsor has just signed the project charter. What is the
NEXT thing to do?
A-) Begin to complete work packages.
B-) Verify Scope.
C-) Start integrated change control
D-) Start to create management plans
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Project Management Processes

Question #8
The high-level project risks have just been determined. What
project management process group are you in?
A-) Initiating
B-) Planning
C-) Executing
D-) Monitoring & Controlling
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Project Management Processes

Question #8
The high-level project risks have just been determined. What
project management process group are you in?
A-) Initiating
B-) Planning
C-) Executing
D-) Monitoring & Controlling
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Project Management Processes

Question #9
A team member notifies the project manager that the activities
comprising a work package are no longer appropriate. It would be
BEST for the project manager to be in what part of the project
management process?
A-) Corrective action
B-) Integrated change control
C-) Monitoring and controlling
D-) Project closing
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Project Management Processes

Question #9
A team member notifies the project manager that the activities
comprising a work package are no longer appropriate. It would be
BEST for the project manager to be in what part of the project
management process?
A-) Corrective action
B-) Integrated change control
C-) Monitoring and controlling
D-) Project closing
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Project Management Processes

Question #10

Which process groups must be included in every project?

A-) Planning, executing, and closing
B-) Initiating, planning and executing
C-) Initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and
D-) Planning, executing, and monitoring & controlling
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Project Management Processes

Question #10

Which process groups must be included in every project?

A-) Planning, executing, and closing
B-) Initiating, planning and executing
C-) Initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling,
and closing
D-) Planning, executing, and monitoring & controlling

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