Hậu quả của chặt phá rừng (Ảnh hưởng môi trường)

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Hậu quả của chặt phá rừng

(Ảnh hưởng môi trường)

Every creature is born playing different roles in life, and destroying anything obviously would
leave unpredictable consequences. Deforestation, as everyone knows, firstly will terribly affect
the environment including air, water, earth, and ecology.

(Không khí)

Climate change, the greenhouse effect, global warming, all have the same cause of deforestation.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, deforestation contributes one-
third of human-induced carbon dioxide emissions, especially in the tropics since destroying
tropical forests is responsible for 20% of the total. Plants absorb carbon during photosynthesis
and release oxygen into the air, thus destroying them will not only cause the Earth to lose a lung
but also release the carbon stored in the tree back into the air. In deforested areas, the soil heats
faster, and the weather becomes hotter, which stimulates the evaporation of water in the soil,
leading to prolonged heavy rain.

(Nước và Đất)

When trees are no longer there to evaporate water, the climate would be much drier, and the
amount of water in the soil, the groundwater, and the humidity of the air would reduce. This not
only breaks the water cycle but also demotes soil cohesion, leading to erosion, floods, and

(Sinh thái)

Forests are refuges for animals, providing ecological diversity and medicinal resources,
particularly tropical forests with 80% of biodiversity in the world. Deforestation is also
contributing to the eradication of plant and animal species; however, the rate that we know is
very low. The endangered species and the flora currently are still having a high and stable
coverage, but this does not mean we can be subjective.

(Ảnh hưởng kinh tế)

Deforestation even affects the economy when West Africa, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, and
many other parts of the world have suffered income losses due to declining timber production.
Illegal forest exploitation costs the economy billions of dollars each year. Short-term economic
benefits often lead to long-term economic consequences, affecting the long-term income and
yield of the forest.

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