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Real time Data Visualisation using TensorBoard.

A comparison of
ifferent methods over xxxx dataset

MSc.Olta X.Petritaj MSc.Anisa L.Vurmo

Dept. Information Technology Dept. Information Technology
Logos University University of Elbasan
Abstract Elastic search kibana
This article does not only focuses on
different methods for data visualization
but also on different methods of analysis
based on graphical data..

1. Entrance

The type of data we deal wth today has

changed a lot in recent years. Never have they
been so available, complex but also never have
there been greater opportunities for analysis,
prediction and presentation. All started with
infographics and evolved into dedicated
programming languages like R or different Figure 1: Pay attention to the air freight graph
libraries for visualization like TensorBoard.
But we are not going to treat the economic aspect
There are many pros why data visualization is
needed like:
2. Chosing the right type system architecture
1. Data being accessed quickly by a wider
perfect to the llegal aspect of the case.
2. A lot of data conveye in a small space 3. Technical issues
3. Capability of taking better decisions based
Who would be the messages to transmit and who
on visual data ecc.
. We have a use case diagram up until this point:
The most simple visualization is univariate one
or single-variable visualization which helops in 4. Systems integration issues
understaning each attribute independently an
there is also the multivariate visualization hich the data is transmitted and the format used
which is use as correlation between two or more frequently XML-based.
more variables how they change
simultaneously. 4. Systems integration issues
Preparing data
Our WMS requires also usage of exchanging
L nowadays, we need in the WMS a converting
than that. That means there is a delay involved.

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standart, 2012.
[Muh00] A.Muharremoglu. The aircraft sequencing
problem with arrivals and departures MIT,
February 2000.


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