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Sermon well as the God of the mountains (cf.

I Cor. 10:13).
David, the second ruler of the
united kingdom of Israel, knew
something about mountains and val­
The God of the Valleys leys, both in the literal and figurative
senses. Before he was called by God
to be a king, he was a shepherd. As a
young man his responsibilities often
took him up on high mountains and
down into deep, dark valleys. Ac­
IlY WESLEY G. HUNT cording to inscriptions in the book of
Psalms, David wrote seventy-three of
the psalms in that book.In these writ­
B EN-HADAD, king of Syria, had
gathered a great army to attack
Israel and to take away all the riches
did, many of God's people make the ings he bared his soul regarding the
mistake of thinking that God is the most trying and troubling experi­
God of the mountains but not the God ences of life.
of the land (I Kings 20:1-5). Ben-ha­ of the valleys.I t is one thing for unbe­
It is comforting to note that the
dad boasted that his army would out­ lievers of this world to hold such a
number the handfuls of dust remain­ myth, but it is quite another for God's Shepherd will enable us to pass
ing in Samaria, a threat evidently people to be taken in by such a false "through the valley of the shadow"
both of destruction and his irresist­ (Ps. 23:4). He will not permit us to
ible strength (vs. 10). Ahab, king of Most Christians find it easy to be­ stay there or abide there but will
Israel, feared the great Syrian army; lieve in a God who is present and bring us safely through.The valley of
but God sent an unnamed prophet to available when everything is going the shadow is a valley that all must
tell Ahab that the Lord would deliver right. Regrettably, it is true that the pass through, both the saved and the
the enemy multitude into his hands faith of many falters when everything unsaved, except for that one genera­
(vs.13). seems to be going wrong. When the tion of Christians who will be alive
As a result of obeying the prophet's sun is shining and no storm clouds on earth when the rapture of the
instructions, the Israelites defeated are on the horizon and we are experi­ church takes place (I Thess. 4:13-17).
encing spiritual victory, we find it It is quite possible there was actu­
the Syrians with "a great slaughter"
(I Kings 20:21).Ben-hadad managed easy to believe in the Lord and give ally a place called "the valley of the
to escape on a horse. Him praise; but what about the bad shadow" (Ps.23:4).I t was no doubt a
times and the sad times? dark, deep, and dangerous place. In
Afterward, the prophet warned Are we in touch with God only Christian experience the valley of the
King Ahab that the Syrians would re­ when we are experiencing victory in shadow represents those life experi­
turn in the spring of the next year. In our lives? Do we see Him as available ences in which death is very near.
planning that future campaign, the only when we need Him the least, or The experience might involve one's
servants of Ben-hadad said to him, do we look to Him for help also in the own approaching death, the death of
"Their gods are gods of the hills; ... troublous and trying times of life? Is a loved one or friend, or the death of a
but let us fight against them in the He not the God of the valleys as well precious relationship. Even in this
plain, and surely we shall be stronger as the God of the mountains? Of dark valley, we can depend on the
than they" (vs. 23). course, He is the God of all times, the great Shepherd of the sheep to be
God sent a man to advise the king good and the bad; and He is near with us.
of Israel to strengthen his resolve.He whenever, wherever, and for what­ In Psalm 23 David used some of his
said, "Thus saith the Lord, Because ever reason we may need Him. His experiences as a shepherd to illus­
the Syrians have said, The Lord is promise is "I will never leave thee, trat� the �piritual life.He began by as­
God of the hills, but he is not God of nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:5). sertmg, . The Lord is my shepherd; I
the valleys, therefore will I deliver all Multitudes have found the God of shall not want" (vs. 1). David had
this great multitude into thine hand, the Bible to be the God of the valleys confidence that, regardless of the cir­
as well as the God of the mountains. cumstances of life, the Lord would
and ye shall know that I am the Lord''
(I Kings 20:28). For seven days the Is­ Life is not always a mountaintop ex­ protect him and see him through·
raelites and the Syrians faced each perience for any of us. There are bat­ therefore, he could say, "Yea, though
tles to be fought, deserts to cross, I walk through the valley of the
other from their camps; then the great mountains to climb, and burdens to shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
conflict took place. The Israelites
killed one hundred thousand Syrians carry; but the Lord has promised to for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
in one day.The others fled in confu­ be always present and to make the staff they comfort me" (vs.4).
burden more bearable when we are Interestingly, the personal pro­
sion and disarray (vss. 29-30). yoked with Him (cf. Matt. 11:28-30). �?u�� �hange from the third person
HE IS THE GOD OF THE VALLEYS Let us examine some of the valley ( he ) m reference to God in Psalm
As is true of all Scripture, this his­ experiences of life that are common �3:1-3 to the second person ("thou")
torical incident offers important prac­ to us all and that assure our hearts m verse 4. This grammatical change
tical lessons. First, just as the Syrians that He is the God of the valleys as brings before us the truth that in
death !h�re is no third person.Rather, All God's people experience peri­ into the vehicle of glorious victory
there 1s Just Jesus and you. We also ods of spiritual dryness and drabness and eternal hope. Our God can trans­
are reminded of the truth that the when their enthusiasm wanes and form our valley of trouble and tur­
closer we as Christians draw to death they must do dull and boring work moil into a peaceful and serene rest­
�e nearer we draw to God. By know� day after day.Some in extreme cases ing place (cf.Isa. 65:10).
mg the great Shepherd, Christian be­ pass through inexplicable periods of Yes, the valley of trouble and tribu­
lievers in Christ have removed the disillusionment and depression that lation can become, by the grace of
natural fear of death (cf. Heb. 2:15). oceans of tears cannot wash away. God, a tranquil and pleasant place.
Yes, the God of Scripture is the God The valley of Baca symbolizes every There we can learn once again that
of every valley in the experience of arid and fruitless period of life and He is not only the God of the high
every crushing and sorrowful season places but the God of the low places
of time. The experience of Jesus in as well.
the garden of Gethsemane fits into
The origin of the word "Baca" that the symbolism of this valley of heart­ THE VALLEY OF DECISION
occurs in Psalm 84:6 has not been de­ aches and tears.
termined with certainty."It was pos­ Through it all. however, God's Among the valleys of the Word of
sibly an imaginary poetical name, not faithful servant comes to know that God, there also is included for our ad­
intended to describe an actual loca­ his Lord is the God of the valleys and monition and learning one that is
tion, but to stand for any experience not the God of the mountains only. fearful and fateful. The Prophet Joel
of drought contrast to a well­ referred to a coming day, saying,
watered experience . .. or it may be a "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest
reference to an experience of 'weep­
THE VALLEY OF ACHOR is ripe: come, get you down; for the
ing' with a play upon the Hebrew God used the Prophet Hosea to press is full, the fats overflow; for
word bcikah ('to weep').If it actually write regarding the restoration of Is­ their wickedness is great" Uoel 3:13).
rael to His good graces. The Lord He then continued, "Multitudes,
refers to a place, it was likely so promised to bring Israel "into the multitudes in the valley of decision:
named from the balsam trees in it, wilderness, and speak comfortably for the day of the Lord is near in the
which exude a tear-like gum" (Un­ unto her" (Hos.2:14}; then the Lord valley of decision" (vs. 14).
ger, Unger's Bible Dictionary, said, "And I will give her her vine­ In this valley we come face to face
yards from thence, and the valley of with God. Here the breath of God is
With this background one can Achor for a door of hope: and she hot upon us because of our rebellion
better understand Psalm 84:5-6: shall sing there" (vs.15). and sin. God sees that our wicked­
"Blessed is the man whose strength The valley of Achor was located ness is great. In this valley God con­
is in thee; in whose heart are the near Jericho.It was the ignominious fronts us with our wretchedness and
ways of them. W ho passing through place where Achan, driven by greed worthlessness. Here God says to us as
the valley of Baca make it a well." I and selfishness, betrayed the people He did through Nathan to David,
believe this to be the valley of broken­ of Israel Uosh.7: 1-26}. Because of the "Thou art the man" (II Sam. 12:7). In
heartedness and tears-the place trespass of Achan, he and his family the valley of decision, "the sun and
where all the oases of life dry up and were stoned to death.For this reason the moon shall be darkened, and the
where life becomes brutal and barren. the place became known as "The val­ stars shall withdraw their shining"
We all have been in this valley (or ley of Achor" (vs.26). that is, the val­ Uoel 3:15}. This valley is dark and
will be) at some point in our lives. ley of trouble. ominous; but even as "the heavens
Again, however, it is encouraging This particular valley represents and the earth shall shake: . . . the
to note that God does not keep us in troubles of all kinds that Christians Lord will be the hope of his people"
this valley permanently. We pass may face, but more specifically it rep­ (vs. 16).
through it; and as we do so, the dry resents betrayal by a friend or loved Of course, this passage from the
and desolate wilderness all around us one. Prophet Joel refers literally to a future
can be transformed into a place of re­ As the whole house of Israel was day when God's people, endangered
freshment and spiritual renewal. God betrayed by the sin of Achan, so Israel, shall be delivered from their
can use all the experiences of life, many of us have been betrayed by a threatening enemies; but symboli­
even the least enjoyable ones, to pro­ trusted companion or relative. The cally the reference can be made to
duce "streams in the desert" (Isa. betrayer may have been a husband, God's work in weaving circum­
35:6). Even as the cross, Christ's low­ wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, or stances together in such a way that
liest and most bitter experience, close friend.The act may have cost us we become especially aware of our fi­
loosed the eternal fountains of living dearly, as Achan's treasonous act cost niteness and mortality and His limit­
Water, so the experiences of adversity Israel. We may have suffered spiritual lessness and might.
in our lives can be fashioned by God defeat and humiliation, as did Israel. We see, then, how mistaken
into artesian wells of spiritual bless­ God, however, can transform such Ben-hadad and his consorts were to
a valley into "a door of hope" (Hos. imagine that God was only a god of
Note, however, that it takes a cer­ 2:15). Hopeless situations are oppor­ the hills and not the God of the val­
tain type of person to turn Baca into a tunities for God to demonstrate His leys. We too are foolish if we fail to
well. This individual's strength must grace and power. Our humiliating ex­ see God's presence in the low and
be in God (Ps. 84:5). This believer perience can be fashioned by the humbling circumstances of life as
must go "from strength to strength" Lord's miraculous handiwork, as was much as in the exalting and uplifting
(vs. 7) as he walks in His presence. the cross of Jesus (cf. Phil. 2:5-11), experiences. *
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