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Plant and Soil 222: 59–70, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Land quality changes following the conversion of the natural vegetation

into silvo-pastoral systems in semi-arid NE Brazil

Barbara Wick1,∗ , Holm Tiessen2 and Romulo S.C. Menezes3

1 Institute
of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition, Georg August University Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttin-
gen, Germany; 2 Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Canada
S7N 5A8 and 3 Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA

Received 18 August 1999. Accepted in revised form 2 February 2000

Key words: indigenous trees, land quality change, microbial biomass, nutrient dynamics, silvo-pastoral systems,
soil enzymes

The presence of trees in grasslands frequently results in resource islands of higher soil quality. Therefore, some nat-
ive trees are often preserved or agroforestry species are interplanted when land is cleared for pasture. We evaluated
soil quality changes associated with the conversion of a native thorn forest (caatinga) into silvo-pastoral systems
in semiarid NE Brazil. Soil nutrients, organic matter, microbial biomass and soil enzymes under native caatinga,
the canopy of two preserved native (Ziziphus joazeiro and Spondias tuberosa) and one introduced tree species
(Prosopis juliflora), and under a planted pasture of Cenchrus ciliaris were compared. The two preserved tree
species maintained high nutrient and organic matter contents and high biological activity levels not only relative
to the grass but also relative to the native caatinga. The non-deciduous Z. joazeiro was more effective than the
deciduous S. tuberosa, and enriched surface soils by 100 mg P kg−1 . The complete replacement of natural caatinga
with C. ciliaris pasture or a C. ciliaris–P. juliflora silvopastoral system had, after 14 years, decreased microbial
biomass C and N contents, and ß-glucosidase activity, but did not affect soil nutrient or organic matter status.
The biological activity under the trees of the tree-grass association was greater than under grass alone, although
P. juliflora did not maintain higher nutrient or organic matter levels. The search for indigenous alternatives to the
main agroforestry species may provide viable alternatives for improved land management and the conservation of
biodiversity. Microbiological and biochemical parameters responded more readily to changes in land management
than chemical fertility indices. They are important indices for the impact of vegetation changes and its associated
land quality changes.

Introduction Natural forests maintained or improved soil fertil-

ity by closed nutrient cycling (Rhoades, 1997; Young,
Changes in land cover associated with different land 1997). In semiarid pastoral ecosystems, trees are re-
uses are important agents of environmental change cognized to improve soil conditions and herbaceous
and degradation in the semiarid tropics. In the in- productivity (Belsky, 1994; Rhoades, 1997). Soils
terior of NE Brazil, the main land use change is the under tree canopies were reported to have higher
conversion of natural vegetation to arable or grazing concentrations of organic matter and increased nu-
lands. The slash and burn of the natural thorn forest trient availability compared with neighboring grass-
(caatinga) vegetation has led to a decline in land qual- lands (Garcia-Miragaya et al., 1994; Tiedemann and
ity through organic matter and nutrient depletion and Klemmedson, 1973). Shrubs and trees in arid and
erosion (Nunes Filho et al., 1990; Tiessen et al., 1992). semiarid environments also enhanced the abundance
and activity of the microbial biomass (Kieft, 1994).
∗ FAX No: +49551 393310. E-mail: Trees improved micro-climatic conditions under the
Table 1. Comparison of soil chemical characteristics under buffel grass pasture at different
locations within the beef cattle ranch



pH 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.1 0.4

Ctot (g kg−1 ) 9.6 11.7 11.5 9.2 14.9 18.5 20.7 4.9
Ntot (g kg−1 ) 0.86 1.0 0.93 0.72 1.23 1.50 1.8 0.3
C4-C (g kg−1 )c 3.4 3.0 2.8 1.7 5.6 6.8 7.1 1.6
Ca (cmol+ kg−1 ) 3.8 4.4 3.9 2.6 6.9 8.8 8.2 2.5
Mg (cmol+ kg−1 ) 1.0 1.25 0.9 0.57 1.84 1.93 2.69 0.6
K (cmol+ kg−1 ) 0.68 0.64 0.51 0.35 1.05 1.02 1.16 0.3
Ptot (mg kg−1 ) 219 206 140 165 214 325 418 56
resin-Pi (mg kg−1 ) 14.6 7.3 3.3 3.6 5.8 6.5 7.9 4.5
Po (mg kg−1 ) 33 49 45 36 58 84 120 16
a B = buffel surrounding joazeiro; B = buffel surrounding umbuzeiro; B
J U C1 = buffel along
caatinga 1; BC2 = buffel along caatinga 2; BC3 = buffel along caatinga 3; BA = buffel sur-
rounding algaroba; BC4 = buffel along caatinga 4 surrounding algaroba trees AC4 .
b The number of comparisons were n = 8.
c C4-C is carbon derived from C-4 metabolic plants, i.e. principally the buffel grass that
replaced the predominantly C-3 caatinga.

canopy through the accumulation and retention of soil parklands) others are being developed in efforts to find
moisture, reduced evaporation and lower temperature agro-silvo-pastoral alternatives to slash-burn landuses.
(Knoop and Walker, 1985; Weltzin and Coughen- The range of trees tested in new silvo-pastoral systems
our, 1990). The co-existence of savanna trees and is often restricted, but recent initiatives increasingly
below-crown grasses have been explained by a two- aim to maintain biodiversity. The domestication of in-
layer-model that delineates soil water uptake zones digenous forest trees has been proposed as a means of
spatially. Trees have access to deeper water stores intensifying and diversifying land use in a way that is
while grasses access moisture held in surface soils both sustainable and productive (Sanchez et al., 1997),
(Knoop and Walker, 1985; Sala et al., 1989). Trees and integration of trees into tropical farming systems
can also increase understorey herbaceous productiv- is being promoted (Leaky and Simons, 1998).
ity over that of open grassland (Belsky et al., 1993; Many agroforestry initiatives have involved the in-
Weltzin and Coughenour, 1990) and provide forage for troduction of fast growing and (potentially) N-fixing
browsing animals which, in turn, introduce nutrients exotic trees. Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) has been
through manure beneath the canopy. Higher germin- introduced to NE Brazil in the 1980s because it was
ation rates in the accumulated litter layers have been considered superior to native trees (Gibson, 1992).
reported (Kellman, 1979). The small-scale enriched More traditionally, farmers and ranchers preserve se-
zones below trees and shrubs in arid and semi-arid lected native trees on agricultural and grazing lands.
environments have been described as islands of fer- The species selection is based on such benefits as
tility or resource islands. They have been recorded shade, fruit or wood quality. Two trees commonly
in savanna ecosystems in Africa (Belsky et al., 1993; preserved in semiarid NE Brazil are the umbuzeiro
Weltzin and Coughenour, 1990) and central and south (Spondias tuberosa), valued for its fruit and shade, and
America (Garcia-Miragaya, 1994; Kellman, 1979; the joazeiro (Ziziphus joazeiro) which provides shade
Menezes et al. 1999). and browse material.
The positive effects of trees in restoring soil quality The present study was undertaken to evaluate the
are employed in the tree fallows of shifting cultiv- soil quality associated with these introduced or pre-
ation systems, and in agroforestry or silvo-pastoral served trees in a silvo-pastoral system. Soil nutrients,
land use systems that maintain a permanent associ- organic matter and microbiological characteristics un-
ation between trees and crops or pastures. Some land der the canopy of two preserved native and one planted
use systems that employ tree associations are tradi- exotic tree species were compared with those found
tional (home gardens, living fences or hedges, grazing
Table 2. Impact of caatinga clearing and establishment of buffel grass pasture within preserved caatinga trees on soil chemical properties

Land cover / Test Total C Total N Resin-P Po Total P Ca Mg K pH

comparison (g kg−1 ) (g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 )

caatinga (C1,C2,C3) 14.1 1.1 4.2 52 176 5.0 1.1 0.42 6.7
buffel (BC1, BC2, BC3 ) 12.0 0.98 4.2 46 173 4.5 1.1 0.64 6.9
joazeiro (J) 18.4 1.61 32.3 58 308 6.6 1.6 1.04 7.3
single joazeiro in C1 17.4 1.16 3.6 48 144 5.1 1.4 0.3 6.3
umbuzeiro (U) 15.4 1.3 10.8 65 239 5.1 1.32 1.00 7.0
single umbuzeiro in C1 20.4 1.4 6.0 89 231 6.3 1.5 0.6 6.3

caatinga / buffel ta ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 0.22 ∗∗ 0.2∗

(C1,2,3 / BC1, BC2, BC3 )
caatinga / joazeiro LSDb 3.6 0.3 7.8 ns 31 1.4 0.3 0.16 0.2
(C1 / C2 / C3 / J)
caatinga / umbuzeiro LSDb ns ns 2.5 9.8 32 ns ns 0.25 0.23
(C1 / C2 / C3 / U)
a Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of caatinga versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001; the number
of paired comparisons were n=24. Values are the difference between the soils.
b = 0.05.
ns = non significant.

outside the canopy in the planted pasture and those to southern Africa, Meredith, 1955, as quoted by
under native intact thorn forest (caatinga). Wilson, 1996) was planted. One year later, algaroba
(Prosopis juliflora, Swartz D.C.) was interseeded in
the buffel grass pasture at a spacing of 10 × 10 m.
Materials and methods Algaroba is an evergreen, potentially N-fixing tree nat-
ive to central America (Babos and Cumana, 1992). Its
Study region wood is used for fuel and construction, and the pods
and leaves as fodder. The gum exuded from the sap-
The sampling sites were located in a beef cattle wood is used in the paper and cosmetic industry (De
ranch at Custodia, Pernambuco, NE Brazil (8◦ 140 Oliveira Antonino, 1992). At the time of sampling in
S, 37◦ 450 W). The native vegetation was caatinga, 1998, the tree plantation was 13 years old.
a semi-deciduous thorn forest (Mors, 1994), which On the remaining area of the farm (> 3000 ha)
is traditionally used for fuelwood, and slash-and- the land clearing of 1984 preserved two native caat-
burn shifting cultivation followed by extensive graz- inga species. Joazeiro (Ziziphus joazeiro Mart.) is a
ing and browsing (Sampaio, 1995). Rainfall averages non-deciduous tree used for medicinals, fodder and
about 600 mm y−1 , concentrated between January and fuelwood; its fruits are edible but not marketable
May with a nearly rainless period between June and (Noel, 1995). Umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arruda
December (Sampaio, 1995). Rainfall is highly erratic Cam.) is deciduous and produces large quantities of
and extended droughts occur once or twice every dec- marketable fruit. The wood is used for construction
ade (Eiten, 1992). Mean annual temperature is 26 ◦ C. (Machado et al., 1997; Mors, 1994). The preserved
The soils are non-calcic brown (Ustalfs) on crystalline mature trees were spaced some 30–40 m apart in the
rock parent material with an average sand content of 14-year old continuous pasture. Caatinga regrowth in
75%. the buffel grass and around the algarobas was slashed
every other year.
Sampling sites
Soil sampling and processing
Until 1984, the study area was covered with native
caatinga at least 50 years old. In 1984, 3000 ha were Top soil (8 cm) samples were taken in February 1998.
completely cleared with chains, and buffel grass (Cen- A total of 16 algarobas were sampled from two sites
chrus ciliaris L., a perennial tufted bunchgrass native about 700 m apart. Paired samples were taken for

each tree – one sample from under the canopy and

one 5 m away from the canopy edge in the buffel

a Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of caatinga versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001;. the number of paired comparisons were n=24.
grass pasture. The first site within the plantation (eight
Table 3. Impact of caatinga clearing and establishment of buffel grass pasture within preserved caatinga trees on soil microbiological properties and light fraction (LF) N and P

(µg tyrosine
g−1 2h−1 )
trees, samples A from under the canopy and BA from





the paired buffel location) was a clean stand of buffel
grass interspersed with algaroba. The trees at this site
were chosen randomly. The second site (eight trees,
(µg PN g−1 h−1 )

samples AC4) was adjacent to an undisturbed caatinga

22 ∗∗∗





site (C4). Here, eight trees (AC4 ) were chosen in a

transect parallel to the edge of the caatinga. The as-
sociated buffel grass (samples BC4 ) was not as clean
as that at site A, and invading shrubs had recently
(µg PN g−1 h−1 )

been slashed. Within the caatinga (C4; n=8) samples





were also taken along a transect parallel to the one of


AC4 and its associated buffel samples (BC4 ) so that
spatially paired samples were obtained between the
caatinga and the adjacent cleared site.
(µg PN g−1 h−1 )

In the area where clearing had been selective, eight


preserved trees each of joazeiro and umbuzeiro were








randomly chosen and sampled in the following way:

three top soil samples were taken from under the
canopy of the joazeiros (J) and umbuzeiros (U). The
(mg kg−1 )

distance of each sample to the tree bole as well as


1.4 ∗




the direction was selected at random. Corresponding

samples paired to each of the under-canopy samples
were taken from the buffel grass pasture (BJ , BU )
(mg kg−1 )

following the same direction away from the bole 5 m






beyond the canopy edge.

Three undisturbed caatinga sites (C1, C2, C3) were
also sampled at eight random spots each along tran-
(mg kg−1 )

sects parallel to the forest edge. Paired sampling was






then done about 10 m outside the caatinga in adjacent

buffel grass sites (BC1 , BC2 , BC3 ).
(mg kg−1 )

As a result of this sampling scheme, we obtained







samples for pairwise comparisons of each tree spe-

cies with surrounding buffel of caatinga with adjacent
buffel, and of caatinga with adjacent algaroba. In
(g kg−1 )

addition, group comparisons were possible between





Values are the difference between the soils.


ns = non significant; nd = not determined.

four caatingas, the three tree species and five areas of



The soil cores were taken with an auger of 8.25 cm



diameter, transferred into sealed plastic bags and

transported in styrofoam coolers to the laboratory
(C1,2,3 / BC1 ,BC2 ,BC3 )
single umbuzeiro in C1
buffel (BC1 ,BC2 ,BC3 )

within 3 days. Subsamples for the determination of

caatinga / umbuzeiro
single joazeiro in C1
caatinga (C1,C2,C3)

caatinga / joazeiro

(C1 / C2 / C3 / U)
(C1 / C2 / C3 / J)
caatinga / buffel
umbuzeiro (U)
Land cover /

pH, cations and water-floatable organic matter N and


joazeiro (J)

P (light fraction) were air-dried and sieved through

a 2 mm sieve. Subsamples for total C, N and P, and
b = 0.05.

sequential fractionation of phosphorus were air-dried

and ground to < 150 µm on a ballmill. The sub-
samples for enzyme analysis and microbial biomass
Table 4. Average soil chemical characteristics under joazeiro and umbuzeiro trees left following caatinga clearing versus open buffel grass

Land cover / Test total C Total N Resin-P Po Total P Ca Mg K pH

comparison (g kg−1 ) (g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 )

Joazeiro (J) 18.4 1.6 32.3 58 308 6.6 1.6 1.04 7.3
Buffel (BJ ) 9.7 0.86 14.6 33 219 3.8 1.0 0.69 6.9
Umbuzeiro (U) 15.4 1.3 10.8 65 239 5.1 1.32 1.00 7.0
Buffel (BU ) 11.7 1.0 7.3 49 206 4.4 1.25 0.64 6.7

J / BJ ta 8.7 ∗∗∗ 0.7 ∗∗∗ 18 ∗∗∗ 25 ∗∗∗ 90 ∗∗∗ 2.8 ∗∗∗ 0.6 ∗∗∗ 0.35 ∗∗∗ 0.4 ∗∗∗
U / BU LSDb 3.7 ∗∗ 0.3 ∗∗ 3.5 ∗ 16 ∗∗∗ 33 ∗ ns ns 0.35 ∗ 0.3 ∗∗
J / U / BJ / BU LSDb 3.5 0.26 8.6 10 52 1.1 0.32 0.25 0.3
a Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of tree versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001. The number of
paired comparisons were n=24. Values are the difference between the soils.
b = 0.05.
ns = non significant.

determination were sieved to pass 2 mm and were kept Tabatabai and Bremner (1969) and Eivazi and
field moist at 4 ◦ C until analysis. Tabatabai (1988), respectively. Toluene was not in-
cluded in the procedure. Results of activity were
Soil analysis expressed as µg p-nitrophenol released over 1 h by 1 g
dry soil and are averages of triplicate assays.
Total C and N (and 13 C and 15 N abundance, de- Protease (casein-hydrolyzing) activity of the soil
tails not shown) were measured on a continuous flow was determined according to Ladd and Butler (1972).
isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Europa scientific). Results of activity are expressed as µg tyrosine re-
Total P was analyzed by a H2 O2 /H2 SO4 digestion and leased over 2 h by 1 g dry soil. Microbial biomass C
autoanalysis (Thomas et al., 1967). Available P was and N were determined by the chloroform-fumigation-
determined by resin extraction, and organic P (Po) extraction method of Vance et al. (1987). The soil
by summation of hydroxide and hot concentrated acid was adjusted to 30% water holding capacity (WHC)
extractable organic P fractions of an sequential ex- prior to fumigation and extraction. Total organic C of
traction simplified by omitting the bicarbonate extract the K2 SO4 -extracts was analyzed by a chromic acid
from Tiessen and Moir (1993). digestion, and the Cr3+ -product measured spectropho-
Calcium, Mg and K were extracted by unbuffered 1 tometrically (Heanes, 1984). Total N of the K2 SO4 -
M NH4 Cl. Calcium and Mg were analyzed by atomic extracts were determined by persulphate oxidation
absorption, and K by emission spectrophotometry; pH according to the method of Raveh and Avnimelech
was measured in a 1:10 soil:water suspension. (1979). The released ammonium was measured on a
The light organic matter fraction was separated by Technicon II Autoanalyzer. Microbial biomass C and
sonifying a soil:water suspension of 20 g soil and 150 N were calculated by subtracting the amount extracted
ml deionised water for 3 min at 300 W output with a from the unfumigated soils from that extracted from
Braun-sonic sonifier. During sonification, the suspen- the fumigated soils.
sion was cooled in an ice-water bath. The suspension Microbial biomass P analysis was adapted from
was passed through a 300 mesh sieve to retain both Kouno et al. (1995). Inorganic phosphorus of the bio-
the sand and the water-floatable light organic matter mass released by chloroform fumigation for 24 h was
fraction. The retained fraction was mixed and ground extracted with resin strips and determined according to
in a mortar after oven drying at 60 ◦ C. Organic P in the the method of Tiessen and Moir (1993) on a Technicon
light fraction was determined according to the method II Autoanalyzer. Biomass P was calculated as P ex-
of Saunders and Williams (1955). tracted by the resin strips after 24 h fumigation less the
amount extracted by the anion strips from unfumigated
Soil microbiological analysis
Acid and alkaline phosphatase, and ß-glucosidase
activity in the soil were measured according to


Statistical analysis was performed with the Systat-

Program (SYSTAT, 1992) by one-factorial ANOVA
using land cover (caatinga, trees, grass) as levels of
Table 5. Average soil microbiological and light fraction (LF) N and P characteristics under joazeiro and umbuzeiro trees left following caatinga clearing versus

∗ Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of tree versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001; the number of paired comparisons
(µg tyrosine
(g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) g−1 2 h−1 )

one factor. Differences under the tree canopies versus

37 ∗∗∗
15 ∗∗



outside the canopies in the grass were determined
by the dependent t-test for pairwise comparison. The
number of paired comparisons for joazeiro and um-
buzeiro versus buffel grass were 24 each, and for

115 ∗∗∗
67 ∗∗∗
algaroba versus buffel grass 16. A pairwise compar-




ison was also performed between caatinga 1 and 3 and

the corresponding buffel grass (BC1 , BC2 , BC3 ). The
number of paired comparisons were 24.

256 ∗∗∗
74 ∗∗




Results and discussion

Soil spatial variability of the sampling sites

To determine vegetation effects on soil, we needed


189 ∗∗∗
108 ∗

to evaluate the soils spatial variability, since both the






were n=24 for total soil and n=8 for the light fraction. Values are the difference between the soils.

presence of specific trees and their influence on soil

conditions may depend on original soil properties at
both microsite and landscape scales (Rhoades, 1997).
It is, therefore, possible that measured soil properties
4.4 ∗∗∗

2.2 ∗∗




are not only produced by the tree but that the pres-
ence of the tree is a result of the soil properties. We,
therefore, examined soils under identical vegetation

17 ∗∗∗
7 ∗∗

covers, i.e. the buffel grass planted on cleared caatinga




14 years prior to our sampling, and also the four sites

of remaining caatinga. Average soil chemical charac-

69 ∗∗∗

teristics at the different buffel grass locations (Table 1)

27 ∗



show that both BA and BC4 had the highest soil nutri-
ent status and grass productivity. These two sites (and
the adjacent areas discussed below) were consequently
19.6 ∗∗

7.3 ∗



treated separately in the data analysis.

With the exception of available phosphorus, all
properties measured under BJ were not statistically
0.55 ∗∗
0.18 ∗





different from BU , BC1 and BC2 . The soils most likely

to be different in this landscape might have been those
surrounding joazeiros (BJ ) since in the more arid parts
J / U / BJ / BU LSDb


of the NE, these trees are often associated with the

ns = non significant.
open buffel grass

lowest landscape positions that may be covered by

Umbuzeiro (U)
Land cover /

Buffel (BU )
Buffel (BJ )
Joazeiro (J)

alluvial materials from surrounding reliefs (Machado

U / BU
J / BJ

et al., 1997). The absence of significant differences

b =0.05.

between BJ and the other buffel sites indicates that

the joazeiro are growing on soils similar to those of the
other sites, and that the tree effects can be examined.
BC3 had somewhat higher soil organic matter
(SOM) and exchangeable cations than BJ , BC1 and
BC2 but was not statistically different from BU . The

higher SOM and base status could be attributed to Available P (660%), total P (75%) and alkaline
the higher grass productivity since C contents with a phosphatase activity (130%) were much higher under
13 C signature of C-4 plants (i.e. buffel grass) at B the preserved joazeiros than under caatinga. Organic
were significantly higher than at BJ , BU , BC1 and P was not different. Since total P is usually determ-
BC2 (Table 1). Carbon derived from the trees (C3-C) ined by soil parent material, and only modified slowly
was not significantly different between the sites (data by pedogenesis and biocycling, an increase of total P
not shown). Therefore, the soil under BC3 was not of some 100 mg kg−1 requires further examination.
considered different from BJ , BU , BC1 and BC2 . We therefore compared the values under the preserved
The comparison of the four caatinga sites (C1– joazeiros with those under the only joazeiro we had
C4) showed the same pattern as the comparison of the found in the natural caatinga (Tables 2 and 3). This
buffel grass sites BC1 –BC4 with slightly lower carbon comparison, although not statistically sound, showed
and exchangeable bases in C2 and elevated phosphorus that most parameters were much higher under the isol-
in C4 (data not shown). Based on these results we dis- ated trees, i.e. the joazeiro in the caatinga does not
tinguished 2 areas on the ranch that had significantly show the same enrichment as the isolated joazeiros in
different soil properties. The first and larger area con- the pasture. However, it is possible that this joazeiro
tained all sites except those of A, BA , C4, AC4 and was affected by localized runoff, and sand content
BC4 , which together constituted the second area. in the soil was 10% greater than under the isolated
joazeiros or the means of the caatingas. Since no caat-
Selective clearing of caatinga inga was left at any lower slope positions, we could
not compare appropriate joazeiros at the same land-
Buffel grass scape positions. As seen below, comparisons between
The replacement of the caatinga with a buffel grass joazeiro and associated buffel soils confirm that the
pasture has, after 14 years, resulted in 50% higher ex- increased concentrations may indeed be a tree effect.
changeable K in the pasture and a pH rise from 6.7 to Several explanations might be advanced for the greater
6.9 (Table 2). No impoverishment of the soil nutrient nutrient contents under isolated joazeiros: 1. sheltering
or organic matter status was seen. Literature on forest animals may have brought in nutrients. Against this
to pasture conversion reports conflicting results. For is the evidence from 13 C values (not shown) that in-
sites in Mexico (Garcia-Oliva et al., 1994, 1999) and dicate no enrichment in C4-C (the main food source
Costa Rica (Veldkamp, 1994), net losses of organic of grazers) under isolated joazeiros. 2. The access to
matter were reported while Buschbacher et al. (1988) nutrients and rooting patterns may be different at the
reported no change and Cerri et al. (1991) reported C lower slope sites. In this case, the enrichment of SOM
gains in Amazonian pastures. and nutrients under the solitary joazeiros would be the
Microbial biomass P and N as well as ß- result of an interaction between tree effect and land-
glucosidase (Table 3) were reduced under the grass scape position, i.e. specific to the position of the tree
relative to the caatinga by 30%, 20% and 35%, re- on alluvial material with greater moisture availability,
spectively. Microbial biomass and ß-glucosidase are different rooting patterns or possibly the accumula-
closely associated with SOM turnover, and both may tion of eroded materials under the tree. Menezes et
respond more readily than SOM as a whole to changes al. (1999), using a different sampling pattern and stat-
in management (Powlson, 1994; Wick et al., 1998). istical approach in the same landscape, also reported
considerably higher nutrient levels under joazeiro than
Conservation of caatinga trees in surrounding areas.
Relative to the mean values in caatinga soils, the soil Soils under the preserved umbuzeiros were signi-
under the joazeiros preserved during caatinga clear- ficantly higher than the mean caatinga values only for
ing was higher in all measured parameters except P pools, exchangeable K (Table 2) , ß-glucosidase
organic P (Table 2). This difference was particularly and protease activities (Table 3). Comparison of an
pronounced for the soil microbiological parameters umbuzeiro inside the caatinga with the isolated trees
(Table 3). Microbial biomass C and ß-glucosidase showed no obvious difference (Tables 2 and 3).
activity were enhanced under joazeiro by 60% and
190%, respectively. Total C was 30% higher than the Differences between preserved trees and buffel grass
caatinga mean but LF-C was not different (data not The difference in soil properties under the pre-
shown). served trees versus buffel grass pasture was evaluated
Table 6. Average soil chemical characteristics under caatinga, algaroba and buffel grass

Land cover / Test Total C Total-N Resin-P Po Total P Ca Mg K pH

comparison (g kg−1 ) (g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 ) (cmol+ kg−1 )

Caatinga (C4) 16.5 1.5 4.7 113 326 7.1 1.9 0.6 6.8
Algaroba (A) 17.6 1.7 10.3 110 417 9.4 2.8 1.23 7.1
Buffel (BA ) 20.7 1.8 7.9 120 417 8.2 2.7 1.16 7.1

A / BA ta ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
C4 / A / BA LSDb ns ns 3.9 ns ns ns ns 0.12 ns
a Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of tree versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001. The
number of paired comparisons were n=8.
b =0.05.
ns = non significant.

by comparing values under the canopy with paired The amounts of exchangeable basic cations were
samples outside the canopies. Total C and N (Table 4) much higher under the tree canopies than under buffel
as well as microbial biomass C and N (Table 5) were grass. Assuming an average CEC of clay (kaolinite)
some 90% higher under the tree canopies. The en- of 5 cmol+ kg−1 and of OM of 200 cmol+ kg−1 the
hancement for the LF-C (170%; data not shown) and higher clay and OM contents under the tree would be
LF-N (240%) was even higher. Protease activity under expected to contribute 3.3 cmol+ kg−1 . This is less
the trees was 150% and ß-glucosidase activity 160% than the measured difference between trees and grass
higher than in the buffel grass (Table 5). Higher micro- (Table 4), i.e. over and above the CEC increase there
bial biomass values had similarly been reported under is an enrichment with bases, also shown in an increase
Ziziphus mucronata (native to the semi-arid savanna in in pH under the canopies.
Zimbabwe) (Campbell et al., 1994). All soil microbiological parameters under joazeiro
Total P was 40% higher under the tree, while or- were significantly elevated over those of the paired
ganic P was enhanced by 80% and available P by pasture and the umbuzeiro sites (Tables 5). Total and
120% (Table 4). The latter is reflected in greater mi- available P were increased the most (Table 4). But total
crobial P (130%) and alkaline phosphatase activity N, LF-N and Ca were also significantly higher. The
(200%), but also in enhanced LF-Po (210%; Table 5). 90 mg kg−1 higher total P under the canopy compared
Increased levels of available P were also reported for with the surrounding pasture, determined in a pairwise
the much smaller Ziziphus spina-christi native to semi- comparison of samples that were no more than 10 m
arid NE Nigeria (Verinumbe, 1993). The extensive apart indicates that improved soil fertility and nutrient
root system of joazeiro (Sampaio, pers. comm.) may cycling under joazeiro is likely to be a true effect of
have contributed to nutrient uptake and accumulation the tree and its interactions with the soil.
under the canopy (Young, 1997). The paired comparison of the soil chemical prop-
Can the higher total P under joazeiro be ex- erties (Table 4) between under- and outside-canopy
plained by nutrient import and recycling? The excess positions for the umbuzeiro showed 124–165% higher
P amounts to approximately 100 mg kg−1 . The area values for most parameters (except Ca and Mg). Light
under the canopy of an average joazeiro was near 50 fraction N and P, and all microbiological parameters
m2 . The soil on this area to 8 cm depth will weigh (Table 5) were significantly higher under the trees than
some 5 Mg. The excess P in that soil weight amounts in the buffel grass.
to 500 g total P. We measured a P concentration of The difference in nutrient pools under umbuzeiro
1.4 mg g−1 in joazeiro leaves, and estimate annual was much less than that under joazeiro. This is in
litter production at 6 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (Tiessen et al., accordance with the comparison between both trees
1998), or 30 kg per canopy. The increase in total P can and the caatinga (Tables 2 and 3). Relative to um-
be explained if one third of the litter fall over the min- buzeiro total N, exchangeable Ca and total P were
imum age of the tree (50 yr) represents a net import by 120% higher, microbial biomass and light fraction N
deeper or more extensive roots. and P were 40–80% higher and enzyme activities were
40–100% higher under joazeiro. Evergreen trees (like

the joazeiro) from a seasonal savanna in north cen-

tral Venezuela were similarly reported to have higher
SOM, K and ECEC values than deciduous ones. In
that study, the enhanced fertility under the evergreens
was attributed to the slower leaf decomposition rates

a Significance level of paired comparison (t-test) of tree versus buffel grass was: ∗ at p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ at p < 0.001. The number of paired
(µ tyrosine
(g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) (µg PN g−1 h−1 ) g−1 2 h−1 )
and to different N and P tissue concentration (Garcia-


Miragaya et al., 1994). However, we did not find any
significant differences of N (21 and 19.8 mg g−1 for
joazeiro and umbuzeiro, respectively) or P (1.4 and
1.5 mg g−1 for joazeiro and umbuzeiro, respectively)

26 ∗∗

in the leaf tissue.

Complete replacement of caatinga with algaroba and

Table 7. Average soil microbiological characteristics and light fraction (LF) N and P under caatinga, algaroba and buffel grass

buffel grass plantation


35 ∗∗

The elimination of the natural caatinga and replace-


ment by buffel grass pasture for 14 years did not alter

the chemical (Table 6) and microbiological properties
(Table 7) of the soil. The only differences seen were
an increase of K (90%) and a decrease of microbial

biomass N and ß-glucosidase activity by 25% relative




to the caatinga values.

Soils under algaroba were similar to those of the
natural caatinga. Only LF-N (75%), LF-Po (60%),
available P (120%) and K (105%) were greater than




the caatinga. No differences between caatinga and

algaroba were obtained for the soil microbiological

11 ∗∗∗

The paired comparison of the soil chemical val-



comparisons were n=8. Values are the difference between the soils.

ues (Table 6) under the tree canopies versus outside

canopies values showed no differences in total nutri-

ent pools. However, microbial biomass C and N, the

19 ∗



more labile pools, were raised by 120% and 150%,

respectively, under the canopies (Table 7). Similar res-
ults were obtained for alkaline phosphatase (120%)




and ß-glucosidase (140%).

Soil chemical parameters under algaroba were not
different from those outside the canopies 13 years after




planting. However, Prosopis juliflora has been repor-


ted to restore degraded sodic soils in India, to increase

total SOM and available nutrients (Bhojvaid and Tim-


ns = non significant.

mer, 1998) and to increase N levels (Tiedemann and

Klemmedson, 1973). Prosopis juliflora has the po-
Caatinga (C4)
Algaroba (A)
Land cover /

Buffel (BA )

C4 / A / BA

tential to establish a symbiosis with N-fixing rhizobia

A / BA

b =0.05.

(Diagne and Baker, 1994). Nitrogen fixation by trees

results in an increase of litter N and of N-cycling and
accumulation under the canopies (Young, 1997). It
also produces lower 15 N-abundance as compared with
non-fixing species exploiting the same soil (Nyberg
and Högberg, 1995). However, we found no signific-
ant differences in N balances or 15 N abundances (data

not shown). Diagne (1992) reported that rhizobium trees of an algaroba-buffel grass association was im-
strains compatible with Prosopis juliflora did not ex- proved over that of buffel grass alone. This may reflect
ist in soils of southern Senegal; perhaps conditions in greater nutrient cycling due to the mix of litter inputs,
semi-arid NE Brazil are similar. It is also likely that N since the canopy of the algarobas was so transparent
fixation is impaired by the low moisture availability in that it did not diminish grass growth. Algaroba was
NE Brazil. not as effective in providing high biological activities
as the preserved native trees, and it was not effect-
ive in raising nutrient or organic matter levels. This
Conclusions may be due to the young age of the trees relative to
the mature caatinga remnants, or may reflect the weak
The native trees traditionally preserved in agricultural performance of algaroba under semiarid conditions.
landscapes of semiarid NE Brazil, were associated Microbiological and biochemical parameters re-
with islands of fertility in planted pasture, as already sponded more readily to changes in vegetation than
reported by Menezes et. al. (1999). The levels of chemical fertility indices. They are important biolo-
fertility and biochemical indicators of soil quality gical indices of the impact of vegetation changes and
were particularly high under the evergreen joazeiro, its associated land quality changes in silvo-pastoral
in comparison with both the introduced pasture and systems.
the original caatinga. This raises questions about the
mechanisms of establishment and maintenance of the
islands of fertility. The observed high fertility levels Acknowledgements
under isolated joazeiros are best explained by a soil–
tree interaction in which the low landscape position This study was financed by the InterAmerican Institute
with its higher moisture availability facilitates nutrient for Global Change Research (IAI) and by the Ca-
recycling by the evergreen joazeiro. The elimination nadian International Development Agency. The help
of competition by forest clearing may also enhance the from Prof I.H. Salcedo in the site selection, and
effect of isolated trees. The high nutrient and organic the hospitality and access to field sites granted by
matter contents and biological activity levels under Agropecuaria Jaçana are gratefully acknowledged. We
these trees indicate that the tradition of preserving nat- thank Jackie O. Moir and Taina M. Redl for their
ive species in pasture and farm lands may reflect a assistance with analyses.
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Section editor: R F Hüttl

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