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Quote/Pet Word

-Basic Information-
Human: Flora
Elf possessing body: Maeva

Family: None
Alias/Nickname: Flower girl

Family Members:
Unnamed mother
Unnamed father

Social Class: Commoner

Race: Human ( Elf possessed ( is not possessed at the moment ) )
Birthday: April 5th
Age: 15

Quote/Pet Word

-Extra Information-
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 4'10"
Weight: 89lbs
Width: Umm….

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Purple
Skin Tone: Tan

Quote/Pet Word

-Character Development-
Personality: Flora is a kind and cheerful girl who loves plants, animals, and people. She tends to try to
see the good side of people even if the person in question doesn't deserve it as she views every life as
important and valuable including plants. She cares so much that she refuses to harm animals and
people if she can, and cries when she accidentally steps on bugs or plants. While she prefers to avoid
violence and fighting she will not ignore anyone harming innocents including animals and plants and
will try her best to protect them even though she doesn't really know how to fight yet.

Elf possessing Flora: Maeva is a kind girl who uses her sunflower magic to heal other elves and
animals. She was very happy and friendly until the elves were killed by humans. She is still friendly
towards elves and animals but gets angry and violent the moment that she sees a human.

Motives/Plans: to become a great magic knight to protect others.

Maeva : To kill all humans

Alignment: lawful Good

Likes: Plants, Animals, helping people, protecting innocents, tea

Dislikes: meat, others getting hurt, bullying, feeling helpless, not being able to protect others, scary
Maeva: Humans

Habits: She talks to animals even though they can't reply to her, she makes sure that she doesn't step
on any bugs or other small animals when she is walking , tends to plants, feeds any hungry animals
Fears: Killing any living being
Maeva: Elves not being able to reincarnate and kill all the humans.

Quote/Pet Word

-Magic Knight Information-

Magic Knight Squad: Aqua deer
Magic Knight Rank: Junior magic knight

Flora was born to a poor commoner couple who could barely afford to feed themselves so as an infant
they left her at the door of an orphanage hoping that she would have a better life there. The mother at
the orphange saw the girl's bright and cheery smile and named her Flora. Flora lived at the orphanage
with the other children and helped with taking care of the plants and animals around it including her
sunflower garden. Despite her weak magic she was able to use magic to help her sunflowers grow. At
the age of 15 she received her grimoire and decided that she wanted to try taking the magic knight
exam. She was told that she didn't have to take it but decided that she wanted to do so to protect
people and help them like the orphanage did when she was a baby.

Flora was surprised that she made it into a magic knight squad when the only spell she knows is a
healing one. She however is happy to have been accepted and doesn't want to let her new squad, the
wizard king, or anyone else down.

Maeva: Maeva was a young girl who used her sunflower magic to heal other elves and injured
animals. She also took care of plants and flowers that she had going in her yard. She had a lot of hope
that humans and elves could live in peace before she was murdered along with the other elves. She
watched in horror as some of her family and friends were killed in front of her before she ended up
dying along with them. She is currently not possessing Flora's body.

Theme Song:

Quote/Pet Word

-Power Information-
Grimoire Appearance:
Her grimoire is a green one with a sunflower on the front of it.

Affinity(ies): plant
Magic: Sunflower
Magic Description: The magic allows the caster to generate and manipulate sunflowers

Character Bonuses: Elf possessed ( in the future )

Mana skin ( She learned it in the heart kingdom)

Spell Name: Sunflower healing magic
Spell Type: Supplementary
Spell Description: With an open grimoire, the user generates a large sunflower that can heal others,
however it is limited to the number of petals on the sun flower. If it runs out of petals the spell has to
be recast to heal any additional people. And serious injuries take more flower petals to heal than small
injuries. Small cuts take 5 to heal with more serious injuries taking way more to heal people. The
petals fall off as they heal leaving the plant to wither away and die once all of the petals are gone.
Currently it only has 34 petals. After training in the heart kingdom the number of petals has risen to
55 petals.

Spell Name: Sunflower Seed Bullets

Spell Type: Offensive
Magic Type: Sunflower magic

Description: With an open grimoire the caster shoots giant hardened sunflower seeds at a target at a
high speed kind of like mana bullets, but with sunflower seeds.

Spell Name: Sunflower Trap Magic: Sunflower Taproot Net ( She learned this in the heart kingdom)
Spell Type: Trap
Magic Type: Sunflower
Description: With an open grimoire the user draws out a rune array magic circle on the ground, from
the runes giant sunflower roots come up and form a net trapping any targets that step into the magic
circle. This spell takes a while to prepare. The roots are as thick as rope. The roots can be cut or

Spell Name: Sunflower laser ( Maeva only, Flora doesn't know it yet )
Spell Type: Offensive
Spell Description: With an open grimoire, the user creates a large sun flower and, from an opening of
the petals, launches a powerful beam of concentrated mana.

The spell could also be grown around corners, allowing the user to fire from cover.

Spell Name:
Spell Type:
Spell Description:

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Do That. :)

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