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AMINO TYPE I High performance superplasticising workability retention admixture


particularly suitable for Low performance and high water/cement ratio such as C20-C30

to provide excellent acceleration of strength gain at Early ages and major increases in
strength at all ages by Significantly reducing water demand in a concrete mix.

to significantly improve the workability of site mixed and Pre-cast concrete without
increasing water demand.
to provide improved durability by increasing ultimate Strengths and reducing concrete
Suitable for use in Middle East conditions.

Makes possible major reductions in water/cement ratio which allow the production of high
performance concrete.
Increased workability levels are maintained longer than with ordinary sulphonated melamine
Use in production of flowing concrete permits easier construction with quicker placing and
compaction and reduced labour costs without increasing water content.
Major increases in strength at early ages without increased cement contents.
Improved cohesion and particle dispersion minimizes segregation and bleeding and
improves pumpability.
Chloride free, safe for use in pre-stressed and reinforced

Standard compliance
SP ALPH18R-526* complies with BS 5075 Part 3 and with
ASTM C494 as Type A, F and G depending on dosage used


APLAST SP ALPH18R-526* is a chloride free, superplasticising admixture based on selected

Amino polymers supported with other polymers. It is supplied as a
brown solution which instantly disperses in water. APLAST SP ALPH18R-526 disperses the
fine particles in the concrete mix enabling the water content of the concrete to perform more

Typical dosage

The optimum dosage of APLAST SP ALPH18R-526 * to meet specific requirements should

always be determined by trial mixes using the materials and conditions that will be experienced
in use.
For high strength, water reduced concrete, the normal dosage range is from 1.0 to 5.50
litres/100 kg of cementitious material, including PFA, GGBFS and microsilica.For high
workability concrete the normal dosage range is from 0.70 to 4.00 litres/100 kgs of

Use at other dosages

Dosages outside the typical ranges quoted above can be used to meet particular requirements.

Appearance: Brown liquid

Specific gravity: Typically 1.18 to 1.2 @ 20oC
Chloride content: Nil to BS 5075
pH value 8.5+0.50
Air entrainment: Less than 2%

Instructions for use

Mix design

For C15-C35 to use 1.2-1.5 % along with must to use Type D such as RP10 or RP20 based on target slump needed.

Where the main requirement is to improve strength, initial trials should be made with normal concrete mix designs. The addition of the
admixture will allow the removal of water from the mix whilst maintaining workability. After initial trials, minor modifications to the overall
mix design may be made to optimise performance.
Where the main requirement is to provide high workability concrete, the mix design should be one suitable for use as a pump mix. Advice
on mix design for flowing concrete is available from APTEX.


APLAST SP ALPH18R-526 * is compatible with other APTEX admixtures used in the same concrete mix such as APLAST RP 2640. All
admixtures should be added to the concrete separately and must not be mixed together prior to addition. The resultant properties of
concrete containing more than one admixture should be assessed by trial mixes.
APLAST SP ALPH18R * is suitable for use with all types of ordinary Portland cements and cement replacement materials such as PFA,
GGBFS and micro-silica

Effects on stiffening and set.

Most water reducing admixtures produce some delay in the stiffening of concrete, although the degree may vary. Retardation is affected
by factors other than the admixtures,depending on the mix details and conditions involved. Trials to assess the effects in a particular mix
are strongly recommended if this aspect is of particular importance.

Major factors which may lead to an increase in retardation

include the following.
a) Cement replacement materials will usually give greater levels of retardation than concrete mixes and with Ordinary Portland Cement at
the same admixture dosage.
b) Low temperatures will give higher levels of retardation for the same admixture dosage. This is particularly noticeable if cement
replacement materials are used.
c) Changes in cement source or chemistry may lead to variations in the retardation obtained. The amount of tricalcium aluminate in the
cement has been identified as being one of the main contributory factors in this respect, with a lower level leading to greater retardation.
Increased retardation will be obtained at higher dosage. As a guideline, dosages of 0.31 litres per 100 kg and above are likely to be in the
retarding category.


The correct quantity of APLAST SP ALPH18R * should be measured by means of a recommended dispenser. Normally, the admixture
should be added to the concrete with the mixing water to obtain the best results. Where additional workability is directly desired, APLAST
SP ALPH18R * may be dosed into the truck mixes. Full blending of the admixture and the concrete should be ensured by mixing at high
speed for a period of at least two minutes.
Contact APTEX for advice regarding suitable equipment and its installation.

Effects of overdosing

An overdose of double the amount of APLAST SP ALPH18R-526 * will result in an increase in retardation as compared to that normally
obtained. Provided that adequate curing is maintained, the ultimate strength of the concrete will not be impaired by increased retardation
and will generally be increased. The effects of overdosing will be further increased if sulphate resisting cement or cement replacement
are used .Over-dosage may also cause increased air entrainment which will tend to reduce strength. The degree of this effect will depend
on the particular mix design and overdose level.

APLAST SP ALPH18R * is available in drum or bulk supply. For
larger users, storage tanks can be supplied.

APLAST SP ALPH18R-526 * has a minimum shelf life of 12 months
provided the temperature is kept within the range of 2oC to
50oC. Should the temperature of the product fall outside this
range contact APTEX for advice.

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