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“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”


El siguiente trabajo es un compendio de ejercicios que incluyen los contenidos mínimos con los que
se va a trabajar en la asignatura de “inglés 2”.

El objetivo es que los estudiantes tengan a su alcance de manera digital un material de apoyo donde
puedan estudiar, aprender, trabajar y practicar las cuatro habilidades del idioma inglés.

Dosificación de contenidos:

 Tema 1: There was – there were

PRIMER PARCIAL  Tema 2: Simple past & WH-Questions.

SEGUNDO PARCIAL  Tema 3: Descriptions in past

 Tema 4: Past continuous & adverbs of

TERCER PARCIAL o Tema 5: Used to

o Tema 6: Could vs. Be able to in past.
“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“There was – There were”

1.1 There was – there were and how we use it.

Watch the following links and take notes about there was – there were

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.2 There was – there were

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.3 To be: there was – there were

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.4 Answer the following exercise with there is / there are

1.5 Fill in the blanks with there is / there are

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.6 Complete the conversation below with there’s, there are, there isn’t, there aren’t, is there,
are there. Use SHORT FORMS when possible.

1.7 Test 1 with there was / there were

Test 2 with there was / there were

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.8 Do the following exercise with there was / there were.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

1.9 Reading comprehension “Was – Were Story”

Last week, there was one really, really bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there are about 25 students in my
class, but that day, there were only 5 people! It wasn't warm. In fact, it was really cold. It was raining a lot. It
was dark and gray outside. There wasn't any sunshine. I think the students weren't at school because they
were sick. They were at home. Maybe they were in bed. Mr. Jibbit is our teacher. He is always at school. He is
never at home on a Monday. Last Monday was no different. He was not in bed. ¡He was in the classroom, and
he was cold! Why was he so cold? That's a very good question. He was cold because the heater in the school
was broken. It was freezing. The school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer! And poor Mr. Jibbit
was like ice! The small class was cold, cold, cold! The next days were much warmer. The heater was fixed on
Tuesday, so everything was ok. There were 25 students, not only 5. But where was Mr. Jibbit? He wasn't there.
¡He was at home, sick in bed!

Exercise: A. Complete the sentences with the proper expression.

1. The weather___________cold and rainy.
a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

2. Many students________in class.

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

3. A lot of students_________sick at home.

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

4. The teacher________at home.

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

5. The classrooms _________very cold!

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

6. Our classroom_______freezing!
a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

7. There______any heat!
a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

8. That day_________really horrible!

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

9. The next days________better.

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

10. The heat_______ok the next day.

a.was b. wasn’t c. were d. weren’t

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

Listening practice: complete the blanks According to the story.

McDonald's, the fast-food company, is heating up competition with the Starbucks

Coffee Company. McDonald's plans to put _________ bars in its fourteen thousand
restaurants in the United States. Fewer than a thousand now offer specialty coffee
drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

Just like Starbucks, each coffee bar would have its own barista, the person who
makes and serves the ________ .Company documents reported by the Wall Street
Journal said the plan would add one billion dollars a year in sales.

McDonald's has enjoyed several years of strong growth. The company had almost
twenty-two billion dollars in sales in two thousand six.

Still, the move to compete against Starbucks carries some risk. Some experts say it
could slow down ________at McDonald's restaurants. And some people who are happy with McDonald's the way it is now
may not like the changes.

As early as two thousand one the company tested McCafes in the United States to sell specialty coffee at McDonald's
restaurants. But the drinks were not available at the drive-through windows that provide two-thirds of its business.
McDonald's thinks its new plan has a greater chance of success. Starbucks, on the other____________ , has faced
slower growth and increasing competition. Its stock has lost about half its value since last January.

Starbucks has about ten thousand stores in the United States. Its high-priced coffee drinks have names like Iced
Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino. Lately Starbucks has added more foods,
including breakfast foods, and put drive-through ___________in some stores.

This week, the company replaced its chief executive officer, bringing back former C.E.O. Howard Schultz. He remains
chairman of the board. He joined Starbucks in nineteen eighty-two, when it had just four stores. He is credited with building
the Seattle company into an international success__________.

But a year ago he warned that its fast growth had led to what he called the watering down of the Starbucks experience.
Some neighborhoods have a Starbucks on every block or two. Now, Starbucks will speed up its international growth while
slowing its expansion in the United States.

Millions of people have a taste for Starbucks. But last _________, McDonald's Premium coffee got some good press.
Testers from Consumer Reports thought it tasted better than Starbucks, and it cost less.

To listen to the audio, go to the following link.


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
“Simple past”
2.0 Simple past

Watch the following links and take notes about the simple past tense


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.1 Answer the following exercise in simple past tense

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.2 Mixed exercises in simple past.

2.3 Complete the table in simple past

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

He wrote a book.

He did not sing

Was she pretty?

Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We move to a new house.

2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. They bring a sandwich.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. He doesn't do the homework.
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. They sell cars.
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________
9. Does he visit his friends?
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.4 Insert the correct form of the verb in brackets

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.5 Crossword: Complete the crossword with the verbs that you have below but apply the past

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.6 Write a conversation in simple past using the phrase you see and complement it with some
other can you think of.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.7 Do the reading “At the café”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

2.8 Simple past reading

Yesterday Debbie had a job interview. She went downtown to the company. The interview was for an
accounting job. Debbie graduated university 3 months ago.
Her interview was at 10:00 am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house before 8:00 am. She waited for the
bus, but it was late. She was very worried because she did not want to be late for the interview. She tried to
phone the company to warn them, but her phone battery was dead.
When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. Then the bus was slow because there were many other cars. The
bus finally arrived at Debbie’s stop at 9:45 am.
Debbie ran from the bus stop to the office building. When she entered she saw a sign that said the company
was on the 24th floor. The elevator ride took almost 5 minutes because many people stopped at different
When Debbie arrived at reception, it was 9:58. She was in time!
“I am here to see Mrs. Lewis” said Debbie.
The receptionist checked her book and replied:
“She is not here today. What is your name please?”
“My name is Debbie Gregson.”
“Sorry Debbie, but your appointment is tomorrow.”
Debbie checked her agenda. It was true. She was there on the wrong day!

Answer the questions with information from the reading.

1. What time did Debbie wake up?


2. When did the bus arrive at the stop?


3. Was Debbie late? (Yes/No)


4. Did Debbie go on the correct day? (Yes/No)


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

Listening practice

This week, we answer a question from a student in Odessa, Ukraine. Marushka

wants to know about a program that lets foreign students work in the United States
during their summer_______________.

The program is called Summer Work/Travel. The State Department administers it for
full-time_________ or university students who speak English well.

Students come on a J-one exchange visa. They can work for up to four
__________during their school break. They generally work in service jobs in stores,
resorts, ___________, restaurants and amusement parks. But summer internships
are also permitted.

"Summer" in this case means summer in the student's country. Those from south of the equator come to the United States
during the northern _____________.

Students cannot work as housekeepers in private _____________ or be involved in patient care. And they are supposed
to be paid the same as Americans.

Congress created this popular program under a nineteen sixty-one law, the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange
Act. Last year, one hundred fifty thousand students came to the United States this way.

Students can do the Summer Work/Travel program ____________ than once.

Sally Lawrence heads the State Department office responsible for the program. She says students should begin to gather
information a year before they want to ___________.

More than fifty organizations are approved to act as sponsors. Sally Lawrence advises students to avoid unapproved
groups offering _____________, and to research a few different sponsors.

Sponsors must confirm the English language ability of students and make sure they are currently in school. But sponsors
do not all charge the same ___________ for their services.

Another difference: some sponsors arrange employment and housing for students ___________they leave home. Others
permit students to find their own jobs _____________they arrive.

Sally Lawrence says the first thing to do is to find the ____________of sponsors on the Web page for J visa exchange

The address is a little long, but here it is: Click on Designated Sponsor List,
then choose Summer Work/Travel under Category Description. For more information about the program, go to the main
page and click on Private Sector Programs.

To make it easier, we'll post a link at And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written
by Nancy Steinbach. I'm Steve Ember.

To listen to the audio give a clic on the following link


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“Descriptions in past tense”
3.0 Descriptions in past (describing experiences in past)

a) To describe past experiences in English we use expressions such as:

bored, challenging, exciting, great, happy, terrible, difficult, easy, sad, etc.

b) Let's see some examples

My first job was great

I had a great job when I was 19
I worked for Banamex and it was challenging.
I had a very difficult time when I was in the university
Making calls for the marketing department was easy
I got fired from my first job and that was really sad

c) Let´s see some expressions to make a description in past

I worked for Coca-Cola

I was working for Coca-Cola
I made good money
I was making good money
I didn’t work for walmart
I wasn’t working for Walmart
I didn’t have any experience

d) Let´s see some descriptions in past.

 When I worked in San Jose, I always felt irritated because the city was very crowded.
 I had a very difficult coworker. He made me feel very frustrated.
 In my last job, I had a lot of pressure. The company needed to produce too many products.
 They did not pay me the bonus this year so I decided to quit my job
 When I worked last year, I had the best experience of my life. I felt so motivated and happy.

e) Whatch the video wich explains how to make descriptions in past tense.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

3.1 Making descriptions of places.

To make descriptions of places in the past tense and say what there was, we use "There was" or
"There were"
Look at the drawing and describe what you see as if you were telling it to someone who was not with
you in that place. You can do it in the affirmative not negative.

Example: There was a clock on the wall

There were nine desks
There wasn´t a cat in the classroom
There weren´t any pens on the desks


Make different descriptions from the room above.


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

3.2 Reading: Ms. Graham

Exercise A
I am going to talk about a teacher called Ms Graham. I can remember her really well
because she was a very good teacher. She was my history teacher when I was nine years
old. As for her appearance... well, she was short. She had grey hair and wore small
glasses. I think she was in her forties.

In terms of personality, she was quite strict. However, she was nice and kind too, and she
was quite funny. She taught us a lot about past kings and queens and was very helpful if
we did not understand something. We worked hard, but we had a good time too.

I will never forget Ms Graham because I really learned a lot from her. She taught me that
not all teachers are boring and that you can work hard and have fun at the same time.


1.-What was Nina's teacher called?


2.-What did she teach?


3.-Why does Nina remember her?


Exercise B

Choose the answers from the following options that correspond to the blanks 1 to 6

Beard, Forget, personality, happy, remember, appearance

I can_______ a teacher called Mr Park really well. He was my math teacher when I was
about 15. As for his_______, he was tall and slim with brown hair, and he had a_______. In
terms of_______, he was quite relaxed and_______as he was always smiling. I will
never_______ him because he taught me a lot!

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
3.3 Describe someone you can remember from school.

You should say:

 who they were

 what they looked like
 what kind of person they were

In addition, explain why you remember them.













“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

3.4 Describing a place and an expericence in past.

My model paragraph.

Last month I went to Boston to see my friend. My friend and I went to our favorite
campsite in the mountains. It is near the top of Mount Greylock in the Berkshires. The view
was espectacular in the evening. The sky turned bright orange and pink as the sun set behind
the hills. I could see the valleys and rivers from the tower at the top of the mountain. I did very
exciting things. First of all, there was a small pond near the campsite so I swam a lot when I
got hot. Also, we went on hiking every morning because there were good hiking trails, hiking
every where. I had lots of fresh air during my stay on the mountain. There was a small villaje
near our campsite. In the afternoons, my friend and I walked there, so I had fresh food evey
day, and specially I had delicious fish. In the evenings we set a camp fire and told stories to
each other around the fire. As you can see I enjoyed a lot and had a wonderful time during my

Descriptive words for places:

clean hot Rural

Cold Humind Sandy

Colorful Industrial Smoky

Cool Modern Wide

Crowded Mountainous Windy

Flat Narrow Beautiful

Fresh Old Fantastic

Hilly Quiet Awesome

Stressful Small Large/big

Spectacuar Magnificent Amazing

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
3.5 Describing a place

If this is part of a story and the story is written in past tense, then of course the description will also be in
past tense.

Or if you are describing a place that you visited last year, and you are putting yourself in the scene, it
would all be past tense.

Let´s see two examples:

 He walked to the southern tip of Manhattan and looked across the water at the Statue of
Liberty. It was gleaming in the sun, and he thought of all the immigrants who had looked upon
it with hope.

 We walked to the tip of Manhattan and waited for the Staten Island Ferry. From the free ferry,
we could clearly see the Statue of Liberty, which gleamed a blue-green color in the sun.


Describe a place where you have stayed sometime in the past.











“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
“Past continuos & adverbs if frequency”
4.0 Past continuous & adverbs of frequency.

Watch the following links which explain the usage for past progressive
“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

4.1 Write correct sentences:

Your family were doing different things at six pm yesterday.

Write positive sentences in past progressive.

1.- My mother / read / a novel

2.- My father / watch / a movie
3.- My elder sister / writing / in her diary
4.- My two brothers / listen / to the radio
5.- My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie
6.- We / talk / about school
7.- You / swim / in the club / 5 p.m.

4.2 Past progressive as an action taking place at a certain moment in the past
Being in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the past.

1. Yesterday at six, John (drive) __________ to the airport.

2. During the week of the conference, I (stay) __________ at a nice B&B.
3. Where (you / stay) __________ during your time in London?
4. I (work) __________ at 10pm last night.
5. Ram went home early because it (snow) _________
6. They (be / not) ________ _________ playing football at 9am this morning
7. Yesterday at this time, I (be / sit) ___________ at my desk at work.
8. Last night at 6 PM, I (be / eat) ____________ dinner.
9. At midnight, we (be) still (drive) _________ through the desert.
10. I (Be / study) _____ __________ math from seven to nine p.m. last night.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

4.3 Past progressive as a longer action in the past which was interrupted by another action.

1.-I (be / watch) __________ TV when she (call) _________

2.- When the phone (ring), _______ she (be / write) _________ a letter.

3.- What (be / do) ________ when the earthquake (start) ___________?

4.- You (be not / listen) ___________ to me when I (tell) ________ you to turn the oven off.

5.- What (be) _________ you (do) __________ when you (break) ____________ your leg?

6.- The salesman (be / help) ____________ the customer when the thief (come) __________ into the store.

7.- I tried to tell them the truth but they (Be not / listen) _______ __________ _________.
8.- When I (phone) ___________ my friends, they (Be / play) _______ _________ monopoly.
9.- The kids (Be / play) _______ _________ in the garden when it Suddenly (begin) ________ to rain.
10.- It (Be / get) _______ __________ dark when I (leave) ____________ them at home.

4.4 Past progressive with actions that Happen at the same time but they do not interrupt each

1.- While Ellen (be / read) _____ ________, Tim (be / watch) _______ _________ Television

2.- What (be) _________ you (do) _______while you (be / wait) _______ ________?

3.- While Aaron (be / work) __________ in his room, his friends (Be /swim) __________ in the pool.
4.- The phone (ring) __________ while I (Be / have) _________ breakfast.

5.- While they (be / paint) ______ _______the door, I (Be / paint) ________ _________the

6.- While we (Be / play) _________ __________were playing tennis, Susan (Be / Wash) _________ _________

The dishes.

7.- Marc (Be / make) __________ _______________ pizza while Anthony (Be / watch) __________ __________

8.- We (Be /sit) _______ __________ outside while the planes Be/fly) _______ __________ overhead.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

4.5 Exercises – Past Progressive with (while / when / at some time in the past)

Exercise A

1. What _______the manager ________ at 7:00 pm yesterday? (do)

2. Tina and Shelly ____________ to the hotel when it _________ to rain. (walk/start)
3. When Donny _________ the room, everyone ______________. (enter/talk)
4. I _________ in the sales department when I first _________ Sofie. (work/meet)
5. My brother ______the computer while I ______ for my trip. (use/pack)
6. ______ you ______ attention when the teacher ______ your name? (pay/call)
7. We ______ TV when the lighting ________. (watch/ strike)
8. She _______ about me behind my back, wasn’t she? (whisper)
9. ______ the client really ______out while Troy ______ the proposal? (walk / present)
10. This morning, while I ________ breakfast, someone _______ on the door. (eat /knock)

Exercise B: Complete the sentences.

1.-The sun was shining brightly when ______________________________________________________________

2.- The other day I was waiting at the airport when _________________________________________________

3.- When the alarm went off yesterday, we were _____________________________________________________________

4.- Last week as I was practicing basketball while __________________________________________________

Go to the followig links and practice the past progressive tense.


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

4.6 Past progressive story.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

4.7 Past continuous quiz.

1.My brother and sister _____ playing tennis at 11am yesterday.


2. _____ you still working at 7pm last night?


3. At 8.30am today I _____ driving to work.


4 We _____ sleeping when the police came.


4 Why _____ he having lunch at 4pm?


6 Was he not _____ his homework?

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

7 Snow _____ lightly. Suddenly a reindeer appeared.

was falling
is falling

8 Some body threw a shoe at him _____ he was speaking.


9 They ________ TV when I arrived.

were watching
were watched

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

Listening practice

Soil naturally contains harmless amounts of lead, along with other metals.
Because of pollution, however, the amounts are higher the closer you get
to cities and towns. But experts say this should not stop gardeners from
growing ___________if they take safety measures.

David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York's

College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He explains that lead can
enter the ___________from leaded paint and leaded fuel and from

And once lead gets into the soil, it stays a long ____________.It remains an environmental threat especially
to children. Lead can harm mental and physical development even in babies before they are born.

If a test finds that soil has too much lead, you might be advised to remove the soil or cover it with sod grass.
Different ____________have different levels that they consider acceptable.

Carl Rosen of the University of Minnesota Extension notes that concerns about lead have increased now that
more people are planting gardens. But Professor Rosen says plants generally do not ___________much lead.
He says there is likely more risk from lead dust on plants or from playing in the soil than from the plant

Still, some plants do absorb more than others. Experts say good choices for the garden include _________,
peppers, beans and okra. Among the plants that can absorb more contaminants, they say, are root crops,
leafy vegetables and ___________. If you grow carrots, for example, you might want to peel them. Dirt may
be harder to remove from some crops than from others. But all produce should be washed.

Gardens should be planted away from roads and structures, especially old buildings. Home gardeners should
plant away from the foundation of their ___________. And lead amounts can be especially high near
industrial areas and waste dumps.

Soil should also be tested for its pH level, a measure of the acid and alkaline balance. Experts say the ability
to take up lead is __________ when the pH level is above six and a half. Adding organic material such as
compost to soil can also make lead less available to plants.

Some people attempt a process called phytoremediation. They try to remove lead from soil by growing
certain plants that collect it. But Professor Rosen says the process is ___________ and may not work.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. For more gardening
information, go to I'm Steve Ember.

To listen to the audio give a clic on the link below


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“Used to”
5.0 Used to

We use “used to” when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It can refer to repeated
actions or to a state or situation:
He used to play football for the local team, but he’s too old now.
That white house over there used to belong to my family. (It belonged to my family in the past, but not
any more.)

Watch the links below about used to and take notes.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.1 Used to exercise.

Used to and a verbal form refer to a habit that took place in the past
He used to work in his bedroom.

The negative form is 'didn't use to'

I didn't use to do my homework.

The interrogative form of 'used to' is: Did / Subjet / 'use to' / verbal base /?
Did you use to live in London?

1.- I ________ (work) in the Twin Towers.

2.- _________ (leave) the classroom at 4: 00 pm?
3.- I _________ (forgive) him.
4.- He _______ (beat) me.
5.-The teacher _________ (speak) English in the classroom.
6.- He ___________ (write) a lot.
7.-She __________ (spend) time in the supermarket.
8.- We __________ (not / play) outside.
9.- He __________ (not /write) five stories a day.
10.- ____________ (She / eat) three times a day?

5.2 Make sentences using the information you have to complete past habits.

1.- I / live in a flat long time ago.


2.- We / go to the beach every summer?

3.- He / play golf every weekend?

4.- They both / have short hair


5.- Julie / study Portuguese

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.3 Complete the following past habits using “when” to express actions you don´t do
Example: We used to spend our holidays with our granparents when we were children.

1.- ________ the industrial Revolution started, people _________ (work) long hours.

2.- She (not / drive) _____________ on the left, _________ she (arrive)_________ in


3.- ________ I was a child, I ___________ (not / go) to the beach.

4.- I _________ to go to church every Sunday ________ I was a child.

5.- __________ I (work) ________ I far away, I __________ phone home evey week.

6.- I _________ to go to sleep ________ it was time.

7.- _________ I was a little boy I _________ to be in bed by 8:00

8.- I ________ to run every where ________ I was a child.

9.- I _________ to cry a lot _______ I was a child.

10.- _________ my father got home after work, he _________ to bring lots of candies.

11.- Sam __________ to shout a lot ___________ we play in the park

12.- ________ you __________ to take piano lessons ___________ you were 12 years old?

13.- Tom (not / use) _____________ to finish the class lesson en time ________ we were at

the elementary school.

14.- Alice ___________ to be the most famous gilr ________ we (study) _________ at the

high school.

15.- __________ your teacher __________ to get angry _________ the strudents (shout)

___________ in class?

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.4 Complete the following story with the options you have below.

used to (you can use it 5 times in the blanks), think, thought, didn't use to (you can
use it 3 times in the blanks), go, usually, was, used to play

When I was I child I ____________ cry a lot and I _____________ eat a lot, but I

__________ study as hard as now. I ___________ drive cars because I couldn’t

drive. I __________ go everywhere with my parents and I ___________ be happy

all the time. I __________ play with my friends at the park, but we ____________

play football, we ___________ basketball, which _________ my favourite sport.

And now, I ________ go out with my friends and we __________ to the cinema on

Saturdays. 5 years ago, I also __________ that life was very difficult, now as I’m

older I __________ that life is easy, but anyway I love to stay with my friends and I

also ___________ to the swimming pool, because now it is my favourite hobby and

the reason is that when I was younger, I ___________ swim because my parents

didn’t let me to do it.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.5 Write a short story using used to as in the following example:

As a little girl, I used to climb on everything

I used to play with toy cars too.
I used to destroy spider webs
And I used to eat lots of candies.
I used to sleep in a hut in Summer


“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.6 Reading

Molly Hornby was a young girl in the 1960s. Read what she says about it.

“I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do many things, which shocked our parents. We used

to do things our mothers never did. We cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we smoked, and went dancing. We

danced to the music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. We also got the chance to see the Beatles live at a

concert once. It was amazing. My father went fishing once a week. He always wished that I would accompany

him, but fishing was not my cup of tea. Instead, my friends and I went for picnics in the surrounding area quite

often. My boyfriend had a car, a 1960 Ford Falcon, so he always picked us up and we often drove to Brighton.

We went to the pictures twice a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor,

especially the ‘Reflections in a Golden Eye’ starring both of them. I still love to watch this film. It is my favourite.

I can remember it all so clearly.”

Answer the following situations with right or wrong (R / W)

Molly Hornby …

…used to do many things, which shocked her parents. _______

…used to cut our hair. ______

…used to wear long skirts _______
…used to sing Elvis Presley songs._______
…went to a Beatles’ concert once, _______
…used to go fishing with her father. _______
…used to go for picnics in the surrounding area quite often.________

…used to drive to Brighton with her friends and boyfriend ________

…used to go to the pictures twice a week. _________
…used to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor. __________
“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

“Could vs. was – were able to.
6.0 Could VS. Was - were able to in past.

 could
When John was 16, he could already drive.
At the age of seven, Lisa could already speak three languages.
Matt was very smart, he could beat anybody in his class.

 was able to
John got lost but he was able to get back home by taxi.
“David Alfaro Siqueiros”
When Lisa was in France, she was able to talk with the locals in French.
In the final test, Matt was able to get the best score. 39

Watch the following links to see the explanation to use could - was/were able to in past.


5.2 Could vs was / were able to

To talk about a general ability in the past, we use “could” or “was / were able to”.
* I could / was able to run very fast.
* I could / was able to jump so high.

However; when we talk about a specific success or manage to do something in the past, we
should only use “was / were able to”.

 Since the exam was difficult, only a few students could / were able to pass it. (managed to pass
 We were able to reach to the top of the hill before it got dark yesterday.
(Specific success in the past)

Again, we are talking about general skills or talents – not about a specific occasion (manage to do
 In high school, she could beat anyone in a running race.
 could mimic bird sounds when I was younger.

5.3 Now, Let’s talk about specific occasions, (manage to do something)

1.- We __________ get a really good price on the car.

2.- I ____________ persuade her to volunteer at the show.

3.- I ____________ to win a medal

4.- The fire spread through the building very quickly, but everyone __________ escape.

5.- They didn't want to come with us at first, but finally we _________ persuade them

6.- In the end they __________ rescue the cat on the roof.

7.- I finally _____________ to collect the money I needed.

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.4 was / were be able to vs. could

Was / were able to = to manage to do something in a particular situation.

Could = had the general ability to do something (state)

Note: verbs see, hear, feel, understand, remember, state, always go with could

1.- My grandpa was very clever. He _____________ speak five languages.

2.- The fire spread quickly, but every one ___________ escape.
3.- He hurt his leg, so __________ (not walk) very well.
4.- She wasn´t at home when I called but I ___________ contact her at her office.
5.- They didn´t have many tomatoes in the first store I went to, but I __________ to get some in the
next one.
6.- My grand mother loved music. She __________ play the piano very well.
7.- The boy fell into the river, but fortunatelly we __________ to rescue him.
8.- I _________ swim when I was 5.
9.- He tried very hard but he ___________ to swim back to the boat.
10.- We ___________ put out the fire before much damage was done.
11.- My doughter ___________ walk when she was only 11 months old.
12.- I ________ finish all the work you wanted me do yesterday.
13.- You were talking quite loudly. I __________ hear you.
14.- How was the test? Easy, all the students ___________ pass it.
15.- He ___________ repair the car but it took him a lot of time.
16.- We wanted to go to the opera but we _________ get tickets.
17.- Fortunatelly, I __________ get his address from his office.
18.- I don´t know how the cat __________ to get throught the window, but he did.
19.- After the accident she somehow ___________ walk home.
20.- After several hours fire fighters ___________ put out the fire

“David Alfaro Siqueiros”

5.5 Write a story in past tense. Try to use Could / was – were able to, when possible.



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