In English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Jorace Martini B. Dayrit, LPT

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in English for Academic and Professional


for Week 1: Academic Writing & Critical Reading

Jorace Martini B. Dayrit, LPT

Course Instructor

12 – STEM


Topic/s: Academic Writing Week: 1 Lesson: 1




The text is The focus of the The text/letter is The text is

about the text is about the about Prof. about an ex-
different author’s mother Lanuza being parte motion for
What is the text concerns and her so- invited to the 5th extension to
about? regarding the called “broken” Annual ASEAN submit
(subject/focus) English or “limited” English compromise
language in English and Teacher’s agreement as
subscribing to how it impacts Conference for issued by the
certain her life. being chosen as Regional Trial
standards one of the Court.
among college recipients of the
students ASEAN
particularly Educational
freshmen. Program Award

What is the The writer aims The writer’s The goal of the The author of
writer’s goal in to educate the goal in writing writer or the text’s goal is to
writing the text? audience with this text is to sender of the inform that
(audience) the common share her letter is to inform defendant
grammar errors personal Prof. Hannah Dy, who
and language experience. Lanuza about is presently
issues that are Specifically, it him being invited abroad, needed
usually aims to share to the 5th Annual to execute a
committed by her fascination ASEAN English Special Power of
college students. and love for Teacher’s Attorney in order
Moreover, the language, which Conference for to authorize her
author gives the is in contrast being chosen as brother and Co-
benefit of the with her mother one of the defendant
doubt to whether who has long recipients of the Roland Dy to
stick with the realized it as her ASEAN sign the
usual standards weakness. Educational Compromise
or come up with Furthermore, the Program Award. Agreement on
better approach author also gave her behalf.
in teaching some of the
English implications of
language to how the
students. expertise in the
equates the way
you get

What is the
point of view
used in the The point of The point of The point of view
text? (first view used in view used in used in the text is
person, second text is in third the text is in in second person.
person, third person. first person.

The text is The writer spent The writer only

backed up with most of her life knows limited
How much does relevant with his mother information of
the writer know information and and knows the subject, which
of the subject data to support exactly what was is Prof. Lanuza
(writer’s the idea of the going on. And which is why the
knowledge) author. Hence, so, it gives the writer of the text
the writer knows assurance that is asking him to
the subject really the writer has complete the
well. broad knowledge attached
about the questionnaire
subject. and is
encouraging him
to ask questions
to be guided.

Base on the Base on the The writer

excerpt, the excerpt, the organized by
writer organized writer started off starting the text
the text by her introduction or letter with a
having a format by giving a salutation
with an disclaimer. On followed by the
introduction, the following content that
body, and paragraph, she includes a short
conclusion. In talked about her yet straight to the
the intro, the opinion and point
author put the attachment to the introduction,
context on the English body, and closing.
actual language. The letter ended
experience of Furthermore, with a signature
How did the English teachers on the third from the author
writer organize in the paragraph, she of the text.
the text? Philippines. started to
(style) Furthermore, in introduce her
the body, mother in text
information and and diverted
data were the focus of the
presented in text to her
order to make mother and her
the text “limited”
substantial. English.
Lastly, the
gives the
based on what is

The writer wrote Although the The writer wrote The writer of the
the text in a writer uses the text in a text clearly wrote
Did the writer formal manner contractions and formal manner it in a formal
write in a formal and tone by first person point and tone by manner and tone
or informal following the of view, the tone following the tone by following
manner (tone) rules and of the text is still rules and the rules and
guidelines of an considered guidelines of an guidelines of an
academic formal because academic writing. academic
writing. It does she was just It does not use writing. It does
not use narrating an colloquialisms, it not use
colloquialisms, it experience of is less personal, colloquialisms, it
is less personal, her. Also, her and it does not is less personal,
and it does not writing style was use first person and it does not
use first person complex and is point of view. use first person
point of view. objective. point of view.

The writer was The writer was The writer was The writer was
able to choose able to choose able to choose able to choose
the right words the right words the right words the right words
according to according to according to according to
their use or their use or their use or their use or
How did the purpose in the purpose in the purpose in the purpose in the
writer choose the sentence. sentence. sentence. sentence.
words and Moreover, the Moreover, the Moreover, the Moreover, the
organize the organization of organization of organization of organization of
sentences? sentences was sentences was sentences was sentences was
Was the chosen based on chosen based on chosen based on chosen based on
language whether the whether the whether the whether the
formal, sentence is sentence is sentence is sentence is
informal, or closely related closely related closely related closely related
casual? and relevant to and relevant to and relevant to and relevant to
the previous the previous the previous the previous
sentence or sentence or sentence or sentence or
statement. The statement. The statement. The statement. The
language used in language used in language used in language used in
the text is formal. the text is formal. the text is formal. the text is formal.


a. What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing is a process that starts with posing a question,
problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinion, and ends in answering the
question or questions posed, clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a
stand. All of these must be done in a formal manner by following sets of rules
and guidelines.

b. What does Academic Writing require?

c. Academic writings require strong and valid evidences in order to
Astrengthen an academic text and make it more substantial,
c which is why writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough,
a and careful thought.
Academic writing is different from a creative essay, a business letter, and a legal
document in terms of?

Academic Writing assumes that the audience is composed of people who

are knowledgeable on the subject the writer is writing about, and the
knowledge of the writer is not assumed to be greater than that of the


1. What is academic writing? What are its features?

An academic writing is a writing that is given with a set of rules and

guidelines to follow and it has a specific purpose, which is to inform,
argue, and persuade. An academic writing should have overall features
such as formality, objectivity, accuracy, precision, organization, and

2. What is the importance of academic writing?

2. What is the importance of academic writing?
An academic writing will serve as a way for us to effectively
communicate our thoughts and ideas in a formal, valid, and substantial
manner. Also, by doing academic writings, we are able to improve our
skills in language in terms of technical and grammar, which we may be
able to use in our daily lives and in our professional lives in the future.

3. How is academic writing different from a letter? How about from a court

An academic writing is a writing that must be clear, focused,

structured, and backed up with strong and valid evidences. Contrarily,
a letter may be done using without having to follow any particular
rules and guidelines in composing the body or its content; may be done
using slang and casual language.
Moreover, an academic writing may be informative, persuasive,
or argumentative and it can always be done or drafted by anyone. In
contrast, a court of order is only issued by courts and they are
enforceable and coercive.
4. Why is academic writing equated to thinking?

Through writing academic texts, our level of thinking are being tested
and considered as the outcome will show our expertise in coming up
with an effective and substantial write-up. In addition, since we have to
provide strong and valid proofs and evidences to back up our claims and
statements, we have to have enough knowledge on the field or topic we
are writing about as well as the rules and guidelines to be followed
which sums up as to why academic writing is equated to thinking.

5. If you used first person point of view in academic writing papers, is

it considered academic?

In the first person point-of-view, you usually write your paper from your
own experience or perspective. Since objectivity must be observed, they
are usually avoided. However there are instances or types of academic
writings that permits the use of it for as long as the content will be solely
based on facts and existing information.

Topic/s: Critical Reading Week: 1 Lesson: 2



Use the following criteria for your evaluation:
• Purpose of the advertisements: The advertisement was meant to be senseless, confusing
and weird in order to mark its identity for being unique and be known by the masses,
particularly netizens who are part of the so-called ‘Gen. Z’. Easily speaking, the main
purpose of the bizarre ad was to create hype on the product through making a weird and
creepy impression that will surely capture the interest of the netizens.

• Execution of the message: How was the message conveyed? What are some
interesting claims that catch your attention? Did they present
evidence and/or credible sources to vouch for the text's credibility? Although there were
certainly no exact messages conveyed, it was conveyed in a weird, creepy, bizarre,
confusing, and ‘edgy’ manner. The whole ad was supposedly senseless yet it was able to
catch my attention and curiosity in finding out the meaning behind it, also, I found it
hilarious. It presented a claim saying “Basta RC, masarap” and displayed their whole
family enjoying the drink.

• Critical value of the text: Are there fallacies? There are no fallacies from the claim
“Basta RC, masarap” because it is indeed delicious, But if the case is “Basta RC,
healthy” fallacies will follow.

• Effectiveness and/or truthfulness of the text. It was effective as the advertisement was
successful in getting the interest and attention of the masses. Its truthfulness is
questionable because the whole ad was nonsensical.


1. Purpose of the advertisement – To tell the parents that their children

should consume MILO.

2. Execution of the message: How was the message conveyed? What are some
interesting claims that catch your attention? Did they present evidence and/or credible
sources to vouch for the text's credibility? – The message was conveyed through song
and dance. The interesting claim that caught my attention was the existence of “energy
gap” which is also a term in chemistry and physics. They did present a statement saying
4/5 kids suffer from “energy gap.”

3. Critical value of the text: Are there fallacies? - MILO contains a lot of sugar.
MILO has a false marketing that says it is a healthy drink. The term in the
advertisement “energy gap” does not exist.

4. Effectiveness and/or truthfulness of the text. – The advertisement is convincing that

it makes most of the parents think that their children should drink MILO. But the
truthfulness of the advertisement is questionable.

1. In which parts of the story did the narrator commit fallacies? Can you identify the other
instances that he committed fallacies other than those that Polly has mentioned? For
example, in the first part of the story, what fallacies are committed? The narrator
committed fallacies in the first and last part of the story. The narrator committed a
fallacy other than those that Polly has mentioned. It is his belief that he does not go
with the trend but he wants to be like those lawyers with strong independent woman
as their partner.

2. Using your annotation and summary, identify the following:

a. Purpose/intention of the author - The purpose or intention of the author is to show
that logic and emotions do not coexist.

b. Assumptions of the author - The assumption of the author is to give the ideas that
talk about logic and fallacies that are connected in our daily lives.

C. Claims of the author – The author claims that love is a fallacy

3. The story is satirical and ironic at the same time. Can you show how irony was used in the
story? Irony was used in the story by making the narrator fall as the victim to his

4. Is the author successful in accomplishing his purpose? Why or why not? Yes, because in
the ending of the story Polly went together with Petey because she likes raccoon coat.
She does not necessarily love Petey but she now has logic.

5. If you were Polly, would you fall for the narrator or for Petey? We know that Polly is a
faddist or a person that goes with the trend. So if I were Polly, I would fall for Petey
because we share the same interests.

6. Do you agree that love is a fallacy? Why or why not? If love makes one do illogical
decisions or things then love is indeed a fallacy.


1. Is Critical Reading related to Critical Writing? How? Cite at least three

(3) examples
Critical writing depends on critical thinking as your critical reading of a text and
thinking about a text enables you to use it to make your own argument. You will be
making judgments and interpretations of the ideas, arguments, and claims of others
presented in the texts you read (e.g. filling out necessary information in a form,
creating a scholarly article, and making a book report)

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