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IT Leadership
Move from reactive to proactive
Reacting – a broken In a recent Forrester Research survey
model for IT of IT leaders at more than 3,700

Traditionally, business units looked to IT to implement
companies, respondents
estimated that they spend
the technology required to meet their business plans.
They prepared detailed specifications, and IT either
purchased or developed a solution to meet that need. an average 72% of the %
This approach led to complex, custom solutions that
money in their budgets on
were difficult to manage. Often the solutions were out keep-the-lights-on functions such as
of date soon after they were deployed. IT departments
ended up spending most of their time on updates and replacing or expanding capacity and
maintenance rather supporting ongoing operations
than innovation. and maintenance, while only
28 % 28% of the money goes
toward new projects.

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 2

Coming up short

of employees believe
Clearly, this
IT is ineffective at
providing collaboration, wasn’t working.
data analysis, and
IT was often seen as an impediment as it
mobility capabilities. struggled to maintain current systems and
deliver new capabilities in a secure way.
IT Impact Report: Five Key Findings on Driving Employee
Productivity, CEB Inc., 2014. 7

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 3

Here comes the cloud
The cloud promised to change all that. Solutions
would be easy to deploy and maintain, bringing the
business a new era of improved customer service
from IT. However, for many companies it hasn’t
happened that way. With the cloud, business
Because the cloud makes deployment easy, business departments can more easily
decision-makers are increasingly leading the selection
of new apps, devices, and technology solutions implement their own solutions
without consulting IT, leading to an increase in
shadow IT. The problem is, allowing business units without IT involvement.
to select and deploy solutions on their own can
undermine your IT strategy. While new solutions
may be a potential source of innovation, they are
frequently beyond IT’s control and can threaten
important security and compliance requirements. As an example, a marketing department that needs a file sharing
solution may purchase their own licenses for a consumer product
that they believe meets their business need. But without a strong
understanding of the security capabilities, the department could be
going against corporate security policies.

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 4


83% 80%
of employees
of CIOs believe cloud
adoption without admit to using
IT involvement will non-approved SaaS
continue to increase. apps in their jobs.
“Global CIO Study 2015: Taking up the Task of Business The Hidden Truth Behind Shadow IT, Frost & Sullivan (An
Transformation,” Brocade, May 12, 2015. Executive Brief sponsored by McAfee), November 2013. 5

As a result, your IT team may find it more difficult to execute

strategies that are relevant and can drive long-term value for
your company. Left unchecked, this situation may leave your IT
organization increasingly out of the loop—and with less control
over IT security and operations.

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 5

A new approach
IT teams must also be able to manage a diverse
range of devices, help employees connect from
Today’s technologies present a great anywhere, and provide quick access to applications
opportunity for digital transformation. and information—while maintaining security and ease
Companies need agility to shift business of use. If you’re tasked with managing point solutions
models and empower employees to that were implemented by business units, this can be
innovate at previously unimaginable extremely difficult. The resulting overlap of solutions,
speeds. IT must partner with business lack of integration, and duplication of effort can lead to
unit leaders to drive innovation across inefficiencies and breakdowns across the organization.
the company.

Instead, you need to take the lead

by bringing new services to the business that will make
business units more productive. By developing close
working relationships with business units, you can even
present solutions—solutions built for security, simplicity,
scale, and flexibility that don’t put your organization at
risk--before the business realizes that it needs them.

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 6

What if you could...
On the surface, taking a leadership position
may seem daunting given the intense focus
on managing daily operations.

But what if you could provide your business

users with the capabilities they need to If you could, you’d be positioned to
collaborate seamlessly, and in real time? deliver a consistent and optimized user
experience across platforms and devices
At the same time, what if you could take a to reduce business friction and enable growth.
proactive stance to extend protection and Then you could shift the perception of IT as a
reduce risk? roadblock to one of a strategic partner vital to
business success and establish IT leadership.
And what if you could simplify your
productivity platform—both for
employees and for IT? With Microsoft Office 365,

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 7

You can:

WHY Microsoft Drive innovation by enabling

employees to collaborate
Help your organization
transform while proactively
Unify your
productivity platform

Office 365? seamlessly in real time

You’ll help employees innovate and
protecting against risks
Working with Microsoft, you can
Replace a complex jumble of tools with
a solution that simplifies management
do their best work by supporting protect your enterprise against and gives you centralized control
When you partner with Microsoft,
enhanced levels of collaboration and growing security threats from exploits, and visibility within a more secure IT
you can take a leadership position environment. Working with Microsoft,
communication. Using Office 365, vulnerabilities, and malware. Using
In the pre-digital economy, you’ll make it easier for everyone to Office 365, you’ll gain new capabilities you can help boost IT effectiveness and
organizations focused on process work together by securely integrating to help eliminate external risks and maximize resources by consolidating
efficiency and executed in a divide- information across the enterprise. stop known and unknown threats to your management and productivity
and-conquer approach. In a digital In this environment, employees can sensitive data. You’ll also plug internal tools. In our streamlined Office 365
environment, you can offer an improved
economy, the goal is to architect for access information faster through any gaps to security and compliance
device—and respond just as quickly. through policy-based monitoring and user experience and bolster productivity
agility and new types of business through a fully integrated and familiar
management of third-party apps in use
models that enable employees and suite of business applications.
in your organization.
customers to innovate at a pace
unimaginable in earlier generations. Through these capabilities, you can
amplify business value and establish IT
as a leader within your organization.

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 8

Deliver new
technology that
employees will love
before they expect it

Create a productive workplace
to embrace diverse workstyles

Enable your people to get
things done anywhere

Provide insights to drive faster,
better business

Protect your organization,
data and people

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 9

Customer success story: Assurant IT provides cloud
tools to reinvent workplace in a digital world
Assurant, a Fortune 500 intranet called Connect. Connect delivers
company that provides modern communications methods such as
risk management Yammer—the enterprise social network in
solutions, is evolving Office 365—embedded prominently on the
its business to satisfy intranet’s home
customer expectations for on-demand page, along “It’s amazingly helpful for
service. Assurant IT led the drive to replace with a Microsoft
standalone desktop productivity applications Office 365 Video our claims staff in the office
with Microsoft Office 365 and reinvent portal that to view video footage of
business processes across the company. “We disseminates property damage.”
had to match today’s rapid pace of business corporate news.
with a more mobile, productive workforce,” Assurant field staff spend most of their time
says Robert Lewis, Chief Information Officer on the road, assessing property claims. Today,
at Assurant. “If we are to stay ahead in a they can upload photographs and assessments
global, Internet-based market, we have to to SharePoint Online team sites in real-time.
help our 14,500 employees around the world “The faster we get accurate information from
work faster and better together.” the field, the faster we can assess claims and
Employees worldwide are working faster help our customers,”
now that they have simplified access to data says Lewis.
and colleagues everywhere through a new

Establish IT Leadership: Move from reactive to proactive 10

Ready to begin a new
era of IT leadership?

Learn more about how Office

365 can support your business
needs. Click here to take a
guided tour!

© 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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