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COE - Strateqic HR & Talent Manaqement

Ref. No. 0 1 : H R-Policy :7 (4 1)

: Date:O1 .01.2021


Sub: lnteqration of Performance Appraisal Report Svstem of GM and above level

Executives with SAP

1.0 The system of Pedormance Appraisal Report of Gtt/ and above level executives
is presently available as a standalone online system.

2.0 ln order to integrate the same with other processes, this system (with its existing
features) is being migrated to SAP with effect from 01 .01.2021.

3.0 The legacy data with reference to the Assessment Year 2020-21 is being
migrated to this new portal. ln case, details regarding Assessment Year 2020-21
are yet to be entered by the concerned executive, the same may be entered by
them in this new portal.

4.0 Further, with a view to make this system easier to use and accessible onthe-go
at anytime from anywhere, a lVobile App for this appraisal system is also
available for the concerned executives.

5.0 A Help Document on the above system in SAP along with the details regarding
set-up & configuration of the App on [Vobile is placed as Annexure.

This is for the kind information and necessary action by all concerned

(A K Jadli)

Encl.. Help document - Appraisal (GlVl & Above)



Employee Appraisal - > Appraisal (GM & Above)


ESS-> SAP Apps

If Form already created for current assessment year:

If Form not created for current assessment year:

“Add new form” will create a new form. It prompts to select year, Start date and End date. Displays
current RO w.r.t PMS. Provision to change (enter 6 digit employee number) RO is provided.
On click “Create Form” button a new form will be created for the given dates with the RO as provided in
“Enter RO” text box.
Below is the sample screen of Basic information part of the form created in above step.
Please check the details in this screen. All these details are picked from SAP live data.
Check Reporting /Reviewing/SH/Accepting Authority. If any, discrepancy may please contact PMS Officer
for necessary correction.
Add. Qualifications and Honors:

Any additional qualifications acquired may be entered here.

Additional Training , Awards/Honours received during the year , Number of officers for whom PAR was
not written by the officer reported upon as Reporting/Reviewing Authority for the previous year (To be
filled by Nodal Officer) (11) : To be enter during final assessment phase and not in planning stage.

Date of filing the property return in the prescribed format for the year ending (12): System will get data
based on property returns submission details.

Date of last prescribed medical examination. If Annual health checkup is done from empanelled hospital,
then system will pick up the details automatically. If health checkup done from NTPC Hospital, then
select the checkbox “Last annual health checkup from NTPC Hospital”.
Next Navigate to Responsibilities tab.

Self Assessment details to be entered during final assessment phase (Not applicable during planning
Navigate to “Annual Work Plan” tab to enter individual KPIs.

Govt. MOU KPI with weightage 25 marks will be defaulted by system. Click on “+” to enter KPIs.
Enter new KPI in Description part. Select measure from the drop down list
(Number/Percentage/Date).Enter marks in “Weightage”. Enter Targets in L1/L2/L3/L4/L5 with L1 100%

After entering required KPI with total marks of 50 (Govt. MOU KPI with weightage 25 marks + Individual
KPI 50 marks, Total 75 Marks) click on “Save Draft” button placed at bottom right and then click on
“Submit” button placed at bottom right.

Final Processing
Navigate to “Addl. Qualifications and Honors” tab to enter details w.r.t Training / Awards / honours /
Medical checkup.

Navigate to “Responsibilities” to update Responsibilities.

Navigate to “Self Assessment” to enter details w.r.t exceptional contribution / constraints / training
required / annual work plan for reportees.

Navigate to “Annual work Plan” to enter Targets achieved

After entering Targets achieved in all the KPIs click on “Save Draft Process” and then click on “Submit
Process”. Once the form is submitted, form status will be set to In Process-With RO.

Assessment BY RO:

Navigate to: ESS –>SAP Apps –>PMS GM & Above.

Or ESS –> Employee Appraisal –>Appraisal (GM & Above).

Click on “Pending for RO Action”.

Review marks/score obtained/achieved. Click on “Draft save Process”

Open “Functional Competencies” Tab.

Open “Appraisal of the RO” Tab, to enter remarks/comments against given heads and click on “Draft
save process”.
Open “Integrity and Overall Picture” Tab to enter comments/remarks against Integrity, Pen Picture and
then click on “Draft Save process”

Once all the data in “Annual work Plan” ,”Functional Competencies” ,”Appraisal of the RO” and
“Integrity and Pen Picture” updated ,click on “Accept Process” button to set the form “In Process with
If RO wants to send the form back to employee for any changes, he/she can use the option “Re-Submit
to employee process” button.

Assessment BY R1:

Navigate to: ESS –>SAP Apps –>PMS GM & Above.

Or ESS –> Employee Appraisal –>Appraisal (GM & Above).

Click on “Pending for R1 Action”.

Review ratings awarded by RO w.r.t Tasks/KPA and Attributes/Competencies.
Enter any comments in “Difference of Opinion” if required. Click on “Draft save Process”.
If R1 wants to send the form back to employee for any changes, he/she can use the option “Re-Submit
to RO process” button.
Assessment BY SH (Functional Director):
Navigate to: ESS –>SAP Apps –>PMS GM & Above.
Or ESS –> Employee Appraisal –>Appraisal (GM & Above).

Click on “Pending for SH Action”.

Review ratings awarded by R1.
Enter any comments if required. Click on “Draft save Process”.
If SH wants to send the form back to employee for any changes, he/she can use the option “Re-Submit
to R1 process” button.
The entire process detailed above can be accomplished using mobile


1. Download SAP Fiori Client App (available on Apple APP store and Google Play Store)
2. After installation, open the app and click on Login button.
3. Enter the below mention url in “Sap Fiori URL or work email” text box.
url :
4. After entering url, application will check and prompt to create a passcode. Select disable passcode.
5. In next screen, application prompt for login. Enter 6 digit employee number and provide AD password
( pradip portal password).
6. Select “GM & Above PMS“Tile.
7. Subsequent steps are the same as detailed in the first page of this document.

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