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Evaly is founded by Mohammed Rassel in December 2018 with an ambition of building on

everything store of Bangladesh .It registered with RJSC. It started with a paid-up capital of
Tk.50000,still had a paid-up capital of Tk.50000.Its authorized capital is tk. 500000.Mohammed
Rassel owns 1000 shares and his wife own 4000 shares worth tk. 10 lac.
Currently or from beginning of the business Eavly has officering discount, cash back, gift card,
and many more things. If a customer buy for example Tk. 200worth of goods the customer can
get the same amount back or even more .In case of failure of products delivery Evaly pay the
customer market price of the product which is much higher than the paid amount.
The company is constantly coming up with higher discount to attract new customers .the total
number of customers of evaly as of 28 February in 2021 was makes Evaly fast
growing E-Commerce in Bangladesh .but since the start of its operation in the 2017-2018 fiscal
year, Evaly has been making losses and its losses increasing every day. In the first year the
company had a net losses of tk. 1.68 lac. The company’s accumulated loss as of 14 March this
year increased to tk 316.49 core. According to an inspection report of central bank Evaly’s
liabilities tk. 403.80 corer ( Evaly did not deliver products against a cumulative sum of tk.213.94
corer in advance payments from the customers & company owes tk. 189.85 core to the markets
from whom it bought products) while its current asset is only tk.65.17 core. With all its current
assets Evaly can repay only 16.14% of its total liabilities .To repay previous liabilities and cover
up loses Evaly is praising money from customers by attracting them through various lucrative
offers .Tk. 73.39 corer in Evaly’s virtual IDs ( Account,Holding,gift card ,Cash Back)of these
customers .But Evaly had a total deposit of tk. 2.04 corer in Bank .the company has fixed assets
worth tk. 26.51 corer against a paid-up capital of tk.1 corer but it has no long time liabilities .the
total asset of Evaly is only 22.52% of the total liabilities of the company. In the period between 1
July2020 to 14 March 2021, the total revenue of Evlay stood at tk. 28.54 corer and sales
expenditure was tk. 207.Evaly is its statement has shown that it spent tk. 3.57 per sale for an
income of 1 taka.
If the liabilities increase more and more Evaly will not survive in market. A business should be
sustainable, to make sustainable business Evaly should reduce their liabilities against asset. The
discount offer & gift card worked to well to attract the customers. So Evaly has so many loyal
customers .Decreasing of discount offer & gift card would not effect too much. One good things
of Evaly is the provide customer the genuine product. As a result customer doesn’t complain
about the product delivery time. Evaly should try to deliver the product as quick as possible. For
earning tk. 1 Evaly should expense much more less of tk.1. Investing in different sector and asset
would increase the profit & value of Evaly
School of Business Studies


Final Assessment
Semester: Spring: 2021
Course Code: 515.3
Course Title: Marketing Management

Submitted to:
Iftekhar Shahab Uddin
Southeast Business School

Submitted By:
Md.Saddam Hossain
ID: 2021010004031
Date of Submission: 17 June 2021

Q-1: What is a Marketing Information System (MIS)? What roles does it have in the
marketing success of any organization? Briefly explain.

Answer to the question no -01

Marketing Information System (MIS):

A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort,
analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision

It refers to the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, storage and dissemination of the
market information, from both the internal and external sources, to the marketers on a regular,
continuous basis.

The roles of a marketing department:

The Marketing Department plays a vital role in promoting the business and mission of an
organization. It serves as the face of your company, coordinating and producing all materials
representing the business.

Depending on your company, the duties of the Marketing Department may include one or more
of the following:
 Defining and managing your brand. This involves defining who you are, what you
stand for, what you say about yourself, what you do and how your company acts. This, in
turn, defines the experience you want your customers and partners to have when they
interact with you.
 Conducting campaign management for marketing initiatives. Marketing proactively
identifies the products and services to focus on over the course of your sales cycle, and
then produces materials and communications that get the word out.
 Producing marketing and promotional materials. Your marketing department should
create the materials that describe and promote your core products and/or services. They
should be kept up-to-date as those products and services evolve.
 Creating content providing search engine optimization for your website. Your
website is often the first (and possibly the only) place people go for information about
you. Your marketing department will be responsible for keeping Web content current,
while also working to ensure your site comes up quickly when someone searches for
your type of business.
 Monitoring and managing social media. Marketing should contribute to, manage and
maintain your social media pages. It should also manage accounts and carefully watch
what’s being posted about you online.
 Producing internal communications. Your employees need to understand your
company, its values, its goals and its priorities. Marketing is often responsible for
employee communications through a newsletter and/or intranet.
 Serving as media liaison. When your company is cited in the media, a member of the
marketing department often acts as spokesperson for your company, or guides executives
in how to respond to media queries.
 Conducting customer and market research. Research helps you define target markets
and opportunities and help you understand how your products and services are perceived.
 Overseeing outside vendors and agencies. Marketing is typically responsible for
selecting and managing the agencies and vendors who produce marketing materials and
or/provide marketing support. These may include ad agencies, print vendors, PR
agencies or specialists, Web providers, etc.
 The marketing information system for business functions is used in a rightful manner so as to
fulfill the organization’s goals and needs. This in turn will automatically lead to the enhancement
of sales in that company.

Q-2: Explain briefly how trends can shape business landscape with example?

Answer to the question no -02

A market trend is anything that alters the market where your company operates. This could be
something as far-reaching as artificial intelligence technology, as fickle as consumer preferences,
or as industry-specific as new regulations. In fact, it’s almost certain there are multiple market
trends affecting your business at the same time, right now.

Trends Shaping the Business Landscape: now discuss some of the Trends shaping the business
landscape bellow:

 Profound shifts in centers of economic activity

 Increases in public-sector activity
 Change in consumer landscape
 Technological connectivity
 Scarcity of well-trained talent
 Increase in demand for natural resources
 Emergence of new global industry structures
 Ubiquitous access to information
 Management shifts from art to science
 Increase in scrutiny of big business practices

Example: The Corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak is now impacting our personal and
professional lives. Many are trying to navigate through their unfolding business complexities
related to people, supply-chain, financial health, customer engagement and risk management.

We are currently going through one of the most significant historical changes ever experienced
in the last 100 years. Old businesses will change and new businesses will emerge. We are already
seeing a shift in services our clients are adopting as a response to this pandemic. Essential
services in relation to healthcare, energy and natural resources, water, and emergency services
will continue to be in demand, although the business models for these industries may change.

We need to be vigilant and cautious about the further impact of the spread of the virus, and
resilient to create new ways of living and working. We need to gain inspiration on how two of
the most populous nations of the world; India and China are managing the situation. The
collective wealth of western nations will help repurpose spending and improve healthcare.

New ways of living and working will emerge as soon as fear subsides, so let’s start now, by
discussing ten ways to reimaging and reinvent our lives, our organizations and our society.

 Globalization will be redefined with a stronger emergence of social capitalism

 Acceleration of digital transformation
 The use of an on-demand workforce will increase
 A new burning platform for healthcare reform
 Industries will be forced to reinvent with up skilling and deskilling becoming a major
 Change in work habits will lead to urban transformation

No doubt, COVID-19 is challenging the status quo and conventional thinking across all
industries but recognizing some of the trends mentioned above and taking timely action will help
individuals and companies gain an advantage in this world of disruption

Q-3: What is Green Marketing myopia? Why company tends to go Green? What impacts
does it have for any company due to Green marketing myopia?
Answer to the question no -03

Green Marketing myopia

Green marketing myopia is a lack of discernment by companies to recognize that customers are
as concerned with the idea of ''What's in it for me?'' as they are ''How is this good for the
environment?'' In fact, may be more so. Consumers are drawn to products that fulfill their wants
and needs (such as enhanced performance or reduced cost) outside of eco-friendly product

Company trends to go green:

Consumers care more than ever before about the environmental impact of the products they buy,
and companies are incorporating green business trends in order to capitalize on this growing
demand. n addition to the revenue-boosting effect from 'going green', businesses can also
appreciate some significant savings from reduced energy costs by incorporating sustainability
and energy efficiency into their products, practices and operations. 

 Innovative & Renewable Energy

 Zero Waste
 Energy Efficient House wares
 Operating Green
 Sustainable Advertising

Impacts does it have for any company due to Green Marketing myopia:

1. Green products require renewable and recyclable material, which is costly.

2. Problems of deceptive advertising and false claims. 3. Requires a technology, which requires
huge investments in research and development.

4. Majority of the people are not aware of green products and their uses.

5. Majority of the consumers are not willing to pay a premium for green products.

6. Educating customers about the advantages of green marketing.

Companies such as Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Canon, Toyota, Philips, NTPC and McDonald’s
follow green marketing. Green marketing should not neglect the economic aspect of marketing.
Marketers need to understand the implications of green marketing.

Green marketing should not be considered as one more approach to marketing. It has to be
pursued with much greater vigor as it has environmental and social impact. With global warming
looking largely, it is important that green marketing becomes the norm rather an exception, or
just a fad.
Q-4: Define marketing research. Give example. Explain in detail marketing research
process with suitable example.

Answer to the question no -05

Marketing research:

Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and
findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

Types of Marketing Research Firms:

Three types of marketing research are given bellow:

Custom ted-
The Marketing Research Process:

 Define the problem

 Develop research plan
 Collect information
 Analyze information
 Present findings
 Make decision

Problem Definition:

Define the problem and research objectives. The first step in any marketing research study is to
define the problem, while taking into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background
information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making. This stage
involves discussion with the decision makers, interviews with industry experts, analysis of
secondary data, and, perhaps, some qualitative research, such as focus groups. There are three
types of objectives that can be deployed in marketing research:

 Exploratory research

 Descriptive research

  Causal research

 Develop a Research Plan

Once you have a problem definition, research objectives, and a preliminary set of research
questions, the next step is to develop a research plan. Essential to this plan is identifying
precisely what information you need to answer your questions and achieve your objectives. Do
you need to understand customer opinions about something? Are you looking for a clearer
picture of customer needs and related behaviors? Do you need sales, spending, or revenue data?
Do you need information about competitors’ products, or insight about what will make
prospective customers notice you? When do need the information, and what’s the time frame for
getting it? What budget and resources are available?

Collect the Information:

This is one of the most expensive methods of marketing research. At this stage, the researcher
has to adopt the methods to collect the information; he may find it difficult to gather the correct
information because of the respondent’s baseness, unwillingness to give answers or not at home.

Analyze the Information: Once the information is collected the next step is to organize it in
such a way that some analysis can be obtained. The researchers apply several statistical
techniques to perform the analysis, such as they compute averages and measures of dispersion.
Also, some advanced decision models are used to analyze the data.

Present the Findings: Finally, all the findings and the research are shown to the top
management level viz. managing director, CEO, or board of directors to make the marketing
decisions in line with the research.
Make the Decision: This is the last step of the marketing research, once the findings are
presented to the top level management it is up to them either to rely on the findings and take
decisions or discard the findings as unsuitable.

Thus, marketing research is done to gather all the relevant information about the market and
design the marketing strategies accordingly.

Q-5: Take a position: “Marketing research should be quantitative”. Or “Marketing

research should be qualitative”. Provide arguments in favor of your position.

Answer to the question no -05


Qualitative research is a process of real-life inquiry that aims to understand social phenomena. It
focuses on the "why" and “how” rather than the "what" of social phenomena and depends on the
direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their everyday lives. It is a
scientific research method used to gather non-numerical data. Qualitative research focuses on
human behavior from a participant's point of view.

The three major focus areas are individuals, societies and cultures, and language and
communication – employed across academic disciplines, qualitative market research, journalism,
business, and so on.


Qualitative researchers use varying methods of inquiry for the study of human phenomena
including biography, case study, historical analysis, discourse analysis, ethnography, grounded
theory and phenomenology.

The common assumptions are that knowledge is subjective rather than objective and that the
researcher learns from the participants in order to understand the meaning of their lives.
Types of Qualitative Research:

Narrative Research

This method occurs over extended periods of time and garners information as it happens. It laces
a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individuals to form a consistent story.

Ethnographic Research

This method is one of the most popular and widely recognized methods of qualitative research,
as it immerses samples in cultures unfamiliar to them. The researcher is also often immersed as a
subject for extended periods of time.

Historical Research

This method investigates past events in order to learn present patterns and anticipate future
choices. It enables the researcher to explore and explain the meanings, phases and characteristics
of a phenomenon or process at a particular point of time in the past.

Grounded Theory

The grounded theory research method looks at large subject matters and attempts to explain why
a course of action progresses the way it did.

Case Study

This involves deep understanding through multiple data sources. Case studies can be
explanatory, exploratory, or descriptive. 

5 Types of Quantitative Research:

Descriptive Research

Descriptive research method is more focused on the ‘what’ of the subject matter rather than the
‘why’ it aims to describe the current status of a variable or phenomenon.

Co relational Research

Co relational research is a non-experimental research method, where the researcher measures

two variables, and studies the statistical relationship i.e. the correlation between variables. The
researcher ultimately assesses that relationship without influence from any peripheral variable.

Experimental Research

Often referred to as ‘true experimentation’, this type of research method uses a scientific method
to establish cause-effect relationship among a group of variables. It is commonly defined as a
type of research where the scientist actively influences something to observe the consequences.
Quasi-experimental Research

The prefix quasi means “resembling”. Quasi-experimental research resembles experimental

research but is not a true experimental research. It is often referred to as ‘Causal-Comparative’.

Survey Research

Survey Research uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling polls to get a sense of behavior
with concentrated precision. Researchers are able to judge behavior and then present the findings
in an accurate way.

To measure opinions, quantitative research is the right choice. If an in-depth understanding of

perceptions revealing conscious, or even unconscious ways individuals reason through and come
to their conclusions on a matter, then qualitative research is the best bet

Q-6: What are merits & demerits of online marketing research? Briefly explain with

Answer to the question no -05

Merits of online marketing research:


Collecting data doesn't have to break the bank anymore. There are plenty of websites and
platforms that make creating your survey fast and affordable.

Fast: Respondents' answers store automatically so you get results at your fingertips in no time.
This turns analyzing your results into effortless and immediate action.

Accuracy of data, even for sensitive questions:

The ability to process quantitative data in real time and to automatically create transcripts in
qualitative research, automatic transition to appropriate questions depending on earlier answers
given by the respondent

Design Flexibility
Surveys can be programmed even if they're very complex.  Intricate skip patterns and logic can be
employed seamlessly.  You can create the layout, questions, and answer choices with no hassle.

Small sample: in this online marketing research you cannot find lots of sample in your research .you can
find small sample which is not proper sample for your research.

Demerits of online marketing research:


Bias is bad word, especially in market research. Research analysts try to avoid bias at all costs.
When using an online panel, it’s important to add effective screener questions to help diminish
bias or low-quality responses.

Time consuming: Tasks such as optimizing online advertising campaigns and creating
marketing content can take up a lot of time. It's important to measure your results to ensure a

Skills and training:

You will need to ensure that your staff has the right knowledge and expertise to carry out digital
marketing with success. Tools, platforms and trends change rapidly and it's vital that you keep

Security and privacy issues:

There are a number of legal considerations around collecting and using customer data for digital
marketing purposes. Take care to comply with the rules regarding privacy and data protection. 
 Erroneous findings:

The complicated problems may not be comprehensively studied and their impact properly
analyzed by the researcher on account of insufficient fund, time and technique. This leads to
erroneous findings, which disappoint the management.

Q-7: Briefly explain “Ethnographic” & “Behavioral Data” with suitable example.
Answer to the question no -07


Ethnography is a qualitative research method that comes from the discipline of anthropology but
is applicable to other disciplines. Ethnography is the in-depth study of a culture or a facet of a
culture. Because of this, ethnographic research often looks very different compared with other
research designs.

For example, an ethnographer studying the religious practices of a culture would not only attend
religious services but also participate in them, because this would allow them to truly understand
these practices from an insider’s point of view.

Behavioral data:

Behavioral data is data generated by, or in response to, a customer’s engagement with a business.
This can include things like page views, email sign-ups, or other important user
actions. Common sources of behavioral data include websites, mobile apps, CRM systems,
marketing automation systems, call centers, help desks, and billing systems.

Customers can either be consumers, businesses, or individuals within a business, but behavioral
data can always be tied back to a single end-user. It’s important to note that this user can be a
known individual (logged-in) or anonymous (not logged in).

This type of data is typically created and stored in the form of an “event,” meaning an action that
was taken, with “properties,” meaning metadata used to describe the event. For example, an
event could be “site visit” and a property for that event could be “device type.” It may help to
think of events as the “what” and the properties as the “who, when, and where.”

Q-8: What is Marketing-Mix Modeling? Highlight different measures of market demand

with example.

Answer to the question no -08

Marketing-mix models:
Marketing-mix models analyze data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data,
company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more
precisely the effects of specific marketing activities

The Measures of Market Demand:

Potential market is the part of the total population that has shown some level of interest in buying
a particular product or service. This includes individuals, firms and organizations. Potential
market is also called Total addressable market (TAM).

For example, you want to calculate the potential market for laptops. For this, the entire
population is divided into different segments which show interest in the product and then all the
segments are added up. So, for laptops, the users who might be interested to buy are the students
who are about to join residential campuses, students who simply want a laptop to differentiate it
from the desktop at home, users of desktops who want to switch to a more portable version and
office going people. The numbers in each of these segments of how many people are interested is
found out through a market forecast and all the numbers are added up to get the size of the
potential market.

Available market is defined as the number of people who are both willing and capable of buying
a particular product or service in a particular market. In some cases available market also
includes the access to markets for these buyers. This metric is used to measure the potential of a

A target market is the segment of consumers most likely to want or need a business's products or
services. This group of people is a subset of the business's total market. It involves a specified series of
customer qualities that the business believes its products or services will appeal to. The target market can
be a type of person for a business-to-consumer (B2C) company or a type of business for a business-to-
business (B2B) company.

Market penetration is a measure of how much a product or service is being used by customers
compared to the total estimated market for that product or service. Market penetration can also
be used in developing strategies employed to increase the market share of a particular product or
For example, if there are 300 million people in a country and 65 million of them own cell
phones, the market penetration of cell phones would be approximately 22%. In theory, there are
still 235 million more potential customers for cell phones, or 78% of the population remains
untapped. The penetration numbers might indicate the potential for growth for cell phone

Q-9: What is Customer Perceived Value? Is it important? Why or why not? What are
determinants of Customer Perceived Value? Explain them with example.

Answer to the question no -09

Customer perceived value

Customer perceived value is the difference between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all
the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives.

Customer Perceived Value = Total Perceived Benefits – Total Perceived Costs

The CPV is kind of an evaluation done by customer on what value a product or a service would
be able to provide if he/she buys it by paying money.

Importance of Customer perceived value (CPV):

Customer Perceived Value becomes very important for making sure that the customer becomes
repeat. If the CPV is positive then only there would be a probability of repeat buy else the
customer would switch to a competitor. CPV can be measured by taking in account all types of
values like task, time; functional etc. to make sure it fulfills the expected value by the customer.

Example of Customer Perceived Value

While buying a car, the expected reactions from family and friends also become a part of
benefits or gain. The customer evaluates whether the particular car would be able to provide
whatever he/she is looking for from a car. Whether the car would provide the comfort and the
usability. Also for many customers the perceived value would also include the mileage a car

Determinants of Customer Perceived Value:

Total customer benefit:

Total customer benefit is the perceived monetary value of the bundle of economic, functional,
and psychological benefits customers expect from a given market offering because of the
product, service, people, and image.
Product benefits are the things a product offers to satisfy the needs, desires and wants of a
consumer. They are what a consumer hopes to get, feel or achieve when he/she uses a product.
Product benefits can either be actual or perceived.

Actual benefits:

These include the performance of the product, its design as well as its cost-effectiveness

Perceived benefits include the products popularity, its image or its reputation.

Services benefit:

A current service benefit represents the amount of pension benefit accrued by an employee who
actively worked during a specific period.

Personal benefit 

Personal benefit for the reporting person in any other private dispute involving a vulnerable

Image Benefit:

Is manifested via the brand name and image that the company has created for it. The consumer
is often enticed by the personality of the brand and is convinced to buy it for the perception it
created of him/her

Total customer cost 

Total customer cost is the complete packet or fees a customer expects to pay in the researching,

buying, obtaining and maintaining of a given product or service.

When buying a car, the expected feedback from family and friends also becomes a part of the
benefit. The customer evaluates whether the particular car will be able to deliver what he is
looking for from the car.Whether the car will provide comfort and usability. The value perceived
for many customers will also include a car mileage.

Q-10: Define CRM with example. What are steps & strategies for managing CRM?
Briefly explain them. Which one being the most important steps & strategies for
managing CRM in your opinion & why?

Answer to the question no -10

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the process of carefully managing detailed
information about individual customers and all customer touch points to maximize customer

The goal is to improve customer service relationships and assist in customer retention and drive
sales growth. CRM systems compile customer data across different channels, or points of
contact, between the customer and the company.

Steps & strategies for managing CRM:

Reduce the rate of defection: If by making changes through value for money steps, you can
save some customers, and then do it. If however, the cost is not worth it, and the defection
rate won't be too different, then avoid such a step. Overall, to reduce defection rate means
retaining the customer with your company.

Increase longevity:

One of the core factors is to ensure that you're always providing positive customer experiences
and responding to your customers. It's a simple concept. If they have a good experience, they're
more likely to stick to your brand

Enhance “share of wallet:

Increasing market share is an increase in a brand's total sales within its category while increasing

share of wallet is additional revenue from existing customers.

Terminate low-profit customers:

The lower productivity of employees as they deal with unprofitable customers: If unprofitable

customers are lowering employee morale and causing frustration among your staff, it's best to let
go of the customers at the root of this problem.

Focus more effort on high-profit customers:

Profits from customer relationships are the lifeblood of all businesses. And, at the most basic level,
these profits can be increased in only three ways

Q-11: Define Customer Evangelist? How can you create Customer Evangelist for your
product or services? Explain it.

Answer to the question no -11

Customer Evangelist:
Customer evangelism is authentic and spontaneous support for your products and services. This
voluntary positive buzz can come via blogs, videos and social media, or during one-to-one
interactions both online and offline at events.

Having evangelists for your products or services, is the best possible type of customers one can
have. They are not loyal to your products, but are passionate about it and will be thrilled to
recommend you. Better yet, they are best communicators you can have as well as your public
defenders, especially in difficult times. Another benefit of having customer evangelists is that
they are ready to forgive assuming your mistakes were honest. They are the hyper-repeat
customers who believe “you have their best interests at heart.”

Thus, it is utmost important to develop such customers. They can help your business to succeed in
unimaginable ways. Almost all the big brands enjoy evangelists including Amazon, Apple and
Netflix. Here are few tips to create such customer evangelists:

Understand your customers: This is the first and one of the most crucial steps to crate brand
evangelists. You need to understand and develop detailed insights about your customers to
determine their needs and expectations.

Create an emotional language for your marketing message:

Develop a simple and lifestyle-oriented marketing language, based on your customer insights. And
don’t forget to make it emotional, if you want to create an impact.

Identifying the proper marketing platforms:

Once you have developed a powerful and effective marketing message based on the aforementioned
points, you need to communicate them on the proper platforms

Engaging and empowering your customers:

It is essential to engage your existing and potential customers in a dialogue. It can be a tweet, a Face
book comment or an email conversation for building rapport. Starting your own blog is also a good
idea for engaging customers in a transparent dialogue where everyone can participate

The concluding note:

If developing customer evangelists is tough, maintaining them is far more challenging. You need
work hard and continue to provide innovative products for maintaining your market position

Your market is the best source when creating effective messages from your promotion. You need
to master the language that resonates strongly with your target audience, and interviewing your
customers will help you do just that. The message comes from your customers and as such, it
will help you get their attention. So ask them strategic questions to discover the most effective
marketing message for your business.


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