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ESOL Instruction and Best Practices

Instructional Practice
Delivery of Content
 Visuals/ Repetition
 Cognates (must use when lesson planning) K-5
 Cloze Notes/Graphic Organizer/ Quick Checks throughout the lesson
 Sentence Frames to start conversations with a Word Box
 Demonstrate how to complete a task with steps through a video (can be re-watched to increase fluency)
 Chunk steps and content (Writing and Math Comparison Template Examples)
 Content Glossary (must always use when lesson planning) available to the students, at all times
Independent/Partner Practice

 Complete the first task as an example

 Explicit directions/guidance on expectations of assignment (Bar graph example)
 Corrective Feedback (including linguistic feedback, repetition, and clarification)
 Content Glossary must be utilized by the student during instruction and assessments (Learning cycle “look for”)

Assessment & Grades

 Content Glossary (most effective when taught how to use)
 Oral Supports (most effective when home language literacy skills are weak)
 Scaffolds (such as shorter questioning, labels, word banks, etc.)
 Accommodations (extra time, use of dictionary/glossary, etc. based on language proficiency)
 Reflect a variety of performance (oral and written)/ Reflect mastery with supports
 Reduce language demands without compromising the content
 Grades should reflect work from accommodated assignments (based on language proficiency)
 Grading criteria and expectations should be communicated to students and parents
 Lesson plans must include how you are supporting/accommodating ELLs (all in CUPS)
 Parent contact of instruction/assessments
 Progress monitoring data (Formative and summative, NWEA, NSGRA)
ELL student grading guidelines:
 Explain grading criteria and expectations to parents and provide samples of student work meeting these
performance expectations
 Reduce language demands of instruction, without compromising the content of instruction
 ELLs are instructed on grade level standards
 Provide comprehensible instruction through ELL instructional support/strategies and scaffolds, supplementary
materials and native language assistance (as needed)
 Interventions should be based on the student’s level of English proficiency
 Teacher lesson plans must document content area materials and assignments meet the needs of the ELL student
(including classroom work and assessments)
 Evidence of instructional scaffolds for content and language, as well as strategies during instruction and
accommodations for testing, must be provided for an ELL student to receive failing grades
Procedure for Retention of Emergent Bilinguals (ELL, ESOL)
Guidelines for Monitoring ELLs academic and linguistic progress according to rules 6A6.0902, F.A.C, Rule 6A-6.0904, F.A.C,
Rule 6A-1.09432, F.A.C

Factors to consider:

 Years in ESOL program

 Educational background in native language
 Native Language
 Formative Assessment data
 FSA ELA scores
 ACCESS for ELLs scores
 Grades
 Academic Performance in content areas

ELL students should not receive failing grades or be considered for retention, if the teacher has not
implemented ELL strategies and scaffolds for instruction and assessments as previously described. In order to
meet META Consent Decree and other state mandates, instructional supports such as scaffolds and
accommodations must be implemented throughout the school year to meet the requirement of
comprehensible instruction afforded to ELLs by law.

All retention decisions must be done through ELL meetings. Three (3) ELL meetings with proper
documentation of implemented ELL strategies and scaffolds for instruction and assessments are
required in order to recommend an ELL/ESOL/Emergent Bilingual student for retention.

Any retention decisions of students under the 2-year ESOL umbrella (Good Cause as per the Consent
Decree), must be discussed with the Executive Director of the Multicultural Education Department.


LY- Indicates that the student has been tested and qualifies to receive ESOL services.
LF- indicates that student was tested and exited from the program and will be monitored for the next two
years. The student will also receive testing accommodations required by law. (Glossaries, dictionaries, and extra time).
TZ- tested and does not qualify
LZ- exited from the program and has been monitored for two years.
LP- indicates that the student just enrolled to school and is temporarily placed in the program until is tested
within the first 20 days of school.
Any questions or concern please contact: Ext. -46260/46225 or
Ivonne Valencia-
Lissie Sanabria-

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