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Hemichordata Introductory article

Ulrich Welsch, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Munich, Germany Article Contents

. Basic Design
The hemichordates are marine invertebrate organisms forming a phylum within the . Pterobranchia
‘Deuterostomia’; they comprise two classes, Pterobranchia and Enteropneusta. . Enteropneusta

Basic Design pleura the stalks of all zooids in a colony join a common
Common to all hemichordates is the division of their thread-like stolon which runs through the prostrate tubes.
bodies into three regions: prosoma, mesosoma and In Cephalodiscus the stalk forms a terminal adhesive disc
metasoma. The prosoma is a locomotory preoral lobe, which produces several buds that grow into adult animals.
the short mesosoma contains important parts of the All animals that originate from one adhesive disc form a
nervous system and is often called the ‘collar’, and the small colony. The animals move around in and outside
metasoma is the trunk. This tripartite division is not only their tube on their flexible oral shield. The collar bears 2–18
external but also internal, with three sets of coelomic slender arms with pinnately arranged tentacles, function-
chambers. ing as a lophophore. The sac-like trunk has in its initial part
All hemichordates have a specific heart/kidney organ in a pair of lateral gill pores, which are only absent in
their preoral lobe, which is supported by an epithelial Rhabdopleura. The pterobranchs are filter feeders, using
outgrowth of the buccal cavity called the stomochord. The their ciliated arms and tentacles to create a water current, in
heart pumps blood into a cluster of convoluted capillaries which food particles are transported into the ventrally
(glomerulus) covered by podocytes which are typical for located mouth; excess water is eliminated from the pharynx
sites of ultrafiltration. The ultrafiltrate collects in the through its gill pores. Digestion occurs in the simple
coelomic cavity of the prosoma, the protocoel, and is stomach.
passed to the exterior through a short nephridial (coelo- Pterobranchs reproduce asexually (by budding) or
mic) duct. A basically similar heart/kidney organ is to be sexually. In Rhabdopleura later developmental stages are
found in echinoderms and also in the chordates. The brooded in the tubes by females. The short-lived (1 or 2
stomochord is a notochord-like structure, responsible for days) and uniformly ciliated larvae are lecithotropic and
the name Hemichordata (‘half-chordates’). At the begin- settle on a suitable substratum where they gradually
ning of the trunk a pharynx with openings to the exterior, transform into a zooid.
occurs; these are the gill slits or ‘pharyngeal clefts’, another Pterobranchia occur in deep seas and in shallow waters
character shared with true chordates. Essential parts of the of tropical, temperate and cold seas. They are particularly
nervous system are located dorsally, again as in chordates; abundant in deep Antarctic waters. The fossil record of
in the Pterobranchia the collar contains a dorsal cerebral Rhabdopleura-like species goes back to the Middle
ganglion (Figure 1a), and in the Enteropneusta the collar Cambrian and the highly diverse exclusively fossil group
has a neuronal dorsal cord (Figure 1b). Graptolithina (Cambrian to Carboniferous) is presumed
to be closely related to rhabdopleurids.

Pterobranchia Enteropneusta
The Pterobranchia are the more primitive hemichordate The Enteropneusta (‘acorn worms’) are benthic animals
group. At present about 20 species are known, most of that are most common in shallow waters, but single species
which belong to the genus Cephalodiscus, the other genera have been found in deep seas and at hydrothermal vents.
being Rhabdopleura and the little known Atubaria. There are about 70 species, many of which live in mucus-
The Pterobranchia are small (1–5 mm long), colonial, lined burrows in sand or mud or under stones in coarse
tube-dwelling epibenthic animals. The tubes in which the gravel or in seaweed meadows.
animals live form a branching network, called the Most species are 10–40 cm long, but some species reach 1
coenecium, consisting of prostrate and vertical tubes which to 2.5 m in length. The prosoma forms a slender or oval
can grow in Cephalodiscus into 30 cm large masses. The proboscis which is mobile and contractile. The collar does
coenecium is secreted from glandular cells of the preoral not bear arms and tentacles, though their function is taken
lobe (oral shield). The individual animals of the colony live over in several species by the proboscis; its ciliated surface
in the vertical tubes and are termed zooids. The trunk of the can transport food particles, trapped in a mucus film, into
zooids always forms a long muscular stalk. In Rhabdo- the mouth at the base of the collar. However, burrowing

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES © 2001, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1


Gill slit
Gonad Mesosoma
Intestinal Coelomic
tract pore
Mouth Muscle
Stalk Glomerulus Glandular
Bud cells

(a) Collar cord

Hepatic Pericardium
pouches Glomerulus
Intestinal Muscle

Metasoma Epidermis
Anus Mouth
(b) Gill slits

Figure 1 A diagrammatic drawing of the body plan of the hemichordata, (a) Pterobranchia, (b) Enteropneusta. Due to their considerable length, the stalk
of the Pterobranchia and the metasoma of Enteropneusta have not been drawn in complete length. Numerous epidermal cells are of glandular nature as
indicated by fine stippling.

species are predominantly deposit feeders, taking up mud gases. (Laterally in this region the gonads form two genital
or sand and digesting out the organic components. At the ridges.) The hepatic area is marked by pouches of the
ventral base of the proboscis a preoral ciliary organ occurs, intestine with digestive and resorptive epithelium. The
which may play a role in directing the water stream into the intestine runs straight to the anus at the end of the trunk. In
mouth. The epidermis of the base of the proboscis is richly burrowing species typical faecal casts can be found at low
endowed with nervous tissue (fan-shaped organ). The tide on the surface of exposed sands.
collar contains dorsally the tube-shaped collar cord, a The sexes are separate in the acorn worms, eggs and
component of the nervous system resembling (both in sperm being released into the water where fertilization
development and structure) the chordate neural cord. The takes place. Most species have long-lived planktotrophic
stomochord, which extends forward from the mouth cavity larvae, the tornaria larvae, which have complex systems of
into the proboscis has a microscopic structure which ciliary bands at their surface. These larvae bear a striking
resembles that of the vertebrate notochord; it is built up by resemblance to some of the echinoderm larvae, probably
large vacuolated epithelial cells and is surrounded by a indicating a close phylogenetic relationship between
fibrous sheath. The enteropneust trunk is the longest part Hemichordata and Echinodermata.
of the body and is divided into three sections: the
branchiogenital, the hepatic and the intestinal region.
The branchiogenital region (the pharynx) is characterized
by two dorsal rows of a few to about 200 U-shaped gill slits.
Further Reading
Presumably the gill slits serve to remove excess water taken Balser EJ and Ruppert EE (1990) Structure, ultrastructure, and function
up through the mouth and also to exchange respiratory of the preoral heart-kidney in Saccoglossus kowalewskii (Hemichor-


data, Enteropneusta) including new data on the stomochord. Acta Ruppert EE and Barnes RD (1994) Hemichordata. In: Invertebrate
Zoologica 71: 235–249. Zoology, 6th edn, pp. 865–877. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
Benito J and Pardos F (1997) Hemichordata. In: Harrison FW (ed.) Nielsen C (1995) Pterobranchia (chap. 47); Enteropneusta (chap. 50). In:
Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, vol. 15, pp. 15–101. New York: Animal Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wiley Liss. Welsch U (1984) Hemichordata. In: Biology of the Integument, vol. 1, pp.
Dilly PN, Welsch U and Rehkämper G (1986) On the fine structure of the 790–799. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.
alimentary tract of Cephalodiscus gracilis (Pterobranchia, Hemichor-
data). Acta Zoologica 67: 87–95.

Hemichordates: Advanced article

Development . Introduction
Article Contents

John Gerhart, University of California Berkeley, California, USA . Development of Saccoglossus kowalevskii, an
Enteropneust Hemichordate
Christopher Lowe, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA . The Fate Map of S. kowalevskii
. Chordate-like Traits of Hemichordates
Marc Kirschner, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
. The Domain Map of Hemichordate Embryos
. The Tornaria Larva
Hemichordates resemble chordates in important aspects of their development anatomy
and physiology. Within the hemichordate phylum are two main subgroups, the doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0004110
enteropneusts, of a few hundred species, and the pterobranchs, of 20 or so species.
Comparison of hemichordates and chordates allows deductions about the common
ancestor from which they both evolved.

Introduction Gill slits suggest the affinity of hemichordates to chor-

The phylum of bilateral animals closest to our chordate dates, and the tornaria larva suggests an affinity to
phylum is that of the hemichordates. Study of their echinoderms. Recent phylogenies based on compared de-
development and organization has long been expected to oxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences (Figure 2) place
illuminate the evolution of chordates. Within the hemi- hemichordates as the sister-group of echinoderms, which
chordate phylum are two main subgroups, the enter- develop pentameric organization as adults, very different
opneusts, of a few hundred species, and the pterobranchs, from hemichordates. The two phyla together (the ‘ambu-
of 20 or so species. All are marine animals having gill slits lacraria’) constitute the sister group of chordates (Brom-
and a three-part body (prosome, mesosome and meta- ham and Degnan, 1999; Cameron et al., 2000). These three
some). Each part contains a coelom or coelom pair see phyla constitute the supertaxon of deuterostomes, so
Hyman, 1959, and Benito and Pardos, 1997, for anatom- called because the mouth (-stome) develops from a sec-
ical descriptions). Enteropneusts, with worm-like bodies as ondary (deutero-) site in the embryo, not from the primary
exemplified in Figure 1, live in burrows or under objects, (proto-) site of the blastopore used by embryos of many
some at great depths, but most in shallow water. The pro- other phyla (the protostomes). Deuterostomes share a
some is a conical, muscular proboscis (acorn-shaped in common ancestor from which the three phyla evolved.
some species, hence the name ‘acorn worm’) used for bur-
rowing and for sweeping suspended food particles towards
the mouth by the motion of cilia. The mesosome serves as a
nerve-rich, muscular collar that covers and uncovers the Development of Saccoglossus
mouth during food sorting, and the elongated metasome
bears gill slits anteriorly and the long gut posteriorly. A
kowalevskii, an Enteropneust
wide mouth perforates the prosome–mesosome boundary Hemichordate
on one side, designated ventral. Some enteropneusts (the
Harrimaniids) develop directly from the egg to the juvenile, William Bateson, (1884, 1885, 1886) who later invented the
and others (the Ptychoderids and Spengeliids) develop word ‘genetics’, first reported the developmental stages as
indirectly from the egg to a tornaria larva, and then a shown in Figure 3. This species inhabits sand and mud of the
juvenile. Hemichordate-like fossils have been dated to the intertidal zone of the Atlantic coast of North America from
mid-Cambrian. Maine to Florida. Adults are 4–10 in long. Gravid females
Pterobranchs bear little resemblance to enteropneusts. bear grey-coloured ovaries along the sides of the meta-
They are small (1 mm), sessile, tube-dwelling, direct- some, and males bear orange coloured testes. Arthur and
developing, deep-sea animals, living in colonies of thou- Laura Colwin described the stages more fully from 1952 to
sands of individuals, connected by thin bridges. The 1960, making a simple fate map, and assessing the capacity
three-part body has one pair of gill slits, a post-anal stalk of separated embryonic cells to develop (Colwin and Col-
and ciliated feeding tentacles extending from the mesosome win, 1950, 1951). We began developmental studies in 2000.
near the mouth. Pterobranch-like graptolites, now extinct, Hemichordates in general are not well studied, and this
were abundant in the Ordovician and Silurian periods. species is better known than any other.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Hemichordates: Development

Although the natural triggers of spawning are unknown, the opposite. Cytoplasmic materials segregate to the an-
ripe females can be induced to release eggs in the laboratory imal pole and the opposite vegetal pole at these times.
by brief warming (278C, 6 h; Colwin and Colwin, 1962; Cleavage first occurs at 130 min, and then every 30 min,
Lowe et al., 2004). The unfertilized egg is uniformly grey in until at 12 h, a thin-walled (single layer) spherical blastula
colour, 0.3 mm in diameter and moderately yolky. It is is formed of a few thousand cells. The blastula flattens at
arrested at first meiotic metaphase, with the spindle close to the vegetal pole, and by 18 h the vegetal hemisphere inverts
the surface at a point, the animal pole, where polar bodies within the animal hemisphere, to produce a two-layered
will form after fertilization. Eggs can be fertilized in the cup-shaped early gastrula embryo. The rim of the cup,
laboratory by sperm released into sea water when one dis- which is the blastopore, then contracts in the next 8 h.
sects a small fragment of testis. The fertilized egg develops Day 2: By 24–30 h, the blastopore closes to a point, the
to a hatching juvenile in 6 days at 228C. Major events future posterior end, and the embryo is spherical and dou-
(Figure 3) are as follows: ble layered. A ring of cilia, the telotroch, forms near the
Day 1: After fertilization, the egg changes shape at the blastopore, and the embryo rotates rapidly within the spa-
times of first and second polar body extrusion (20 and cious fertilization envelope. The embryo then elongates,
45 min), becoming pear-shaped in one direction and then and two circumferential grooves form, the earlier marking
the prosome–mesosome boundary, and the later, the
Proboscis Collar mesosome–metasome boundary.
Gill Day 3: A short lengthwise groove appears in the meso-
some (collar) on the dorsal side and neural ectoderm sub-
Mouth merges in a neurulation-like movement. Internally,
Pharynx pouches of mesoderm protrude anteriorly and bilaterally
from the inner layer of cells. The pouches soon detach and
Tail Gut expand as coelomic cavities, and the endoderm of the inner
Anus layer seals together to form the tubular gut.
Day 4: The first gill slit pair forms, and the mouth per-
forates the surface. An apical tuft of cilia extends anteri-
Figure 1 Hemichordate adult (left panel) and juvenile (right panel). The orly. The metasome elongates on the dorsal side between
acorn worm, Saccoglossus kowalevskii, is shown. On the left, bar 1 cm; and the telotroch and the anus (blastopore), bending this part
on the right bar, 1 mm. ventrally. The telotroch remains close to the anus on the

Protostomes Deuterostomes

Chordates Hemichordates
(Saccoglossus kowalevskii)






Ancestor of deuterostomes

Ancestor of bilateral animals

Figure 2 Phylogeny of the hemichordates, based on DNA sequence comparisons. Note that hemichordates, echinoderms and chordates share a
common ancestor, the deuterostome ancestor.

Hemichordates: Development

40 min 130 min 3h 5h 7h 18 h

Unfertilized Fertilized Blastula Early

egg egg gastrula

24 h 28 h 30 h 38 h 3 days 4 days 6 days

Late Telotroch Anterior Posterior Gill slit Mouth

gastrula formed groove groove forms perforates Hatching

Figure 3 Developmental stages of S. kowalevskii. Drawings are modified from the 1884 publication of William Bateson, and they have been arranged in
order and labelled. The temperature of development is approximately 228C.

ventral side. The body contracts intermittently, due to

newly differentiated muscles, and the embryo continues to Animal pole
rotate in the fertilization envelope. and polar bodies
Day 5: The mouth perforates. The embryo elongates Future
further, and bends further. The ventral postanal tail l
appears as a small stub. plane
Future anterior epidermis
Day 6: The juvenile hatches from the fertilization enve- and nervous system
lope and swims a few hours by its cilia, attracted by light.
When it contacts sand grains as a substratum, it attaches
avidly and burrows between them, making a micro-burrow. Future posterior epidermis
The newly hatched juvenile (1 mm long) possesses most and nervous system
aspects of adult organization, though sexually immature.
It begins feeding after a week. It has one pair of gill slits at Future gut, muscles,
hatching and then adds more in succession during growth; coeloms
Vegetal pole
the adult has 40–80 pairs. The sticky, contractile, postanal
extension, or ‘tail’, of the juvenile is used to attach to ob-
jects and it retracts when startled. This tail is shed before
adulthood in direct developing enteropneusts; it is appar- Figure 4 Fate map of S. kowalevskii. A schematic drawing of the 8-celled
ently never formed in indirect developing enteropneusts. embryo, which the Colwins (1953) marked with a Nile blue spot at various
places. Embryos were then allowed to develop to the juvenile to see what
(Pterobranchs have a posterior stalk, possibly related to
tissues and organs were blue. The initial and final positions of the marks are
the tail.) related by the fate map.

quartet, those originally near the animal quartet, remain

The Fate Map of S. kowalevskii outside and become the posterior ectoderm of the juvenile,
while progeny originally near the vegetal pole move inside
To make a fate map, Colwin and Colwin (1951) marked 2, 4 during gastrulation and become mesoderm and endoderm.
and 8 cell embryos with spots of Nile blue dye, and then Our recent studies show that progeny of the vegetal-most
recorded the spots’ locations in the subsequent juveniles. tier of cells of the 32-cell embryo are those that move inside.
Thus, they could determine the developmental fate of each They also found that the first cleavage plane coincides
part of the cleaving egg. Progeny of the animal quartet of with the bilateral plane of the juvenile. Second cleavage,
cells of the 8-cell stage remain outside during gastrulation then, separates pairs of cells that will develop to dorsal or
and become anterior ectoderm of the juvenile, including ventral parts of the juvenile. However, they could not
the nervous system (Figure 4). Some progeny of the vegetal predict whether a particular pair was to become dorsal or

Hemichordates: Development

ventral. Events determining the dorsal–ventral axis remain chordate lineage. Further study of the hemichordate nerv-
unknown. ous system may help to resolve the ambiguity.
In summary, at least two of the four traits of chordates
may have predated them, since the traits are shared by
Chordate-like Traits of Hemichordates
Four traits identify chordates: the notochord, dorsal hol-
low nerve cord, gill slits and postanal tail. Because Bateson The Domain Map of Hemichordate
thought hemichordates possessed most of these, he placed Embryos
them in the chordate phylum. Other researchers were du-
bious, and by the mid-twentieth century, hemichordates Although hemichordates and chordates differ greatly in
were relegated to their own phylum, the Hemichordata their overt anatomy, they are similar in a fundamental and
(‘half-chordates’) (Hyman, 1952). The following sections covert ‘molecular’ anatomy, namely, the spatial domains
update the comparisons of hemichordates and chordates, in which certain genes are expressed in the embryo. These
and the deductions about their common ancestor. genes encode transcription factors and signalling proteins
Gill slits: In hemichordates, these develop like the gill of importance for early development. As summarized in
slits of amphioxus (a nonvertebrate chordate), have similar Figure 5, many genes expressed in the developing forebrain
gill bars and express similar genes. The deuterostome an- of chordate embryos are expressed in the developing pro-
cestor probably had gill slits, which were just carried for- some of hemichordates. Other genes, expressed in the de-
ward in both lineages (though lost in echinoderms). veloping midbrain of chordates, are expressed in the
Postanal tail: The ventral extension of the enteropneust mesosome and anterior metasome of hemichordates, back
juvenile may be homologous, as a body region, to the dor- to the level of the first gill slit. Yet others, expressed in the
sal chordate tail (Burdon-Jones, 1955) since both express chordate hindbrain and spinal cord, are expressed in the
similar genes (hox10–13). The deuterostome ancestor hemichordate metasome posterior to the first gill slit.
probably had such a body region, though it may not have Finally, as noted above, genes expressed in the chordate
functioned for swimming. tail are expressed in the hemichordate postanal tail (Lowe
Notochord: The stomochord of hemichordates, which is et al., 2003). Thus, the anterior–posterior organization of
a short rod of vacuolated cells protruding into the prosome
from the anterior end of the gut, has been likened to the


chordate notochord. Evidence weighs against homology.



It is anterior to the gill slits in hemichordates whereas the

notochord is posterior to the gill slits in chordates. Genes wnt1




expressed distinctively in the chordate notochord are not




expressed in the stomochord, which instead expresses

genes like those of the chordate prechordal endomeso- Meso- 1st gill slit
some Anus
derm. At present, a notochord-like precursor cannot be Prosome Metasome
attributed to the deuterostome ancestor. The notochord Hox11/13a
may have originated within the chordate lineage. Mouth
The nervous system: Hemichordates have a diffuse intra- Hemichordate Hox11/13c
epidermal nerve net, not a centralized system (Bullock, Mid-
1946, 1965; Knight-Jones, 1952). Nerves arise throughout brain Hindbrain Spinal cord
the ectoderm, interspersed with epidermal cells. Some ax- Hindbrain spinal cord
ons connect locally in a basal mat, and others extend for brain
long distances, gathering in bundles at the dorsal and ven-
tral midlines and serving as through-conduction axon
tracts (Cameron and Mackie, 1996). The tracts were ini- Chordate
tially called nerve cords, suggestive of homology to the
Figure 5 The similar domain map of hemichordates (above) and
chordate dorsal hollow nerve cord. However, they are not chordates (below). Each domain is the specific region of the embryo where
neurogenic since they lack neuronal cell bodies, and they a particular gene is expressed. These genes encode proteins of importance
probably process little or no information since they lack in the animal’s development. Lines are drawn vertically to set off anterior,
interneurons. Whether the deuterostome ancestor had a middle and posterior sections of the map, to show that the genes expressed
diffuse or centralized nervous system is debatable. Argu- in the chordate forebrain are expressed in the hemichordate prosome, that
genes expressed in the chordate midbrain are expressed in the
ments can be made on both sides (Holland, 2003). If cen- hemichordate mesosome and anterior metasome back to the first gill slit,
tralized, hemichordates and echinoderms would have lost and that genes expressed in the chordate hindbrain and spinal chord are
it. If diffuse, centralization would have occurred in the expressed in the hemichordate metasome posterior to the first gill slit.

Hemichordates: Development

members of these two phyla is very similar in terms of the

Apical tuft
map of these domains. The deuterostome ancestor pre-
sumably had such a map.
In the dorsal–ventral dimension, the two groups are less Protocoel
similar. Recalling the differences mentioned previously,
hemichordates lack a central nervous system and a noto- Protocoel
chord, two dorsal landmarks of chordates. Nonetheless, pore
both groups appear to organize other aspects of dorsal–
ventral development according to a polarized distribution Mouth
of signalling proteins, Bmp and Chordin, which are pro- Ciliary
band Stomach
duced in the early embryo on opposite midlines (Lowe
et al., 2006). Between these midlines, a graded Bmp distri- Telotroch Intestine
bution is set up. In both groups the gill slits and heart
develop on the Bmp side, whereas body wall muscle de-
velops on the Chordin side. Numerous genes are also ex-
pressed in dorsal–ventral domains in relation to Bmp and Figure 6 The tornaria larva. A schematic diagram of the larva of
Chordin. These similarities can be attributed to the de- Balanoglossus claverigus, side view. The thick black lines indicate rows of
uterostome ancestor. Several authors have suggested that cilia, one around the mouth for feeding and one near the anus for
the Bmp-Chordin polarity dates back even to the ancestor movement. Depending on the species, these rows may be more elaborate
with protruding loops.
of all bilateral animals.
However, the mouth differs in its location. It is on the
Chordin side in hemichordates and the Bmp side in chor- (Hyman, 1952; Nakajima et al., 2004). The elongating ju-
dates. Since the mouth defines the ventral side of the body, venile burrows into the intertidal sand and there completes
by scientific convention, hemichordates and chordates metamorphosis, including differentiation of the posterior
have an inverse dorsal–ventral orientation. By an old and coeloms and gut.
plausible explanation, ancestral chordates inverted the The map of gene expression domains found in the direct-
whole body and evolved a new mouth opposite the old (De developing S. kowalevskii embryo and juvenile is incom-
Robertis and Sasai, 1996). Evidence is still incomplete for plete in the P. flava tornaria. Many domains do not appear
or against this ‘inversion hypothesis’. According to the until metamorphosis, in keeping with the delayed develop-
findings cited above, hemichordates would be uninverted, ment of many juvenile parts. The fate map of P. flava re-
as would be the animals of all other bilateral phyla except sembles that of S. kowalevskii in the gross allocation of
chordates (Nübler-Jung and Arendt, 1996). parts (Henry et al., 2001), when fates are scored in the
hatched larva. The long larval period has prohibited re-
searchers from identifying the embryonic precursors of
adult structures.
The Tornaria Larva
Ptychoderid and Spengeliid enteropneusts develop indi- References
rectly to the adult via a tornaria larva that resembles the Bateson W (1884) The early stages in the development of Balanoglossus
larvae of some echinoderms. Since chordates lack such a (sp. Incert.). Quarterly Journal of Microscopie Science 24: 208–236.
larva, the deuterostome ancestor may or may not have Bateson W (1885) The later stages in the development of Balanoglossus
possessed one. The early steps of indirect development (e.g. kowalevskii, with a suggestion as to the affinities of the enteropneusta.
Ptychodera flava) resemble those of S. kowalevskii, though Quarterly Journal of Microscopie Science 25: 81–128.
starting from a smaller egg (0.12 mm). After the gastrula Bateson W (1886) Continued account of the later stages in the develop-
ment of Balanoglossus kowalevskii, and of the morphology of the
stage, the embryo develops a protocoel cavity and pore, but
enteropneusta. Quarterly Journal of Microscopie Science 26: 511–534.
the development of gill slits, body musculature and aspects Benito J and Pardos F (1997) Hemichordata. In: Harrison FW and
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Like direct developers, the embryo develops an apical tuft 15–101. New York: Wiley-Liss Inc.
and a telotroch of cilia, but unlike them, it adds elaborate Bromham LD and Degnan BM (1999) Hemichordates and deuteros-
ciliated bands around the mouth, at which time it is des- tome evolution: robust molecular phylogenetic support for a hemi-
ignated a ‘tornaria’ (Latin, torno, to turn). These bands chordate + echinoderm clade. Evolution and Development 1: 166–171.
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disappear, the prosome–mesosome boundary constricts, Systems of Invertebrates. pp. 1559–1592. San Francisco: WH Freeman
the posterior parts lengthen and gill slits start to develop and Co.

Hemichordates: Development

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Royal Society of London 236B: 553–589. Methods in Cell Biology 74: 171–194.
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