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Name: _______________________________________________ Score:______________

Section: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Directions: Write a personal recount about your memorable travel experience. By using
transmission model of communication

record a video of your personal recount. You may read your work in two-three minutes. You
may present pictures to make it creative.

Format: 4-5 paragraphs (1 paragraph for the introduction, 2-3 paragraphs for the body
and 1 paragraph for the conclusion)
5-7 sentences in each paragraph
Write your own title

Writing a personal recount requires you to retell an activity or event that happened in
your own life. You must structure your story in a way that makes sense while using language that
matches the same purpose.
Dinadiawan Journey

Tito Cris, who is a balikbayan from Bahrain, decided to treat the whole family for a beach
outing before 2019 ends. So, last December 29 to 30, 2019 we have a grand time enjoying the
beautiful and peaceful Dinadiawan Beach . Dinadiawan Beach is located in Dipaculao, Aurora
Province, only an hour's drive away from Baler and five hour’s away from my hometown,
Cabiao. The whole family was with us, including my Lola, Lolo and all my cousins from Tito
Amang. It was like a family reunion with a twist.

Before the dawn broke on that memorable December 29, our family started the long drive to our
lovely destination. The night before, I packed my beach get-ups and other things that I needed.
Mother prepared some food and drinks and other stuff that we may be needing on that two day
journey. We travelled in two vehicles. I rode with my parents, Kuya Derek and my cousin
Patrick. Riding on another vehicle was my Titos and Titas, Lola and Lolo, my other cousins and
Ate Aya. We left very early to avoid the traffic and to reach our destination early. I felt so happy
during that long trip to the beach. The view of the Sierra Madre mountain trails are so breath-
taking. We talked, joked around and sang and slept in between during that long drive. While
travelling the coastal road to Dipaculao, we were overcome with the gentle breeze blowing
through our open window and decided to stop for a little while. My father parked the car near
the breakwater and we pose for some souvenir photos.

Finally, after driving for long five hours, we arrived to see the magnificent white, sandy beach
and the clear blue waters that Dinadiawan beach offers. This place is not over crowded and it’s
still pristine with just few local establishments. Tito Cris had already booked our room at Porto
Novo Hotel and we went straight there. After unpacking our things, my cousins and I rushed
straight to the beach for a swim. The hotel staff was very accommodating and provided
information on where are that best place to visit here in Dinadiawan. Not far from our hotel was
a waterfall, and we went there, took a dip and took some pictures. The water coming from the
falls was so cold and I got out because I felt chilled to the bones. Also, there were stones and
rock formation on the way to the falls. Tito Cris took some pictures of me sitted on top of a big

It was nearing dusk when we headed back to our hotel. I felt sleepy so I took a short nap before
dinner time. The wind was blowing strong on the beachfront where we ate our dinner. There
were tables and chairs and a kitchen which we used for free. Tita De and Mother cooked some
food which they bought from a talipapa near the beach. We had a grand time eating our dinner
which consisted of grilled squid and fish, fish sinigang, pork barbecue, hotdog, fruit salad and
some mango with bagoong. After dinner, we spend some time more on the beach front and the
adults drank some wine while me and my cousins talked and did our thing. We rested and slept
early to prepare for tomorrow’s activity.

I got up a little late. My cousins had taken a shower and they told me to get ready for an hour
drive in another zigzag road going to Bulawan Falls in Dipaculao. Again, we ate our breakfast at
the beachfront and the view of the beach is amazing. It was a little cloudy and before I ate, I
took a little walk on the beach. It was already eight in the morning and my father told us to hurry
up and get our things ready for Bulawan Falls trip. The road to Bulawan Falls made me dizzy
because it was zigzag and had many sharp curves. We were sat outside at the back of our pick-up
car and it was a little cold because of the cloudy weather. We were told that the weather in the
forest where the falls was situated always have rainshowers and when we reached it, the rain
started. We walked upward for a few minutes to reach Bulawan Falls. The waterfalls was high
and the water underneath is so cold that I did not stay for long. Kuya and my cousins were brave
enough to take a dip and jump on the pool-like below the waterfalls. There were many big rocks
on the water trails and some of it are slippery. After site seeing and picture taking, we headed
back to our hotel.

It was almost lunch time, and time to check out of our hotel. Tito Cris settled the bill and off we
go. We had our lunch at Chowking Baler and decided to visit some of Baler’s tourist spot. On
our way home, we did one final stopped over at the pasalubong stations along the road. I bought
some pasalubong for my high school friends. I was a little sleepy and my mother told us to rest
for a while since it will be a long journey going home. Although tired, I was happy because we
had a great time at the beach and exploring the waterfalls. This family trip is one memory I will
always treasure.

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