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Most people said that having lots of money make it easier for someone to improve the

quality of their life. This is false because not everyone with money or wealthy are
actually happy. Some are just pretending that they love their life now, yet they’re still
jealous to others because of greediness. Some are doing their best, yet they didn’t
achieve anything and that’s totally okay. In order to have a best, not just better quality
of life, you must be competent enough. A competent person doesn’t settle for less, he
wants the best.

There’s a saying, “All things come to him who waits.” Unluckily, at times it's simply
the leftovers from the people who arrived there first. Responsible individuals show up
when they're expected. However, competent individuals make it a stride farther. Also, a
competent person always allows himself to learn, which some doesn’t like it. Learning
is a part of growing. You just cannot be an expert to something when you didn’t give
time to learn and practice it. Improving yourself is also making you having the better or
best quality of life.

Aside from it, you should also know how to love yourself because you can’t appreciate
life when you see yourself as a failure or a burden. While facing those obstacles, love
yourself more and think that life is full of surprises. You’ll never know what will
happen. Loving yourself is celebrating your small wins and accepting your uniqueness.
It’s necessary to remind yourself every day that God put you here because you have a

Ontario, Canada is my dream country to stay. I always want to go there. When the time
comes and I’ll be successful, I’ll stay there with my family. I’m currently living in
Romblon, Philippines. This is a province where everyone is kind and helpful. I love
Romblon as this is where I was born and experience the love and fun with my loved
ones. Both are good place for living because they believe in freedom that other countries
don’t have. It’s just that when it comes to job opportunities, Canada has more of it. My
uncle who’s living there now with his family, said that they don’t have to worry about
medical expenses since the company pays for it. Romblon and Ontario are safe places.
However, Romblon has less reported crimes than Ontario, which is important to know
if the community has people that can be trusted and don’t violate any rules by the
government. It can’t be avoided but if there’s unity, everyone doesn’t have to worry. In
the end, as long as I’m good and people treat me nice, I’m fine wherever place it is.

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