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Quaternary Sediment Analysis: A Deductive Approach At A-Level

Author(s): Andrew Barraclough

Source: Teaching Geography, Vol. 17, No. 1 (January 1992), pp. 15-18
Published by: Geographical Association
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Quaternary Sediment Analysis:
A Deductive Approach At A-Level
Andrew Barraclough
Cranedale Field Studies Centre

Introduction ability to tackle data response questions, sorting, using a comparative scale, is
The approach used is also 'teacher proposed.
Too often A-level students are asked friendly' in that it does not require any The example outlined here is based
to make innumerable measurements of geological knowledge or previous experi- the well known shoreline section at
isolated sediments, without using this ence of sediment analysis. A new and Sewerby, near Bridlington, North Hum
information to make interpretations simple technique for evaluating sediment berside (TA202 686), initially described
themselves. This involves them in the
drudgery of routine measurement with
out taxing their basic knowledge and
powers of reasoning. What is proposed
here is a method by which students can
firstly use quantitative techniques to
measure a range of parameters quickly
and easily. They then use this data to
infer which processes were involved in
the deposition of that sediment and
ultimately name the deposit type. But, in
addition, if a site is chosen where a
number of varied sediments occur to
gether, students can be introduced to
the fascinating field of interpreting
changing environmental conditions. It is
hoped that this approach, while improv
ing students' knowledge of Quaternary
deposits and environments, will also
provide them with a stimulating exer
cise and an insight into investigative
research procedures.
It is envisaged that this survey will 4sm~f*B££
provide an example of practical
fieldwork, which can be included as part
of A-level students' studies on glacial
and peri-glacial processes. In this way
the survey will not only provide experi
ence of techniques suitable for the analy
sis of beach and river sediments, as well
as glacial sediments, but will also in
crease students' working knowledge of
processes and events in cold climate
conditions. To frame the survey in the
context of an enquiry based project one
could pose the question: "How can we
increase our understanding of past gla
cial and peri-glacial conditions in an area
of lowland glaciation?" Clearly in such an
area erosional features are scarce and
we must turn our attention to the pro
cesses of sedimentation.
The method outlined here has numer
ous advantages from the teacher's point
of view. Time spent in the field can be
kept to a minimum (perhaps only 1 \
hours), as all the data can be brought
back to school for processing in the
classroom. Similarly, equipment require
ments are minimal. More importantly, the
technique has aided students enor
mously with their understanding of geo
morphological processes, and in their Students at work on sediments near Bridlington.

© Teaching Geography, January 1992 15

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f. Additional features: as the deposits
6 5
4/ may be very varied, it is necessary to
look for features not recorded in (a) to (e),
Particle 4 2
for example the presence of stratification
size (cm)
1 1 4 (sedimentary layering); the nature of the
matrix, (the type of material binding the
2.5 fragments together); or the juxtaposition
of the different deposits.
Particle 4 5 5
shape (1-6) Analysis and Interpretation
4 6 3

In the classroom students should be

Average: 4.5
3 asked to complete a blank table with a
C O 0
~A layout similar to that shown in Figure 4.
The first step is to list the structures or
features which make a deposit distinct
chalk (c) others (o) O 0 C
from the others. This will enable students
to complete the first column of Figure 4.
Dominant: others
With the help of Figure 5 which makes
the link between observed structures and
Particle 1 1.5 0.5
causal processes, students should be
spacing (cm) able to complete the second column of
2 1.5 1
/ the table, stating which processes were
Average: 1.25 7 involved in the transportation and de
position of each sediment. For most

students it should now be possible, as
suming some previous knowledge of
sorting (1-5) 3
glacial and peri-glacial processes, to

name the deposit types they have been
examining. Finally comes the most inter
eg. stratification, Well stratified;
esting stage of interpreting the sequence
nature of matrix, some bands
of deposits in terms of changing environ
position relative exhibiting very mental conditions, again onto a table
to fossil cliff good sorting. similar to that in Figure 4. Reference
should be made to the Law of Superposi
Figure 1. Sediment recording sheet. tion of Strata, which states that where
one sediment overlies another then the
lower sediment represents the earlier
event in a sequence, and is thus older
by Catt and Penny (1966). While some simply to measure the length of the b than the one above. This stage involves
teachers may wish to use the same axis, or width, of each chosen fragment, making that vital step from localised,
location, it is envisaged that others may specific processes to events on a
broader, regional scale. The sequence at
be familiar with suitable sites in their own part¡c|e s : v¡sua| arison Sewerby is remarkable in recording the
local or fieldwork areas. chart for ^ Hasses ment of ^artjcle changes from the Ipswichian interglacial,
shape according to Powers' Scale can be through the Devensian glaciation, into
used here. (Powers 1953) (Figure 2). It the current, Flandrian period, along with
Method may be useful to collect examples of the evidence for the concomitant changes in
6 shape classifications in order to aid sea level (Figure 4).
Students must first be made aware of «¡¡¡g**' reco9nition of the different
the field relationships between deposits, ^p
and a previously prepared diagrammatic
sketch may be useful here. At Sewerby c. Particle composition: as the main con
This exercise has been developed over
much of the sequence is obscured by sideration in this section is whether par
two years
slumping, though each of the deposits tides are locally derived ortransported, a of field teaching at the Crane
1-5 can be examined at beach level. For division into two categories, local rock dale Centre with a wide variety of A-level
groups. Most A-level Geography stu
each of the deposits to be examined, the types, or others is adequate. If students
teacher needs to choose a representa- are able to recognise igneous, metamordents, who have a natural thirst for the
tive section and delimit a sample area by phic and sedimentary types, this may beproblem solving approach, find it a stimu
lating and enjoyable exercise. The step
placing a quadrat on the face (this could useful in identifying original source
be improvised by using 4 x 30 cm rulers), areas, though this is not step deductive approach also makes
In small groups students then identify the sometimes mystifying procedure of
and measure 6 typical fragments in the H c)llHDn(c sediment analysis more accessible to
. ., „ .. ir . .. , . d. Particle spacing: here students mea students at this level.
deposits. A site should be chosen where . anTrin_ bptween their chosen
the deposit types vary considerably, so ^fra™t
that even such a small sample will reveal partic,e and the nearest other fragment
marked differences between them. For
Catt, J.A. and Penny, L.F. (1966) "The Pleisto
each case they need to collect data on e. Sediment sorting: a new comparative
cene Deposits of Holderness, East York
the following parameters (Figure 1): scale is proposed here (see Figure 3). shire", Proc. Yorkshire Geo!. Soc., Vol. 35,
Copies of this scale can be taken into the pp. 375-420.
field, and used easily by students, to Powers, M. (1953) "A New Roundness Scale
a. Particle size: a reliable but quick and compare the sample in the quadrat with for Sedimentary Particles", Journal of Sed
easy method of recording particle size is each of the 5 classes, 1-5. imentary Petrology, 25, pp. 117-119.

16 © Teaching Geography, January 1992

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Class 1 2 3 4 5 6

Very Sub Sub Well

Angular Angular Angular Rounded Rounded Rounded


0 ©
Sphericity \^
a H 0
Figure 2. Visual comparison chart for assessment of Powers' Scale (modified from Powers 1953).

Scale for Pebble Sorting

C,V -'^.V o^-U-.Vr .. »A^- -V_.
*.'•• ■„ • 0 '»• • ;# * ■ .• * o.'cf 0 'L ■ •• o«.
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3..0 ? :o . ^X.:QiXOi>.
?,®»v0o'-;W £~rZy
0 O. \0." <?0 ® O O
' C- O ° I o' ■ • » ' 0 ?.P. >
1 o ■ ao° uO. ' ■ ■° ri c> 'C
>• ®_ • • o • /»\ o .- a O • ••■> n .
r .•* t> • ^-0 '•• *° " *. t> o
• • f • 0 ■ . f. ■ 0. •» ■' • ° ■ • *> * A '0
■ . o .0 \ O . p;f7 ;p^ •/«,; ,C^-? .°-Q
CI C^p• • • r> o n fe® • 0 q • • »•.♦■ :c * -c. 0.„00 9 o o.c

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3. A new comparative scale enabling students to make a quick visual evaluation of sediment sorting.

Teaching Geography, January 1992 17

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Interpretation of Sediments at the Fossil Cliff, Sewerby
Structures Processes Deposit Type Interpretation

Sub-rounded pebbles, a mix Deposited in a high energy Fluvio-glacial As climate warms and ice re
ture of chalk & non-local frag environment from flowing sand and gravel. cedes glacial meltwater de
6 ments; well stratified with water. Particles initially trans posits sheets of outwash sand
some bands showing good ported in from varied source and gravel. Start of current
sorting. areas by ice sheets. interglacial.

Sub-angular particles; mostly Particles transported from dis Till. During maximum glaciation
non-local; matrix supported; tant source-areas but not sub Devensian ice sheets from the
5 very poorly sorted with clasts jected to attrition — probably North cover the area leaving a
suspended in a high propor ice transported. Deposited as blanket of till.
tion of fine matrix. a structureless jumble.

Angular fragments of chalk; Locally weathered fragments Head. As peri-glacial conditions be

mostly in contact but with a transported by mass move come established solifluction
high proportion of matrix; ment flowage on a slope. Sol becomes the dominant mass
good sorting; stratified; de ifluction. movement process.
posit lies on and at foot of a

Very fine grained; sub-rounded Subjected to a lot of attrition Wind blown sand. As climate deteriorates and
quartz sand; very well sorted. and probably sediment recycl sea level drops, sandy
ing. Deposited from a relatively beaches and offshore sand
3 weak but constant flow. bars are exposed. In arid con
ditions this sand is blown into
the lee area at the foot of the

Coarse, angular, chalk frag Locally weathered fragments Scree. Colder climatic conditions re
ments; particles touching each falling into place at foot of sult in increased freeze thaw
other; poorly sorted; distribu fossil cliff. action and the production of
2 tion restricted to fossil cliff scree. As water is locked into
foot. ice sheets sea level falls and
material accumulates at cliff

Large well rounded chalk Deposited in a high energy Beach. Beach material deposited by
environment from flowing
pebbles; fragments in contact; relatively high sea levels dur
1 water. All locally derived ma
poorly sorted; a thin deposit ing warm Ipswichian inter
extending out from cliff foot. terial possibly eroded from glacial.
fossil cliff face.

Figure 4. A completed interpretation of the sediments at Sewerby. Note that deposit 1 represents the first event in the


Particle Size Very fine grains indicate a high degree of attrition and that particles may have be

Large particles suggest either very limited transport or transport in the 'protected' environment or an ice

Particle Shape Rounding indicates that particles have been subjected to a high degree of attrition, probably in a hi
energy environment.

Angular grains suggest either limited transport or transport by ice.

Particle Composition Chalk fragments indicate locally derived sediments. The presence of non-local fragments in this instan
indicates transport by ice sheets.

Particle Spacing Particles In contact (clast supported) indicates a process of particles falling into place adjacent to ea
other. Widely separated clasts (matrix supported) indicates deposition from a slow flowing medium
carrying a jumble of material, eg. ice.

Sorting Good sorting suggests deposition from a constant flow of even strength ie. water or wind. Poor sorting
may simply indicate a wide range of sizes were available for deposition.

Stratification Stratification in a deposit usually indicates deposition from a flowing medium.

Figure 5. The link between observed structures and causal processes.

18 © Teaching Geography, January 1992

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