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10 thi

sb e

thankful for:
In the United States,
November 27th is a day we
spend with family and friends.

on things we
are thankful for.
But it can turn into a day of
us stuffing our faces with
food and watching football!
Instead of remembering
all our

Sometimes we
don’t know what we

take for
…until they are
It’s good to be

of all our blessings!
In case, like us,
you’ve forgotten
the small things
to be thankful for…
here’s a start:
s un
s h i n e
helps your body
produce vitamin d.
Sunlight also protects
against various diseases
like osteoporosis, diabetes,
rickets and some cancers.
Google estimates over

1 trillion
searches per year!
Anything you want to know,
you can ask and will usually
g et a n a c c u r at e a n s w e r !
Now, all the information in
the world is at your fingertips!
In the 1830’s,
it took about

to get from
New York
to California
weeks by train.
4 47
Now, you can get there in:

hours minutes

o u n d t h e W o r l d
Forge t “ A r
a y s ”, y o u c a n d o
in 8 0 D
t t l e ov e r a d ay !
it i n a li
“The more often we see the
things around us - even the
beautiful and wonderful things
- the more they become
invisible to us. That is why

we often take for granted the

of this world:
the flowers, the trees,
the birds, the clouds - even
those we love. Because we
see things so often, we see
them less and less.”

Joseph B. Wirthlin
For anyone born before the
mid 90’s, remember having
to use pay phones or
beepers to communicate?

Thank goodness for


a n s e n d o f f
Now, we c u t e r ,
s a g e s v i a o u r c o m p
mes w at c h e s .
phone s , o r ev e n o u r
Once upon a time, people use
to own cameras, music players,
landline phones, video players,
and notebooks.
Now, you can have it all in

one device.
c el l p h o ne
t h a n d h e l d 5
Th e fir s fo r $ 3 , 9 9
pu r c ha s e d
w a s 1 3 , 1 9 8 4 .
o n M a r c h
The average

person generates:

of waste per day!
Thank goodness for the hardworking
sanitation workers that keep our

streets and
homes clean.
(and much less s
Often not given a second thought,
opposable thumbs are VITAL to our

ability to
C HA L L E N G E :
p e n d i n g a n h ou r
G o a h e a d , tr y s .
s i n g y o u r t hu m b s
W I T H O U T u
Not so long ago, people had
to fetch their water and use
the restroom outside.
Thank goodness for

o r c o l d t hi s i s
o r s h in e , h ot
Rain d t o u s e .
what y o u h a
Thousands of refugees are
forced to flee their homes
due to oppression and war.

Freedom of speech, freedom

of religion and the freedom
to pursue happiness is
not available
to all people.
If you live in a country that
gives you legal freedoms,
just remember:

is a
“Freedom makes a
huge requirement of
every human being.
with freedom
Elean o r Ro o s ev e lt
how about
you? Sunshine

e s e Search Engines
a k e a n y o f t h
Do you t nt e d ? Air Travel
thi n g s fo r g r a
Email & Text
Mobile Phones
Garbage Collection
Running Water
We don’t have to wait
until November 27th, to

what we’re thankful for!
with us!
r e s o m e t h i ng s
What a d ?
k e n fo r g r a nt e
YOU’ V E ta

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