6sig - GB Exercise Section - 1 To 4

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Basic Statistics

1. Exercises on Manual Computation of Mean & Standard Deviation

1.1 Data on 5 samples for % carbon in as follows.

3.15 3.25 3.29 3.18 3.12

Calculate the Mean & Standard Deviation

1.2 Permeability data for 10 samples of Green Sand is given below:

120, 180 160 155 125 175 110 145 175 150

Calculate the Mean and SD

Interpret these summary figures specifications are 110-200

1.3 (a) Calculate the average for the following two data sets A&B

A: 11, 15, 12, 13, 14

B: 11, 15 12, 130, 14

What did you learn from this exercise

1.4 Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation for the following two data sets A&B

1.4.1 A: 1.125, 1.785, 1.913, 1.675, 1.807, 1.325

B: 1001.125, 1001.325, 1001.675, 1001.785, 1001.807, 1001.913

1.4.2 A: 11.125, 11.785, 11.913, 11.675, 11.807, 11.325

B: 1.1125, 1.1325, 1.1675, 1.1785, 1.1807, 1.1913

1.4.3 A: 116, 120, 118, 119, 117

B: 2.0, 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6

What did you learn from these three exercises 1.4.1 through 1.4.3

1.5 A supervisor of a group of six workers wanted to check the accuracy and precision of
his workers doing a manual operation of cutting a specified length of a bandage. The target
for length is 5 m. He collected eight random samples from the bandages cut by each of the
workmen and measured them. The results are given in the table below:

Workman Length of eight individual Bandages (m.)

A 5.01, 5.03, 5.00, 5.02, 5.05, 5.04, 5.00, 5.01
B 4.98, 4.99, 5.01, 4.96, 5.01, 4.97, 5.03, 4.97
C 4.95, 4.96, 5.00, 4.95, 4.96, 4.94, 4.97, 4.95
D 5.02, 5.03, 5.03, 5.03, 5.04, 5.04, 5.02, 5.03
E 4.97, 4.99, 4.96, 5.00, 5.00, 4.98, 4.96, 4.98
F 4.96, 5.03, 4.98, 5.04, 5.04, 5.04, 4.96, 5.03

Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each of the workmen and answer the following

1.5.1 Who is the most accurate workman?

1.5.2 Who is the least accurate workman?

1.5.3 Who is the most precise workman?

1.5.4 Who is the least precise workman?

1.5.5 What is the length of the shortest individual bandage and who had cut it?

1.5.6 What is the length of the longest individual bandage and who had cut it?

1.5.7 What is the overall mean of all the samples?


Normal Distribution

1. The breaking strength of cable is known to be normally distributes with a mean of 4000
kg and a standard deviation of 25 kg. The manufacturer prefers that at least 95% of his
product meet a strength requirement of 4050 kg. Is this requirement being met? if not, by
changing the process parameter, what should the process mean target value be?

2. A company has been able to restrict the use of electrical power through energy
conservation measures. The monthly use is known to be normal with a mean of 6000
KWh and a standard deviation of 400 Kwh

A. What is the probability that the monthly consumption will be less than 5910Kwh

B. What is the probability that the monthly consumption will between

5900and 6030 Kwh

C. The capacity of the utility that supplies this company is 6100Kwh. What is the
probability that demand will not exceed supply by more than 100 Kwh.

3. The following table provides data regarding five processes. The data includes Upper
and Lower Specifications Limits (USL & LSL). Mean and Standard Deviation.
Calculate Cp and Cpk indices for the processes and answer the questions.


USL LSL Mean Cp Cpk

A 500.00 485.00 493.00 2.50

B 312.00 300.00 307.50 2.50

C 50.80 50.20 50.50 0.125

D 15.66 15.00 15.27 0.10

E 2.52 2.25 2.40 0.05

F 122.45 122.24 122.33 0.05

a) Which of the processes is most capable?

b) Which is the least capable among the processes?

c) Which of the processes is performing best?

d) Which of the processes is performing worst?

e) Which is the most accurate process?


Six Sigma Rating

1. In the year 2004 -2005, the number of melts meeting the specifications with
respect to chemical and metallurgical characteristics was 2000 out of 6000 melts.
Obtain the sigma rating.

2. In a bearings unit the full time yields are as follows in each section

Parting : 98%
Turning : 97%
Heat Treatment : 95%
Graining and super finishing : 96%
Final inspection and testing : 98 %

Obtain the sigma rating for the unit

3. In a Bank, out of 9,85,000 credit card accounts, 1500 accounts were found to be
defaulting at the end of the year, in spite of careful scrutiny at the time of account
opening. Obtain six sigma rating of the credit card scheme.

4. In a share registry, in the data entry department 9885 forms were found to be okay
out of 10,000 application forms for which data was typed in. in the rest of forms,
there were some keying in errors and rework was found to be necessary There
were 20 CTQ’s in all. Calculate the six sigma rating of the data entry department

5. In a medical diagnostics unit the quality assurance department found that only
98%of the tests done were found to be okay and the rest were marginally differing.
Obtain the six sigma Rating for the unit.

6. a) In a machine shop there are 20 machines and in all 1200, aspects are checked on
all the machines as CTQ’s for preventive machine each time. In 2004-05, 12
monthly preventive maintenance actions were implemented as a rating practice.
However 100 machines breakdowns occurred which were attributable to poor
preventive maintenance either by design/ conformance. Obtain the sigma rating
for the department.

b) Out of 500 problems reported for quality problems. Operators reported to be

happy only in 475 cases after the maintenance. Obtain the sigma rating for the
maintenance quality.

07. A software company reported that only in one case out of six projects during the
last one year, they could meet the promised target on delivery. Obtain the sigma
rating for the delivery process.

08. A small-scale printing press is specialized in printing wedding cards. During the
year 2004-05, 3000 orders were executed and in all, the orders contained 6,00,000
alphabets. The proprietor reported that there were 150 spelling mistakes in the
cards, while even though customers were responsible for final approval. Thus even
customer overlooked such fine mistakes. Obtain the sigma rating for the press.
09. In the hardware stores of a company:
a) Out of 25,000 types of different items, under/ over stock was found in 150 items
during the annual audit carried out by the firm. Obtain sigma rating for the stock
issuing process.
b) Under stock/ overstock was reported to the tune of Rs.1.28 Lakhs out of Rs. 980.457
crores worth of transactions. Obtain the sigma rating for the stores.
c) Which rating should the stores use-comment.

10. The production department of a company was found to be on target for only 860 shifts out
of 900 shifts in a year. Obtain the sigma rating for the Production delivery process

11. In a training institution, out of 285 courses conducted in a year, only for 190 courses the
participants reported meeting these expectations. Obtain sigma rating for the customer
satisfaction rating process.

12. A Govt. department was found to initiate only 87% of the approval budget in a year.
Obtain the sigma rating for the funding utilization process.

13. An R&D department developed 15 new types of innovations out of which only 10 were
found to be commercially viable. Obtain six sigma rating for the departments R&D
planning process.

14. In a big unit, out of 350 quality circles, only 25 were found to be doing active work.
Obtain six sigma rating for the steering committee of the company.

15. The security department is supposed to carry out in all 2 types of checks per employee
during their exit out of the factory each day. There are 2000 employee during their exit
out of the selling each day. There are 2000 employees and 300 working days in a year. In
all 15 employees were caught stealing some items or other in a year. Obtain sigma rating
for the checking process.

Analysis & Control

1. A Quality characteristic follows normal distribution with mean µ=65 Standard

Deviatioon=2. Find the probability that it takes a value a) less than 63 b) greater than
68 c) between 70 & 60 d) between 61 &69.

2. Width of the coil, used in electrical machines is one of the important quality
characteristics. It was observed that coils were getting rejected due to non-
conformance. Data were collected on 20 coils. Observations were taken at three
different positions. Data is shown in table. Analyze the data using control chart and
answer the following

a) Is process under statistical control?

b) Is process capable of meeting the specifications(21.76+.13mm)

S.No. 1 2 3 X- R
1 21.50 21.60 21.80 21.63 0.3
2 21.45 21.50 21.75
3 21.45 21.70 21.85
4 21.75 21.60 22.00
5 21.80 21.50 21.60
6 21.45 21.60 21.80
7 21.85 21.50 21.80
8 21.85 21.50 21.85
9 21.80 21.75 21.80
10 22.00 21.60 22.00
11 21.85 21.75 21.85
12 21.75 21.90 21.50
13 22.10 21.50 21.85
14 22.00 21.50 22.10
15 22.10 21.45 21.80
16 21.80 21.40 21.45
17 22.00 21.30 21.45
18 22.00 21.30 21.90
19 22.00 21.60 21.90
20 21.80 21.85 21.85
3. Several tube sheets for coil cooler of centrifugal compressors were rejected due to
oversize holes and leakage at expand joint. Data were collected on hole size after
reaming of drilled holes as shown in the table. Analyze the data and offer your
comment about the behavior of the process. Design suitable control charts for the
reaming process.


Subgroup 1 2 3 4 X R
1 19.340 19.340 19.340 19.340
2 19.340 19.340 19.340 19.340
3 19.345 19.335 19.340 19.345
4 19.340 19.340 19.340 19.345
5 19.340 19.335 19.340 19.340
6 19.330 19.340 19.335 19.335
7 19.340 19.340 19.345 19.340
8 19.345 19.340 19.340 19.340
9 19.340 19.335 19.340 19.340
10 19.340 19.340 19.345 19.340
11 19.335 19.335 19.330 19.330
12 19.340 19.340 19.340 19.345
13 19.340 19.330 19.335 19.340
14 19.330 19.330 19.335 19.330
15 19.330 19.330 19.330 19.330
16 19.330 19.330 19.330 19.335
17 19.335 19.330 19.335 19.330
18 19.340 19.330 19.330 19.335
19 19.335 19.335 19.335 19.340
20 19.335 19.330 19.330 19.345
21 19.330 19.335 19.335 19.340
22 19.340 19.330 19.340 19.340

4 In order to control the air gap between stator and rotor of Electric motor, it was
proposed to make use control chart for machining of rotor diameter. Data were
collected on 23 rotors by taking measurement at three different positions on each
rotor. Variability between positions was found to be insignificant and hence three
observations from one rotor were treated as a sample. Analyze the data and answer
the following questions

1 Is process stable?
2.if tolerance provided is + 0.075, is the process capable?
3. Design suitable control chart for this process.

S.No D.E M.E N.D.E X R

1 634.00 633.85 634.10
2 633.80 633.83 633.90
3 633.90 633.91 633.95
4 633.92 633.97 634.00
5 633.85 633.85 633.96
6 633.93 633.78 633.83
7 633.96 633.94 634.08
8 634.20 634.38 634.28
9 633.95 634.00 633.92
10 634.00 634.20 634.19
11 634.03 633.81 633.80
12 633.08 633.08 633.85
13 634.05 633.88 633.05
14 634.15 634.18 634.09
15 634.24 633.96 633.96
16 634.04 634.05 633.95
17 633.85 633.93 634.00
18 633.95 634.15 634.15
19 633.60 633.70 633.67
20 634.42 634.43 634.42
21 633.97 633.99 634.01
22 633.94 634.75 634.72
23 633.88 633.90 634.06

5. Pareto analysis

Consider the rework of Watch in Watch Assembly in a certain

period, the rework was as under

S.No. Defect Code Quantity

1 Dirty A 63
2 Waveness on upper Lugs B 1140
3 Burr at bottom of lugs C 529
4 Thread in case pipe D 225
5 Milling/filling defect E 1178
6 Tips polishing F 609
7 Scratches in level G 556
8 Shining at OSR H 28
9 Black spots in between lugs I 199
10 Black spots in at OSR J 548
11 Turning lines on upper of lugs K 45
Total 5120

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