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Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS)


EPPS was the first attempted to measure Murray’s 1938 manifested need with a
structured inventory. Edward was a psych mentation, he developed an objective
structured to test to measure 15 needs in a more reliable and variable manner.

EPPS consist of 225 pair of statements in which each item from each of the 15 scale are
paired with items from the other 14 the inventory used a forced choice format in which
the must chooses the one statement from each pair that is most personally representative.

There are 15 needs of human personality, there are following.

1. Achievement: To do one best to be successful.

2. Deference: To get suggestions from order.

3.Order: To have written work need and organize and to make a plan by starting on a
difficult task.

4. Exhibition: To say witty things.

5. Autonomy: To be able to come and go a desired.

6.Affiliation: To be loyal to friends and participate in friends group.

7. Interception: To analysis one’s own motives and feeling and to observe others.

8. Succorance: To have provide help to others when they are in trouble or to seek
encouragement from other.

9. Dominance: To argue for one’s points of view or to be the leader.

10.Abasement: To feel guilt when does something wrong.

11.Nurturance: To help friendly when they are in trouble and help others who are less

12. Chang: To do new and different things.

13.Endurance: To keep at a job until it is finished.

14. Heterosexuality: To go out with the member of opposite sex and to engage in sexual
activities with opposite sex.

15.Aggression: To attend contrary point of view, to criticize when publically, to become

angry and to get revenge.


It is satisfactory split-half reliable of the score range from .60 to .70 and test recent
reliabilities from


Little evidence for validity of EPPS scale as measure of psychologists needs is

questionable or however a recent study by Pied-Mont Lofta, 1992 provide strong support
for the validity of EPPS.

Bio Data

Name N.S

Age 21 years
Gender Female

Education BS Applied Psychology

Marital Status Single

No of Sibling 6
Order of birth 2th
Informart Subject Herself

Reason for Referral

The examiner called the subject for the purpose of Psychological Assessment i.e. Edward
Personal Preferences Schedule.

Background Information

Family History

The age of subject father was 55 Years. His qualification was matric. He was a carpenter
that lived in foreign country for his job. The subject had healthy relations with her father.
The subject mother was 48 Years old. She was a house wife and his qualification was
matric. The subject had healthy relations with her mother. The first born was 25 Years
old. He was a student of BBA and also doing a part time job. The second born was
subject herself. The third born was 17 years old and she was a student of intermediate.
The fourth born was 14 years old. She was a student of class 9. The fifth born was 12
Years old and she was a student of class 5. The sixth born was 8 years old and he was a
student of class 3. The subject had healthy relations with his younger

Personal History
The subject birth was normal. All milestones were achieved at normal age. The subject
was started schooling at the age of 4 years. She was an average student. She likes
creativity and music. She does not make friends immediately and no more talkative but
but she has social interactions with others. She has much interest in history. She also like
to visit different historical places. The subject had healthy relations with her friends. Her
hobbies were watching tv, cooking and music.
Test Administration

The test was administered in the distraction free room. All material provided by the
examiner. The examiner giver her instructions according to the manual. The subject
follows the instructions. The subject asked several questions before test. The examiner
answers every questions until her confusion was resolved.

Behavioral Observation

The subject was neatly dressed up. She was sitting on the chair comfortably. Her
expression seems like to be curious before the test. During the test her expressions were
confusing. She showed cooperative attitude throughout the test.

Quantitative Analysis

N R C S Percentile
ach 10 5 15 72

def 9 6 15 80

ord 10 9 19 97

exh 8 8 16 73

aut 2 3 5 6

aff 7 4 11 7

int 9 6 15 35

suc 8 8 16 81

dom 4 6 10 23

aba 7 7 14 45

nur 10 13 23 95

chg 11 10 21 81

end 10 10 20 93

het 1 4 5 5

agg 2 3 5 14

Qualitative Analysis

The subject got 72 percentile on achievement which shows that the subject was a good
achiever. The subject reported 80 percentile on deference which shows that the subject
was good respectful to her elders. Subject got 97 percentile on order which shows that the
life of the test taker was ordered in good manner. The subject obtained 73 percentile on
exhibition which shows that she was an exhibitioner. The subject got 6 percentile on
autonomy which predicts that the subject was not too much independent. She got 7
percentile on affiliation which shows that the subject was not so much social and does
make strong relations with other. Subject got 35 percentile on interception which
represents the subject does not have sympathetic feelings to analysis someone’s
emotions. She got 81 percentile on succorance which shows that the subject does too
highly seek help or encouragement from others. The subject got 23 percentile on
dominance which shows that the subject was not a good leader like personality and she
does not want to influence others. The subject got 45 percentile on abasement which
predicts that the subject does not feel guilty when others do something wrong. Subject
got 95 percentile on nurturance which shows that she does highly assist others. The
subject got 81 percentile on change which shows that she was too fond of traveling and to
do new things. She got 93 percentile on endurance which shows that she had an enduring
character and she does keep on the working to the end. Subject got 5 percentile on
heterosexuality which means that the subject was not much attracted to the opposite sex.
The subject got 14 percentile on aggression which shows that she shows little bit any sort
of aggression.


The subject’s total percentile 2 that the result shows that the subject has low than
normative level of consistency in naturally in which shows that she need and more
concern of affiliation, autonomy and hetrosexuality.


Edward, L.A.(1959). University of Washington. Manual for Edward Personal

Preference Test. The psychological Corporation, New York.


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