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Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Course No: HUM 401

Course Name: Accounting & Marketing

Name: Tanzimul Ibne Ayub

ID: 160206092
Section: c
Date: 21.08.2021
Session: Fall20

Answer to the question no 1(a)

Product concept, Production concept, Marketing concept, Selling concept, Holistic marketing
Product concept: product concept is based on the idea that customers prefer products that
have the most quality, performance and feature etc. Marketers will look into a product
concept before Marketing a product towards their customers.
Production concept: Consumers will prefer products that are widely available and
inexpensive. It's focus on achieving high production, efficiency, low cost and mass
communication. Example standard raw material and component
Selling concept: the selling concept proposes that customers be individual or organization
will not buy enough of the organizations product unless they are persuading to do so through
selling effort. So, selling and promotion of Their products for marketing success
Marketing concept: the marketing concept is the use of marketing data to focus on the needs
and wants of customers in order to develop marketing strategy that not only satisfy the needs
of the customers but also the accomplish the goals of the organization.
Holistic marketing concept: the holistic marketing concept is based on the development,
design and implementation of marketing progress. Progress and activities that recognize their
breath and inter dependencies

Answer to the question no 1(b)

marketing myopia is the failure and narrow-minded approach of marketing management of a

company. Avoiding marketing myopia is all about shifting your perspective and focusing on
the customer rather than just yourself and your product. Must be viewed as a customer
creating and customer satisfying organism management must think of itself not as producing
product but as providing customer value satisfactions. The organization must learn to think of
itself not as being CustomerCast doing the things that will make people want to do duskiness
with it.
From the above concept I understand that I would like to use “marketing concept” to avoid
marketing myopia.

Answer to the question no 3

Buying decision process while purchasing an actual product:

Problem recognition: The buying decision process starts when the buyer recognizes a
problem by internal or external factors with an internal factor one of the person's normal
needs -hunger, thirst, emotion etc. a need can also be aroused by an external
marketer need to identify a particular need by gathering information from a number of
Information search: marketer must understand what type of information consumer seek, at
different time and place. we can distinguish between two levels of engagement in the search.
major information search includes, personal (family, friends etc.) commercial (tv ad, web
sites etc.).
evaluation of alternatives: Some basic concept will help us understand consumer evaluation
processes. first, the consumer is trying to satisfy a need. second, the consumer is looking for
certain benefits. third, the Comsumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with varying
abilities to deliver the benefits.
purchase decision: in the evaluation stage, the consumers form preferences among the
brands in the choice set and may also form an intension to buy the most preferred brand.
post-purchase behavior: after the purchase, the consumer might experience certain dis
quieting feature or hearing favorable things about the product. marketing communication
should supply beliefs and evaluations the consumer choice and help him or her feel good
about the brand.

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