2019 Beda Memaid Labor 273

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•• 1!49 'h-1 iff±..ZIWMDNM&MSWl?ew,&s~ .. . +wiffl!R&F.&4~'

a. . \l'.Vhile the soldier is on Furlbugh or On- Bas.le Fea'tures ·. of the New · Employee's
.· leave, he or she is considered absent from Compensation F>rogram: (12 - PW~R)
military service, .. .,,.. . 1. · !ntegration of Benefits .- Compensation
b. \/Vhile the soldier 'is on .G_or:walescent, benefits for work-connected· injury, sickness,
·.. ~ompassi6rfate or §.ick leave, except when. disability, and death have been integr~ted With·
the leave had been dueto work-connected · those· of the GS IS/SSS and PhilHealth
illness or injuties; ... . . simplifying and . facilitating the -processinq cit ..
c. While the.soldler is on m~t.ern)fy, paternity or claims. · · · . . . ".
gradu:ation·.!::eave; and. . . 2. Increase . in Benefits - Allowable income . ·
'cL When the s'ol.dier is considered on :'AWOL" benefit has been considerably lncreased.death
status . ((=CC Boi:i'rd. 'Resototton 03-No. and permanent total disability .. benefits now
.. 020014). .. ·' . . . consist. of .a lif~time 'pension. Burial expenses
/.IES have also been increased. .·· . . ,
-. ·
3. of
frompt payment· lnecrne benefits - Does
'1.' · When the ·. dis~bitity or · death is . caused by .awax with· . adversary . proceedings. The ·,
L ' circumstances creating a l_egal Iiabllity against.a third employer will file·. the . claim in . behalf of thee.
1"" patty, the disabled emplo.y.ee orthe dependents,' in· employee. .
'i:,, case ot.hls death, shall bepald.by the System.'(.GSIS 4: Wider Coverage·.:. it includes employers wiJh at
,;: . .or SSS, as· the casemaybe) .. In case the benefit is: least one employee · arid regardless . of. the .
· pald, t~e
,system ·sh.ail be subroqated to the rights of ;;,.~:\ . capitalization and the type -, and nature of thelr
the disabled employee or the dependents,' ii'l-CaSE;?1,9(1;:.J;c business. . '. .. . . . . . .
his- d.eath, in ·ap9ord.ance·. with the general/~~/'''\ 5. begal Services Dispensed With - Under the .
. (LABOR CODE;, Art._180 (a)).· .. · l't·F; .:. ':,, · n~w yrog~~m. ther~ is· less e~pense because
. . .: . , .. . .· . :; (· '.'. '.;;l,,.. --. leg_al s~i:yrce,s are dispensed with, .
excessive Recovery . ,$- ! :. · · r(.;.:... ..6;;.:~or,e_..ft.al,anc.ed. Rehabilitation· Program - It
Wt:iere th~ systemrecovers from ·suc;:11)b!fd"party~_; f! ·er1a6fesJ,~emian!3ntly. disabled 'el'f'!pJoyees to
· damages. in· ex~_ess·.of _those:paid or 1a1J~w.,.,~<:und41r\::>J
l . avail tt-i1~\~1ves of reha~ilit~tion ser.vi¢es 1Jnder
the law .... such excess sh al.! be. delJy.§lir,-~· to· t~·- !.;\ . the E?JPIPYve's Comp_ensi'lt.1on Prog~ar:r, (ECP)
?isable<;I er.np!~yee or ot~er perso~,~;~tit!J:ft!.ta·efreto,.. !';., ·. whi_ctiJ...cafi _h~)P tl1em _regain c.1s. soon_~s p0ssible
after d~ducfmg. ·tt,e:,. cost· gJ4roceecttngs;;7anp,__. p} th_el~jph)1f.1Cc!\~apac,tyto the _:max1mun,: _IE)~el.
.exp_enses of the .Sys!em,(vig~~ COf!:F;i,_Art. 1~0.'' i'".\ .p1s_9bl~~per~~n,~ c~uld therefor~ rem?m ?s
(b)). .: . . . . . . .. ~r'. "'-'<'~2;·0 . -~.,, . ;~: ! &~ffil::~~Nwt~9f,,SOc1etyand regain. their self~
'. , · -.. '"-•· h:;;',f) v·-,,4 1 •.. j confu:ieQ.1,_e_;al'ld self-respect (.1 .PQQUIZ, supra
Prohibitio!) Against Do~ble ~edcwed./",,,'\_ . ·JI ~,.; . at 499). . . , .
The injured employee ca~not claim\P,~ym~i)Jtwice ! 1$sT,.,,...;~ . · · · . · . ·· ·t
f9r the same inju'ry from'both the thir'cfpaq:v;~_ridfr9m · /,; !, . ~-~)_".!~}-~ 1 a2: EMP!,.OYEES' COMPENSATION
·the.. employer (Alba v. BU/aong, G.R. ct;(os.:
;· . and L-10$85-88, April 30, 1957). . _(';~ ~. {/',./.. Strucrure:
·. · ·· ··· · ·, · , : ',-1._r·>.[.) · .. 1. ·Chairman: DOLE Secretary·
~' ARTICl.;E W1: DEPRIVATiON OF BE;N'eFiTi . 2. Ex~Officiq Merribers:. . ·
f; · .. Ex'cept as.·otlierwfse pto~ide:d 'under_ :this Title, no. a. ·-_SS$.Administrator;
~ . contract•. regulation, : or d_evice whatsoev.er shall ' · ·p. · GSI~ Gen,~ral Manager;
'Operate t~ deprive .the. eg-.ploye_e or his.:~ep~ndents·
of any. part of th:e· income· benefits,, ahd ·medicat or
C, EC.C. Executiv? Director;_
d. Me11care C.ha1rman; an~ ...
r· relatec;l· services g'rantetl. under .this··Title :(uti16(? e. Two. appointive mernbers, one of· whotn
f, CODE, Art.·
~81); .. · , · ),haH ·repre~ent ·the ernptoyee.~. ·.and one
i · ,.· · other, the employers, to be appointed by tt)e.
;f. _Rules.or;i·._!:,i·~~ltan,;ous Re:c~ve.n,: . : _ ..... · . President (LABOR _CODE, Art: -182). '
i· . · 1, $imultaneous· recovery un.d:e·r the Labor Code · : · .. · · · · .. ' · ..
. . . ·'and .the Civil Code· cannot be
made: The action, Thrus(~of ·employees Compensation Prog'ram.,.
(ECP): (CCP) ,. · . . .
· · · is· sele'ctiv~.· and- the emplqyee
· · · · · · ·
!l'ay choq_s~ io file ·: · .
the claim ·u.nder-eith.er. Bu:t once .the,election. is. ·1. .Qompensative. Thrust ...:.. . ECC thrpugt:i ·SSS and
·ma.de, t.he cla'irriant. · cann,cit opt'.Jor. the oth·¢r. : · · 'GSIS pays benefits 'to the workers who suffer
. remedy. (Ysmael Mantim(!!, ·corp., v: AvefiiJo, work-connected contingencies. In case' of death,·
. . the btmefits. are given to the· beneficiar,ies..
: ·- G.R, Np. 4:3674, June. 30; ·1987).
2.- Simultaneous. reco.very' undsr. the Labor. Code·
c · t'IVe· T.hrus·t.' ~ t re.a
2 · ~Ura · t · t.h · .k ·
s e SIC f!eSs or !nJury
· ··
'.? .
ai-.d the SSS .cari be made;since·.P.O. No. 1921 trni.t.a worker may suffe.r . · .
h~s lifted the ban .on .sim.ultaneous · recovery 3. Preventive Thrust '- to minimize and ··control
(DOJ Op,inion No. -a, January 12, 1990)'. · hazards in the' ·wqrkii:,g · e'rivironm.ent (1
A_ZUCENA, supra at 598-599). . ·.


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