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Kaylie: Sticks and Stones. This presentation was made by Kaylie Estrada-Menjivar and Natalia Bivens.

Natalia: MATERIALS: What the experimenters needed in this experiment is *NAME THE MATERIAL

Kaylie: PROCEDURES; First you needed to set up your station where you were working, with the water
bottles and the objects that are going to be put into the water bottles. Cut the bottom of the water bottle
after turn it upside down. Now you needed to put in the objects and sediments. Such as sand, rocks,
activated charcoal, twigs, and fabric. After you needed to put a container under the water bottle, then you
needed to repeat this 2 more times just change the order of sediments, and objects. You needed to have a
pencil and a logbook to track your data. After you had to pour either the saltwater or the dirty water. you
needed pour the water through the different water bottles. Now you should’ve a certain amount of time.
You needed to put the test strip in the water that came out of the bottle. Analyze the data. You will do this
for every version and trial.

Natalia: ABSTRACT: For the abstract the experimenters specifically state the problem and predicament
that is aimed to solve, this abstract also includes the procedure, results, viewed in the Data Table, Graphs,
while also stating the conclusion and research statement as one can see.

Kaylie: GOAL/DATA INTRO; Our goal was to create a simple water purification system with sediments
that are easily accessible, and be able to have clean purified water. The data that was collected does vary,
some include pH levels to bromine levels. the pictures show how the water looked after going through the

Natalia: ALKALINITY TO BROMINE CHART/TABLE: Seeing as though these data tables correspond to
the graphs looking at Alkalinity for version 1 both trials showed 40 to the second version having 0 being
the results were both the same from salt and dirty water. Aluminum salt water shows that there was no
aluminum in both versions trial one yet for the second trial for version 1 increased to 5 yet in dirty water
for the 1rst trial and first version was 5 yet decreases to 0 in the second version while the second trial
shows 0.
Next is pH levels for salt water, salt water version 1 trial 1 and 2 both show to having both 7.8 amount in
the pH scale while in the 2nd version staying 7.8 turned into 7.9 the second trial.
Bromine showed to have no change for both salt and dirty water for each version and for both trial ones
while for the second trial version 1 showed an increase to one.

Kaylie: If you look at these line graphs you will see the changes. From Aluminum, it went from 5 to 0 for
both salt and dirty water. In bromine, you can see a decrease from 1 to 0 in both Salt and dirty water. In
pH levels, Trial 1 Saltwater ver 1 and ver 2 was at 7.8. But for trial 2 there was an increase from 7.8 to
7.9. For the dirty water trial one, ver 1 and ver 2 ph levels were 7.6. But for trial 2 was decreased from
7.8 to 7.6. And for alkalinity, it went from 40 to 0 on trial 2 and for trial 1 it stayed at zero. It was the
same for both saltwater and dirty water.

Natalia: CHROMINIUM TO CARBONATE ROOT CHART/TABLE: For Chrominium for both salt and
dirty water showed that there was no chrominium in both versions for trial one while in the second trial
showed that was a level of 1 in chrominium while in both salt and dirty water version 1 trial 2 showed an
increase into 2.
Cyanuric acid showed to having in salt water trial one version one 150 while in the second version of
trial one increased to 240 and in trial 2 version 1 showed an increase from 100 to version 2 trial 2 as
240, for dirty water in both versions trial 1 showed to have been 240 while in trial 2 version 1 showed to
be being 150 but then it increased back to 240 on trial 2 version 2.
Free Chloride for salt water in version 1 both trials is 3 while version 2 trial 1 went to 1 then decreased
to trial 2 at 0.5, For dirty water both versions trial one is 1 but it decreased to 0.5 for both versions trial
Carbonate Root LETS TALK SALT WATER version 1 trial 1 is 0 but it increased to 20 for trial 1 version 2
and for both versions trial 2 is both 20, while for dirty water version 1 trial 1 is 0 but it increased to 20
version 2 trial 1 and for trial 2 version 1 it went from 20 to 40 version 2 trial 2.

Kaylie: For Salt water cyanuric acid trial 1 it started from 150 to 240. For trial 2 it started from 100 to
240. For dirty water trial 1 it stayed at 240 for both versions. But trial 2 it went from 150 to 240.
For salt water Cr for trial 1 it went from 3 to 1. Which is the same for dirty water trial 1. But for trial 2
saltwater it went from 2 to zero. Which is the same for dirty water as well, For Carbonate root Salt water
trial 1 it went from 0 to 20. And for trial 2 it stayed at 20. For dirty water carbonate root trial 1 it went
from 0 to 20. And for trial 2, 20 to 60.

Natalia: PICTURES: The first two pictures bare witness to the very specimens that were able to filter the
salt and dirty water… THE WATER FILTER!! The first picture out of the two was the top one, the first
trial as the second one was the second trials bottle. As to have read the captions will give a better
description as to what it was. The picture for the black filled water cups of filtered water had- as to have
read the captions the top and bottom cup was pigmented by the charcoal one of the materials. The 2nd
picture below the first one on the right side the salt water is above the dirty water in the first cup. This
wasn’t the same for the picture on the top right rather it was the opposite. These four pictures in total 2
display the different water filters why the other 2 on the right display the 4 different cups of filtered water
of both salt water and dirty water.

Kaylie: DATA ANALYSIS; The data that was collected was from 2 trials and 2 different versions. After the
data was collected it showed that this water was not drinkable. pH levels were around 8, both aluminum
and sulfite levels were barely detected. Any detection of bromine wasn’t pleasing, but it was detected at a
level 1. Free Chlorine, was also not pleasing so anything above a 1 was not safe. And the highest that was
detected was a 3. Chromium/Cr levels were fine. Cyanuric Acid was detected which was dangerous and it
was at its highest level. When the saltwater did go through the same systems as the dirty water. The
saltwater was more clearer than the dirty water. Since the water did turn out black because of the
charcoal, we drew up solutions and a conclusion.


included why our experiment was useful for real life situations a quick summary of it was that the
usefulness it went to have in the real world was to provide safe drinking water in case of emergency
although the water wasn’t safe to drink without have been boiled. The recommendations basically state
what problems the experimenters faced, what was wished to be recommended to do if the experiment is
done again, and the reason for these recommendations and as one has read stated why. The conclusion
both stated their problem and solution but again, did our solution meet the standard that teh
experimenters set it too?! It stated there… Was the problem set by the experimenters solved?! It also
stated there!

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