Pakistan's National Cultures

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Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in

diversity. Elaborate.
National Culture of Pakistan is a blend of many outlooks including
Punjabi, Pashtun, Baloch and Sindhi. All these are diverse in their
material and non-material approaches. Despite this diversity, the
culture of Pakistan is marked with the unity cemented by our
shared goals and common beliefs. Amid the minor rifts ignited by
provincialism and ethnicity, Pakistan’s national culture remains
one marking the united people of varying origins and of different
social strata.
Defining Pakistan’s National Culture:
National Culture of Pakistan can be defined as an amalgam of all
the material and non-material thoughts, ideas, perceptions and
practices common in the diverse ethnic groups residing in
Pakistan and shaping its outlook. National culture of Pakistan
does not have a point-source rather it seeks strength and content
from multiple sources.
How Pakistan’s National Culture is Diverse?
The co-existence of four major provincial and ethnic groups
known as Punjabi, Baloch, Pashtun and Sindhi; with their varying
ideas about social customs, with different approaches towards
development and with separate thought about the politico-
economic setups – makes Pakistan’s national culture diverse.
How Pakistan’s Diverse National Culture Marks Unity?
Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity by:
• Bringing into consideration the varying social customs of all
the ethnic groups
• Maintaining a sense of harmony among the differing socio-
economic approaches among different people living in
• Establishing the environment for co-existence for all the
cultural patterns no matter how different they are from one
• Mainstreaming the people of all origins for common goals of
nation’s defense, prosperity and development
• Introducing the trait of tolerance and acceptance for each
other’s cultural values and tribal histories
• Providing the people of different backgrounds shared beliefs,
one ideology and common religious sentiments
• Ensuring the opportunity of social mobility for everyone
irrespective of his or her ethnic background.
With all these manifestations, the national culture of Pakistan
stands out to be eminently united amid the diverse social, political
and economic approaches of people from different origins,
backgrounds and histories.
National Culture of any country is what its people think and
practice along with what they hold dear and what they defend. As
far as Pakistan is concerned, it is no exception in this regard. It
has a national culture united and cemented in the diversity of
socio-political thoughts and cultural variations. People from all the
four major ethnic groups and provinces remain united amid the
minor rifts over their rights and sharing the national wealth.

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