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Answer key

for Preporotion
PREPARATION ANSWER KEY 3 \ /Ia do you prefer, pizza or pasta?
4 The season I like the more is summer.
Reading 5 You have to pay for the course materials q4 advance.
6 lt rained all day and I didn't feel for doing anything.
Part 1 p8
4 1 This is important. please call me back as soon
L A4 B5 C2 D1 E3 can.
as you
2 A5 B2 c1 D3 E4 2 The event sounded like fun, so
we decided to
3 1 trip 2 as well; in addition 3 require 4 take part
tn tt.
5 certain; sure 6 underneath 7 repeat 3 Which do you prefer, pizza or pasta?
8 discuss
9 beside 1O not permitted; allowed 4 The season I like the most is summer.
4 tc 2A 3C 5 You have to pay for the course materials in
5 lt rained all day and I didnt feel like doing anything.
Part2 p1,2 . 5 lfew 2of 3little 4At 5if 6more
1 1 five 2 eight 3 three 4 cross them out 7 some 8 takes
5 mark them
2 Nouns: ability / emergency guitar
Verbs: affect / collect provide
f Writing
Adverbs: already sudde nly particularly
/ /
Adjectives: guilty /interested/marvellous Part 1 p29
3_ 1 Berniewantstofind anelyjacketthatis 21E 2B 3C 4A 5D
elp-e151vq. 3 A3 B8 C4 D7 E6 F1G5 H2
2 There is room for 25 students
in the class. The course
starts on 2"d May and is suitable
for 15- and
Part 2a p32
L 6jlear_olds. 1 lstart 2opinion 3reason 4mention
3 pedro wants
to have the picnic by the 5 enough G most 7 paragraph g
swl11A1ngpeSl, end
but several family memberc pruturF.
U"i=.n. 2 Students,ownanswers.
4 Marcus is studying at home
b".urr. h., hAd a broken 3 1B 2A 3B 4both 5neither GB
leg since last months football
..-' 7A
,.t.h. 8A 9B 10A
5 Kei and Joe are meeting on
Thursday. Joe wants to meet 4 1 Without a doubt 2 I know this because
at nqq_1, but Kei isnt free until
ha!|peit*ejve. fh"y 3 personally, 4 The reason is that
might meet on Friday instead. -:
4.1lyes 2yes 3yes 4no 5no
4.27yes 2yes 3yes 4no 5no
Part 2b p34
1 A5 B2 c6 D3 E1 F4
Part 3 p16 2 A2 B3 C1
1 1B 2A 3c 4B 3 Past continuous: w;ls studying
5C coming / were crashin g / was
24 1 specific information 2 fast
3 dont read Past perfect:had been / had gone had finished
4 probably won't /
Past,Simpte: was (in)
28 1 skim 2 dontread 3 dontpay /,began./ were (open) / didnt join
was (toud) / rushed ctosed
4 specific details 7 / ended);;;i:;) / heard
/ screamed
3 1c 2A 3B 4D 4 tvery 2quietly 3excitedly
4 A4 B2 c3 DL 5 quickly 6 toudly 7 happy

Part6 p20
1 1C 2A 3c 4B 5A 6B Listening
2 A4 B5 c3 D6 E2 F1
3 1 On the other 2 F,
Part I p37
4 secondry u rn" ;::J;'oJ"*1,,t'lJJ,'J"', t t 1C 2A 3B
2 tA 2C 3B
Part 5 p23 3 1C 2B 3A
1 1C 2B 3B 4A 5D 5A 4 1A 2c 3B
2 tD 2C 3A 4B 5 1B 2C 3A
3 1D 2F 3A 4E 5C 6B 2 tc 2A 3B 4c
4 7C 2D 3A 3 1 like the most 2 final 3 didnt end until
4 at the moment
Part 5 p26
1 1A 28 3c 4A 5C 6B Part2 p41
2 1 like 0R want 2 who 3 or 4 at I 1 You will hear two friends talking
about a new shoppin$
5 mind 6 what mall. What does the man thinkLf
3 1 This is important. please call
me back so soon as you
2 You will hear two friends.talking
about a film they
- '-
can. watched. What did the gilt lilq
be$ about it?
, sounded tike fun, so we decided
to neke part
3 You.will heara boytelling his
auntabouta book hes
Ij;."""n! read. How does hq feel about
Answer key
for Preparotion
4 You will hear two friends talking about a website. What 3 1B 2A 3B 4C 5B 5A
do they 4glee qn? 4 Students' ownanswers.
5 You will hear a girl telling a friend about a problem. 5 A3 B1 C4 D2
What does the boy advise lrer !q q!q?

2 7,4,5.7 Part 2 p53

3 1D 2E 3A 4C 5B 1 1at 2on 3in 4in 5at 6in 7on 8in
4 LA doesn'tthink Bthinks Cdoesn'tthink 2 tA,C 2A,B 3A,C 4B,C 5A,B 6A,C
D thinks
3 1E 2C 3D 4F 5A 6B
2 Adoesntagree B doesn'tagree C doesn't 4 1 is 2 looks 3 are 4 are having /'re having
agree D agrees
5 is standing 5 has
3 A likes B liked C didnt like D dldnt like
5 1 foreground 2 number 23jersey 3 getting up
Part 3. p45 4 number 7 5 in the air 6 concentrating hard
7 delicious 8 of 9 on the right 10 left 11 to
t LB'2C 3C 4B 5C
12 smiling
2 1B 28 3B 4A 5C
3 1 The event took place on the iB'd of May. .i3'h Part 3 p56
2 Therewas a statuenextothefountain. nexf
3 Participants were given Hve an hour for lunch. half
t A4/5 B1 C5/4 D2 E6 F3
2 Agreeing: I think you're right. / lts a great idea. / Thats
4 They can only accept too more students on this
true because ... / Yes, I agree with that.
course. two
Disagreeing: I don t think that would work. / I'm afraid
5 The accident happened last Nsvembur. November
I don't agree. / Sorry,l don't see it that way. / Well, I

5 They met in the new caf6 across from the disagree because ...
statiom. stdflon Making suggestions: How about... ? / Maybe we could ... /
7 The organizers had to decide which eelebritys to What if we ... / Why dont we ...
invite. celebrities
3 2,3,6
8 She didntwanttoheose it,so she kept it in a safe
4 Students'ownanswers.
place. /ose
5, 61 Personally; What do you think?
Part t[ p48
2 Maybe; How does that sound to you?
3 I see what you mean; feel
1 1 overall gist 4 Do you agree?
2 someone's attitude
5 What do you think we should do?
3 specific information
6 concerned
4 specific information
5 detailed meaning Part4 p58
5 someones opinion
2 tD 2F 3A 4E 5C 5B
1 1C 2B 3A 4A
2 1 Dq yeu think that events for charity are important?
3 1 A 10,000 people follow her online. (Why?)
B Theres nothing special about 10,000. 2 Have you eve!: taken part in a charity event?
e She+ee+s-good abouffi sffi 3 Which do you think is better: making the government or
D Others have hundreds of thousandsl the public responsible for charity?
E Shewants toffietter 4 Dqfqu eqiAy supporting charity events? (Why?)
F Some people have millions. 3 1C 2E 3F 4A 5D 5B
G Teenage girls typically follow her. 4 I experience 2 explain 3 mean 4 don't agree
2 A She*as t$O0mb\ffers 5 far 6 go along 7 point
B lts fairly common to have 10,000 followers. 5 1 lf you ask nicely, everyone will help.
C She is proud of her achievement. 2 lts always diffcult atthe beginning.
D Shes happy, but she wants to do more. 3 They really shouldn't drive so fast.
E Tiere are peopte-withrmilJions eFfulowers 4 lt seems to be an extremely expensive operation.
F #lot of teenageghh'frltevrher 5 lts a product I would definitely buy for my parents.
fuqrshavestartedtofd1ow@so, 6 1B 2A 3B

Speaking Speaking Paper: Model Answers

Part1 p51 Part 1 Phase 1
1 lname 2What 3spell 4Where I Whats your name?
5 with 5 How My name is Chris,
2 1 My name is Chris. 2 Whats your surname?
2 My surname is Potter, My surname is Potter.
3 lts spelt P-O-T-T-E-R. / You spell it P-O-T-T-E-R. 3 How do you spell it?
4 I come from lreland. It's spelt P-0 -T-T-E-R.
5 I live with my mother and sister. 4 Where do you come from?
5 l'm 15. lcomefrom lreland.
5 Who do you live with? Tom Yeah, I see what you mean. You're right. How do you feel
I live with my mother and my sister. about the idea of a cake sale, then? Thats something we could
6 How old are you? do indoors.
I'm L5. Eva Yes, you're right about that. And we could bake a lot of
stuff ourselves, couldn t we?
Part 1 Phase 2 Tom Definitelyl I'd say we could ask local bakeries and
I What do you like doing with your friends? supermarkets give us some cakes, too. I'm sure theyU help.
Well, it depends on the time of yeor. tn the summer, we Eva True, there'sjust one thing, though.
do stuff outside, like cyclinq and having barbecues. ln the Tom Oh? Whats that?
winter, we wqtch o lot of TV. Eva I'm just not sure weU make much money selling cakes. Do
2 Tell us about a celebrity you like. you agree?
I don't reolly care oboutf Im stars,but l,m a big sportsfon. Tom Yeah, I do. Cood point. What do you think we should do?
I love Kei Nishikari. He's o tennis ployerfrom
Jopan. He's Eva As far as l'm concerned, a guiz is the best option. For
been ploying since he wasfve years oldl one thing, it would be quick to organize, like, we could get the
3 How often do you use your mobile phone? questions off the lnternet.
Um, I don't moke mony calls, but ltext quite a lot, ond Tom That's right. And, for another, itU be easy enough to find
I check sociol media pretty often. I suppose it's o a venue.
few hours
every day, altoqether. Eva 6reat. 5o you don't mind not having an art exhibition?
4 Which do you llke better, Saturday or Sunday? Tom No, as far as I'm concerned, we should definitely do
I'm alwoys busy doinq o lot of things on Saturdays. But on a quiz. I wasnt in favour of the meet-a-celebrity idea, either.
Sundoys, I can really relox so thot's the day t prefer. I stoy in Eva Agreed. I don't know any celebrities!
my pyjomas and eot snacks all day.
Part 4
Part 2 1 Do you think that events for. charity are important?
Tell us what you can see in your photograph. (Why?)
Candidate 1 This photograph shows a scene from a football ln my opinion they ore very important. The reason is that
match. lt looks like an exciting game! ln the foreground, I can life is dfficultfor some people in the world, ond we all
see two players. The nearest one is wearing the number 23 should try and help them if we can.
jersey. He is also wearing shorts and long socks. Hes on the Have you ever taken part in a charity event?
ground, but it looks like he's getting up. The other person
Yes, I took part in one last year. A local charity needed o
I can see is the number 7 player. He's wearing a jersey with
new van, and o group of us wonted to help. We played
dark shorts and long socks. He's actually in the air, and so is
table tennisfor 24 hours! Itwastiring, butfun. people qove
the ball! lthink he's aboutto kick it. I can see that hes really us quite a bit of money so it was worth the efort.
concentrating hard. The football stadium is in the background.
Which do you think is better: making the government
Itls completely full of fansl I know its night-time because the
or the public responsible for charity?
stadium lights are on.
Asfor as I'm concerned, it should be both. Governments
Candidate 2 ln this picture, I can see two girls. l,m not sure
definitely have a responsibility, but it shouldn't stop with
how old they are, but I think they're probably teenagers. They
politicians because society is better when members of the
appear to be in a caf6. They each have a piece of delicious
public help each other,
cake in front of them, but they haven t eaten their cakes yet.
I can t see the face of the girl on the right but she is holding
Do you enjoy supporting charity events? (Why?)
her cup of tea close to her mouth, She seems to be saying Yes, I do. The reason is thot I like helping people who hove
something. The girl on the left is sittinq next to the wall. She dfficult Iives.
seems to be listening to her friend. She is smiling.

Part 3
Some stqdents want to raise money for a charity. you and
your partner want to hold a charity event, but you dont
have much time to organize it. Here are some possibilities.
T:lk together about these ideas. Decide which would be
the best to do and the quickest to arrange.
Eya OK, so we need to organize a charity event. personally,
I like the idea of a sports day. Most people enjoy sports,
and it
would be fun. What do you think?
Tom Um, I agree that it would be nice, but l,m afraid I dont
think it's very practical. I mean, I don't think wed have enough
time to set it all up, would we? Maybe we could arrange
a charity car wash instead. How does that sound to you?
Eva Well, first of all, I think you're right about the sports day.
And, secondly, yeah, its true that people like to have their cars
washed, but...
Tom But you don't think it's a good idea?
Eva Well, Iook, the main reason is the time of year, you know?
Because, these days, the weather is awful. lt's pretty cold and it
rains a lot; I can't imagine standing outside washing cars all day.
Answer key
for Practice Tests 7-6

Practice Test 1 10 D Ayesha andJane/SkyQF

need a smartphone that costs less th,,rn f200: price tag of
Reading just t180
prefer small phones that are easy to carry: our most
Part 1 p10 Iig htwei g ht sma rtpho n e
listen to music, so good sound is essential: how powerful
1 B Correct. Repairswill delay cyclists for 24 hours.
the internal speakers ore
A There will be delays for 24 hours, not fcr the whole
Part 3 p18
C The notice doesn't say that the lane is closed.
11 B Correct. Jessica was always telling jokes in class.
2 C Correct. Suzie asks Harry if he wants to borrow lherl
notes. A Jessica was funny, not her friends.
A Suzie said itwas a good history c/oss, and she wasn't ill. C Jessica annoyed the teachers, but she doesn't say that
she disliked them.
B Harry missed lhe history class because he was ill.
D Jessicasjokes were good because she made people
3 A Correct. Students need to complete an application
form by Thursday.
12 C Correct. Jessica worked in a fastfood restaurant and
B The notice doesn't say when the lessons sfarf.
took acting classes in the evenings.
C Thursdoy refers to the day when the applications need
A Jessica worked in a restaurant.
to be in.
B Jessica took acting classes.
4 B Correct. lfyou spend overE75, you can getafree
bottle of cola or lemonode. D Jessica performed in theatres.
A Only customers who spend more than f15 receive the 13 D Correct.Jessica has worked in theatres and on TV.

free offer. A Sometimes the audience didn't laugh atJessicas jokes.

C The offer is with tokeawoy orders, not with orders to B Doing theatre work is harder than being on TV.

eat in the caf6. C Jessicas firstjob after leaving school was in a fast food
5 A Correct. The caf6 has employed new ltolion chefs restau ra nt.
recently. 14 B Correct. lt helpsJessica to think, arrd when she
B There is no information about the caf6 moving. returns, her head is full of ideas.
C The owner hasn't opened a caf6 in ltaly. A Wolking is a great way to relax, but Jessica doesn't say it
makes her laugh.
Part2 pt4 C Jessica says that comedy, not walking, takes away
6 E Sasha / Diamond A7
needs a model that she can rely on:they can completely
D When she has no ideas,Jessica goes walking to fill her
mind with ideas.
depend on it
budget is around f500: At t510, it's a bargain. 15 C Correct.Jessica has had a successful career and is
always looking for new ideas.
must have a good reputation and an excellent battery life:
complaints are very rare / doesn't need to be chorged very A Jessica doesnt say that shes always laughing.
often B Jessica has time to relax and has an active life apart
7 H Carlos / Tiger from her work.
can't afford more than f 300: on special offer this week only D Jessica enjoys theatre work more than TV.

for f280
wants one that looks good: one ofthe moststylish
Part4 p22
smartphones / looks fontastic
16D t7F 18A 19C 20E
mainly uses his phone to watch films, so the screen size
' has to be decent: hos a huge display and o convenient Part 5 p25
portfor headphones 21 B which
8 A Clara / Sunshine 123 Special designs are objects and take the relative
wants a basic phone that is easy to use: very simple to set pronoun which.
up and use When, who and whose are relative pronouns, but do not
needs good storage for all the photos she receives: ofers refer to objects.
enormous memory 22 D invited
has f150 for her new phone:will only costyou f149.99 Invited to means that people can choose whether to
9 F Sam / Storm V attend or not, and the event is not compulsory.
can spend between f300 and €400 on a new mobile: Called and demonded are used in situations where
currently on sole for f385 something is necessary or compulsory; requested simply
likesto browse the lnternet and check social media: means osked.
operote otvery high speeds
crazy about gaming: display is bright, making it ideolfor
video games
23 A Many Part 2 p36
Many is required to agree with the plural noun designs.
Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some
Lot needs an indefinite article: o lot of . Much is used with comments on it.
uncountable nouns. Eoch is used before a singular noun.
24 D provide Model answer
I read boaka in lhe evening or on the beach in eummer. I love
Provide completes the verb phrase provide someone
reading lunny books.l like booke wil,h funry etories and,funny
with something.
characf,ers in lhem because Lhey make me lauqh. I don't like
Produce, design and give don't form a verb phrase with
ecary booke.
the preposition with in this context.
I don'I like reading e-books. I prefer readinq paper booke. I don'I;
25 C Although
wanlLo read on a ecreen. I like to hold a book andLurnlhe
Although completes the subordinate clause of
gaqes. lL's also niceto look aILhe cover and seetrhe ?icLure
contrast. r
on Lhe fronl. I usually qef,books from Lhe library or buy books
Evm needs though in this context (even though).5o and frommy localbookohop.
Buf are used to link two main clauses. but cannot be used (95 words)
with a subordinate clause.
?6 B ended Comment:
The event ended means that it finished. This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
Left, done and completed would need to be passive in Her response is well organized and easy to understand. She
order to follow the subject evenf. uses a good range of structures (l love reading... because...,
I don't like ..., efc.) and vocabulary (charocters, e-books, pages,

Part 5 p28 cover, screen, Iibrary, bookshop), There are no grammatical or

spelling errors, and the article is of the correct length.
27 for
28 rf Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some
29 so comments on it.
30 more Model answer
31 most There was no one in Lhe claseroom when I arrived aL 9.O5 a.m.
32 with lf, wae elranee becauoe I wasn'L very lafe.1 eaw books on Lhe
desks and wrilinq onlhe blackboard. Suf, where were aII lhe
sf,udenf,s? Then I Look ouL my phone.There was a text from
Writing our Ieacher,buL I hadn'L noLiced tLbefore.l readlhe meegage
car el ully. T o day' s cl a e s w o ul d I ake pl a c e in L.h e p ark. l r e alize d
Part t p31. Lhal'e where everyone waet. 3o I rushed lhere and found my
classmaNes sitilnq by Ihe )ake. joined f,hem and we had a

Below is a model answer for Question 1 and some

wondefiul lesson tn Lhe sunshine.
comments on it.
(100 words)
Model answer
This is a good story of the correct length, which answers the
l' m lo okin g f o rw a r A tro qoin q c ampin q wiLh y o u, tro o.
question and uses the first sentence correctly. The writer uses
I think slaying in a Len1, is a qreal, idea. lL wlll be much betler
different structures (There was no one...,Then 1...,5o /...). There
f,han eLayinqln a cabtn.lhave abigf,enI.We canbolh elee?
is a variety of appropriate vocabulary (desks, blackboard,
in il,.
students, lesson, elc.), and no grammatical or spelling errors.
l'm not very good al swimminq, eo l'm alraid I can't, qo sailin7 The story is well structured and easy to understand.
on lhe lake with you, I'mhavlnq swimminglessons,bull'm sl;ill
learning aI f,he momenll Dul we can qo walkinq ln lhe lorest
?lease can you I;ell me whall need Lo brinq lor the camping
\Nrif,e again soonl
Part I p39
I C Correct. The boy explains thatthe anniversary is on
Marcos the 77th, but he will be travelling before that.
(98 words) A The concert is on the L4th.

Comments B The boy is travelling with his parents on the 75,h.

Marcos has answered all parts of the question, and his answer 2 A Correct.Theyhaveenoughmilkand bread,sothe
is ofthe correct length. He has used appropriate opening and woman only needs to buy butter,
closing remarks in his email, and his response is well organized B They have a lot of bread, and the man asks her not to
and easy to understand. Marcos uses different structures and buy any more.
appropriate vocabulary in his email and he has not made any C They have enough milk because the woman bought
grammatical or spelling errors. some the day before.
C Correct. The man changes his shopping plan and
agrees to go to the basketball match on Saturday
A The man decides to go shopping that evening rather
than on Saturday evening as he originally planned.
B The man is going to the cinema that day.
4 B Correct.Thewomansaysshesatinhergardenon Part4 p50
5unday. 20 B Correct. Alice's business is a shop with a smoll cafd
A The man, not the woman, says that he went to the at the back.
beoch. A The business is a shop and a caf6, not a restaurant.
C The woman went for a picnic on Saturday. C The business sells itemsfrom around the world,butil
A Correct. The man booked his holiday with a travel isn't a travel agency.
agent by phone. 21 C Correct.Alicewantedto beindependentand work
B The man doesn't like using the lnternet for booking for [herself].
things. A Alice says that you can't be sure that you'll make any
C The man booked by phone; hes going to the travel money.
agency to pick up the tickets. B Alice already has good experience ofthe businessworld.
B Correct. The exam stdrts ottwo o'clock. 22 A Correct. Alice got the idea when she was travelling
A lts nearly one o'do.k now. in Kenya.
C The man thinks the exam starts at four o'clock, but it B Alice was at a street market in Kenya, not England.
finishes then. C Alice has travelled in lndia, but she hasn't lived there.
7 B Correct. When the man says'Hello', he accidentally 23 B Csrrect. Alice looks for things that are original and o
drops his phone and it breaks. bit difrerent.
A The man parks the car on the other side of the bridge A Alice chooses items that are not too expensive and that
beforehis phone rings. most people can afrord.
C The girl on the bicycle arrives a few minutes after the C Alice has to send some larger items, so not everything
man drops his phone. is easy to carry.
24 B Correct. Alice willprobably need more stafr.
Part 2 p43
A Alice isn't going to open a new shop.
8 C Correct. They say that they prefer her earlier songs.
C Alice thought about selling more food, but another
A fhey prefer her earlier songs. shop selling food hasjust opened.
B The man says that Kaylee has o greatvoice. 25 A Correct . [Alice is] working more hours than [she's]
9 B Correct.Theysaythatthechairs are uncomfortable ever done and thati probably the most dificultthing.
and hord. B Alice gets on well with her customers.
A They saythat some of the dishes havefunny nomes,but C Alice likes travelling,
the staff explained what they all were.
C They say that the staff are cheerful and polite.
10 C Correct.The girl saysthatshefindsthe hoursabit
much, and she struggles to stay awake until home time.
A The girl says that the people on her course are very
B The girl the classes are interesting.
says that
11 A Correct. The girl says that she wishes he wouldn't
give them so much homework on a Fridoy.
B The girl says that he explainsthingsvery well.
C The girl says that he makes the lessons interesting.
12 B Correct. The boy says that he wos expecting there to
be a bit more action.
A The boy says that the trailer they saw last week rtade
the f lm look more exciting.
C The boy says that the film wasfunny.
13 A Correct. The girl says that they olways improve the
B The boy says that every time he gets used to using the
website, it changes.
C The girl says thatthe website has some cool new

Part 3 p47
14 X5 / fifteen
15 9.30
16 art room
17 Starting
18 October
19 food
Practice Test 2 9 E Fernando / Green Dreams
doesn't eat meat: cafd isvegetorian
Reading doesn't mind paying a little more: prices are high
independent caf6: owned and run by a localJomily
Partt p62 near the beach: busy seaside cafd
1 B Correct. Girls who wish to play football are invited to 10 C Linda and Amelia / Pancake Paradise
come to thefirst training session next Mondoy evening. love to eat sweet things: pancakes served with ice creom
A The message is about a new girls'team, so its for girls or honey
who want to play football, not watch it. both very stylish: where all thefashionable people like to
C There will be a training session, not a game, next be seen
Monday evening. want a place that s really cool: everyone is talking about it /
2 A Correct. Passengers for destinations in Europe have original art on the walls
to go to Terminol 2.
B Terminal tisforflightswithin the tJS only,so Part 3 p66
passengers for anywhere else in the world cannot fly 11 A Correct.Thewritersaysthatshe has always been
from here. keen on sport, so she decided tojoin her local
C Passengers flying to destinations in Europe, not othletics club.
America, shouldfollow the yellow signs. B The writer says she has always been veryfit.
3 B Correct.Bobleftamessagethathewantsto C The writer mentions her coach, but doesn't say that she
arrange a new time for the next guitar lesson and wanted to become a coach.
Seiko needs to call him back. D The writer says that she started focusing on the long
A The message doesn't say anything about cancelling the jump because she was good at it.
lesson. 12 A Correct.Thewritersaysthat inthe 800 metres race
C Anita is not the person taking guitar lessons, Seiko is. you have to choose the right moment to run at your
4 C Correct. Hot meols will not be served in the school maximum speed.
caJeteria until next week. B The writer says that she does not run the short
A ltsthe hot mealsservicethat is delayed, notthe new distonces like 1-00 metres, so she isn't comparing the two
term. distances.
B The notice is about hot meals only, so students can still C The writer says that you have to mix speed with
eat in the dining area, e.g. their own snacks. strength, so they are equally important.
5 C Correct. Luca asks Fran to do some shopping and D You also have to think o lot about how you race,so you
says that he has /e/t o /ist. cannot forget everything.
A Luca says that he'll make [them] something nice,sohe'll 1 3 D Correct. The writer says she loves running in front of
do the cooking. a crowd - I suppose it's a sort of performonce.
B Luca talks about what he'll do when he gets backfrom A The writer was nervous before herfrsf race but she
the librory, but he doesn t ask Fran to take anything back isnt nervous any more because she loves running infront
there. of a crowd and she has learned to stay calm.
B The writer says that she enjoys running in front of a
Part 2 p64 crowd, but she doesn t say how it feels to be in front of
6 D Jos6 / Sunshine Caf6 other competitors in a race.
near campus: a short wolkfrom the college C The writersays that running has helped[her] to trusf
a caf6 with a nice terrace: its outdoor seating area in lherlown abilities, but not that she has developed
new ones.
must be inexpensive and serve great sandwich es: wide
choice of soups and sandwiches at very reosonoble prices 14 C Correct.Thewritereats wel/butdoes not have a
special diet.
7 G Kasia / Tilly's Tea-Shop
quiet caf6: get owayfrom the noise of the city
A The writer describes eoting more of everything because
/ gentle
shei so active, but she doesn't say it makes her able to run
classical music
faste r.
close to the station: between the museum and the railwoy
B The writer ttiesto eot and sleep well, but she doesn,t
say that eating helps her to sleep better.
while enjoying tea: choose from 20 types of tea
D The writer gets plenty ofvoriety,so she does eat
and delicious cake; seryes the best baked goods in town
different types of food.
8 B Karl and Omar/ Burger Basement
15 B Correct. Atfirst, the writerput atl [her] efrort into
a place with a good atmosphere: brilliant caf6 is bright
the long jump because it was her best event. She says
and exciting that she loves running, but that she isnt aiming for the
both enjoy loud music: everyone sings along with the pop position of Olympic athletes because you have to give
and rock songs / not a quiet place up so much if you wantto reach that level.
also like cheap fast-foo d: low cost of the chips and burgers A The writer mentions 0lympic athletes butsays I don't
feel that is necessarily where I'm oiming.
C The writer says I love running in front of o crowd and
doesn t say that she finds training boring.
D The writer trains with others,butshe doesn't mention
competing in a team.
4 p68
Part Comments
16C t7H 188 19F 20E Anna has answered all parts of the question, and her answer
is the correct length. She has used appropriate opening
Part 5 p69 and closing remarks in her email, and her response is well
21 A currently organized and easy to understand. Anna uses different
Currently is used in present continuous and it means structures and appropriate vocabulary in her email and she
has not made any grammatical or spelling errors.
Previously and recently are not used in this tense, and
newly has a wrong meaning.
Part2 p72
22 D work Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some
comments on it.
Work as is used with a noun to describe someone's job.
Be, Ieorn and fgel aren't used with as followed by a noun. Model answer
23 B preparing l'm ahugefan of ltalianfoodl ln my'othe moeL
Preparing is used to mean making [the lessons] reody delicious food tnl;he world,lI'e difficuIl; Lo choose between
in advonce. pizza and Vasla because I love them boLh, However, my
favouriNe is definiXely pizza,Ihe reason is that you can
Proctising and reading aren't used with /essons in this way, ?uL. so
and thinking would need to be followed by about. many differen|t.ypes of food onlop of a pizza.You can make
24 D rather each pizza interestinq and differenLl Tizza ie also convenienN
because you can just pick it up with your hands.lf,'s fun t o
Ratheris used with than to mean insteod of.
eat LhaL wayl I have pizza once a week wilh my family and,
Soonermeans 'earlier'. lnsteod and even arent used with
afferwarde, we usually wai;ch a film l;o4eXher.
(100 words)
25 D while
While is used to introduce something happening at the Comments
same time as something else. This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
Throughoutin this sentence would need to be followed by Her response is well organized and easy to understand. She
a noun (throughout their studies), not a subject and verb. uses a good range of structures (the most delicious ..-, I love
However and except arcn't correct in this position. them both,The reason isthot...) and vocabulary (interesting,
25 D way diferent, convenient,fun). There are no grammatical or
Way in the expression in this way means in this kind of spelling errors, and the article is of the correct length.
system or method. Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some
Kind and type aren't used in this expression. In this style comments on it.
can mean in this woy, but doesn,t fit this context for an
exact plan. Model answer
When Lhe postman gave me Lhe parcel, I had no idea whaL
Part 6 p70 was ineide. lt, had my name and addrees on it, but I didn'1,
recoqnize lhe wriLinq. The parcel wao nat heavy, and iL felt like
27 for
a biq empLy box. I Look Lhe parcel inl,o Lhe kiLchen and puL iL
28 AII
on Lhe table. I Look some scissors and carefully cuL Lh,e
29 any pa?e,
open.There was a big boxineide. t took off the lid and a biq red
30 such balloon came out of Lhe box.lI; said Happy Birf,hdayl on iL.
31 to I was very surpdsed because it wasn't, my birihdayl
32 on (100 words)

Writing This is a good story of the correct length, which answers the
question and uses the first sentence correctly. The writer
uses diferent structures and the correct tense (l had ...,The
Part 1 p71
porcel wos not..., There wos...).There is a range of appropriate
Below is a model answer for Question 1 and some vocabulary (nome, oddress, box, paper,/ld, etc.), and no
comments on it. grammatical or spelling errors. The story is well structured
Model answer easy to understand.
l'm exciLed abouL our ehoppinglrip,LoolLet's meel; aI;Lhe
buo e1;atrion.
I'd prefer to qo Lo Ihe new caf6 tor lunch.ll will be
more Part 1 p73
excil;inq Ihan havinq a picnic by Lhe river. We can see whaL
foodLhe new re.Iauranl;has. lhopelhey have ealads! 1 B Correct.Theweatherforecastfortomorrowis
more of the same, which is ctoudy with o
I' d like to b uy a birth d ay p res enI;
Ye e, f or my b e st f ri en d n
few showers,
town,I wantto buy her a coolT-ehirt,. ehebvesT,shircs.
although the winds will be strongerthan today.
I'd aleo like Io buy some A ltwill becloudy butthe sunnierweotherwill notarrive
new earrings and a magazine in iawn.
Whal doyouwanLlo do? until towards the weekend.

)ee you eoon! C The forecast was originally for a storm and very heavy
raln, but the forecast has changed and so tomorrow,s
weother won't be quite whot was expected.
(99 words)
B Correct. The girl says that her brother Paul has 12 B Correct. The girl says that it's really convenientto be
shorter hair than Robbie and would never wear such so close to the school ond shops.
smartclothes, and hel wearing sunglasses. A The girl says thatthe building makes noises and that
A The girl saysthat her brother Paul would neverweer her neighbour is very friendly.
such smort clofhes and hes wearing sunglasses. C The girl says that it's always strange sleeping in o
C The girl says that the boy with long hair is a friend from new place.
school. 13 A Correct.Theysaythatthe queues arevery long and
B Correct.The girl used to do o lot of running and the department store needs more stafr.
swimming, but she gottired of the jogging [running] B They say that there is a good selection of stuff.
so only does swimming now. We also know she's going
C They say that the prices are lower than in other
swimming tonight because she says she'll be out of the
department stores.
pool by 7.00. r
A The
not the girl,is going to the gym. Part3 p77
C The girl says she got tired of the jogging [running], so
14 walking
she doesn't do that anymore.
15 600 / six hundred
B Correct. The woman says the club is a fontastic place
16 diving
to play toble tennis.
17 June
A There are plansto open o cafd nextyeor, but its not
open now. 18 bus tour
C The Internet caf1 closed last spring, and computers are 19 return flights
not mentioned as part of what is available at the club.
A Correct. The man saysthere's no mouse here either, Part4 p78
and the woman isnt surprised and promises to send 20 A Correct.Just a dazen groups played, which means 12
one straight away. bands.
B The man can't find the keyboard at first, but then he B The festival began ln the early I 980s, not the year 1 980.
says here we ore so we know hes found it. C The first festival began at lunchtime and was over
C The printer hos to be ordered seporately, so it's not before it got dark.
missing from this order. 21 C Correct. The festival provides a wide range of
5 C Correct.The boyl motherhas puthismoneybythe entertainmentlor young ond old alike,
front door so that he wouldn'tforget it. A Ticket numbers have been reduced slightly this year, so
A Jenny tookthe money from the table.butthe boys is the crowd will be smaller, not bigger.
not there. B The festival is afour,day event,which is longerthan a
B The boy says the money not inlhisljocket pocket.
is weekend.
7 B Correct. Susie's friend found an old address book 22 B Correct. The audience will recognize people such as
with her number ln, phoned her and left a message, and Mo rk W hitfi el d a nd Sa n
dy De nver fro m TV.
Susie cal/ed fthe girl] back. A There will be some of the best names in comedy,bul
A Susie lost her mobile two weeks ago ond she hasn't they arent all local, a number of international stars will be
bought a new one yet. appearing, too.
C Susies friend sent her an email, but Susie didn't write C US comicJoe Reen has had to cancel his appearance, so
any emails. there won't be a top American entertainer.
23 C Correct. On Saturday and Sundoy, you can watch,.,
Part 2 p75 videos covering the history of rock music.
8 B Correct. The girl says that the story is dificult A You can watch, not read, o non-stop programme of
tofollow. music biographies.
A The girl says that the book is short, but it took her a
B You can watch thrillers on Friday night.
long time to read it. 24 A Correct. The presenter is particularly looking
C The girl says thatshe had to read parts of the book forward to buying olbums you just con'tfind anywhere
again to work out what was going on. else.
9 A Correct. The boy says that his uncle is a member of a B The presenter mentions that you can buy ajocket
lot of local clubs. to keep the rain ofi but this is not what he is especially
B The boy says that his uncle is great. looking forward to.

C The boy says that his uncle doesn't [travel] at a//. C The presenter says its possible to buy a candlefor a

10 A Correct. They say he's never on time. friend,butthis is not what he is especially looking
forward to.
B The woman says that hes got an expensive watch, but
he never looks at it.
25 B Correct.Westbay hos morefood stallsfrom around
the world thon ony otherfestival.
C The man says that he came but was very late.
A The presenter mentions the tastes of Mexico, but
11 C Correct.The boysaysthattheydidnthave enough
doesnt say they're very hot.
time at the museum because it took so long to get
there and back. C lts possible totryAustralian barbecued lamb, so not
everything is vegeta rian.
A The boy says that there were interesting things atthe
museum and he found out some useful information for his
history project.
B The boy says that it took a long time to get to the
museum and back.
Practice Test 3 10 D Robert and Meg / History Museum
want to know about history of great grandparents:
Reading special exhibition that explores the history of the past
hundred years l;1*:l

Part I p82 want to know about ordinary lite:

[exhibition] looking

1 , i:..!ii
B Correct. You can use a mobile phone in the reception at houses, schools, shops, work and developments in
tronsport; interviews with Iocal people
A You are permitted to use a phone in reception. i:tLl

C You can use your mobile phone inthe reception area;

Part 3 p86
the receptionisti phone is not mentioned. 11 B Correct. Most of oil,he liked taking pictures of
2 C Correct.Aishawantstoknowthe nameoftheshop people.
where David bought the book. A The text doesnt say that he took pictures of his parents.
A David has already lent a book to Aisha, but she,s lost C The writer also enjoyed taking pictures offlowers, trees
B Aisha doesnt ask David to go into town with her. and animals.

3 B Correct, you take the medicine D The writers parents bought him a camera when he was
on an empty
stomach, so you can eat after you have taken the ten years old.
medicine. 12 B Correct.Thewriter hadtotake dull pictures of loca!
A You mustnt eat before taking the medicine, but it buildings and new types of cars.
doesnt say when you should eat. A The writer didnt take pictures of people in his first job.
C You should take the medicine every six hours. C The writer worked for a local poper and didnt travel far
4 C Correct, The changing rooms are for people having in hisjob.
tennis lessons. D He had to go out ofthe office to take photographs.
A You should use the main changing room if 13 D Correct. The writer thinks that people imagine that
you are not
having tennis lessons. he is on unpleasantperson,
B The notice doesnt mention the staff. A The writer thinks that people imagine that he makes
5 C Correct. The security guard doesntturn the lights a lot of money.
off because people are asked to switch ofrthe lights B The writer thinks that people imagine that he takes
when tlrey leave. embarrassing photos of famous people.
A security guard will lock the doors.
The C The writer thinks that people imagine that he follows
B You dont need to ask the security guard for permission. famous people.
You should switch of the lights when you leave. 14 A Correct. The writer photographs people who ask him
to photogroph them.
Part2 p84 B Some people imagine that the writer is an unpleosant
6 F Lisa / Time Museum person who follows famous people but the writer doesn
describe the people he photographs as unpleasant.
deciding what period of history to study: can access
timelinesfor specific regions with our new sofiware C The writer does feel annoyed sometimes, if people
decide that they don't want to be photographeid.
wants to visit a general history museum: Start by
the ancient world of ... end by watching ... most D writer doesnt mention this as a problem.
inve nti ons; trave I th rou g h ti me 15 C Correct. The writer works for himself and finds his
7 E Mar:cus / Fun Science )ob exciting and challenging.
is interested in space: rocket simulotor, 3D A The writer didnt enjoy his first job.
and planets
f Im on stars B The writer prefers taking pictures of people, but he
doesn t want to embarrass people.
gets bored I
ptenty of equipment that he can use: haye
fun; do experiments ... at the different science fun lobs D The writer doesnt rnention anything about wanting to
8 A Ben and Erica City Museum
be famous.

love learning new things like doing creative

/ activities: Part4 p88
dinosaur drowing for children aged to eight:
four for
children aged twelve, we have tablets with the new 16c t7c 18H 198 20E
museum Imogine app
Marilyn likes these things, too a museum that they Part5 p89
f can
all enjoy togeth er: adults please stay, you can
take part in
21 A trip
the activities, too Trip refers to a journey during. which you visit a place
9 C Yoko / The Glass place and return.
srnall museum where she can see things being Destination means the place you're travelling to, route
watch o gla ss- m a kin g demo nstrati on refers to the roads taken on thejourney and p/on means
wants to buysome unusual gifts: gift shop where you an idea or armngement to do something in the future.
buy omazing glass items, including jeweilery 22 ts routine
Routine completes the phrase daily routine.
Practice, hobit and custom arcn'tcorrect in this context.
23 B offered wif,h my frlends. toa. I llke going Lo cancerL., buL I grefer
Ofrered completes the phrase fo be offered the chance lislenin4Lo nlueic aLhorne.There are alot. of people shoufing,
to do something. sinqing and screaming at. a cancerL, and you can'L alwaye hear
Advised, recommended and suggested aren't used with the lhe mueic. I preler Io hear Lhe music and Lhe worde lo my
object chance. favouriT,e songs.
24 C must (101 words)
Must is followed by the infinitive without fo. Comments
Ought and need require fo + infinitive; could indicates
This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
possibility and isn't correct in this context.
Her response is well organized and easy to understand.
25 A somebody She uses a good range of structures (l like Iove / prefer...,
Somebody refers to a person.
b eca use ..., There a re ...) and appropriate vocabula ry (po p, ro ck,
Everyone refers to a lot of people, which isn't correct in donce, shout, sing, scream, concert, songs).
this context; something and everything refer to things,
Below is a model answer for euestion 3 and some
not people.
comments on it.
26 B free
Be free to means you can decide something yourself. Model answer
Open, empty and c/eor arent correct in this context. ILwas midniqht when the Lelephone rang. I was asleep.
Iwoke up and eat. u? in my bed. I fell; shocked and surprised.
Part 6 p90 Why did sorneone wanLto sgeak Lo rne at th:to Lirne? I wenL
downsLairs.Thelelephone rang and ranq. I answeredLhe
27 in
ghone. buL lhere wae no one there. OLrangel I lookeA ouL the
28 from
window at, Lhe dark night. The moon was biq and brighL. There
29 for were rnany, many etare. As I was lookinq, Lhe lelephone rang
30 there aqain.lLurned quickly.fhere were shadowe on Lhe walls.I was
31 with lright ened and I didn'L know why. I answered, Lhe phone again
32 away and eaid hello.'Wronq number,' eaid the voice.'Oorry.'
(1L3 words)

This is a very good attempt. The story is atmospheric and well
Part 1 p91 written. The writer has used tenses correctly (l was asleep,
As Iwas looking ..., I turned quickly, etc.) and a good range of
Below is a model answer for euestion 1 and some
vocabulary (shocked, surprised, strange, dark, bright, shadows,
comments on it.
Model answer
I'i Carla,
1'm really excif.ed about.Lhe t alent show, Loo! l'd love Lo be jn
your bandl lt'll be amazingt.
l'm noL a qreaL einqer, buL I can play Lhe quilar. I've been havin4
Part 1 p93
leaoons far l,wo yearo, and I know a few eonqs. 1 C Correct. The girl is still going to do the exam even
Iknow Lwo oLher people who can be in our band. My friend though she feels ill.
Anna can play Lhe keyboard and my friend Dino is a qreat, A The girl may go to the doctor's surgery if her dad can
einqe'l Ihey re good m-ac.ane. arrange an appointment in the afternoon.
I lhink we should make cool coeLumes for
our band and wear B The girl wantsto stay in bed, butshe cant because she
Lhem in the l;alent, show. Whal do you think? has an important exam.
1ee you soonl 2 C Correct.Theman'sbirthdayisonThursday.
Maria A The man wants to celebrate his birthday on Tuesday.
(100 words) B The mans meeting an old school friend on Wednesday.

3 B Correct. The girll going to gotothe park.
A The girl was invited to a house by the sea, but she
Maria has answered all parts of the question and her email is
decided not to go.
of the correct length. Her response is well organized and easy
C The girl went to the theme parkthe previous week.
to understand. She has used a variety of different structures
and a good range ofvocabulary in her email. She has not 4 A Correct. There was.;flo oding in the kitchens.
made any grammatical or spelling errors. B There wasflooding in the kitchens yesterday, not a fire.
C There was a fire in one of the science labs two weeks
Part2 pgL ago.

Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some 5 B Correct. Ben used some history magozines.
comments on it. A Ben had a quick look on the lnternet, buthe used some
Model answer
C Ben couldn'tfnd any good booksin the library.
love lislening Lo muoic. My f avouriLe kinds of music are pop
5 C Correct.The boypufthem in a smal! bag.
music and rock music. l like these kinde of music because Lhey
A They are by the front door, not on the bed.
are qood Lo dance lo. I love dancingl I oflen ljet en Lo music
on my awn in my room. and,I aflen lisl;en lo mueic and dance
B The boys mum looked onthe kitchen table,butthey
werent there.
7 A Correct.They're atanltolian restauront. 25 B There's an open day and everything isfree.
B The restaurantis opposite the theatre. A Everything isfree,so it doesn't cost anything.
C They couldn't gettickefs for the concert. C Children can try everything that is available at the
Part 2 p95
8 A Correct.Theyexpectedtofind itboring,butit
B The play lasted for nearly two hours,butthis wasn't
a problem.
C The actors showed what was happening without
9 A Correct. He finds it diffcult toiype because the
phone has tinj kets.
B The phone has a good camera.
C The phone has all the apps the man needs.
10 C Correct. The train has been cancelled.
A The man has already been waiting for ten minutes.
B There has been a problem on the track.
11 B Correct.The girl wantedtoseethefilm atG.15, but
they're going at 8.30.
A She needs to let their friends know they're meeting
later than planned.
C The girl hopes the f Im is worth staying up late for.
12 B Correct. The girl saysyou can't believe anything on
that blog.
A The boy says Jess's blog recommends cool places.
C The boy says that magazines seem old-fashioned.
1 3 C Correct. The girl says that it was wonderful and she
could relax.
A The girl saysthat herfriend would have been bored.
B The girl says that she felt tired before the weekend, but
that she feels full of energy now

Part 3 p97
14 lntroduction
X.5 questions
16 nextto
77 200 /two hundred
18 Manager
19 Tea andjuice

Part 4 p98
20 B The wildlife centre event is for children aged
between five and nine, and parents are asked to stay.
A The speaker recommends a specific age group.
C The event is for children, but parents are osked to stay.
21 C The organizers may continue the club in term time.
A Young people bring their music to the ctub.
B This is a new club.
22 B Drinks will be provided.
A The children go home
for lunch.
C The children take their own snacks.
23 C Children learn new steps and routines.
A Parents see whatthe children have learnt but donttake
part themselves.
B The Dance Academy teaches a variety of styles, not only
modern dance.
24 B The club is on twice a week in the holidays.
A This is not different in the holidays.
C There willbe oll the usual activities. and there isn't more
sport than usual.
Practice Test 4 9 B Natalia/AFascinatingStory
enjoys watching serious documentariest an amozing look
at the secret life of the snow leopard / f lming is excellent
and the narration is fascinating
keen to understand more about the natural world:fnd out
Part 1 p102
about the snow leopards' hobits, how they're threatened
1 C Correct .-fhe changes to the timetable relate to
and whot is being done to save them
information oboutthe exams and students can get this
interested in the variety of different plants and animals
from the ofice. in different regions around the world and what can be
A There have been some chonges to the timetable so it
done to protect them: leorn obout the latest conservotion
can't be the same as it was before.
programmes that the Biodiversity Trust is working on
B There have been chdnges to the timetable, but the
10 D Chan / The Best Of:What's New?
students don't need to tell anyone about them. They
likes to find out about current affairs: programme which
should vrsit the ofice,bulto get a new copy.
checks people's knowledge of the news
2 B Correct. You dont pay for helmets if the booking is
would prefer something light that can make him laugh:
over fl5, but if it's less, itl necessary to pay.
an extremely funny programme; picks out the funniest
A You do have to pay ifthe booking is less than fl5.
C There is no chargefor helmets if you spend over [1"5,
so this means helmets are sometimes provided free of
Part 3 p106
11 A Correct. Mark has taken photos of all kinds oJ
3 C Correct. Sarah wants to meet atthe caf6 instead of
a m azi n g w e ath e r,i n cl u d i n g to rn a d o e s, th u n d e rsto rms
Lucia's house, so she is changing their arrangements.
and hurricones.
A Sarah wants to meet at the cafd so she isn t cancelling
B Mark isthe author of several books.Theres no mention
their plans, shesjust changing the meeting place.
of his photos being used in books.
B Sarah still wants to get together, so she doesnt want to
C Mark has appeared in documentaries, but there's no
postpone meeting up.
mention of his photos being used in documentaries.
4 B Correct. The cafeteria is c/osed which means nobody
D Mark has written articles about our changing weather,
can use it.
but therel no mention of his photos changing over time.
A The cafeteria is closed for the next two weeks, so it isn't
12 B Correct. Mark has also successfully appeared in
possible to use it nextweek.
documentaries on Americon TV to discuss severe
C There's building work in the school cofeterio, which weather.
means nobody at all can use it for dining.
A Mark has written a very popular blog obout extreme
5 C Correct. Tess wants to get something together on the weother.
lnternet,which means she wants to share the cost of a
C Mark has written/os cinating articles about our
changing weather.
A Tess wants to buy a present with Lenny on the lnternet
D Mark has appeared in documentories on Americon TV
for their murn.
and hes a keen speaker.
B Tess has already been to town and couldn'tfnd
anything so she doesn't want to meet Lenny in town.
13 B Correct. Mark enjoyed recordingthe sound efrects of
A Mark had a camera, but he was more interested in
Part 2 p104
recording the sound efrects of weather.
5 E Jake / How lt Began
C Mark neverforgot seeing his first hurricane. There! no
enjoys watching fast-moving and entertaining films: on
mention that he was afraid of severe storms.
exciting and original story that you won't be able to stop
D Mark never forgot seeing his f rst hurricone. There's no
mention of him being hurt.
heU like to watch something really up to date: movie has
just been releosed 14 B Correct.Mark began his career as awriterworking
on local newspapers andhewasgood athisjob.
7 H Mara / Across The World: A Three-part Series A Mark studied journalism and he never regretted that
enjoys watching international spottt topics which include
he'd become a journalist.
Europeon football, South American football
C Mark wrote for local newspopers, but he didn'ttake
interested in its history: oll-time qreots photographs.
would like a good balance of talk and play: includes D Mark became an artist in terms of photography,but
interviews; highlights of every World Cup Final so far
we don't know whether he was a better artist than a
loves listening to famous stars talking: The series includes journalist.
interviews with all-time greats
15 C Correct. The writer describes aspects of Mark's
8 A Harry / Changing Direction career as a photographerfrom his childhood interest
wants to study film/ is interested in the history of to his adult career.
film-making: watch the secrets of directors Spielberg, A The writer talks about Mark! career as a photographer;
Tarantino, Hitchcock and more but doesn't give advice on how to become one.
how film has developed over the yearsi Leorn .,. how they B The writer talks about Mark's career as a photographer,
path of fi I m-ma ki n g fo reve r
ch a n ged th e but doesn't encourage people to become one.
see something about the early film industry / the latest D Theres no technical explanation of how to take photos
technology: flfJ compares the equipment directors used ... in the text.
with what they use today
Part4 p108 Comments
156 17A 18D 19F 208 Carlos has answered all parts of the question, and his email
is the correct length. His response is well organized and
Part 5 p109 to understand. He has used a lot of different structures
21 B idea (l'd prefer ..., There isn't..., t like enjoy ..., I hope ...,etc.) and
ldea in this context means thetrsttime something is a good range of vocabulary in his email. He has made no
thought of. grammatical or spelling errors.
Aim, plan and view don't have the correct meaning in this
context. Part2 p11.2
22 B where Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some
Where is a relative pronoun thdt is used with places. comments on it.
We use whof!nd which with things, and who with people. Model answer
23 D take I love siqhLseeing halidays beeL of all. I like visiLing inLereeting
Ioke is used in the expressiontoke port,which means cilies and seeing all lhe hist orical build,ings anI inLereotiny
to join in with something. places. I love vieiling new places because iL'e always good lo
Get, have and make aren t used in this expression. see new Lhinqs and learn about, life in olher places. I usually
24 C keen go on holiday wi6h my family. We qo Lo an ieland wiLh beauliful
Keen is followed by the preposition on. beachee and, alol of good reetaurants. I likebeachholidays,
bul prefer to visit, a big ci|y. My dream holiday is a trip to
Attracted is followed by by. tnterested is followed by in.
New York. I wanf,lo see all lhe famous landmarks lhere and
Happy is followed by with.
walk in CenIral Tark.
25 C should
(98 words)
Should is the correct modal for recommending or
giving advice about something. Comments
followed by to + infinitive. Oughtisfollowed by fo.
/Veed is This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
Would is used in conditional sentences. Her response is well organized and easy to understand.
25 D way She uses a good range of structures (l tove..., t like visiting ...,
Way is used in the expression in this wayto mean like because ..., ... I'd prefer to...) and appropriate vocabulary
this. (si g htseei n g, cities, h isto ri ca I b uil d i n gs, isl a nd, be a ches,
Course, direction and route arent used in this expression. There are no grammatical or speling
Part 5 p110 Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some
27 around comments on it.
28 in
Model answer
29 why
When I woke up, iI was ra)ninq. I was disappoinLed because
30 on I wantedln qo Lothe beach.l phoned my friend and my friend,
31 out came Lo my house. We saL in my room and we lieLened lo
32 everyone / everybody music,fhenlhe rain stopped.We werevery happy.We ranl;o
Lhe slation and f,ook a Lrain Lo lhe beach. Now Lhe eun wae
shinin g an d iI w a s ov ely a n d w ar m. W e h a d f un on f,h e b e a ch

Writing and we mel soffie interestinq people. We decided,Io meet

aa,ain f,he next, weekend. I was glad, LhaL Ihe rain had eNopped
Part 1 p111 because I had a perfect day.

Below is a model answer for euestion 1 and some (104 words)

comments on it. Comments
Model answer This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question
Hi1en, and uses the initial sentence correctly. His response is well
I c an'
organized and easy to understand. He uses the correct tenses
L w aiL Lo c o m e an d visiL y o u n ext, w e eken d. I' m o oking
and a good range of structures (We sat..., ...the sun was

forw ard to me ebine y oDr f amily.

shining ..., I wos glad that... becouse ....).He uses a range of
The museum in your Lown sounds interesf,ing, buL I'd
prefer Lo vocabulary and a good selection of adjectives (disappointed,
qo lo Nhe beach for a picnic on eaLurd,ay,It'll be fun
to play tn hoppy, lovely, interesting, gtod, perfect).There are no
Ihe sea and relax on Ihe beach.
grammatical or spelling errors.
I'dloveLo waXch altlm aLl;he cinema onOunday.llike acLion
f,lms and comedy fiIms.l hope we like the same kinds of
ls there a eouvenir shop in your t:own? I,d like Na buy qifL
a for
)eeyou soonl
(100 words)
Listening 12 B Correct. The woman says that itwas wonderfutto
breathe clean air after all the poltution in the city.
Part 1 p113 A The woman saysthere isn't much lightfrom cars in the
1 C Correct.Theboysaysthattheorangejuicewas OK
so he must have had some
to drink. C The woman says that there isn't much light from
A The girl asked about the fea, but the boy doesn,t buildings in the countryside.
drink teo. 13 B Correct.Thewoman said that ittasted kind of sour
B The boy says that he usuallyhas a milkshake, but that
for her.
the caf6 doesn't sell it. A The woman said that she liked spicy food.
2 C Correct. There's a separate book-signing event with C The man said that it had an excellent balonce
Karabo on the 25th. offlavours.
A Tickets for both can be purchased from the 2j.'t.
B She'll be reading from her latest novel, philo and Burke, Part 3 p117
at 7 p.m. on April 24th, 14 13th / thirteenth
3 C Correct. After lunch, it started to roin. 15 Park
A lt was really sunny early this morning. 16 6/six
B A couple of hours later, [.-] the wind was incredibly 17 extreme cycling
strong. 18 map
4 B Correct. Although the day ofthe exam has changed, 19 team
the time of the exam remoinsthe same. lt's still
nine o'clock. Part 4 p118
A You haveto getthere half an hour before the exam, 20 A Correct. Davidwantsto showthatexploring is
which is 8.-i0, but the time of the exam remains the same, something all young people can take part in.
al nine o'clock. B The presenter says that it isn't only for the superft and
C fhe French exam is at one o'clock. super confdenf, its for oll young people.
5 C Correct. Sara has gotdark hairwhich is /ong and she C David is a leader, but hes keen for young people to take
ties it back. port in expeditions, not to learn how to become leaders.
A Sara has got long dark hair, but she ties it back. 21 C Correct. Youth Expeditions work with
B Sara has got long dark hair. environmentalrsfs and want people who ore keen to
5 B Correct. The man is meeting his friends in the neuy Ieorn.
burger ploce. A Youth Expeditions provide a grant for about Z5%. The
A The woman is going to the cinema, not the man. young people pay the rest.
C The man is going to town, but he isn't going shopping. B Youth Expeditions don't expectthem [young people] to
The woman is going shopping. have expert scientifc knowledge already.
7 C Correct.Thegirl putthemagazineon herdeskand 22 B Correct. The summer expeditions take place in fhe
it's on top of her English book. Arctic.
A The magazine was in her bag, but the girl took it out of A The summer expeditions are for young people aged
there. 16-20.
B The magazin e is on top o/the English book, not C The summer expeditions are month-long.
underneath it. 23 A Correct. They investig ated glaciers, rivers, plonts,
which is the geography of the area.
Part 2 p115 B They cross-country skied to get to their destination, but
8 B Correct. The woman thinks the woman in the they didn't do any adventure sports.
painting is feeling calm. C They went camping, but not without their leaders.
A The man thinks the woman in the painting looks sod. 24 B Correct. There will be opportunitiesfor
C The woman thinks the woman in the painting looks as m o u nto i n eeri ng on d cross-country ski i ng.
though she's just realized the answer to a dificult problem. A Three young explorers can win the competition.
9 C Correct. The woman says that she can't remember C They will study climate change for part of the time.
which pocket[she'sl putthings in. 25 C Correct. They make a shortfilm aboutthemselves
A The woman says that its bigger than her old bag. and say why they are interested in going to the Arctic.
B The woman says that she bought it because it has a lot A They make a film about themselyes, not about the
of pockets. Arctic.
10 B Correct. The man says that he wishes he could gef if B They must say what they hope to get out of the
out ol lhisl heod. experience,but they don't have to describe any previous
A The man says that he hears it all the time. expe ri e n ce of explo ri n g.
C The man says that he can't stop singing it.
11 C Correct.The boysaysthatthewaterinthe poolwas
A The girl says that the pool was very busy on Saturday
B The girl says thatthere was hardly room to swim on
Saturday afternoon because the pool was so busy.
Practice Test 5
9 B Danielle / Stealing By Numbers
Reading especially keen on films set in the last century:
the post, in the j.930s
Partt p!22 usually chooses to watch action films: a
classic adventure
1 A Correct. lf you wish to do art classes next month, story, a series of dramatic adventures
you should tell the teacher by 30,h really enjoys a surprise ending:
Apri!. of tm thatwilt keep you
B You should go to Room 5g to tell paul Davidson guessing until thefnal scene
you wish to do art classes; we don,t 10 A Maria
know where the art / The Long Journey
classes are taking place.
likes films that make her think: there,s a real messoge to
C You should see Mr Davidson to tell him you thisf Im
wish to do
art classes, which have not started yet. filmed in a beautiful location: you'll see a lot
2 of the wild
C Correct. Michaelwants RubytoaskDavetowaitfor countryside
him atthe bus stotion,not the train station. an exciting story: plenty of drama to enjoy
A Michael wants Ruby to ask Dave, which
means give a
message to Dave, not to take him and Dave
somewhere. Part 3 p126
B Dave is not the one taking the last bus, Michael 11 D Correct. Buddysays thatpeople hire[him] whenthey
3 C Correct. Gerry is asking paula to make surethe
cots need o musicion, and he doesn't wo rkfor a p-orticutar
have enough waterwhile he! away. band.
A 6erry, not paula, is coming back on Monday. Also, its A Buddy says that other people hire him,which means
Paula who must check the cats have that they pay him to work with them, so he doesnt pay
enough waterwhile
Gerry is away. them.
B Theres a yellow bowl underthe sink,so paula doesnt B Buddy doesn't have his own band, he works for other
need to buy one. bands when they need a musician.
4 A Correct. Cyclists need to step ofitheir bikes and walk C Buddy doesn't work on [his] own, he works for other
across. bands when they need a musician.
B The sign is giving instructions to cyclists, not 12 B Correct. Buddy says that a session musician
to has to
pedestrians. be able to play a tot of difierent musical styles.
C Cyclists are being asked to walk, not to ride A A session musician hasto leorn parts very quickly,
their bikes, so
across the road. there isn't much time to learn.
5 B Correct.Awalletandphotoshavebeenfoundina C A session musician is in the background and
has to be
shop, so the manager thinks they have prepared lo let somebody else be odmired.
been lost there.
A The contact number is for the manager, not the D A session musician needs to be flexible about attending
of the backpack. rehearsals at specific times or at short notice,
but theres
C managerhasfoundthe pictures. He orshe has no mention of the rehearsals being long.
.The not
taken them. 13 D. Correct. Buddy says that there,s plenty
of variety in
his work.
Part2 p1,24 A Buddy says that he sometimes goes on a
tour. He
5 D Joe /
Aim For The Stars doesnt say whether he likes it or not.
interested in films about true, historic events: B Buddy says that he might work on a whole album
about the with a
very first people to band, not that he wants to record his own
fly to the moon album.
his favourites are about well_known people, C Buddy says that he sometimes works with top bands or
those whose lives were changed Uy ifr"iiexperiences: famous singers.
Iooks into the lives of some of the people 14 B Correct. Buddy says th athis main income has
inv:olved in this
importont event, particulorly Buzz Aldrin, always beenfrom studio work, which means
the second man making
to step onto the moon's surface, there,s recordings.
enough dromo in
it to keep most people interested, the tost pait
of thefilm is A Buddysaysthat if an album hes worked on
sells a
quite unexpected.
million copies, the band is paid well, but he isn
7 G Sandra / The lsland t given a big
love stories: o romanticflm C Buddy says thatit'sfairty good money,but that
doesnt mind unhappy endings:/eels the never been given a big cheque.
sadness of the
conclusion D Buddy says that session musicia ns generolly get poid
actors m{st be really good: whats special the some amounf as each other.
about thisfilm is
the quality of the acting 15 A Correct. Buddy says that there,s pl e nty of
va ri ety
8 F Dimitri / Down On The Farm in this work and that you have to lelt someolne
etse be
doesn't like films that are complicated: admired.
the story is always
easy to understand B Buddy doesn't mention appearing on television.
enjoys watching films about life in the
countryside: /earns C Buddy says that sometimes he ptays guitarfor o
to race horses on her porents'farm band or goes on a lonq tour with a yamius siiger,
but that
ntlslha! show the joys and difficulties of family life: he earns fairly good money for all the work hJdoes,
relationship between Winona and her strictfotier never gets o big cheque.
is the
central topic D Buddy does play a lot of different musical
doesn't mention playin g diferent instruments.
Part 4 pl28 Comments
160 t7H 188 19C 20F Harry has answered all parts of the question, and
his email
isthe correct length. His response is well organized
Part 5 p129 to understand. He has used different tenses and structures
and easy
21 C However hope..., Since I last emailed ..., I've been thinking
..., |m going to
Howeveris used to introduce a comment that wotch..., etc.) and a good range of vocabulary in
his email. He
contrasts with what went before. has made no grammatical or spelling errors.
Whenever means every time something happens.
Alike and
,4go cannot be used to begin a sentenie. Part2 p1,32
22 C need Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some
Need to + infinitive means have to do something. comments on it.
Must, should and condon't take to before the
verb. Model answer
23 B gays I enjoybasketball and, swimminq.l play baskeLba| wiLh my
We use it soys to refer to the words written on local f,eam twice a week, and I often play wil;h
my friends in Lhe
something. evenings or aL weekende.l go swimming a loL jn
lhe surnftler
Puts, writes and talks are all actions carried because I live near Lhe sea. I love ewimmin4 in the
out by a eeal
person. The subject of the missing verb watch basketball and football on fV. I enjoy watchjny
is it, not a person. I
24 D main favouriLe Ieams play imporLanf matches. I prefer
The main ingredientin a food product is the one that,s 3?orlo to walching sporLs because iL,s more can
there in the'largest amount,. spend Lime wiLh your friends and exercise, Loo.l|;hink
Main works like a superlative here (i.e. the biggest),but eporNs is a greaL way lo spend your freelime,
great, large and big don,t work because theyaren,t (98 words)
superlative form.
25 D regular
This is a very good attempt. The writer answers
lf you eat at regulor times of the day, you eat at similar the question
and his article is of the correct length. The article
times each day. is well
organized and easy to understand. The writer
Common, equal and even cannotbe used with uses a good
this range of structures (l enjoy ..., I often ptay ..., t prefer
ploying -, I think ...) and a good selection of appropriate
26 A that vocabulary (te a m, exe rci se, m atch es, b asketba I l, sw
i m m i n g).
Action clause fleorn when your body needsfoodl + There are no grammatical or spelling errors.
fhat + result clause fyou don,t suddenly
feei the need Below is a model answer for euestion 3 and some
comments on it.
So + yi111q7 ..6 so + 1r,1hsn aren't followed directly by a
result clause. So + yt111i61., + subject (you) of a clause isn,t Model answer
possible. Sally waa pleased because aL lastf,he epecial
day had, arrived.
lf, was her lrst day aL a new echool. Ohe
wae exctled,, but aleo
Part 6 pi30 nervauo, because she djdn'I; know anyone and iL
was much
27 well 30 more
biqger Ihan her old echool. Ohe wenL inLo,he
claesroom, but
28 to ehe didn'Lknow whereLo.ft.There were
31 all eo many new people!
Then a girl said'Hello' and invited Oally Io
29 about 32 without her sii beside her.
The girl's naffie wao Azra. Oally was very happy
to have a new
friend. Azra t;old Oatty the names of Ihe otler
studenLe and,
Ihey were all was a qood dayl
(104 words)
Part 1 p131 Comments
Below is a model answer for This is a very good attempt. The
Question 1 and some writer answers the question.
comments on it. Her response is well organized and easy to understand.
uses the correct tenses and a good range
Model answer of structures (/f
wos ..., she didn't know..., Azra foid...). There
Hi ?eter, is a good use
of adjectives (excited, nervous, happy,friendly)
I hope you're very ha??y in your new house. gince lnd no
I IasL emajled grammatical or spelling errors.
you.l've nade a nev,r friend aL college. His name je
Dan. He,e a
new eLudenL in my clase and he's very
I've been Lhinking abouL ideas for your
new hobby, WhaI aboui Listening
joining a sporls leam? you can exerciee,
make friends and
have fun aL Lhe same timel My hobbies
are playing fooXball Part 1 p133
and swimning. I love swimmlngl
1 C Correct. The woman is going on the 25th, a week
|m goin4I;o watch afilm alLhe cinema,hie
weekend,I can,t later than she was first planning to go.
waiLl Ptave a qreatrLime wilhyour qrand,parenLsl
A The woman is going on holiday for ten days,not on the
WriLe soonl
L oth.
B The woman was planning to leave then
(99 words) [the !gth], but
lherlcousin isn'tfree on that day, so they're going on the
Friday after that [the 25th].
2 B Correct.The boyonty realized itwasonwhenhesaw 12 C Correct. The girl says; qtthe moment !,m just
I o st Sun d oy isnewsp ap er- experi me nti ng with vo ri o u s tech ni q u e s.
A The boy says the gir"l should have o look ot A She doesnt agree that she could sell her photos now,
in orde,r to decide what to get tickets
for. but maybe when she improves.
C,lt wasthe girl, not the boy, who saw an od on TV. B i-ier parents gave her a camera for her birthday. She
3 A Correct" The boy asks the girl to get [him] some egEs decided to sign up for a course herself.
.., and o letnon- l3 C Correct.The man cantwaitforthe nextseriesto
B The boy is go,ing to do sontething difrerent to [his] usuol start because of the way this series ended.
choco,lote coke. A The man says that he'li have to wait months to find out
C The gid is goinE to buy some milk not the boy, and ttre what happened next.
boy doesnt need flour because he has pJenfy. B The mans frustrated that something exciting or terrible
4 € Correct. The boo,ksho p is left at the crossroads, and is about to happen, and he doesn't know what it will be.
down o smalisid::e turning with the museum on the
co{ner. Part3 p137
A You have to turrrr left, not l-ight, atthe crassroads. 14 history
B The bookshop rs down a smal! sjde turning which ,is a 15 other sweets
little way atter the crossroads, not at the crossroads.
15 January
5 B Correct.The new neighbours have a daughterand an 17
older girl living with them.
8 / eight
18 10/ten
A Ttre new neighbours have two daughters living with
19 bag
thern, not one.
C The new neighbours have three kids, but one's olready
Part4 p138
left home.
20 C Correct. Paul says thathe tried afew otherthings
6 B Correct.The girlsayshermumhas wonthistime,
before going to work in a restaurant.
A The girls mother argues that the house in the
countryside is too far from the coast.
A Paul got a job as a kitchen ossistant,not as a chef.

C The gid says shed prefer a city break (butshes the only
B Paul worked in the local supermarket, but he doesn,t
say he opened a shop.
7 B Correct.The girl thinksthatthe blue dressis much
21 B Correct. Paul says that the work wa s hard and dirty,
betterthsn trousers, butthe top chefs were highly skilled and that he could
watch and learn. He was also fascinated by all the
A The boy says the girl couldjust wear jeons and a T-shirt
if lshelwanted. but shel already decided that wearing a
dress is a brilliont ideo.
A Paul says thatthe poy wosn't great,and also that he
could wotch ond learn from the chefs.
C The girl was planning to wear dark jeans, with a black
C Paul says thatthe stories of people injuring themselves
shirt, but she's worried that! not smorf enough and so
were unlikely.
decides to wear a dress instead.
22 C Correct. Paul started whenthe kitchen gotbusy,
Part 2 p135 around twelve o'clock.

8 B Correct. The boy A Pauls working day sometimes wouldn'tf nish until
says he thought everyone was
two o'clock.
disappointed in him.
A The boy says: I don't think t wos very good
B Paul sometimes finished, not started, work at fwo
/ ,! really
o'clock the next morning [in the early morning].
struggled to keep up.
23 A Correct. Paul'sjob involvesse/ecting and troining
C The girl says: I'm sure you'll get better with practice.
9 A Correct. The boy says: My brother and I get a lifiwith
Dad in the mornings.
B Pautsjob involves preparing the menus, but he doesnt
mention ordering the food.
B The girl cycles to school. The boy,s house is toofarto
C Paul says he doesn't have to do if [cook] every day.
walk or cycle.
C The boy says he gets the train home from school, which
24 B Correct, Paul saysthatyou haveto be able to work
in a team.
he enjoys.
10 A Correct.The boythinks his grandma used a secret A Paul mentions cleaninq thefloor as an example of
working in a team,but he doesnt say that doing this
makes a good chef.
B The boy won ders if the measurements in the recipe are
wrong,but decides that this is not the case.
C Paul says you have to be able to think quickty, notto
cook quickly.
C The boy says that he's followed all the instructions, so
25 A Correct. Paul saysthatthe key to success isto buy
he can't have added the ingredients in the wrong order.
the best and thefreshestJood ovailable.
1l B €orrett.The woman saysthatthe lockers are
B Paul says the re's o I ot to th i n k abo ut a n d lhisl w ork
always faken.
needs to be right every flme (not the customer).
A The man says that there are enough machinesfor
C Paul saysthatthejob, notthe meals, can be
complicated because there's o !ot to think about, but that
C The man says thatthe gymis clean ond smart.
it's important to keep thingslpreparingfoodl simpte.
Practice Test 5 Part 3 p146
11 B Correct.She moved to Spain because she and her
Reading husband loved Spanish culture, and her husband
wanted to paint the 5p anish countryside.
Partl pt42 A They already knew that they loved the Spanish culture.
1 C Correct.Youcanaskforinformationaboutthe C They'd spent many holidays in Spain before
climbing and diving courses ot reception. moving there.
A They don't need a new receptionist. D She gave up herjob in London in order to move
B Spaces ore ovailable, so the courses aren't full. to Spain.
C Correct. The stairs can be used by anyone in 12 C Correct.The couplewere readytoleave London in
on emergency. justthree months.
A The stairs arent only for the emergency services. A They sold their home more quickly than they thought.
B Customers are allowed to use the stairs, but only when B The text doesnt mention this.
there's an emergency. D They sold their house and found a house to rent for
A Correct. Charlie tells Victoria thatJane will give her themselves.
the book today. 13 B Correct. When they arrived, they were amazed to
B realize immediately that [they] wanted to stay Ionger
Charlie doesnt need the book - he borrowed it for
Victoria. than a year.
C Charlie isn't going to the lesson, but the lesson hasn't A She didn't get a teachingjob on the first day.

been cancelled. C The owners showed them around and cooked [them] a
A Correct. People who want a locker should see Jan lovely meal.
Harper about it. D Nobody was living in the house.
B People should see Jan Harper before Friday. 14 B Correct. A lot of fourists bought pointings.
C New lockers can be reserved before Friday,notfrom A They sold the first picture after two days.
Friday. C They didnt sell any paintings on the first day.
B Correct. Sam asks lsabel to go ahead and start D The shop became very quiet in November, after the
without him because he! going to be late. tourists had gone home.
A Sam doesn't ask lsabel to change the day. 15 C Correct. The writer is very positive about the move,
C Band practice is still going to startatthe normal time, and nothing bad has happened to them.
but Sam will be late. A The gallery is a greatsuccess, so they don't regret
renting it.
Part2 p1.44 B They don't want to move back home because they feel
6 C Carlos/Oasis they're living a perfect life.
about twenty friends: pay for eight tickets and get two free D The writer never mentions missing family and friends.
inexpensive activity: Speciol ofer this Saturday only
have a meal cheaply: pizzas, burgers and chips at low
4 p148
prices 16C 17H 18E 198 20F
7 AGemma/Moody's
going out f or a meal: pizza cafi Part 5 p149
lively place: plays great music 21 B have
doesn't want to spend too much: Prices are reasonable, Haye is followed by to + infinitive and expresses
'two obligation.
for one' offer
8 G Jessica andLucy / Pablo's Must, should and might are followed by the infinitive
with their family Children and teenagers will love ... without to.
a restaurant that has entertai nment: tegular live shows, 22 A instead
mystery music guest lnstead completes the phrase instead o.;[ to express an
doesnt have to be too cheap: This restaurant is quite alternative.
expensive ...
Enough o/ doesnt express an alternative. EIse and well
aren t followed by o/.
9 EAmelia/Mega-ride
with friend, her parents and her little sister: Teenaqers
con enjoy the omazing rides ... younger children can visit f Iinks the clauses to express a conditional.
the play orea. Whether, os and that aren't used to link conditional
take their own food: save money by bringing sandwiches clauses.

10 F Adam /ABCCinema 24Bat

meeting three friends: discountfor groups offour or more Look ot means examine.
doesn't have much money: fickets ... are holf price, extra Look on means wotch something happen. Wlth doesn't go
discountfor groups offour or more, greot prices with /ook. Lookfor means search.
would like to get a snack: You can buy drinks and snacks.
25 A Finally Comments
Finally introduces a final point. This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question
Conclusion, End and Lost arent correct in this context; the and her article is the correct length. Her response is well
phrases would be: ln conclusion, ln the end, Lastly. organized and easy to understand. She uses a good range of
26 B any structures (l think it's ..., You need to have ..., I also ploy ..., You
Any is used with an uncountable noun after a negative don't have to ..., etc.) and a variety of appropriate vocabulary
(e.9. heolthy, body, volleyball, swimming, gym, sport, walk,
dance, activity). There are no grammatical or spelling errors.
Many and vorious are used with a countable noun. sol??e
isn't used with a negative verb.
Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some
Part 5 pl50 comments on it.
27 the
Model answer
28 few
Itwasl,he worel journey lhad ever been on. My family and
29 about
I were on a ferry from E-ngland Lo France and f'he weal;her was
30 get really terrible.fhe sky was darkandlhe seawaewild,wlLh
31 out hu4e waves crashing againellhe ferry. Teople were feeling
32 tell awful and miserable, and many people wereill.We couldn'L
sLand or walkbecauseLheboalwas movinq so much.We
found a quieLplacef,o siLWewishedwehad sf,ayed aLhome.
Writing Jusf,lhen,l,he eLorm ended.The eea wao calrn andLhe sun
came ouI.We arrivedinFrance, and we werevery qladlhallhe
Part 1 p151 ribl e .jour n ey w ae ov e?,

Below is a model answer for Question 1 and some (L10 words)

comments on it. Comments
Model answer This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
liiGina, His response is well organized and easy to understand. He
fhanks for your email. I had a greatweekend,thankyou. I wenl uses the correct tenses and a good range of structures
Lolhe cinema wiLh myfriend.We watched a new acLionFlm,lL (... the weather was..., People were feeling ..., We couldn't...,

was qreaL! We wished ..., efc.). The story contains a variety of adjectives

I enjoy readinq def,ecNive starieo.I like Lryingto quese who

(terrible, wild, awful, miserable, ill, quiet, calm) and no
grammatical or spelling errors.
f,he criminal is! Recently,l've readthe SherlockHolmee
books.They're qreal;. My favouriLebookis The Hound ofthe
Daskervillee. I'm eure your local library will have if,. Let me know
if you like itl Listening
I really wanLto come andvieilyou soonll could comein June.
Whal dovouLhink? Part 1 p153
WriLe eoonl 1 B Correct.Themansuggests buying a scarf.
Anna A The woman has already boughta bag.
(98 words) C The woman is thinking about buying o book,butthe
man recommends buying o scarf.
2 A Correct , Clarafinished band practice ot six o'clock,
Anna has answered all parts of the question, and her email is B Clara caught the train at eight o'clock.
the correct length. Her response is well organized and easy
C Clara got home at nine o'clock.
to understand. She has used a lot of different tenses and
structures (l had..., I went..., I wotched ..., I've reod ..., I could
3 C Correct. Anthony says: No one had o ball, Dad!

come ..., etc.) and a good range of vocabulary in her email. She A Anthony says he rememberedto bring his bat.
has not made any grammatical or spelling errors. B Anthony had a helmet, plus a spare one for Toby who
forgot his.
Part2 p152 4 A Correct. lt's going to rain in the afternoon,
Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some B No thunderstorms ore expected.
comments on it. C lt will be sunny in the morning.
5 C Correct. The man's friend emailed him about
Model answer
the play.
I Lhinkil:'s im?orLant Lo keep f,t.You needto have a healthy
A The man didn't see the reviews in the newspaper.
body so that you can work and Vlay and have fun. I keep f,t
walking Lo school every day, and I aleo play volleyball with my
B The man'sy'lend heard about the play on the rodio.

friends every week.I somelimee go swimminq at1,he weekend, 6 B Correct. Thefrsf lessonis on the 27't,
foo.You don't have Io go lo a 1ym or do a sporl lo keep ft. A The lessons were going to storton the 15th, butthe
You can qo for a walk, or dance, or do any acliviLy Ihalyou teacher was ill.
enjoy. I Lhink thaL th e b est w ay to ke ep ffi i5 to A o s o m ef,hi n g C fhe second lesson is on the 23d.
you like because Lhen you'll do iL a lotl
(103 words)
i1|.+ {rjijiil&

7 A Correct. The woman usually goestothe gym 22 B Correct. The manager is going to employ more stofi
to exercise. for the gym.
B Shes running atthe moment becausethe gym is closed. A He doesnt mention buying more equipment.
C She hasnt gota bike, so she doesn't cycle. C They arent going to increase the number of hours that
the gym is open, but they want to increase the number of
Part 2 p155 hours that experienced staff are available in the gym.
8 C Correct.Themansaysthat he reliesontheweather 23 C Correct. The centre already has indoor courts, and
app on lhisf phone. the autdoor tennis courts will be available next week.
A The woman doesnt think weatherforecasts are A An outdoor basketball court isnt mentioned.
accurate. B Theres already a court for volleyball.
B The man doesn't mention that he enjoys wet weather. 24 B Correct.The scuba-diving courses are given by
9 C Correct. The girl say! she will live in one of those instructorsfrom the local diving school.
pretty little cottages you see round here [lreland] and A Most of the swimming instructors have done
sellher pictures [paintings] ofthe loca! landscope. the course.
C The manager has done the course.
A The girl imagines working as a windsurfing instructor in
Italy, but then decides she would like to be an artist
25 B Correct.The membership is cheaperthan other
in lreland.
leisure centres.

B The girl imagines being a businesswomon getting rich A Other leisure centres sell healthy food, too.
in New York City, but then decides she would like to be an C Other centres also offer discounts_
artist in lreland.
10 B Correct.The brothersaysthe bus is bettervalue
for money"
A The sister mentions thatthe train fare doesnt cost
as much if you book it ear"ly, but no one says the train is
cheaper than the bus.
C The brother agrees that the bus takes longer than the
train, but he says not much longer.
11 A Correct. The boy says thatthe biggest danger is
when a firefighter is notft enough.
B The boy says that his father is not in dangerous
situations every day.
C The boy says that it is important to communicate well
with the rest of the team.
12 C Correct. The boy says the songjust goes on and on.
A The boy says the song sounds miserable, but he doesnt
say it makes him unhappy.
B The boy says the song is well-written and even
13 B The girl says that it's just like watching
a film.
A The boy says that he gets bored when he can't move on
to the next part of the story.
C The girl says that she wouldn't want the puzzles to be
too easy.

Part 3 p157
14 front 17 local
15 7 / seven 18 Thursday
16 music t9 5/fiveminutes
Part4 p158
2O B Correct. People have heard a lot about the leisure
centre because itl been written aboutin the local
A There are several leisure centres in this areo.
C There s a gym but this isnt the reason why the centre
is popular.
21 C Correct. They're going to build afun poo! with stides
fur children.
A There are already two swimming pools.
B Theres already a diving area.

F*ffi Cambr idge Assessment

QF Engtish
Number t-tTt-l
o Centre Centre
-tr Name
l- Examination Examination
o Title Details

ln Candidate
tr Signature
g Supervisor: lf the candidate is ABSENT or has wITHDRAWN shade here o
Use a PENCIL (B or HB)
Rub out any answer you want to change wlth an eraser.

For Parts 1,2, 3,4 and 5l

Mark ONE letter for each answer.
For example: lf you think A is the right answer to
the question, mark your answer sheet like this:

Part 1 Part2
1 ooo 6 oooooooo
2 ooo 7 oooooooo
3 ooo I oooooooo
4 ooo I oooooooo
5 ooo 10 oooooooo Part 5
Part 3 ABCD
Part 4
21 oooo
11 oooo 16 oooooooo 22
12 oooo 17 oooooooo 23
13 oooo 18 oooooooo 24
14 oooo 19 oooooooo 25
15 oooo 20 oooooooo 26
Continues over r)

I ffi

For Part 6:
Write your answers clearly in the spaces next to the
numbers (27 lo 32) like this:
T;I L{
Write vour answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. o

m.,il*l o






I rFd r
Cambridge Assessnrent
Candidate Candidate
Name Nurnber

Centre Centre
Name Nurnber

Ex?mination Exanrina,tion
Title Details

Candidate Assessrnent
Signature Date

o Supervisor: lf the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here O

E Preliminarv for Schools l-isteninq Gandidate A.nswer Sheet
tn lnstructions aart 1 ?art2
Use a PENCIL (B or HB). Rub out any answer ABC ABC
you want to change with an eraser. 1 ooo 8 ooo
For Parts 1,2 and 4:
2 ooo I ooo
Mark one letter for each answer- For example: If 3 ooo 10 ooo
you think A is the right answer to the question, AIJU ABC
mark your answer sheet like this: 4 ooo 11' ooo
5 ooo 12 ooo
For Part 3: 6 ooo 13 ooo
Write your answers clearly in the spaces next to ABC
the numbers (14 to 19) like this:
7 ooo
F] f{ I
Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Part 3 t6;;fiffi;] ?arl4

I oetow r,ere I

tr t]? 1 --o-'l
lool 2A
tr F|ET o
I 21

tr n6-T--l
lool 23
tr llTi-1
lool 24
tr lool-l
f1E r --o---'l
25 ooo
tr ll3 1 -o

- Cambridge Assessment -l
Etr Engtish


Sample Test o
ffi Candidate ?
Name I I o
_r EI

Answer Sheet for Writing
ll,r ;,i
:i, -



write your name, centre number and candidate number in the

spaces above.

Write your answers to part 1 and part 2 on this answer


You must write within the grey lines.

Use a pencil.

Do not write on the barcodes.

Copyright O UCLES 201 8
i ilillr ilil ilil. lltil ilil iltil ilil ililt tilil ilu llil iltil tilt lil ffi
001044661 .l
101 .
Fractlce Test 3" " Speaking
Pant ?

(andidate A





Fraetic€ Test 2 * Speaking

Fart 2
Car"ldidate A

Pnaet$ee T'est S
" $peak*mg
Fart ?
eandidate E

Fr-aatf;ee Test X u Speakfing

FaEt 2

Casrdidate E
ffirset*ery Test S * SpemkFmg
Fant 3


Pnmctlce Test 4 * Speaking

Fart ?
eandidate A


:4& .W

Practice Test 3
' SpeakinE
Part I
Candidate B

Fractice Test 4 . Speaking

Part 2
Candidate B

,*i&, :#..'*' -* li. 'r +'r
.ti -t
,,r -. t
Frmetf;ee Tsst S * $pemk6mg
Fant 2

esndidate A

Frmct$cffi T€st 6* Spemk&a.rg

Fart *
eandidate &
",r:n -.;fi.-.

,;,..'t.. W
r utff.t';S

*t1, L

It: il,! 11
Frmet$ee Test 5 n Spemk$mg
Fant 3

fandidate S

Fractice Test 6 * $peakf;mg

Part 2
Candidate B

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