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Sports, Entertainment

& Media Marketing

Intro Lectures, June 28 & 30, 2021, IIM Calcutta

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
I’d like to start with
a few questions first!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Question # 1

Why have you

taken this course?
(What are your
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Question # 2

Why should there be an exclusive course on

‘Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing’?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Question # 3

Do Sports, Entertainment & Media Industries

have unique Marketing Characteristics
that other industries don’t have?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Question # 4

Is ‘Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing’

relevant to Marketers from other industries?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Why should there be a course on
‘Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing’?

Do Sports, Entertainment & Media industries

have unique Marketing Characteristics
that other industries don’t have?

Is ‘Sports, Entertainment & Media Marketing’

relevant to Marketers from other industries?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
And a last set of questions…

Is there a connection between

Sports & Entertainment? If so, what?

Is there a connection between Sports & Media?

If so, what is the nature of the connection?

Is there anything common between Sports,

Entertainment & Media? If so, what?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Essentially, the Sports,
Entertainment & Media businesses have
one essential common characteristic…

They are all ‘Content’ businesses!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Introduction to
Sports Marketing
(with some relevance to Entertainment & Media too!)
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Setting the Context…

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

What’s so special about
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra Sports Marketing?
Is there anything uncommon about
Sports as a Marketable Offering?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Let’s apply some basic
Marketing Concepts
to the Business of Sports…

For example, the 4Ps…

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra Let’s start with the First P – ‘Product’

Does the Sports ‘Product’
have any unique characteristics?

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

How many can you think of?
The Sports ‘Product’ is Intangible,
Subjective & Highly Experiential!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ has a strong ‘human’ component,
& consumer demand can fluctuate widely!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ is Real-Time & Instantly Perishable
- Produced & Consumed at the same moment!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ is Consistently Inconsistent
& Fairly Unpredictable!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

The Marketer has little control over the

final ‘Product’ (more over extensions)!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ can evoke very
Strong Emotions at Individual Levels
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ can evoke equally
Strong Emotions at Collective Levels
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ is preferably Publicly Consumed -
Collective Experience adds to the Magic!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ can create far stronger consumer
loyalty than almost any other category!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Marketers of the ‘Product’ need to
Compete & Collaborate simultaneously!
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The ‘Product’ can have large-scale Social Appeal,
impacting many aspects of people’s lives
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The Sports

• Real-time & Collective Consumption

• Intangible, Experiential & Highly Subjective
• Inconsistent & Unpredictable – No Guarantees!
• Little Control over Final Product ‘Delivery’
• Competitors are Collaborators too!
• Role of ‘Human’ factors – Icons, Passion, Identity, Loyalty
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Ok, so the Sports ‘Product’ is unique in many ways

But what exactly is the Sports ‘Product’?

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
What exactly do
Sports Marketers try to
‘Market’ to Consumers?

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

They can offer different kinds of ‘Products’
in order to PLEASE Consumers…!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

A Sports ‘Product’ could be…

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Sports-related Physical & Tangible Goods
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports-related Lifestyle & Leisure Offerings
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports-related Intangible Experiences
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sporting Activities
Sports-related Intangible Services
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports-related Entities & Events
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
4 Levels of Sports-related Entities

Category - Sport/Format/Style…

Event – Tournament/League/Match…

Organization - Federation/Club/Team…

Individual – Player/Manager/Coach…
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports Marketing ‘Product’ –
The PLEASE Framework
P - Sports-related Physical Goods

L - Sports-related Lifestyle & Leisure

E - Sports-related Experiences

A - Sports-related Activities

S - Sports-related Services

E - Sports-related Entities & Events

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Continuing with the Other Ps of Marketing



© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports ‘Pricing’- Crucial yet Risky!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Sports Pricing Critical for Business Success
• Cost Plus Pricing Strategy not Appropriate for Sports
• ‘Right Price’ determined by Consumers’ Value Perception
• Value Perception Subjective and further can Fluctuate Wildly
• Demand can also vary quite a bit, based on a lot of factors
• Demand-Supply Mismatch affects Pricing Options
• Limited Supply can fuel Demand, but not always
• Price Elasticity Curve Difficult to Gauge
• Little Scope for Reengineering Demand-Supply Mismatch, due
to Limited & Perishable Nature of Sports Product

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

So what are the Strategic Implications
and Viable Solutions for Sports Pricing?

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Thus Need & Opportunity in Sports Pricing for:

• Marketing & Pricing Multiple Offerings

• Need & Scope for Variable Pricing
• Scope for Tiered & Dynamic Pricing to Manage Variations
• Opportunity for Bundled Pricing Options (e.g. Seat + Meal)
• Opportunity for Package Deals (e.g. Season Tickets)
• Scope for Value-Added & Premium Pricing (e.g. Box Seats)
• Opportunity for Cross-Selling (e.g. Merchandise)
• Multiple interlinked sources of revenue require complex &
differentiated pricing mechanisms

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Overall, need to have… …

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
The Sports ‘Place’ – A Critical Success Factor

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Like Retail, Location can make or ruin the
Success of a Sports (or Entertainment) Event

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Accessibility, Infrastructure, Facilities, Reputation etc.
influence Consumer Preference, thus Location’s Success

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Sometimes the Sports ‘Place’ itself
can also be a Marketable Commodity!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

The Single Place for Simultaneous
Production, Consumption & Gratification
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Instantly Perishable, No Inventory, No Distribution!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

A Place of Pilgrimage for Sports Devotees!

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Sports ‘Promotion’ – Unique Set of Factors

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Multiple Challenges in Promoting Sports Products
(Subjective, Unpredictable, Perishable...)
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Need to promote augmented products & value-added
relationships to strengthen loyalty & increase revenue
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Partner with Sponsors to aid Brand Promotion

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Leverage Sponsor Support to strengthen Brand
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Promotions of Different Entities can add up
(Tournament + Sponsors + Broadcaster + Teams)

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Rivalry & Promotions of Competing Teams
play complementary roles (‘Associative Competition’)

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Applying the STP Model to Sports
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports Segmentation & Targeting
Opportunities for Segmentation & Targeting
basis Combination of Multiple Parameters:-
• Geographic
• Demographic
• Psychographic
• Behavioural
Concurrently Targeting & Marketing
to Multiple Audiences:-
• Players
• Spectators
• Marketers
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Positioning in the Sports Context
Need to consider many factors for Right Positioning
• Past History & Associations
• Geographical Base
• Lifestyle Imagery
• Consumer Motivations
• Unmet Needs
• Evolving Aspirations, etc.
• Refreshing old positioning or even repositioning
critical for number of sports in a evolving environment

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Does Sport have a larger impact in an overall
social context than almost all other categories?

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

Sports – The Larger Ripple Effect
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Sports – An Universal Global Language?
Multibillion-dollar global industry
Truly global influence & impact
Support ecosystem of ancillary industries
Millions of people involved
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra ‘Need’ for Sports – Strong, but why?
Sports-The Larger Playground

• Vital part of our daily lives

• Connected with many Social Systems:
• Education
• Health (Physical & Mental)
• Media
• Urban Planning
• Community Life
• Overall Economy…
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Have we established that Sports is amazingly different
from other categories from a Marketing Perspective?

Is there anything else that makes Sports uniquely

interesting from a Marketing Standpoint?
© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
Thank You 

© Chandradeep (CD) Mitra

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