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OGarrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du Xx" siecle 188 Garrett A. Morgan, 1877-1963. II est photographié ici avec deux de ses inventions : le Masque @ gaz et le Feu rouge. L'utilisation des sciences et de la technologie pour la protection des corps et des biens : tel semble avoir été le credo de Garrett Morgan, comme cela apparait constamment dans ses inventions. Cd Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*"* siécle 189 CO Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX?" siécle Jean Paul MBELEK Present dans toutes les grandes villes du monde pour régler la circulation routiére voire ferroviaire, le feu rouge est un de ces grands symboles de modemité du vingtiéme siécle. Précisement, ce que nous appelons communément "feu rouge", c'est-a-dire une signalisation routiére automatique a trois positions (trois couleurs), a été mis au point en 1923 (brevet US n° 1,475,024), Son inventeur, Garrett Augustus Morgan, est un autodidacte Africain-Américain né en 1875 a Paris dans le Tennessee aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Le feu rouge a souvent été signalé parmi les grandes inventions du vingtiéme siécle. Garrett Morgan vécut de ses inventions, en particulier il oéda pour $ 40 000 de l'époque a la General Electric Company \es droits de son brevet sur le feu rouge. Garrett Morgan est un inventeur-né, un des plus grands inventeurs du début du vingtiéme sigcle. L’humanité entiére lui doit beaucoup. Dés 1912, mettant sa grande compétence en chimie au service de ses préoccupations humanitaires, il invente le masque & gaz dont le brevet US est déposé en 1914 (premier grand prix de la seconde exposition intemationale d'hygigne et de stireté qui a eu lieu en 1914 aux U.S.A.) et a contribué a sauver tant de vies pendant la Premidre Guerre mondiale oi le gaz a été utilisé pour la premiére fois comme une arme de destruction massive. Par la méme occasion, il orée sa propre société pour exploitation commerciale de ses brevets d'invention. Liefficacité du masque & gaz fut constaté en 1916 lors d'une explosion dans un tunnel de la station hydraulique de Cleveland. Griice au masque & gaz, Garrett Morgan put sauver une vingtaine de travailleurs piégés & 75 metres de profondeur sous le lac Eri, ce qui lui valut la médaille d'or pour héroisme par la ville de Cleveland dans l'Ohio (ville od il s'est installé en 1895 et a effectué sa premiére invention en 1901). L'utilisation des sciences et de la technologie pour la protection des corps et des biens : tel semble avoir été le credo de Garrett Morgan, comme cela apparait constamment dans ses inventions. Par sa conception technique d'emblée complete, le feu rouge de Garrett Morgan fait apparaitre un triple souci humanitaire, économique et d'anticipation. En effet, le systéme est tout & la fois mécanique (utilisation de jour), électrique (utilisation de nuit) et sonore (pour les non- entendants) ; il est visible A distance et de tout point de Vintersection quill régule. Le feu rouge est devenu aujourd'hui I'un des éléments majeurs contribuant & la régulation des circulations automobile, ferroviaire et fluviale. Garrett Morgan n'a pas été le seul inventeur Africain-Américain de son époque. Des inventeurs Africains-Ameéricains dont l'histoire officielle a retenu les noms, il y en a eu beaucoup et de trés grands méme en pleine période d'esclavage', comme par exemple 1 Malgré la barbarie esclavagiste de la société américaine d'avant et aprés abolition officielle de la traite négriére en 1864, T'invention et la volonté dentreprendre étant des facultés naturelles des étres humains, il y eut toujours des Africains-Américains pour tenter I'aventure de l'invention et de lindustrie malgré les difficultés et 'adversité qu'ls pouvaient rencontrer a !'époque. Ceci est tant et si vrai qu'en 1858, un avocat général des Etats-Unis, un certain Jeremiah S. Black, fait passer une loi contre le dépot de brevets par les esclaves vu quiun brevet US était un contrat entre le gouvernement des Etats-Unis et l'inventeur et qu'un esclave n'étant pas considéré comme un citoyen américain, ce dernier ne pouvait ni signer un contrat avec le gouvernement US ni céder ARRH O SSDS Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX'"* siécle 190 Elijah McCoy, Grandville T. Woods, Jan E. Matzeliger qui est l'inventeur de la premiére machine pour la fabrication en série des chaussures, Norbert Rillieux, né a la Nouvelle-Orléans en 1806, dont l'invention a révolutionné l'industrie de la fabrication industrielle du sucre, a été directeur de I'Ecole Centrale, a enseigné 4 Paris en France et publié plusieurs articles sur les machines vapeur, Lewis H. Latimer, inventeur qui a su apporter les améliorations qu'il fallait a 1a lampe & incandescence, inventée en 1879 par Edison, pour permettre sa fabrication industrielle et la rendre utilisable grande échelle dans la vie domestique et urbaine. Compte tenu du peu de promotion fait autour des inventeurs et savants noirs en général tant d'aujourd’iui que d'hier, on pourrait s'étonner apprendre que telle ou telle invention emblématique du monde modeme est redevable un inventeur afficain-américain (on pourra se reporter utilement a 'ouvrage collectif Blacks in Science ancient and modern, édité par Ivan van Sertima). Cependant, cest un fait historique certain que, depuis les premiers déportés négro-africains aux Amériques dans les conditions indignes de homme civilisé que l'on sait, les inventeurs noirs ont contribué par leurs réalisations 4 'élévation du niveau de vie des citoyens américains tout autant que la traite négriére (ce crime contre 'humanité perpétré en continu tous les jours pendant au moins quatre siécles) a contribué en profondeur et durablement I'éclatement, la déstructuration et 'appauvrissement généralisés des sociétés négro-africaines. C'est ainsi qu'aprés avoir participé pour une part non négligeable la révolution industrielle du XIX** sidcle, les inventeurs africains-américains ont contribué largement 4 l'invention du XX*"* siécle. OBibliographie : 1- Robert C. Hayden, “Black Americans in the Field of Science and Invention”, in Blacks in Science ancient and modern, Van Sertima I. (editor), Transaction Books, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.), p. 222. 2-John H. Clarke, “Lewis Latimer — Bringer of the light", in Blacks in Science ancient and ‘modern, Van Sertima I. (editor), Transaction Books, New Brunswick (U.S.A) and London (U.K.), p. 229-237. I. Le genie inventif (traduction frangaise de Inventive Genius, Time-Life Books B.V., 1991), par les rédacteurs des Editions Time-Life, Editions Time-Life, Amsterdam, 1991, p. 40. 4 - Science illustrée, n°9, septembre 1996 (8*™ année), p. 61 : encadré sur Grandville T. Woods. 5 - Lewis Howard Latimer : A Black Inventor, publié par la fondation Thomas Alvar Edison, Detroit, Michigan, 1973. 6- Yves Antoine, Les inventeurs et savants_noirs, Paris, Montréal, L’Harmattan, 1998. 7 - John H. Clarke, Bibliographical guide, in Blacks in Science ancient and modern, Van Sertima I. (editor), Transaction Books, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.), pp. 295- 297. 8- “How Black Inventors changed America”, Kevin Cappell, Ebony, February 1997, pp. 40-50; “Black Inventor Garrett Augustus Morgan, le pére du masque & gaz. (1877-1963)" , in BlackMatch, Magazine francophone de la Culture noire, BMI n°14, 2000, p. 32 et p. 33. 9 ~ “Benjamin Banneker, un scientifique noir américain au 18 siécle”, Expression Nouvelle, n°18, mars 1993, p. 2. 10 - Claude Lewis, Benjamin Banneker : The Man Who Saved Washington, McGraw-Hill Co., New York, NY, 1970, son invention & son maitre (cf. Robert C. Hayden, Black Americans in the Field of Science and Invention, in Blacks in Science ancient and modern, Van Sertima I. (editor), Transaction Books, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.), p. 216) ; cela donne & penser quiun certain nombre dinventions faites par des Africains-Américains étaient souvent reconnues a leur maftres esclavagistes : cela mériterait sans doute une étude historique approfondie, En fait cela tombe sous le sens que tout Africain adulte déporté aux Amériques emportait nécessairement avec Tui non seulement sa force de travail, sa culture (musique, religion, etc.) mais aussi la somme de ses expériences et connaissances, ses compétences, en un mot linvestissement afticain de départ : & ce sujet le cas du pére de Benjamin Banneker est trés instructif (cf. Expression Nouvelle). "ARH BR T6B572000 Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*** siecle 191 ‘OFFICIAL GAZETTE Sites States Patent Office. TSGUB OF OOTORER 19,1018 cor ola RM aa ete sei eta nl former number, £96 “One lek Wotion, A nied number of copes of the Deatons of the ‘std hae Yel ack, ah seated om ready fr attain, Pabliher’ Ostaloguea, ‘This Unico would be pleusl to reve from manatee: | tenor the navertacments reat to de een a8 {he scentne Library for conrenent kod ready Tterece, Reproduction d'une premiére page de The OFFICIAL GAZETTE des Etats-Unis, qui expose de maniére condensée les brevets déposés par les inventours aux Etats-Unis. Lexemple, ci-dessus, se rapporte au numéro paru le 13 octobre 1914 contenant le descriptif du Masque & gaz ~ Breathing device - inventé par Garrett A. Morgan. Ce descriptif est également reproduit ci-aprés. TAR 196872000 Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*"* siécle 192 cron 15,2984. U.S. PATENT OFFICE. a [A12678, BREATHING DEVICE, Guan 4. Monauy, ‘Ciewland, Obie, assignce to The Natio) Satety Fea tug39, i612 Sevtal No F100. {CL13-—42) Infor the od and apueed thereto, sebetantally a8 ‘ETbe combination witha sremen's hoot of «tute for ‘ned hy the went ts techargedy and vg man outlet opening atthe spper end the Dood bat throm, the ll af sald hood ang at outlet Foot tace thereof, eld tbo Sin et ree of St fring ot ‘Sit pio tuber at thee plot of fncture, ad adopted [ini 8 ee 8 ot peated te the Gazeta? Liisa, TMIPprNe MECHA VRESSES, Urwis B, Mousieos, Newset, Nd a Hinton {a038, "Seria Novis aah (CL 101 18M POR PLATES, Tol Deg othe oobation of rating Tor duivering the pind sheet feo ‘ld printing | wh 3. Io a griotiog prom the combination of » sheet sepa: ral mecnetse tocuding © pup, a magnet om sa ‘ireatt to energive the wald oy ‘Somtmssterdon between the interior of sid pump aad the Stausphore to renee snd meet speratiog mechanism i ive to trp ‘the sald eet separating wechasiom and for actatieg the vald trppiag mechanism to tip the AAISTT. VEMICLE CURTAIN-PASTENER, Paro A. even, Augusta, Kp. asslgnor to The FA. Neder Compans, Angoetn, Kr a orporation of Rentact. ila See. 28. 1010, Seo No Seu sIR (eh 291) ioazutot tae formed thereon Tongitnnaly extending sbonler fee, and 4 shoulderrectving depteaion extending tren mn acroee thr fey threot thd betwee the era termediate the sade ot the “intermediate the toe bert, for eueagig fhe tetas iy ertending depresoas rben the head Tovhlding the hea agstat the face ot fhe war nt 'teasrert dopremioon formed erly, argos! iba Descriptif du Masque & gaz ~ Breathing device - inventé par Garrett A. Morgan. Ce descriptif est paru dans le numéro du 13 octobre 1914 de The OFFICIAL GAZETTE, "ARRH BTBBPO0G O Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX" siecle 193 Reproduction du brevet d'invention du « Feu Rouge » ~ Traffic Signal - de Garrett A. Morgan. 10 6 20 25 + he aesomplished by the tirni Patented Nov. 20, 1923. UNITED STATES 1,475,024 PATENT OFFICE. GARRETT A. MORGAN, OF CLEVELAND, OHIO. TRAFFIC SIGNAL. ‘Application fled Feb: ary 27, 1922. To «lt whom it muy concern: Be it known that T, Garrerr A. Moncax, a citizen of the United States, residing at Cleveland, in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio. have invented a certain new and seful Improvement ina Teale Si nal, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings. This invention relates to traffic signals, and particularly to those which are adapt! ed to he positioned adjacent the intersee- tion of two or more streets and are man- ually operable for directing the flow of tratfic, One of the objects of my invention is the provision of a. visible indicator which ig useful in stopping trafic in all, diree- tions before the signal to proceed in any one direction is given. This is advanta- geous in that vehicles which are partly across the intersecting streets are given time to pass the vehicles which are waiting to travel in a transverse direction: thus avoiding accidents which frequently occur hy reason of the over-anxiety of the wait, ing drivers, (o start as soon as the signal to proceed is given. nother object is the provision of a semaphore signal which is nseful by night as well as by day and which is arranged to he easily anit automatically operable by the traffic director. Tn addition, my invention contemplates. the provision of a. signal which inay he readily and cheaply manu- factured. . To this end. I provide a signal wherein the direction indicating arms are pivotally ported and adapted to he moved ver- tically for stopping the flow of traffic and then ‘to he revalved and dropped to indi- cate a right of way to vehicles maving in another direction. “The raising and revolv- movements of the arnis are adapted to of a crank. and suitable mechanism acinated hy the crank ‘is provided for automatically index ing the arms to the required position, and for permitting their proper functioning in accordance with the wishes of the traffic director. The means for accomplishing the above objects will he fully set forth in the fol- lowing description which relates to the drawings. and the essential characteristics Serlal No. 539,403, of my invention will be sun alaims, in the drawings, Fig. 1 is a front eleva tion of a ‘semaphore signal constructed ac- cording to my invention: Fig. 2 is an ele. vation’ of the direction indicating “means showing the arms in vertical postion; Pig. is a side elevation of the direction indi eating portion when the arms are in_hori- zontal position as shown in Pig. 1: Fig, 4 is a side elevation of the signal when the arms are in. vertical position as illustrated in Fig. 2: Fig. 5 is a vertical section throuzh 4 part of the signalling merhanism: Fig. 6 isa similar section adjacent the operating end of the signal: Fig. 7 is a transverse section taken ‘on the line 7—7 in Fig. 6: and Fig. 8 is a fragmentary view illus: trating the signal and alarm bells that ma: be used with my invention, My invention is concerned with the pro- vision of a traffic signal which enables a Uirector to control the flow of traffic by stopping the movement thereof in all di- rections momentarily just prior to allow ings the traffic to. move in any one direc Gon. Nevordin, the “emborliment shown T have illistrated a standard 19, hav ing a support 11. revolubly mounted there- in which support is provided with tion indicating signals. ‘The siz cating means may romprise a box-like ture 12 which ix rigid with. the support U1, and a pair of arms 12 whieh are piv- oted, as at 14, to the opposite sides of the support as illustrated in Fig. 1. ‘The char acters shown on the vertical indicator may be the ustal “Stop” and “Go words. as is customary for this class of work. Fach of these arms may be also a box: Tike structure having a teetanuular cross section and havin exposed faces provided rized in the with direction indicating charactors, Tn the form illustrated the arms are each pro: op” indicating charseters on 3 Ae and bottom fares, and with “Ga” ters on the end faces. ‘The arms are pivoted so that when raised to the position inieated in Fig, 2 the “Go" characters fon the indieator 12 are hidden from view. : and the “Stop” characters on the hottom of the arms are then visible fram the sliree tion in which traffic was moving. The two positions of the arms showing this arrange- ment are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4 ‘ania BB T96872000 Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX'" siécle 194 10 6 20 a so 55 oo ‘My invention is adapted to direct traffic by raising the semaphore arms to stop traffic which was moving in one direction and. then by revoleing the ams and re: Teasing them. thus indicating the right of way for traffic in another direction. ‘Th sans for raising the arms as. shown Figs, 5 and 6 may be accomplished by low ering a bracket 20 having racks 21 thereon, which actuate segments of a pinion ‘92, mounted as at 23, on the semaphore arms. ‘This bracket is adapted to be lowered by moving a shaft 24, on which the bracket is mounted, downwardly. This shaft extends entirely ‘through the support 11 and ter- minates within the standard 10 adjacent. another rack 25, which is adapted ‘to be actuated by a pinion 26 mounted on a ctank shaft 97. "This erank shaft is supported in the standard and is provided with a crank arm 28 which may be rotated by the di- rector. ‘The segment 26 ig shown as having testh on only @ portion of the periphery. thereof so that the rack 95 is lowered only during a fractional turn of the crank shaft. Arcord- Ingly, to hold the arms in vertient position, Thuve illustrated a spring operated plunger 30 which is adapted to engage a notch 81 in the rack 25 just before the tecth in the pinion disengage those in the rack. In this way, the arms are held in vertienl position wheteby traffic is stopped in all directions as indicated in Figs. 2 and 4 respectivel After the arms are raised and traffic is stopped. then to direct the flow of traffic in a direction different from the flow previous to the raising of the arms. T have illustrated suitable means for revolving the entire sig- nal. This mechanism is adapted to function chile the arms are held in vertical position. In Fig. 6, the means for revolving the indi- cators is shown as a gear 32 rigid with the shaft 27 and provided with teeth on a por- tion of the periphery thereof for engaging an annular gear 33,"which may he integral with a sleeve 34. within the upper portion of the standard 10, This sleeve is shown as boing rigidly attached by securing members 35 to the support 11. and since the vertical indicator is rigid with the upper portion of the support. it follows that, whenever the gear 33 is rotated, the indicators are re volved. ‘The degree of turning usnally desired ix only 90°. “Accordingly, I provide an index- ing mechanism comprising a vieldable plun- er 36 carried by the standurd 10 and adapt: ed to engage suitable notches 94. ‘The num- ber of teeth in the gear 82 are so arranged that they just disengage the gear 33 when the plunger 36 engages a succeeding notch. ‘The turning of the indicators is preferably designed to be accomplished only after the ‘arms are moved to vertical position, and this 1,475,024 cing the tecth on the gear 32 as illustrated in Fig. 6 s0 that the gear, is not engaged until the pinion 26 disen- gages the rack 5, ‘Then, while the in turned. the arms may be re- viding a cam 40 which engages the arms 41, to which the plunger 30”is secured: and thereby releases the rack 25. ‘The weight of the arms 13 causes them to drop to horizontal position. When the arms are released. the ine the moving parts is apt to eniise damage to the operating mechanism, Arcordingly. T have showri a dashpot for absorbing tho shock incident to the fall of the arms and T have shown this dashpot as embodying a piston 45 which is curried by the shaft 24 and is movable within a cylinder 46. forming part of the support 11. Suitable openings: 47 may be provided in a closure 48 for reg- ating the outlet of air from the dashpot cylinder, . To adapt a signal constructed according to my invention for use at night. T have shown two electric Iamps 50 and 31 which are mounted within the vertical indicator. ‘These lamps may receive electrical ener cither from a battery mounted within the standard 10 (not shown) or from any other able souree of supply, sch ns through Is depending from ‘an overhead line, The lamp 50 is positioned ndjacent the open- ings 52 above the point of pivotal connec- jon. while the lamp 51 is adjacent the open- 1g8 58 helow the point of pivotal connce- on. ‘Thus, when the arms are in horizontal po- sition, the lamp 50 illuminates characters on the indicator 12, while the lamp 51 gives an additional warning through openings 83. ‘Then, when the arms are raised, two of the openings 53 hidden by the arms are un- covered. whereupon an illuminated signal is, flashed ont. Thisoceurssubstantially sim tanconsly with the covering of the “Go” signal shown on the vertical ind Tho of ented hy Tight from the passes through openings 54 in the top of the arms, and iTlunninates the characters on the hotton face thereof. When the sourve of electrical supply is carried by the standard, the current may be cartied to the Jamps hy means of a collector ving 6 monnted on the sleeve BL. anda rush 61 et ied hy an arm 62 the stand. Uhe signal may be provided with alarm mechanism as illustrated by bells G5 and G6 mounted at the top of the vertical indicators. One of these bells may be an alarm bell, while the other may be a signal bell. For'selectively operating these bells, cirenit controllers 67 and 68 may be mount: ed on the standard 10, “ANF 1987000 105 us 120 ry 5 “ Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*** siécle 195 4,470,024 Tho operation of a signal constructed ac- cording to my invention is as follows:—As- suming that traflic is moving in the direc- tion indicated by the “Go™ characters in Fig. 1 and that thie director desires to change the right of way, then the erank28 isturned, whereupon the ‘arms 13 are immediately raised by virtue of the rack and pinion con- nections actuated by the crank shaft 27. As soon as the arms are raised, the signal which was visible to the moving traffic now changes as shown in Fig. 4, while the signal visib e to traffic which was formerly stopped re- maing the same. ‘Thus, traffic is stopped in all directions. ‘This is accomplished. while the signal is moved about } of a revolution. Then as the crank is turned still further, the gear 32 engages the gear 3, whereupon the indicators are revolved while the arms are still held in vertical position, Then while the arms are being revolved, the cams 40 engage the latch arms 4, thereby selens ing the plunger 30 and allowing the arms to drop to horizontal position. ‘The. dash~ pot controlled by the piston 49 permits the rms to descend with slow motion so that by the time the crank has been turned a coni- pleto revolution, the arms are in substa tially horizontal position and are automa cally held in the desired direction by the in- dexing plunger 36. When the arms are lowered, the right of way is changed from the tyafte which was flowing in the direc tion indicated by Fig, 1 to the traffic which was waiting to move in another direct ‘When the lights are used, the signals are illuminated to indicate the direction of travel when the arms are in. either vertical or horizontal position, and if desired, this may be augmented by bells which are ated by the circuit controllers adjacent the hand of the director. From the foregoing description, it will be seen that my invention provides a signal which js operable for enabling a director to control traffic more conveniently than is nc- complished by merely revolving semaphore arms ina horizontal plane. A further ad- vantage of my invention is that the move- ment of the semaphore arms is entirely anto- matic whereby the operator may devote his attention to the requirements of traffic and SUI accomplish is purpne, without tani ally signalling, moving trafic to stop, until the direction of travel is changed. Having thus described my” invention, T claim 1. Ina trafic signal the combination with a vertically disposed indicator. of semaphore arms pivoted thereto and revoluble thereon, said arms being disposed on opposite sides di of the indicator, means for raising and low- ering the arms and crank mechanism for controlling said means, said mechanisin be- ing so arranged that the arms are raised . ber, rack and during tho initial turning of the crank and are then revolved upon continued turning of the crank, . 2, A traffic signal comprising in combi- nation, a standard, a vertical indicator car ried thereby, a semaphore arm pivoted to the indicator, a crank carried by the stand ard, means associated with the crank for raising the arm and subsequently revolving the indicator, and other means for permit- ting the arm’to be lowered in a position at right angles to the former position when the eank has been turned further. 3, Ina traffic signal, the combinati a standard, of a revoluble indicating mem- ber carried thereby, semaphore arms dis- posed on opposite sides of said member and pivoted thereto,a crank shaft projecting lat: erally through the standard, mechanism within the standard and member for raising the arms to vertical position, subsequently revolving the member and then lowering the arms, whereby traffic is_momentarily stopped in all directions and then subse quently. permitted to flow in another direc- jechanism being so arranged that the Signal is actuated to automatically stop traffic in all directions on cach operation of the crank shaft. 4, In combination, a standard, a revoluble member projecting’ upwardly’ therefrom. semaphore arms pivoted to the indicator and disposed on opposite sides thereof. a shaft extending vertically through the mem- pinion means at each end thereof for raising said arms, a crank ac- tuated member carried by the standard for controlling the rack and pinion means. a Jatch carried by the standard for retaining the shaft in lowermost position. and a cam controlled by the crank shaft for releasing the latch, whereby the arms are permitted to drop _to ‘horizontal position. 5. In combination, a standard, a revoluble member carried thereby, a vertically dis- posed indicator secured to the upper end ‘of the member, semaphore arms pivotally posed on opposite sides of tho indicator, mechanism extending within the indicator, standard for raising the arms, a crank ac” tuated mechanism carried hy the standard, said last mentioned mechanism bein ranged that the arms are raised during the initial turning of the erank shaft and then revolved upon continued turning of the shaft, 6. In combination. a standard, a hollow member projecting upwardiy therefrom, an indicator rigid with the upper end of said standard, semaphore arms pivoted to the in- ator, ‘mechanism controlled from the standard for actuating the arms to move them in a vertical plane and for revo them with the indicator to a new position, means associated with the standard for in: yn with 3 0 6 0 100 105 uo us 120 125 10 "ARKH BB 196872006 Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*"* siécle 196 dexing the indicator to the proper position, tneané argoctated with said sarderd for re” taining the arms in a vertical position dur- ing a portion of the turning operation and 5 for releasing the arms when moved to a now position, and a dash pot associated with said member for cushioning the shock inci- dent to the fall of said arms. . 7. In a traffic signal, the combination with 10 vertical indicator having openings in op- osite sides thereof, of u semaphore arm piv- oted thereto below the openings, said arm having openings in the upper wall thereof which are adapted to register with openings in the indicator when the arm is raised to vertical position, a lamp within the indica- tor adjacent the openings therein, and means for operating said arm. _In testimony whereof, I hereunto affix my signature. GARRETT A. MORGAN. “ARR T 6 TBBSP3005 197 OGarrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du Xx'"* siécle 1,475,024 Nov. 20, 1923, G. A. MORGAN TRAFFIC SIONAL, 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 1922 Filed Feb. 27 1TH wehbe, rronczy's ZN ENTOR Garret @. Mergen. “ARRH AO TO9S72005 OGarrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX'** siacle 198 Nov. 20, 1923, 1,475,024 G. A. MORGAN TRAFFIC SIONAL Filed Fob. 27, 1922 2 Sheots-Sheot 1 oe B|Lvz s| _ a [ae oy}-77 P| La psy b53 f~ FEG--L fZwerwv rer Yarrtt & Magan, za ate DW nantes, AERO EES "ARH AB TB98P2000 OGarrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du Xx'"* siécle 199 Reproduction du descriptif du brevet d'invention de la Lasting-Machine, «Machine a monter des empeignes» pour la fabrication des chaussures, de Jan E. Matzeliger (1852-1889). Parution dans The OFFICIAL GAZETTE du 22 septembre 1891. ase OFFICIAL GAZETTE. © sara 335 898 ‘evel te pt ta nd sltaty wn forthe pry tr rset by wag eareagrslereropesting oe eorg leh Siete carey Poiana rth bulbusterainal atachest ono renin aly 459,806. AAMLWAYCAK mm § Xuma Chou Crain hn. eal Bes eerieaeias| ‘ee W Moen ears HEE Moet teed Pt ng 16 He TAR car pete! sore mal Pot aad apna Se evel verti and ord aed ack she tad ei eos ‘lie nyo shana ard "stn enon of «tr for mpoing he oor | os angst he combining ith sed a having ‘ttc cmt fg varel inser Wi dag i baring ernest a of a of pr ‘ir tren nate won fr tumpenio in fan to hr sed ot [Poe ov i et abd nape be meted sry ira {once ensayo td fo pees fh 4 alien ito porn the combaton of «foorrame imped of stan lenge into Bld voter he Srotbhners: the ein of cr ohm appr tn i nen nag ie | thea per intr tat ae actos Hw al ra ‘Sed surely Uineghnt te esr ah al {Dy trator th orp st ot and Sob 459,697. uimratorm aim om Pooces oF uEPAR. Sipe inc door at dor eo, Pda ir to that so ore ch ep" Tine sete 35H, een) Gait. The meted of droping moth Hein ir sad he ‘sand of rerdarig terme eth pot woh oni tee eis te scan proses rap, saben ms drt. “rhs method of dying mth ee ht eke ak “sending the ss eth rst wich romain weg a ARAB TSBROOG Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX'™* siéct 200 7, Ios hepa uo ats aaa saad el on nd ad aa | Sea peera hae S tone a SESS phono goad gre pntteaie ronal hai tart red we moves te pase cea eee eit Mel 459,003, iy cnser pam tse aut 31 sea gars ‘ir altars aa Weeaa Mae am, “ARRAAB TOBROGG O Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX‘ siacle 201 Reproduction du descriptif du brevet d’inver n (23 juillet 1872) d'un systéme de Lubrification d’une machine & vapeur en fonctionnement - Lubrificators for steam-engines - de Elijah McCoy (1844- UNITED STATES 1929). PATENT OFFICE. ELIJAH MoOOY, OF YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, ASSIGNOR TO HIMSELF AND 8. 0. HAMLIN, OF SAME PLACE. IMPROVEMENT IN LUBRICATORS FOR STEAM-ENGINES. ‘Spoviflcation forming part of Lottors Patent No. 220,42 dated July 28, 1672. SPECIBICATION. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that J, ELisan MoCoy, of the ity of Ypsilanti, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, have invented certain now and useful Improvements in Lubricators; and Ido heroby declare that the following is, 4 full, clear, and exact description thereof, ref erence being had to the accompanying draw. ing and to the letters of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specifica- tion. ‘The nature of my invention consists in the construction and arrangement of & lubricator for steam-cylinders, as will be hereinafter more fully set forth. In order to enable others skilled in the art to which my invention appertains to make and use the same, T will now proceed to describe its construction and operation, referring to the annexed drawing, in which is represented alon- gitudinal section, A represents the oil-cup, provided with the cover B. In the conter of the bottom of the cap A is a downward-projecting stem, C, to be screwed into the place where the Iubricator is to be used. This stem is hollow, and from the same extends a tube, D, through the con- ter of the cup. Within’this tube is a rod, a, having a valve, b, at its upper end above the tube D to close the same, and at the lower end is a piston or disk, d, within the stem C, ‘Around the lower end’of the rod a, between the piston d and a shoulder in tho stem, ts placed a spiral spring, ¢, which forces the rod down, s0 that the valve } will close the upper end of the tube D and prevent the passage of the oil. "When the steam presses upon the piston the valve rises and allows the oil or other lu- bricating material used to pass out. In the cover B is a thamb-screm, EB, directly above the valve b, by means of which the flow of oil may be readily regulated. At the bot- tom of the oibonp it faucet, G, for tho pur- pose of drawing off the condensed steam when necessary. ‘Having thus fully deseribed my invention, hat [claim as new, aud desire to secare by Letters Patent, is— ‘Tho tube b, rod ¢, and spring ¢, in com- bination with the valve b and thamb-screw 5 and top B, the several parts being arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose specified, 2, The stem O, tube D, rod a, and piston d, in combination ‘with thé spring ¢, when the arranged in the stem and between piston and end of the tubo, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my own Lhereby affix mysignature in presence of two witnesses, ELIJAH McCOY. ‘Witnesses: 8, M. CorcHzon, ‘W.R, Sanson. “ARR Aw To9872000 O Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*"* siécle 202 E. McCOY. Improvement in Lubricators for Steam-Engines, No. 129,843. T in | r I | Cc Wipnesses hn bites CH Weeljiee— Patented July 23, 1872. Tntentor FTW Bayon wsl ky, "ARR BR T5BRT2O0G Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX'** siécle 203 Reproduction du descriptif du brevet d'invention (29 janvier 1901) dun systeme de d’électrification de voies ferrées - Electric Railway - de Granville T. Woods (1856-1910). oe OFFICIAL GAZETTE. ‘aga mel oy verlag peg ise | Tn met ei we ‘ch peo ha 2 und x cel te fe ee of | i owen a6, sac Bete |Saeu 21 Te eccrine fat al | rtd weer wed he ge ete fmol «overcame pls i we aed |i ote png le sal vp ewe ek ‘eth phi lei re teen he a and the ep [hme a rel i ml! Pls on a ‘endo eens spor a ab veh fs ep te ene carck ool thy bison aa ‘igang tars eo re we ‘ee te epee st sent te ble SENa a cere np dni owe co sa ote hectare hn is ml ‘eden vig eg red rand i i i | {woe lan hd rine ce 5 nan dacoare hp ecobites al ‘Auaertich ssl ered gh ie tg ers itandae rch rd coh sae ‘een ad ew a item "ina eatner bs rani of « bors pee i er en i (Sree poly wowed ot sm rm te leer snd itr aly fs ont {em he me ls eb emg fr ei Wr wb gpd whee nig 667,108. caxoreaee. sar w. tuo ad Jak. ele wash Pt ye 3190. ra BL 2, Tnweanepone coi wi be hak a hight ed aan, vo ei ea ‘epee ale at pd ve ea rg a ‘bm ump Sn tl hts ht es sk si eps a amps pg nl npn ‘Sean of apo dx he son i cpg i ee ‘ap 667,100, rameRt mow L Wurm sncon Bik ea ee ue (hin 1 tre ko the cig aig «ra ‘amber ratesnt rly ed i ih vlt-daar {me ar yop oot avec and henge bar | So Sia Chg ih nnn npg oh tn mar | ‘nf te alana rh | pind or pag tp tel oan de ye id ape rare ntl i fr vcr aie, este me a 1h pe porn ti san a ae et hr stacy oh, nw 667,410. marie naar Gumust wun toe "ek asgar tn on Be gay en ok Mia ep a evel rae ria ‘Sotorin ne iene sth ot bsg pl ae ‘Sat smal Cm engi on ete ee a (pire tear wore puter hee moe sng, sesaon Fat Cag oye nly ope pes ce Sage ome ef lac ey ca ye aw wrenig i oni why hen tg bog pct lac uy al chen sire when et ng oni Pip ret el aia he te pry ete ‘2 inet nym feelin CTI toe ego ar i ie mle the err ae mo sgt a ob tie cal do ie slog th a af eae ait tien ih pri ro Spent by ethic soe arma woo Seated ec cane ma he epg ad whe thst we wr = “ANKA AB TOBR72000 Garrett Morgan, un grand wenteur du XX*"* siécle 204 Joseans 29, 1908 ‘pe ay camel ys ercolng wich say wa] mo i py en aj aaeemahreeenees errata ined =e Sheukymaeraree rare Hectiegaeeeaerenrs SSaeey| Soames i ety ey tk nner se satenhnnaccome os aah ovmecmies Seeing eee pete Semana mbeiigeattcmeeteee sectors See yeas a ame "ir atten in ft be min nee ay te ee ke Site cialn sate oe Se Sa cts tenth ating ee Saimin aera = ‘Sow cts omg og Sis siete Seeineteceed comets jgden pgs SCIS ydy l Sge Sagashite ng eet aaa hel i neg iin st ap pts aie rent Gen pal areal Toate aa’ STR dati be i ith tt snc ty eo ann eae ee SCARE chu nge's ge Weck Septet ra efonct, SoTaneSAT cen a nei a ‘meron ta moyen Stommetgies ces ato ett See eirarkneersan net Sao eee eras Trae tain ah pnt wa esc She mpeg te ne edo ne otis fa ep tengo ‘Tm al clo laa a Sa spy | Techmeme ee nett cane Sao SS i Set tn i tinge pea ee 1. ans rallvay. he onto i es suse pd as ag SOR SSE mart ‘eae ose eting conc, lear crying acy SStpatieteene eee Seth atin ETS tn cat Se U. S. PATENT OFFICE. ons “i cats sao soapy es dacs jsctyonneiel tae Hod 0, mat of mh reese le these of enn many ann 99 wap ho [ety teint fait moras oaece ee emer fn adsl wary con 35 oad tb pg! yo fit orn suc th ne ine ha lo ly et ‘nent Se ond moat ses mo a 16 The cantina wh oc of cei mate to ry | apres on na noel py lst nf ai mn ned mov i 2d cand se sot eet ny so ened tng ete ta eat tere WF {Seed rae! at ait ary sna ond adel tv med wot heat nant tert ped he mele ina arrg he nyo mpi ard mo [either whey he mts sna oe "7. Toe noion wih», st mt smal espe nen «mova wnt cm ue pay tnd eof mid mtr wend ut mle sinew in tt od anon et oe of ine moter, reer hagh ie mea ped nd er ‘Sey tn mcd more cnt oan wn oy sed scone oon and pa dred [Seed mere eo cnet Et tro gd he Soe meas sete arrange et ee ef aan at cette nod nro ws shy be we we a pre Toa cet wl aly man Wi pisop whe utr sore iyo ew Bed ei swab ich pi! sit pp at ato ds ote pti, td ed in paral hed pate lai wi ae sie eo hey fr det ‘heartened yd eter pe agai dig te pps 20. Toate irae, embiae wih a aap aaa an any eof diy al reso [Sears naw apn oc tia lend we frend ‘Selanne pect le rma peed y ‘svt eel pt cea «rena en de (Sc anitry er of g fre orgn nd nr Sly baring we i hi iS rhs oor ang rg the ml “AR BS T5RTI00G Garrett Morgan, un grand inventeur du XX*"* siecle 205 GC L’auteur Jean Paul MBELEK : Chercheur et enseignant en physique, il a publié un ouvrage intitulé : Interaction entre photons et gravitons - Incomplétude des équations de I’électrodynamique et de la gravitation. Il est auteur principal de quatre articles d'astrophysique parus dans les numéros 1, 2, 3 et 4/5 de ANKH, Du méme auteur est récemment paru : “Motion of a test body in the presence of an extemal scalar field which respects the weak equivalence principle’, in ACTA COSMOLOGICA, Fasciculus XXIV-1, Conceptions of Space in Physics, Proceedings of the International Conference, Les Houches (France), 29 September — 3 October 1997, ed. by Z. A. Golda, M. Heller and M. Lachiéze-Rey, Univeytet Jagiellonski, Krakow, 1998. J.P. MBELEK est également Iinventeur de dispositifs brevetés. Pour plus d’informations consulter le site web de ANKH sur internet http:/ TANK BD 19562000

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