Answer To The Question No. 1

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Name: Sumiya Barkat Ullah

ID: 2019-1-10-265
Quiz-1 MGT251(05)

Answer to the Question no. 1

Job satisfaction isn’t a behavior but a noteworthy individual outcome of OB model. It is a
dependent variable because the outcome is an integrated function of what we are putting as input
as well as the certain process which ultimately lead us to the anticipated outcome which varies
from person to person.
As the OB model consists of 3 different level of input, processing and output and additionally
there is another variable for the assessment of output for us to redesign the input and processing
if the outcome is somehow negative, is called the feedback. For example, if the outcome of job
satisfaction shows that, Mr. Karim as an individual isn’t much satisfied with his job, therefore to
accomplish the desired satisfaction, he as an individual should revise his input and outputs to
reach that desired level of satisfaction, like changing his personality or job performance as a part
of input, after that assisting to motivate himself in some other way or altering his decision-
making strategies as a part of the process.
To conclude, as the outcomes like job satisfaction are the key variables that we want to predict,
and are affected by some input and the process, explaining this dependent factor of OB model
assists us to our desired final needs, because any undesired outcomes can influence inputs and
processes in the future.

Answer to the question no 2.

The statement that behavior is predictable and we are not required to formally study OB, isn’t
what I agree with. The reasons are explained below-
Organizational behavior is the field of study that systematically studies the impact that an
individual, group and organizational structure have on the behavior within the organization. As
we know that, individual needs, wants, demands differ from each other, additionally, as
individuals we all vary in terms of our own psychology, how we behave within a group, our
activities, political position within the organization ect. OB being a multi-disciplinary subject
emphasizes on each of these factors through the contribution of sociology, psychology,
anthropology and so on. So, without formally studying OB, it is quite dogmatic to evaluate the
behavior and its impact within an organization. As the individual behavior affect the overall
performance of an organization, its productivity, profitability as well as survival, having
systematic knowledge which is scientifically tested and proved is inevitable, which leads us to
OB. The theories of OB are analytically built and are used to predict, understand and control the
behavior within the organization to achieve the highest level of organizational effectiveness.

Answer to the question no 3.

Uncertainty avoidance is one of the major dimensions of both Hofstede’s cultural model and
GLOBE framework which successfully guide us through assessing an unfamiliar culture.
Uncertainty avoidance within an organization refers to the degree to which an organization feels
threatened by ambiguous and uncertain situations and tries to sidestep them. It can be either high
or low in terms of its intensity. For example:
X organization is highly concerned with avoiding their uncertainty, it illustrates that the
employees of X organization have an increased level of anxiety round the clock, the structure of
X organization is strictly rigid as they always focus on certain rules and regulations as well as
hierarchy to avoid their uncertain situation. As a result, the organization has very less amount of
innovative approaches and freedom.
On the contrary, Z organization has a low uncertainty avoidance culture within the organization
which in turns results a positive attitude among their employees as they always embrace any new
situations whether its positive or negative. The employees of Z organizations are more accepting
of ambiguity, operating in a decentralized culture with more flexibility and liberty. As they are
less shackled by the situational crisis, they tend to be highly innovative and open-minded.

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