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Escuela Nacional Preparatoria "Miguel E. Schulz"
United States

Alumno: Jaimes Díaz Erick Iván

Grupo: 618
Profesora: Myrna Evelia Minor Duran
Asignatura: Inglés VI
Research in the United States
The government of the United States of America is divided into two main parties,
the Republican and the Democratic, among which it competes for the presidency of
the country every 4 years, with the possibility of a re-election, below we will see a
compilation of all the presidents who have governed this country:
1.- George Washington April 30, 1789 / March 4, 1797.
2.- John Adams March 4, 1797 / March 4, 1801.
3.-Thomas Jefferson March 4, 1801 / March 4, 1809.
4. -James Madison March 4, 1809 / March 4, 1817.
5.- James Monroe March 4, 1817 / March 4, 1825.
6.- John Quincy Adams March 4, 1825 / March 4, 1829.
7.- Andrew Jackson March 4, 1829 / March 4, 1837.
8.-Martin Van Buren March 4, 1837 / March 4, 1841.
9.-William Henry Harrison March 4, 1841 / April 4, 1841;
10.-John Tyler April 4, 1841 / March 4, 1845.
11.-James K. Polk March 4, 1845 / March 4, 1849.
12.-Zachary Taylor March 4, 1849 / July 9, 1850.
13.-Millard Fillmore July 9, 1850 / March 4, 1853.
14.-Franklin Pierce March 4, 1853 / March 4, 1857.
15.-James Buchanan March 4, 1857 / March 4, 1861.
16.-Abraham Lincoln March 4, 1861 / April 15, 1865.
17.- Andrew Johnson April 15, 1865 / March 4, 1869.
18; Ulysses S. Grant March 4, 1869 / March 4, 1877.
19.- Rutherford B. Hayes March 4, 1877 / March 4, 1881.
20.-James A. Garfield March 4, 1881 / September 19, 1881.
21.- Chester A. Arthur September 19, 1881 / March 4, 1885.
22.- Grover Cleveland March 4, 1885 / March 4, 1889.
23.-Benjamin Harrison March 4, 1889 / March 4, 1893.
24.-Grover Cleveland March 4, 1893 / March 4, 1897.
25.-William McKinley March 4, 1897 / September 14, 1901.
26.-Theodore Roosevelt September 14, 1901 / March 4, 1909.
27.-William Howard Taft March 4, 1909 / March 4, 1913.
28.-Woodrow Wilson March 4, 1913 / March 4, 1921.
29.-Warren G. Harding March 4, 1921 / August 2, 1923.
30.-Calvin Coolidge August 2, 1923 / March 4, 1929.
31.-Herbert Hoover March 4, 1929 / March 4, 1933.
32.-Franklin D. Roosevelt March 4, 1933 / April 12, 1945.
33.-Harry S. Truman April 12, 1945 / January 20, 1953.
34.- Dwight D. Eisenhower January 20, 1953 / January 20, 1961.
35.-John F. Kennedy January 20, 1961 / November 22, 1963.
36.-Lyndon B. Johnson November 22, 1963 / January 20, 1969.
37.-Richard Nixon January 20, 1969 / August 9, 1974.
38.-Gerald Ford August 9, 1974 / January 20, 1977.
39.-Jimmy Carter January 20, 1977 / January 20, 1981.
40.-Ronald Reagan January 20, 1981 / January 20, 1989.
41.-George H. W. Bush January 20, 1989 / January 20, 1993.
42.-Bill Clinton January 20, 1993 / January 20, 2001.
43.-George W. Bush January 20, 2001 / January 20, 2009.
44.-Barack Obama January 20, 2009 / January 20, 2017.
45.-Donald Trump January 20, 2017/ January 20, 2021.
46.-Joe Biden January 20 / Current President.

Among them are George Washington, John Adams and

Thomas Jefferson, who apart from being founding
fathers, were the authors of the declaration of
On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln is remembered for
acinar with slavery at his birth. Woodrow Wilson was in charge during the first
world war. Harry Truman was the one who ordered the nuclear attacks on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Franklin D. Roosevelt helped lift the country up after the
Great Depression.
John F Kennedy is remembered for his fight before the United
Nations, for the famous Missile Crisis in Cuba, and for boosting
the U.S. space race.

Music of the United States

With the great mixture of native cultures, European and
African, the United States was filled with a great variety
of musical genres, and these reverberated in much
of the world, thus forming American popular music.
It begins with small writers, continuing with
performances in plays, as in the creation of Broadway.
This would be where the musical style of the country was
popularized, because people of middle and upper class
from different places care for themselves.

One of the earliest African American genres was ragtime, a style of music for
dancing, which was based on the piano, probably when attempting to copy the
rhythm of the American banjo. Others like this, were the Blues, originating from the
African American population of the south of the
country. Jazz, one of the most representative genres.
Over time the Blues diversified, creating new
subgenres, these include the fast and energetic
style called rhythm blues, the fusion of blues and
Anglo-Celtic music called ccountry, as well as the
fusion of anthems and spirituals with blues
structures called, reaching a fusion of blues, R &B
and country eventually called rock and roll, it developed eventually coming to
dominate American popular culture. Unlike previous genres, rock and roll was
more successful being performed by blab n cos singers.
With the crescents political and social changes, rock diversified, giving rise to
variations such as heavy metal, punk rock and hip hop. In addition, there was a
great invasion of British bands, which tookthe style of rock further.
With the social growth became present alternative
rock, which had its bases in punk rock, because they
also sought against opposing the styles of the time,
seeking to innovate in the production of music,
although their success would come sometime later,
and found competition with the nascent genres of pop
and electronic music, which mostly represent
American culture.

America in the face of a pandemic.

The first case of covid-19 in U.S. was recorded on January 21, 2020, from that
time, it was known that there would be major repercussions. The best economists
already predicted that U.S. output would halve in just half of 2020.
Health expenditures from the pandemic were estimated at $34 billion to $251
To minimize the spread of the infection,
measures were implemented to isolate
infected patients, impose quarantines,
including the closure of schools, retail
stores, workplaces, sporting events and
leisure activities such as restaurants and
cinemas. And not only these places would be affected, large social events had to
be canceled due to sanitary measures, concerts, festivals, meetings, all would face
the recent illness, and they would have no choice but tosuspend their plans. Some
of the shops decided to increase the sanitary standards, because it did not suit
them to close temporarily, in this way, the supermarkets had to spend time
disinfecting and cleaning their areas frequently, the cinemas reduced their capacity
to more than half, and with this fact, the producers of Hollywood stopped the
recordings and premieres of films, causing millions in losses at the box office.
Research to find a possible vaccine quickly began, with national pharmaceutical
companies devoting their resources to medical research, including millionaire Bill
After intense tests, the United States already has three versions of vaccines,
Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, and is currently distributed among the
population, primarily in the elderly as they are the most vulnerable.

The American flag

Afterthe victory against the British army, the people of the 1 3colonies needed a
way to identify themselves, for this, in 1777 the congress approved the first
American flag and proclaimed it with the following text:
"It is resolved that the flag of the U.S. will be 13 alternating red and white stripes,
that the union will be reflected by 13 white
stars in a blue field, representing a new
The reason for the use of colors is because
red symbolizes courage and strength; blue,
surveillance and justice; and white
innocence and purity.
And given the expansionism, the flag
was modified, adding a star for each
annexed state, reaching more than 26
modifications. Currently the number of
stars has increased to 50, its last
modification was in 1960, with the entry
of Hawaii, remaining intact to this day.

Major cities
Due to the great economic development, countless cities have been built
throughout the country, many are large commercial complexes, and contribute
strongly to the national economy. But let’s see which are the most recognized.
Let's start with the one that is probably the
most famous, and how not be?, The New
York City, was founded the year of 1624,
andis located on the EastCoast , in the
state ofNew York, currently has a
population of more than 8 million
inhabitants, is distributed in 5 boroughs,
Manhattan , Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx and Staten Island. Of the 5 boroughs,
the one with the most inhabitants is Brooklyn and the least populous is Staten
Island. Queens is the largest area. Manhattan is the largest concentration of
tourism, economic and financialactivity. It is also known as the city that never
sleeps, it is a center of culture and attraction; it houses many museums on art,
photography, architecture, technology, natural history, television and radio, the
main ones being the Metropolitan Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, the
Museum of Modern Art, among others.

Another major megacities are Los Angeles,

located in the state of California, was founded
on September 4, 1781,and is home to
nearly 4 million inhabitants. Like NY, the city makes up 5 counties, Riverside,
Ventura, Orange and San Bernardino.
This city stands out in tourism, because next to the state of California, it is the
largest entertainment product, in addition having the largest collection of museums
and theaters. Another key sector of the city, is the fashion industry, some of the
most important sites for shopping include Rodeo Drive, the Fashion District in
downtown L.A., The Grove, Center, Hollywood & Highland.

And how to forget about the capital of the country? Washington DC is the capital
city of the entire United States,it must be differentiated from Washington,which is a
state of the United States of America with
Olympia as its capital,the Capital City is
not part of any state. The city was
founded on July 16, 1790 as the District of
Columbia when George Washington was
president of the country, later it would be
given the name of the head of state in his
honor. It is located between the districts of Maryland and Virginia and surrounded
by the Potomac River.
Unlike the cities, Washington DC has a great historical importance, because it
witnessed different conflicts, and was the cradle of economic growth after the great
depression, because from that moment it would be the preferred place of the most
important companies to establish themselves.
Another relevant aspect is the large
number of monuments it has, some of
the most famous are the Washington
Monument and the Lincoln Memorial,
and of course, it is the place where the
blanc a house is located, the official
residence and main work center of the President of the United States.
A hard blow for the United States
For the population of Louisianan, the morning of August 29, 2005, do not would be
a joyful awakening, because at 6 with 10 minutes, one of the worst natural events
had touched the territory of the state. A terrible hurricane named Katrina, had hit
the east coast of the country, devastating the neighboring states to Florida.
Despite security measures put in place before
the storm, Katrina killed approximately 1,800
people, although the exact number is said to
never be known. Katrina caused estimated $170
billionin loss, making it the most destructive
hurricane in the nation's history.
The hurricane formed from a humid, warm air
system along an area of low pressure, which joined with the remnants of a tropical
storm. During its journey through the Gulf of
Mexico, Katrina became a Category
5hurricane, the maximum on the intensity
scale, with winds of more than 280 km/h,
however, upon landfall, it fell to Category 3; it
reached winds of 200 km/h. Katrina, in
addition, was twice the size of an average Atlantic hurricane.
The causes of this powerful hurricane were 3 essentials, the temperature of the
ocean surface, which was much warmer than normal in most of the tropical
Atlantic, then the humidity level was much higher, and finally the vertical wind
shear was weak, which helped make the hurricane more stable and intense.

American holidays
1 de January: New year, simple, the opportunity of a new start, ideal to grow as a
person, and generate positive changes in oneself.
Third Monday of January: Martin Luther King Day, commemorates the birthday of
the great activist, date close to his birth, on January 15, 1929.

Third Monday of February: The day of the president is a date to commemorate the
birth of the first president, George Washington.

Last Monday of May: The day of commemoration of the fallen is dedicated to

honor all civilians and soldiers who died in the service of the nation

June 19: Juneteenth, is the day to celebrate the end of slavery in The United

July 4: Day of the independence, the independence of the 13 colonies with the
British kingdom.

First Monday of September: Labor Day is celebrated, to recognize the contribution

of workers to thecountry.
Second Monday of October: Dayo the race, commemorates the arrival of the
explorer Christopher Columbus to the shores of the New World on October 12,

November 11: Dayofthe veterans, dedicated to honor all the brave who have
served in the forces of the army.

Fourth Thursday in November: Thanksgiving Day, traditionally to give thanks for

the autumn harvests.

December 25: Christmas, without a doubt, the best holiday, accompanied by a

great family dinner and unforgettable moments.

 BBC News Mundo. (2020, 28 agosto). Huracán Katrina: las condiciones que
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