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Report on Consumer Buying Behavior Survey

Subject: Consumer Behavior

Submitted by:
Janvi (20GEN023)
Kirtish Bhavsar (20GEN025)

Under the Guidance of:

Prof. Srishti Agarwal
A survey done to study the consumer behavior and analyze decision making based on several
factors. This Report is made after surveying a customer who recently bought MacBook air
laptop from online platform. The objective of undergoing this survey was to know which
factors influence the customer to buy the product even in such covid -19 pandemic situation.
There are Internal and external factors which act as stimuli to influence customer buy new
Here, Mr. Suraj Role was surveyed with more than 18 questions and the answers received are
been noted below, this helped us to analyze and know the customers point of view behind
purchasing the product.
Customer Details:
MR. Suraj Role
Age – 27
Profession – Student and business owner
Interest – Technology and engineering

Product Details:
Product - MacBook Air
Category – Laptop Price –
70000/- Rs.

Bought from –

1. Hello Suraj, how are you and have you made purchase of any product costing above
Ans: Yes, I have purchased a laptop a month ago.

2. May I know the product which you have purchased recently? Ans: Apple MacBook

3. So, is it a new or kind of used product? Ans: New Product using ecommerce

4. Were you not having a laptop before?

Ans: Yes, I was having a laptop but it had windows operating system loaded in it.

5. What made you buy a new laptop? And which Brand is it?
Ans: As everything is going online due to lockdown and covid-19 pandemic situation
I wanted a device from which I can stay connected and perform regular tasks from
my home itself.

6. Any specific purpose behind this purchase?

Ans: Yeah, Multitasking was my primary objective and secondly to attend college

7. So, from where did you hear about this product? Have you gone through a search
process to find out this specific model?
Ans: It is already a well-known brand but I searched for the specifications which
catering my requirements.

8. Was there any Budget constraint to you what was that?

Ans: 50K – 60K

9. Was there any other product under consideration with this MacBook?
Ans: Yes, other MacBook models were there but the Brand was decided already from
my side and that was APPLE.

10. What attributes of this product attracted you and made to choose the same? Ans:
1. Brand value
2. Customer Privacy and security 3. Elegant design and
superior quality.

11. Was it all your choice or family influence to get silver color?
Ans: Color was never the consideration parameter; I choose the color which was
readily available.

12. Had you seen the model before purchasing or you directly ordered it based on
virtual images and videos of product?
Ans: Actually, I have used the product earlier and post usage decided to go for final

13. Why you ordered it from online platform instead of getting it from authorized
apple center?
Ans: Because of Price discount available on flip kart and lockdown constraint.

14. What was your payment method to buy this product?

Ans: Credit Card.

15. After purchasing do you think the product justified every single penny you spent?
Ans: Yes, it is one of the products which feels value for money.

16. How is your ownership experience with the product?

Ans: It is really great the support and after service is very good from apple, I am
happy with the product.

17. Are you satisfied with your buying decision?

Ans: Yes, I am satisfied.

18. Will you recommend or suggest this product to others?

Ans: Definitely I will recommend this product to friends and family.
Relating it with EKB model of purchase –
The Engel, Kollat and Blackwell Model, also referred to as the EKB model was proposed to
organize and describe the growing body of research concerning consumer behaviour. A
comprehensive model, it shows the various components of consumer decision making and
the interactions among them. EKB is the 5-step buying behavior model which helps us to
analyze the buying behavior of customers.
First step: Inputs –
The information input includes all kinds of stimuli that a consumer is exposed to and triggers
a kind of behaviour. The consumer is exposed to a large number of stimuli both marketing
(advertising, publicity, etc.) as well as non-marketing sources (family, friends, peers); thus, the
various stimuli compete for consumer’s attention. These stimuli provide information to the
consumer and trigger off the decision-making process.
In our case the customer was highly exposed to the brand Which was Apple and this can be
from advertisements, Brand Value and Brad recognition of Apple.

Second step: Information processing –

Stimuli received in the first stage provide information; the information is processed into
meaningful information. The stage comprises consumer’s exposure, attention,
comprehension, acceptance, and retention of information. The consumer is exposed to stimuli
(and the accompanying information); attention determines which of the stimuli he will focus
upon; thereafter he would interpret and comprehend it, accepts it in his short-term memory
and retains it by transferring the input to long-term memory.
In our case stimuli exposed him to the product, the Brand image grabbed his attention and
acceptance for the product was already created, which built a memory of the customer about
the product.

Third step: Decision process –

At any time during the information processing, the consumer could enter into this stage. The
model focuses on the five basic decision process stages, viz., problem recognition, search,
alternative evaluation, choice, and outcomes (post-purchase evaluation and behaviour).
Problem recognition is followed by search. Problem here was not able to attend lecture with
the old laptop. The search was influenced by the external influences i.e., High Brand Image
and value. Thereafter Suraj had evaluated other alternatives but Apple was only the brand he
wanted to buy. While evaluating belief that Apple is a quality product Suraj formed an attitude
which in term affected the purchase intension. Next stage was choice and purchase, this is
based on every individual. After Purchase is been done the outcome is in the form of
satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This outcome acts as a feedback on the input and impacts the
cycle again. In our case Suraj was satisfied with his purchase and will surely recommend and
even can show brand loyalty in this case by purchasing same brand products again in future.
Fourth step: Decisional variables –
The model proposes individual influences that affect the various stages of the decisionmaking
process. Individual characteristics include constructs like demographics, motives, beliefs,
attitude, personality, values, lifestyle, normative compliance, etc.
Belief of Suraj was Apple is the best brand available in the market at his budget. The Motive
here was to purchase the Apple product to fulfil his needs of multitasking and attending
lectures. This belief formed a positive attitude within him for the product. Depending on his
lifestyle he chooses the budget of 60k to spend on the laptop. His Intensions were very clear
and he evaluated all the Apple products.

The model also proposes certain environmental and situational influences that affect the
decision-making process. The environmental influences include “Circles of Social Influence,”
like culture, sub-culture, social class, reference groups, family and other normative influences;
situational influences include consumer’s financial condition.
Here Suraj might have got influenced by external factors like cultural norms or may be social
class which he lived in. Reference groups and family might have influenced him to buy the
product. Though it is not necessary that a customer always goes through all of these 5 steps
which depends on the product itself.
Conclusion –
• There is a major shift in consumers buying laptops from stores to buying online after
this covid.
• Apple has high Brand value and strong brand loyalty.
• Average span of buying a new laptop can be 5 years
• Consumer does not follow each and every process given In the model it depends on
the product.
• Purchasing of a laptop can be influenced by many factors which is seen in consumers
buying decision, it might be price, features, specifications, availability, quality, design,
performance, attitude, brand comprehension, choice criteria, confidence on the
brand, intentions, family, community, etc.

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