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Opposite verbs VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the verbs and pictures.

Opposit e
arrive ( early ) /:i'ra1v,
break (y our glasses) itire1k'
buy (a liouse ) tia1
find (your keys) ·fa1nd
forget (a name) 1fo'yd
le nd (111011c y to so,n ebody ) lend
mi s s (11 train) mh
pass (1111 exam) /pu: /
pus h ( th e door) poJ'
s e nd (an email) ,.;end
s ta rt (a race) -,1u:t
teach (English) II i:tJ/
tum on ( the TV) lt:i:n 'on
win (a match) w m11

b Find the oppos it e verb s in the list.

Wri te them in the Oppo sit e colu mn.

borrow (from somebody) 'bnr,1<)

fail fed,
get I receive Yl'I 1r1\i:v1
learn /b:n,
leave ili:v
lose (x2) lu:z
men d / repair mend n pe;,.
pull rul
remember n'mcmh;,,
sell .,cir
stop / finish ·-,1np 'fm 1J
t u rn off t·J:n 'nf

c 3 21)) Lis ten and check.

d Cove r t he verbs and look at the pictures.

Remem ber the ve rbs and the i r oppo sites.


a Complete the to+ verb column with to+ a verb from the lis t.

be bring buy catch drive find get married

(x2} help pay rain see turn off

to+ verb
I deci d e We've de.cided to France for our ho lida y. toao
2 forget Don't forget all the li ghts.
J hope We hope you again soon.
4 learn I'm le arn in g . My test's next month.
s need I need to the supermarket. We don't have any milk .
6 offer He offered me w.ith my CV.
7 plan They're planning soon.
8 pretend He pretended ill, but he wasn't really.
9 promise He's promised me back when he gets a job .
10 remember Rem e mbe r yo ur dictionaries to class tomorrow. ----

u st:art It was very cloudy and it started'.

12 try rm trying a job, but it's very ha rd.
13 want I. want the six o'clock train.
14 would like f'd like a new car next mo nth .
b 25 l)) Listen and check.

c Cover the to +·ve rb colun.m. Say the sentences.

--( p.53


a Complete the gerund colu mn with a verb from the list in the gerund.
be cook do have make rain reaEI talk tidy wake up work

I enjoy I enjoy
in bed. readin8
2 finish Have you fi nis hed your room?
J go on (= continue) I \>vane to go on until I' m 60.
4 hate I hate lare when 1. 'm meeting someone.
5 like I like breakfast in a cafe .
6 love I love on a sun ny morning.
7 (don't) mind I do n' t mind the ironing. It's quite rela xing . She
8 spend (time) spends hour s on the phone.
9 .star t* It started at 5.30 in the morning.
10 stop Please stop such a noi se. I can't thin k.
11 feel like I don't feel like today. Let 's go out for lu nch. _ c Cover the gerund column. Say
start can be used with a gerund or infinit ive, e.g. It started raining. It started to rain the se nt e nces .

b 3 29l)) Listen and check. --( p.55


erbs in
o be used with many prepositions or adverbs with differer-it meanings, e.g. get up, get on wit h.

get married
I get nervous

th getup


b 3 55 >)) Listen and check.

c Cover the phrases and ilook at the pictures.

Test yourself or a parrncr.


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