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$ Asb Asb $ Asb

Fully anchored Continuous

(Must use at least two longitudinal bars at all locations)
Section 8-8  Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements  •  399
(a) Interior beam without closed transverse reinforcement.

$On /16
Ast 1 Ast 2

$ Ast 1 $ Ast 2

$ Asb Asb $ Asb

of inflections
$6 in. $6 in.
(Must use at least two longitudinal bars at all locations)

Fig. 8-28 (Continued) (b) Interior beam with closed transverse reinforcement over total clear span at
spacing less than or equal to d /2 (transverse reinforcement is not shown).

Example 8-4  Calculation of Bar Cutoff Points from Equations

of Moment Diagrams

The beam shown in Fig. 8-29a is constructed of normal-weight, 4000-psi concrete

and Grade-60 reinforcement. It supports a factored dead load of 0.42 kip/ft and a factored
live load of 3.4 kips/ft. The cross sections at the points of maximum positive and negative
moment, as given in Figs. 8-30c and ­8-32c, are shown in Fig. 8-29b.

1.  Locate flexural cutoffs for positive-moment reinforcement.  The positive

­ oment in span A–B is governed by the loading case in Fig. 8-30a. From a free-body
analysis of a part of span A–B (Fig. 8-30d), the equation for Mu at a distance x from A is
3.82x 2
Mu = 46.5x - kip@ft
At midspan, the beam has two No. 9 plus two No. 8 bars. The two No. 8 bars will be cutoff.
The capacity of the remaining bars is calculated as follows:
As fy 2 * 1.0 in.2 * 60 ksi
a = = = 2.94 in.
0.85 f c′ b 0.85 * 4 ksi * 12 in.
fMn = fAs fy 1d - a>22 = 0.9 * 2.0 in.2 * 60 ksi 121.5 in. - 1.47 in.2

= 2160 kip@in. = 180 k@ft


Fig. 8-29
Beam—Example 8-4.
400  •  Chapter 8  Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement


46.5 ~ 3.82x


52 ft 283 kip-ft

E F 180 kip-ft

G 30 kip-ft


Fig. 8-30
Calculation of flexural
cutoff points for a statically A
determinate beam with an
overhang, loaded to produce
maximum positive moment—
Example 8-4. -

Therefore, theoretical flexural cutoff points occur where Mu = 180 kip@ft. Setting
Mu = 180 kip@ft, the equation for Mu can be rearranged to

1.91x 2 - 46.5x + 180 = 0

This is a quadratic equation of the form

Ax 2 + Bx + C = 0

and so has the solution

-B { 2B 2 - 4AC 46.5 { 21-46.522 - 411.91211802

x = =
2A 211.912

Thus x = 4.83 ft or 19.52 ft from A. These flexural cutoff points are shown in Figs. 8-30c
and 8-31a. They will be referred to as theoretical flexural cutoff points E and F. In a
similar fashion, by setting Mu = 0 the flexural cutoff point G is found to be 24.36 ft
from A or 0.64 ft from B.
Section 8-8  Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements  •  401



4.83 ft
8 in.
19.52 ft

24.36 ft
0.64 ft

(a) Theoretical flexural cutoff points for positive-moment steel.

.Od 9.15 ft . Od 4.67 ft . Od

1.79 ft 1.79 ft

Point of maximum
E9 E bar stress F F9 G G9

21 ft 4 in.
6 in. 1'-0"

(b) Actual cutoff points for positive-moment steel.

Fig. 8-31
Location of positive-moment cutoff points—Example 8-4.

2.  Compute the development lengths for the bottom bars.

12 - 211.5 + 0.3752 - 2 * 1.128 - 2 * 1.0
Bar spacing = = 1.33 in.
Because the bar spacing exceeds d b for both the No. 8 and 9 bars, and because the beam has
minimum stirrups, the bars satisfy Case 1 in Table 8-1. From Eq. (8-12),
/d fy ct ce 60,000 * 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.0
= = = 47.4
db 20l 2f c =
20 * 124000

Thus, for the No. 8 bars, /d = 47.4 * 1.0 = 47.4 in., and for the No. 9 bars, /d =
47.4 * 1.128 = 53.5 in.
3.  Locate actual cutoff points for positive-moment reinforcement. The actual
cutoff points are determined from the theoretical flexural cutoff points using rules stated
earlier. ­Because the location of cutoffs G and D are affected by the locations of cutoffs
E and F, the latter are established first, starting with F. Because the beam is simply sup-
ported it is not included in the ACI Code listing of members that are susceptible to actions
requiring structural integrity.
(a)  Cutoff F. Two No. 8 bars are cutoff. They must satisfy rules for anchorage,
extension of bars into the supports and effect of shear on moment diagrams.
Extension of bars into the supports. At least one-third of the positive-moment rein-
forcement, but not less than two bars, must extend at least 6 in. into the supports. We
shall extend two No. 9 bars into each of the supports A and B.
402  •  Chapter 8  Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement

Effect of shear. Extend the bars by the larger of d = 21.5 in. = 1.79 ft, or 12d b =
1 ft. Therefore, the first trial position of the actual cutoff is at 19.52 + 1.79 =
21.31 ftfrom the center of the support at A, say, 21 ft 4 in. (see point F′ in Fig. 8-31b).
Anchorage. Bars must extend at least /d past the points of maximum bar stress.
For the bars cutoff at F′, the maximum bar stress occurs near midspan, at 12.18 ft
from A. The distance from the point of maximum bar stress to the actual bar cutoff is
21.33 - 12.18 = 9.15 ft. /d for the No. 8 bars is 54.8 in. The distance available is
more than /d—therefore o.k. Cutoff two No. 8 bars at 21 ft 4 in. from A (shown as
point F′ in Fig. 8-31b).

(b)  Cutoff G. Two No. 9 bars are cutoff; we must consider the same three
items as covered in step (a), plus we must check the anchorage at a point of inflection using
Eq. (8-21).
Extension of bars into simple supports. In step (a), we stated the need to extend two
No. 9 bars 6 in. into support B. Thus, G′ is at 25 ft 6 in.
Effects of shear. Because the cutoff is at the support, we do not need to extend the
bars further.
Anchorage. Bars must extend at least /d past actual cutoffs of adjacent bars. /d for
No. 9 bottom bar = 53.5 in. = 4.46 ft. Distance from F′ to G′ = 125 ft 6 in.2 -
121 ft 4 in.2 = 4 ft 2 in. Bar does not extend /d , therefore extend the bars to
21.33 ft + 4.46 ft = 25.79 ft, say, 25 ft 10 in.
Anchorage at point of inflection. Must satisfy Eq. (8-21) at point of inflection
(point where the moment is zero). Therefore, at G, /d … Mn >Vu + /a. The point
of inflection is 0.64 ft from the support (Fig. 8-30c). At this point Vu is 46.5 kips
(Fig. 8-30b) and the moment strength Mn for the bars in the beam at the point of
inflection (two No. 9 bars) is

Mn = 180 kip@ft * = 2400 kip@in.

/a = larger of d (21.5 in.) or 12d b (13.5 in.) but not more than the actual extension of
the bar past the point of inflection 125.83 - 24.36 = 1.47 ft = 17.6 in.2. Therefore,
/a = 17.6 in., and

Mn 2400
+ /a = + 17.6
Vu 46.5
= 69.2 in.

o.k., because this length exceeds /d = 53.5 in. Cutoff two No. 9 bars 1 ft from B
(rounded from 10 in. to 1 ft and shown as point G′ in Fig. 8-31b).
(c)  Cutoff E. Two No. 8 bars are cutoff; we must check for the effect of shear and
development length (anchorage).
Effects of shear, positive moment. Extend the bars d = 1.79 ft past the flexural
cutoff point. Therefore, the actual cutoff E′ is at 4.83 - 1.79 = 3.04 ft (3 ft 1 in.)
from A.
Section 8-8  Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements  •  403

Anchorage, positive moment. The distance from the point of maximum moment to
the actual cutoff exceeds /d = 54.8 in.—therefore o.k. Cutoff two No. 8 bars at
3 ft 1 in. from A (point E′ in Fig. 8-31b; note that this is changed later).
(d) Cutoff D. Two No. 9 bars are cutoff; we must consider extension into a ­support,
extension beyond the cutoff point E′, and development of bars at a simple support using
Eq. (8-20).
Extension into simple support. This was done in step (a).
Bars must extend Od from the actual cutoff E′, where /d = 53.5 in. (No. 9 bars).
The maximum possible length available is 3 ft 1 in. + 6 in. = 43 in. Because this is
less than /d, we must either extend the end of the beam, hook the ends of the bars, use
smaller bars, or eliminate the cutoff E′. We shall do the latter. Therefore, extend all
four bars 6 in. past support A.
Development of bars at simple support. We must satisfy Eq. (8-20) at the support.

/d … + /a
Vu = 46.5 kips
As fy 3.58 in.2 * 60 ksi
a = = = 5.26 in.
0.85f c′b 0.85 * 4 ksi * 12 in.

Mn = As fy 1 d - a / 2 2 = 3.58 in.2 * 60 ksi 1 21.5 in. - 2.63 in. 2

= 4050 kip@in.

/a = 6 in.
Mn 4050
1.3 + /a = 1.3 + 6 = 119 in.
Vn 46.5

Because this exceeds /d, development at the simple support is satisfied. The actual
cutoff points are illustrated in Fig. 8-34.

4.  Locate flexural cutoffs for negative-moment reinforcement. The negative

moment is governed by the loading case in Fig. 8-32a. The equations for the negative
bending moments are as follows:
Between A and B, with x measured from A,

0.42x 2
Mu = -5.8x - kip@ft

and between C and B, with x 1 measured from C,

-3.82x 21
Mu = kip@ft
404  •  Chapter 8  Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement


18.6 ft 9.71 ft


180 kip-ft

275 kip-ft


Fig. 8-32
Calculation of flexural
cutoff points for negative
­moment—Example 8-4.

Over the support at B, the reinforcement is two No. 9 bars plus two No. 8 bars. The
two No. 8 bars are no longer required when the moment is less than fMn = 180 kip@ft
(strength of the beam with two No. 9 bars).
So, between A and B,
-180 = -5.8x - 0.21x 2
x = -46.2 ft or 18.6 ft from A

Therefore, the theoretical flexural cutoff point for two No. 8 top bars in span A–B is
at 18.6 ft from A. Finally, between B and C,
-180 = -1.91x 21
x 1 = 9.71 ft from C

Therefore, the theoretical flexural cutoff point for two No. 8 top bars in span B–C is at 9.71 ft
from C. The flex­ural cutoff points for the negative-moment steel are shown in Fig. 8-33a
and are lettered H, J, K, and L.
5.  Compute development lengths for the top bars. Because there is more than
12 in. of concrete below the top bars, ct = 1.3. Thus, for the No. 8 bars, /d = 61.6 in., and
for the No. 9 bars, /d = 69.6 in.
Section 8-8  Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements  •  405

18.56 ft 6.44 ft 2.29 ft 9.71 ft


(a) Theoretical flexural cutoff points for negative-moment steel.

17 ft . Od
2 in. 2 in.

J9 J9 K9 L9

1.79 ft

(b) Actual cutoff points for negative-moment steel. 8 ft 3 in. . Od 5.5 ft . Od

Fig. 8-33
Location of negative-moment cutoff points—Example 8-5.

6.  Locate the actual cutoff points for the negative-moment reinforcement.
Again, the inner cutoffs will be considered first, because their location affects the design of
the outer cutoffs. The choice of actual cutoff points is illustrated in Fig. 8-33b.
(a) Cutoff J. Two No. 8 bars are cutoff.
Effects of shear. Extend bars by d = 1.79 ft past the theoretical flexural cutoff.
­Cutoff at 18.56 - 1.79 = 16.8 ft from A and 8.2 ft from B, say, 8 ft 3 in.
Anchorage of negative-moment steel. The bars must extend /d from the point of
maximum bar stress. For the two No. 8 top bars, the maximum bar stress is at B. The
actual bar extension is 8.25 ft = 99 in. This exceeds /d = 61.9 in.—therefore o.k.
Cutoff two No. 8 bars at 8 ft 3 in. from B (point J′ in Fig. 8-33b).

(b)  Cutoff H. Two No. 9 bars are cutoff.

Anchorage. Bar must extend /d past J′, where /d = 69.6 in. Length available ≅
17 ft—therefore o.k. Extend two No. 9 bars to 2 in. from the end of the beam
(point H′ in Fig. 8-33b).

(c)  Cutoff K. Two No. 8 bars are cutoff. The theoretical flexural cutoff is at 9.71 ft
from C (2.29 ft from B).
Effect of shear. Extend bars d = 1.79 ft. The end of the bars is at 2.29 + 1.79 =
4.08 ft from B, say, 4 ft 1 in.
Anchorage. Extend /d past B. /d for a No. 8 top bar = 61.6 in. The extension of 4 ft
1 in. is thus not enough. Try extending the No. 8 top bars 5 ft 6 in. past B to point K′.
406  •  Chapter 8  Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement

Therefore, cutoff two No. 8 bars at 5 ft 6 in. from B (point K′ in Fig. 8-33b).
Note that this is changed in the next step.

(d) Cutoff L. Two No. 9 bars are cutoff.

Anchorage. The bars must extend /d past K′. For a No. 9 top bar /d = 69.6 in. =
5.80 ft. Allowing 2 in. of cover at end of beam, the available extension is
11.83 - 5.8 = 6.03 ft, which exceeds /d—therefore, o.k. The final actual cutoff
points are shown in Fig. 8-34.
7.  Check whether extra stirrups are required at cutoffs. ACI Code Section
prohibits bar cutoffs in a tension zone, unless

Vu at actual cutoff … 23 f1Vc + Vs2 at that point.

Extra stirrups are provided at actual cutoff point.
The continuing flexural reinforcement at the flexural cutoff has twice the
required As and Vu … 0.75 f1Vc + Vs2.
Because we have determined the theoretical cutoff points on the basis of the continu-
ing reinforcement having 1.0 times the required As , it is unlikely that we could satisfy the
third limit, even though the actual bar cutoff points were extended beyond the theoretical
cutoff points. Further, because we only need to satisfy one of the three sections noted, we
will concentrate on satisfying the first limit.
As indicated in Fig. 8-29b, the initial shear design was to use No. 3 double-leg
stirrups throughout the length of the beam. We can use Eqs. (6-9), (6-8b), and (6-18) to
determine the value for fVn .
Av f yt d
fVn = f1Vc + Vs2 = f a2l 2f c= b w d + b
0.22 in.2 * 60,000 psi * 21.5 in.
= 0.75 a2 * 124000 psi * 12 in. * 21.5 in. + b
10 in.
= 0.75(32,600 lb + 28,400 lb) = 45.8 kips

From this, 2∙3 fVn = 30.5 kips. So, if Vu at the actual cutoff point exceeds 30.5 kips, we
will need to modify the design for the stirrups to increase Vs , and thus, Vn .
(a)  Cutoff at F′. This cutoff is at 3 ft 8 in. from B, which is in a flexural tension
zone for the bottom reinforcement. From Fig. 8-30b, for load Case 1, the shear at F′ is:

Vu = -49.0 k + 3.67 ft * 3.82 k>ft = -35.0 kips

where the sign simply indicates the direction of the shear force. This value for Vu exceeds
∙3 fVn , so we must either decrease the spacing for the No. 3 stirrups or change to a larger
(No. 4) stirrup. We will try No. 3 stirrups at a 6-in. spacing:

Av f yt d 0.22 in.2 * 60 ksi * 21.5 in.

Vs = = = 47.3 kips
s 6 in.

and then,

∙3 fVn = 2∙3 * 0.75(32.6 k + 47.3 k) = 40.0 kips
Section 8-8  Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements  •  407

8 ft 3 in. 6 ft 6 in.

2 No. 9 2 No. 8 2 No. 8

2 No. 9 3 ft 8 in.
6 in.
Fig. 8-34
5 ft 6 in. 1 ft
details—­Example 8-4. No. 3 at 10 in. No. 3 at 6 in. No. 3 at 10 in.

This value exceeds Vu , so the modified stirrup design is o.k. This tighter spacing should
start at the cutoff point and extend at least a distance d toward the maximum positive-
moment ­region. For simplicity, use a 6-in. stirrup spacing from the center of support
B for 5 ft 6 in. ­toward midspan of span A–B (Fig. 8-34).
(b)  Cutoffs at J′ and K′. The flexural tension that occurs in these bars is due to
load Case 2 (Fig. 8-32). By inspection, Vu at J′ is less than 23 fVn = 30.5 kips. Therefore,
no extra stirrups are required at this cutoff.
The final reinforcement details are shown in Fig. 8-34. For nonstandard beams such
as this one, a detail of this sort should be shown in the contract drawings. n
The calculations just carried out are tedious, and if the underlying concepts are not
understood, the detailing provisions are difficult to apply. Several things can be done to
simplify these calculations. One is to extend all of the bars past their respective points of
inflection so that no bars are cutoff in zones of flexural tension. This reduces the number
of cutoffs required and eliminates the need for extra stirrups, on one hand, while requiring
more flexural reinforcement, on the other. A second method is to work out the flexural
cutoff points graphically. This approach is discussed in the next section.

Graphical Calculation of Flexural Cutoff Points

The flexural strength of a beam is fMn = fAs fy jd, where jd is the internal level arm and is
relatively insensitive to the amount of reinforcement. If it is assumed that jd is constant, then
fMn is directly proportional to As. Because, in design, fMn is set equal to Mu, we can then
say that the amount of steel, As, required at any section is directly proportional to Mu at that
section. If it is desired to cutoff a third of the bars at a particular cutoff point, the remaining
two-thirds of the bars would have a strength of two-thirds of the maximum fMn, and hence
this cutoff would be located where Mu was two-thirds of the maximum Mu.
Figure A-1 in Appendix A is a schematic graph of the bending-moment envelope
for a typical interior span of a multispan continuous beam designed for maximum nega-
tive moments of -w/2n >11 and a maximum positive moment of w/2n >16 (as per ACI Code
Table 6.5.2). Similar graphs for end spans are given in Figs. A-2 to A-4.
Figure A-1 can be used to locate the flexural cutoff points and points of inflection
for typical interior uniformly loaded beams, provided they satisfy the limitations of ACI
Code Section 6.5.1. Thus, the extreme points of inflection for positive moments (points
where the positive-moment diagram equals zero) are at 0.146/n from the faces of the two
supports, while the corresponding negative-moment points of inflection are at 0.24/n from
the supports. This means that positive-moment steel must extend from midspan to at least
0.146/n from the supports, while negative-moment steel must extend at least 0.24/n from
the supports. The use of Figs. A-1 through A-4 is illustrated in Example 8-5. A more com-
plete ­example is given in Chapter 10.

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