Learnenglish Select Intermediate: 5.4 Describing Products

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LearnEnglish Select Intermediate

5.4 Describing products

Useful language
Saying you knew something Positive adjective phrases traditional music
was going to happen practical advice young adults
It’s what we expected. comfortable jacket Words with opposite
It’s not a big surprise. designer clothing meanings
It’s what you’d expect. hard-wearing boots expensive/economical
overpriced/good value
Negative adjective phrases heavier/lighter
Introducing an idea
old-fashioned sweater old-fashioned/fashionable
Mind you, ...
ill-fitting shirt dangerous/safe
On the other hand, ...
threadbare scarf
We can’t say ... But we can say ...
outdated ideas Sales and marketing
Saying the same thing in a an advantage for/over
Neutral adjective phrases
different way conservative idea appealing to
In other words ... adequate protection
To put it another way ...

Making comparisons To say two things are the same, use as + adjective
+ as: Their shoes are as heavy as ours.
Comparative adjectives can compare two
You can also use linking expressions such as but,
products or services. For example:
however, and as well as to make comparisons.
Their shoes are heavier than our shoes.
Remember to add than after the adjective.
Adverbs to give comment / viewpoint
With longer adjectives, add more to make the
apparently, evidently, fortunately, obviously,
comparative form:
perhaps, possibly, seemingly, supposedly.
This chair is more comfortable than that one.

Check my progress
Are these statements true for you? If not, go back and do some activities
from the unit again.
Yes No
I can understand a detailed comparison between two products.  
I can give my opinion.  
I can describe the positive and negative features of a product.  
I can compare different products with each other.  

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