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 Corona & poverty- >1cr Indians have lost their job and 97%
households' income has fallen in the coronavirus wave 2.0,
unemployment rate could be 12% says Centre for Monitoring
Indian Economy (CMIE)

 Disaster management and dignity of women: State

government notified that in the flood relief material- sanitary
napkins Will be distributed as an essential item

 Comparing constitution - Iran: free and fair election not

possible. Because supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
cancelled the candidacy of many politicians in the upcoming
presidential elections citing 1) candidate is not sufficiently
loyal to the Islamic revolution! 2) candidate is very soft on
dealing with the western powers! 3) ultimately the only
strong candidate left is SC Judge Ebrahim Raisi, who is very
loyal to the supreme leader. All the remaining eligible
candidates are either unknown to Public/ have a very small
base of supporters. So none of them is likely to win! Whereas
in India, the eligibility conditions in the constitution and in
RPA act are much more rational and unbiased- nobody is
disqualified for his political views/ not being in the good
books of “the Supreme leader”.

 Writing laws is easy, but governing is difficult. — Leo Tolstoy.

 AI-dangers / racial stereotyping– 1) Facebook artificial
intelligence algorithm deleted the historic cultural
photographs of Papua New Guinea people, citing ‘Nudity’ –
even the photos were the males were performing religious
rituals without shirt were flagged /deleted as nudity. However
Facebook does not delete the photographs of celebrities
without shirts/ scantily clad/minimal clothes. 2) 2021
Facebook and Instagram accused of deleting pro-Palestine
Photos and posts even though there was no evidence of
incitement to violence. Lesson? We can’t rely 100% on
technology for governance

 Lakshadweep GEOGRAPHY: 36 islands across 12 atolls, closest

to Kerala. Only 10 of the islands are inhabited. Lakshadweep
was a part of Malabar district of the Madras Presidency,
Lakshadweep was given Union Territory status following
Kerala state’s formation in 1956. Lakshadweep is India’s
smallest Union Territory population wise. Population
composition= Mainly Muslims and Scheduled Tribes.
Language = Malayalam and Dhivehi

 Quote: Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. —
USA President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

 Allopathy Versus Ayurved Points to consider for Essay /

Interview: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev socia media video where
he saying - 1) allopathy treatment for Corona as tamasha
(farce), bekaar (worthless), and diwaliya (lame duck) 2) lakhs
of corona deaths have occurred due to allopathy medicine. 3)
some allopathy doctors disrespect ayurveda and yoga, by
calling it pseudoscience. Health Minister writes to Baba
Ramdev 1) Your remarks are unfortunate. 2) Today lakhs of
people are recovering and going home. The country’s fatality
rate is only 1.13 percent and recovery rate is 88 per cent. 3)
diagnosis for smallpox, polio, ebola, SARS, and tuberculosis
has been offered by only allopathy. 4) Your comments are
disrespectful for the Doctors, Corona

 Doctrine of impossibility- If order given by an authority is

“unrealistic” and incapable of being performed in the
timelines, then the court can stay such order. And this is
applicable even on the orders that are made by the court.
Allahabad high court gave up to the State Government an
order to arrange for 2,20,000 ambulances having ICU facility
and manpower. Uttar Pradesh high court appealed to the
Supreme Court and the Supreme Court stayed the order on
doctrine of impossibility

 China's "Wolf warrior diplomacy” = It is the label given to

aggressive and confrontational style of diplomacy adopted by
Chinese diplomat under Xi-JinPing regime. Features? 1) They
confront any criticism of China in the public sphere. 2) They
lecture/threaten host governments e.g. Chinese diplomat
telling Bangladesh that if Bangladesh joins quad it will be
detrimental to the relationship 3) Chinese Diplomats don't
always show up when “summoned” by host nation. While
QUAD group has No short term goal of expanding the the
membership, QUAD Has not even offered any formal
invitation to Bangladesh for or membership yet Chinese
diplomat are using search aggressive language because -
Bangladeshi economy is improving. India and USA are
engaging more with Bangladesh Economically and
diplomatically. Bangladesh has joined China's Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI). But, India did not join it so Bangladesh-China-
India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor is no longer shown
in Official Documents of BRI. In 2021, even Australia has
cancelled BRI deal. All of this, is making China insecure

 Quote: "The greatest patriotism is to tell your country when it
is behaving dishonourably, foolishly, viciously." — JULIAN
BARNES, Booker prize author

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