(2018) Experimental Design of A Well Cement Slurry For Rapid Gel Strength Development

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Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102

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Construction and Building Materials

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Experimental design of a well cement slurry for rapid gel strength

Lee Namkon a,1, Prabhakar Abhinav a, Ong Khim Chye Gary a, Moon Juhyuk a,2, Zhang Min-Hong a,
Cheng Chuen Hon Arthur a, Haugsted Klaus b, Kong Kian Hau a,⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore 117576, Singapore
NauticAWT Energy Solutions 627606 Singapore, Singapore

h i g h l i g h t s

 Gelation time can be shortened with increased dosage of CSA cement.

 Early age ettringite formation leads to rapid gel strength development.
 Better Right-Angle-Set tendency observed on higher dosage of CSA cement and gypsum.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement (CSA) yields mainly ettringite that supports high early-age
Received 7 May 2018 strength. The hydration characteristics of CSA can help to control gelation of a Portland cement slurry
Received in revised form 30 September such that fluid migration is mitigated. This paper reports on the performance of well cements incorpo-
rated with CSA and gypsum on gel transition time and Right-Angle-Set (RAS) property for utilization
Accepted 11 October 2018
Available online 20 October 2018
in plugging oil wells. Rapid gel strength development is highly dependent on ettringite formation. It is
observed that gel transition time shortens with increasing additions of CSA. RAS property is more evident
with higher dosage of CSA regardless of retarder content.
Portland cement
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CSA cement
Static gel strength
Gel transition time

1. Introduction§ the different zones of rock formations and to protect the metal cas-
ing from corrosion as well as to prevent the fluid or gas migration
Portland cement has been used in permanently sealing the from one layer to another [4]. Oil well cements (OWC) should have
annular space in between the metal casing and surrounding rock certain properties and characteristics to function downhole in
formations for the zonal isolation in the plugging of oil and gas wellbores. The American Petroleum Institute (API) provides stan-
wells [1–3]. The primary function of well cementing is to isolate dards for testing and the associated special apparatus needed to
investigate most of the properties of oil well cements. Some of
⇑ Corresponding author. the recommended tests in the API standards include slurry density,
E-mail address: ceekkh@nus.edu.sg (K.K. Hau). compressive strength, thickening time, static fluid loss, free fluid
Present address of author: Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building content, permeability, rheological properties, gel strength and
Technology, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea. slurry stability [5]. Among the properties of oil well cement for
Present address of co-author: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, well cementing listed above, gel strength and thickening time are
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.
§ closely associated with cement hydration behaviour at early age
This paper uses standard cement 
chemistry abbreviations, where CaO is denoted
as C; Al2O3 as A; SiO2 as S; SO3 as S; Fe2O3 as F, and H2O as H. Structural formulae for (in a few hours).
non-stoichiometric products are written in hyphenated form, i.e., calcium silicate Static gel strength (SGS) is defined as the shear stress induced
hydrate as C-S-H.Other abbreviations are as follows: API – American Petroleum by a force needed to start the flow of a fluid [6]. It is also
Institute, OWC – Oil Well cement, SGS – Static Gel Strength, RAS – Right-Angle-Set,
known as the shear yield point [7]. The SGS of a cement slurry is
BWOB – By Weight of Binder.

0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1094 L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102

significant for the following two reasons: First, the development of and high corrosion resistance [19]. The main applications of CSA
SGS is critical in deciding upon the safety factor against an unex- cements are as expansive additives in shrinkage-compensated
pected shut down of a cementing job [7]. Second, SGS affects the cements or as additives to special concretes for high early com-
hydrostatic pressure in the cement slurry and the flow of fluids pressive strength, self-levelling or high-performance fibre-
or gases into the cement annulus. This is commonly referred to reinforced composites [20–22]. In addition, due to the low pH
as the fluid or gas migration pressure [7]. Fluid or gas migration and low porosity of the CSA paste and the capability of ettringite
has been reported to cause serious problems, such as leakage in and AFm phases to bind heavy metals, CSA cements have been
shallow sands, undesirable interconnectivity between producing investigated for use as a mean to hazardous waste encapsulation
zones, and uncontrolled gas flow to the surface [8,9]. API [23,24].
Recommended Practice 10B-6 (R2015) utilises the concept of ‘gel CSA cement has also been used as additives in Class G cements
transition time’ based on SGS to mitigate gas migration [10]. to adjust thickening time, setting time and expandability of the
The ‘gel transition time’ is defined as an intermediate period cement slurry for the purpose of deep water-well applications
during which the oil well cement acts, neither as a hydraulic fluid under low-temperature environments [19]. The addition of gyp-

nor as a solid under a static condition. During this period, oil well sum (C S H) to CSA cement is also reported to be effective in pre-
cement slurry loses its capability to transmit hydrostatic pressure, venting gelation problems arising from a premature increase in
thus gas migration from formations may occur [8,9]. Cement slurry viscosity or an unstable gel strength build-up of the cement slurry
transforms from a fluid state into a gelled state during hydration, [20]. The hydration kinetics of CSA cements depends mainly on the
and pore pressure of the cement slurry then starts to decrease at amount and reactivity of the added gypsum [24,25]. The main
the gelled state. After a certain time of hydration, the pore pressure hydration reactions of the ye’elimite phase in CSA cements are as
becomes lower than the gas pressure. Consequently, gases or fluids shown below [26,27]:
may invade the annulus. It is generally accepted that the gel tran-
sition time is the time interval required for the SGS of the cement C4 A3 S þ18H ! C3 A:C S :12H þ 2AH3 ð1Þ
slurry to progress from 48 Pa (100 lbf/100ft2) to 240 Pa
(500 lbf/100ft2) [5,11]. At an SGS of 50 Pa, the slurry will not be   
C4 A3 S þ2C S H2 þ 34H ! C3 A:3C S :32H þ 2AH3 ð2Þ
able to transmit any hydrostatic pressure, while at an SGS of
240 Pa the slurry will have sufficient gel strength to inhibit fluid   
or gas migration into the cement column. In an earlier study C4 A3 S þ6CH þ 8C S H2 þ 74H ! 3C3 A:3C S :32H þ 2AH3 ð3Þ
[12], it is proposed that the transition time between 50 Pa and According to Eq. (1), the hydration of ye’elimite results in the
240 Pa be less than 40 min to lower the potential for fluid or gas formation of AFm and amorphous aluminium hydroxide. If there
intrusion into the cement slurry. However, some studies show that is sufficient sulfate in the form of gypsum or anhydrite, ettringite
SGS is not critical in preventing gas migration based on simulated (AFt) is produced instead of monosulfate, according to Eq. (2)
tests conducted in the laboratory [11]. Although cement slurries [28]. The hydration of ye’elimite in the presence of portlandite is
with short transition times have been shown to reduce the time based on Eq. (3) rather than Eq. (2). A higher amount of portlandite
for gases or fluids to move up the annulus, this property alone is accelerates the ye’elimite hydration at a very early age and reduces
not a guarantee of gas or fluid tightness [13]. Characteristics of a the induction period [26,29]. In general, Eqs. (1) and (2) are pre-
cement slurry for controlling fluid/gas flows include density, excel- dominant at a gypsum/Ye’elimite molar ratio <2.0 whereas only
lent fluid loss control (less than 50 ml), no free water/sedimenta- Eq. (2) is predominant at a gypsum/Ye’elimite molar ratio >2.0.
tion, rapid setting, and short critical hydration period to maintain In this study, mineral additions are utilized to control gel tran-
hydrostatic pressure balance, low permeability and low shrinkage sition time and the consistency of the cement slurry under ambient
to minimize gas entry [14]. Ideally, operators would like to have temperature and pressure conditions. In particular, CSA cement
the transition of cement slurry almost directly into a solid state and gypsum are added to API Class G cement at various mix ratios
from a fluid state with negligible gelation. However, the transition to produce ettringite and other hydration products at very early
from gel to solid is normally a slow process and therefore, it is age for controlling the gel transition time and Right-Angle-Set
desirable to shorten the gel transition time. behaviour of the OWC slurries. The SGS and consistency were mea-
Another important property of well cement in relation to gas sured to investigate gel transition time and RAS properties of the
migration is ‘Right-Angle-Set’ (RAS). The RAS property should not well cement slurries. Hydration behaviour is discussed based on
be confused with the characteristic of having a short gel transition analyses of hydration heat flow and qualitative X-ray diffraction
time [11]. A ‘RAS’ cement slurry is defined as a well-dispersed sys- (XRD) analyses.
tem which has no progressive gelation tendency, yet having the Typically the hydration process of Portland cement is divided
ability to set very quickly due to rapid hydration reactions [15]. into five periods as shown in Fig. 1(a): (I) initial reaction period;
Consistency of a cement slurry is expressed in Bearden units of (II) induction period; (III) acceleration period; (IV) deceleration
consistency, BC. A RAS slurry retains low consistency values (<30 period; (V) stabilization period (not shown) [30]. Fig. 1(b) shows
BC) for a period following which consistency increases to 100 BC the relationship between the SGS, hydrostatic pressure, and com-
within a few minutes. Such a system will be able to maintain the pressive strength of fresh and hardened OWC slurry versus post-
full hydrostatic pressure of cement column up to the beginning placement time. In Fig. 1(a), the start point on the X-axis is when
of set, and subsequently transform into a very low-permeable anhydrous cement comes into contact with water. The start point
matrix, enough to prevent gas intrusion [15]. on the X-axis in Fig. 1(b) is shortly after an OWC slurry reaches
Gel transition time and RAS property of well cement slurries are the plugging location of the wellbore. The starting points in Fig. 1
crucial to mitigate fluid or gas migration into annulus. The use of (a) and in Fig. 1(b) thus occur at different times. However, the rhe-
mineral additives and chemical admixtures in OWC mixture could ological state of the OWC slurry immediately after reaching the
be a solution for gas migration problems [16,17]. Calcium sulfoalu- plugging location of the wellbore (corresponding to the start point

minate cement (CSA) consists of ye’elimite (C4A3S) and various in Fig. 1(b)) is expected to be during Stage II (Fig. 1(a)), the induc-
minor phases such as belite, anhydrite, calcium aluminate ferrite, tion period. The OWC slurry shows high fluidity during placement
mayenite or gehlenite [18]. It is characterized by beneficial proper- due to the effect of added retarders. In the case of hydration heat
ties such as high early compressive strength, good expandability, for C3S, Stage II ends when the rate of nucleation and growth starts
L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102 1095

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Early-age behavior of a typical OWC slurry (a) Typical isothermal calorimetry curve of cement slurry [30] (b) Relationship of static gel strength, hydrostatic pressure,
and compressive strength of OWC slurry versus post-placement time. [6].

to accelerate [31,32]. In the case of the C3A, Stage II ends when the time of OWC slurry, which are of importance in controlling gas
sulfate ions can no longer disrupt the hydration of C3A as the added migration and maintaining well integrity.
calcium sulfate is consumed during the ongoing hydration reaction
[31]. Hydration products of the OWC slurry are not likely to grow 2. Materials and methods
during pumping and casting operations since the slurry is under
constant shear force agitation. Thus, Stage II in Fig. 1(a) includes 2.1. Materials and mixture proportions
both ‘‘Fluid” and ‘‘Gelled” cement states in Fig. 1(b), both of which
occur before setting at point E. The start point of Stage III at point E API Class G oil well cement (OWC) was used in this study. Cal-
is when the hydration starts to accelerate and initial setting occurs. cium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement and gypsum were introduced as
It corresponds to the ‘‘Solid” cement state. During this period, the mineral additions. A synthetic powder retarder and a melamine
OWC slurry transforms to an interconnected solid matrix phase formaldehyde-based powder superplasticizer (SP) were used as
with a percolating solid network [33]. chemical additives. The chemical composition of the cements used
Fig. 1(b) also presents the gel strength development versus are given in Table 1. The C3S, C3A, and SO3 contents of the Class G
post-placement time. During the ‘‘Fluid” stage, the slurry has suffi- cement used in this study are 62.6%, 1.4%, and 2.5%, respectively,
cient fluidity to be pumped and thus the slurry maintains hydro- and the C2S, C2F, and MgO contents are 23.2%, 7.0%, and 0.1%,
static pressure which is typically higher than the formation gas respectively. The cement satisfies the chemical requirements
pressure. As the slurry gels progressively during the ‘‘Gelled” stage, (C3S  65%, C3A  3.0%, SO3  3.0%) of Class G cement specified in
the hydrostatic pressure of the slurry gradually decreases with a API Specs 10A [34].
simultaneous increase in SGS. If the hydrostatic pressure reduces The mixture proportions of the OWC slurries are summarized in
below the formation gas pressure, gas migration may occur at Table 2. The API Class G standard slurry was prepared with a w/b of
point A. The SGS at point ‘B’ is generally about 50 Pa [10]. In gen- 0.44 as specified in API Specs 10A [34]. Slurries with two water-to-
eral, when the slurry reaches a SGS of about 240 Pa at point ‘C’, binder (w/b) ratios, 0.32 and 0.40, were prepared for static gel
gas migration can be reasonably mitigated. Once gelling is com- strength tests and to compare their gel transition time in order
plete the cement starts to develop compressive strength at point to evaluate which w/b is more suitable for the targeted application
‘E’ [10]. Thus, gel transition time may be defined as the time taken as a plugging material. For all other tests, a w/b of 0.40 was used
to reach ‘C’ from ‘B’. If the gel transition time is reduced, the poten- for practical considerations of workability and shorter test dura-
tial for gases or fluids to infiltrate a cemented annulus may be tions. The sum of CSA cement and gypsum is 1, 3 or 5 percent by
reduced. However, the effect of gel transition time on gas migra- weight of binder (%BWOB). The ratios of CSA cement to gypsum
tion is still not fully understood as mentioned earlier. are 100:0, 70:30, or 50:50. While the dosage of retarder was varied
Typical SGS of OWC slurries during the ‘‘gelled” stage register to adjust for consistency, SP dosage was held at 0.5 %BWOB. The
magnitudes in the Pascal (Pa) range while the corresponding com- following notations are used to identify samples throughout this
pressive strengths of OWC slurries during the ‘‘solid” stage is in the paper: ‘APIG’ refers to an API Class G standard cement slurry with-
mega Pascal (MPa) range. During the period from ‘C’ to ‘E’, the OWC out superplasticizer or retarder. ‘C’ followed by a number indicates
slurry transforms into a coagulated network and its gel strength the total weight of CSA cement and gypsum in %BWOB. ‘H’ and ‘L’
increases significantly. This period is highly dependent on the type indicate a CSA cement to gypsum ratio of 50:50 and 100:0, respec-
and quantity of retarder, superplasticizer, mineral additions and tively. Samples without ‘H’ or ‘L’ have a CSA cement to gypsum
the chemical composition of the cement. The time taken to pro- ratio of 70:30. The last number denotes the retarder dosage in %
gress from ‘C’ to ‘E’ may take several minutes to a few hours. Dur- BWOB.
ing this stage, the OWC slurry loses fluidity for pumping and
consists of a continuous network of solids arising from the forma- 2.2. Methods
tion of hydration products. As a result, the compressive strength
becomes measurable. The hardening and densification of the The OWC slurries were prepared using a high-speed shear blen-
OWC matrix can prevent gas migration. However, this stage falls der (Model #M7000) manufactured by Cement Test Equipment,
outside the scope of this paper. The aforementioned theoretical Inc. (CTE, USA), in accordance with procedures outlined in API
background may help in understanding the relationships between Specs 10A [34]. A dry blend containing the Class G cement, CSA
the gel transition time, hydration heat flow, and the thickening cement and gypsum was prepared. The retarder and SP powder
1096 L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102

Table 1
Chemical oxide composition of cements used.

(wt%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO TiO2 K2O SO3 Na2O
Class G cement 17.5 3.7 4.1 66.2 2.2 0.2 1.2 2.5 0.1
CSA cement 9.1 36.2 – 45.5 – – – 7.4 –

Table 2
Mix proportions of OWC slurries.

Sample name %BWOB w/b Retarder %BWOB SP %BWOB

G cement CSA cement Gypsum
APIG 100 – – 0.44 0 0
C1-0.2 99 0.7 0.3 0.40 0.2 0.5
C1-0.5 0.40a 0.5 0.5
C3-0.2 97 2.1 0.9 0.40 0.2 0.5
C3-0.3 0.40 0.3 0.5
C3-0.4 0.40 0.4 0.5
C3-0.5 0.40a 0.5 0.5
C5-0.5 95 3.5 1.5 0.40a 0.5 0.5
C5H-0.1 95 2.5 2.5 0.40 0.1 0.5
C5H-0.5 0.40 0.5 0.5
C5L-0.1 95 5 – 0.40 0.1 0.5
C5L-0.5 0.40 0.5 0.5
Sample with a water/binder ratio of 0.32 was also prepared for SGS tests.

additives were pre-dissolved in the mix water before adding in the defined as ‘‘time elapsed from the initial application of pressure
dry blend. In the procedure adopted for OWC slurry preparation, and temperature to the time at which the slurry reaches a consis-
the dry blend was added to the mix water in the blender cup tency deemed sufficient to make it unpumpable (eg. 70 Bc or 100
within 15 s at 4000 rpm and then mixed at 12000 rpm for a further Bc).”
35 s. After mixing, the OWC slurry sample was transferred into the
vessel for the measurement of the SGS and consistency. All exper- 2.2.4. X-ray diffraction
iments were conducted at ambient temperature (25 °C ± 1 °C) and XRD tests were performed using a SmartLab device (Rigaku,
ambient pressure. Japan). A CuKa radiation at 45 kV and 200 mA, a step size of
0.01° and 0.2 s per step were employed with a 2h scanning range
2.2.1. Hydration heat analysis of 5°–70°. The diffraction data provided by the Inorganic Crystal
Isothermal conduction calorimetry was conducted according to Structure Database (ICSD) was used for phase identification of
ASTM C 1679 [35] using a TAM Air calorimeter (TA Instruments) at the test samples.
25 °C ± 1 °C for 172 h. A 10 g sample of the OWC slurry was por-
tioned as quickly as possible into the ampule with sample mass 3. Results and discussion
recorded. After capping the ampoule, the sample and reference
ampoules were inserted into the calorimeter. The early thermal 3.1. Isothermal calorimetry
response (approximately 10 min) of the samples could not be mea-
sured due to external mixing method. The total heat of hydration Fig. 2 illustrates heat flow of the OWC slurries. While the heat
after 172 h was calculated by integration of the heat flow curve flow was measured for 172 h, the patterns are displayed for a dura-
between 10 min and 172 h. tion of 144 h only for greater clarity in distinguishing between the
thermal responses of the OWC slurries (Fig. 2(a)). The second peak
2.2.2. Static gel strength of heat flow occurred at different times depending on the amount
Static gel strength (SGS) analyser (Model # 15–400, CTE corp., of CSA cement and gypsum incorporated. The second peak of sam-
USA) was used to measure the SGS of the OWC slurry samples. ple C1-0.5 reached a maximum at 64 h, and that of samples C3-0.5
The paddle was rotated at a speed of 0.1825°/min (0.0005 rpm) and C5-0.5 are 20 h and 17 h, respectively. As the amount of CSA
using a stepper motor drive and the torque on the paddle derived cement increases, the acceleration period (corresponding to Stage
from the gel strength is measured. The speed of rotation of the pad- III in Fig. 1(a)) begins earlier. For the samples C3-0.5 and C5-0.5,
dle was adjusted to be slightly below the rate of development of 

the SGS of the samples. the main phases (C4 A3 S, C2S and C12A7) of CSA cement contributed
to the rapid formation of ettringite and monosulfate. This is why
2.2.3. Thickening time the acceleration period of C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 occurred earlier. The
Consistency and thickening time of the OWC slurries were mea- second peak, corresponding to reaction of C3S in the Class G
sured using a fully automatic consistometer (Model # M22-400- cement was observed earlier in C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 as compared
Auto, CTE corp., USA) in accordance with procedures outlined in to C1-0.5. This indicates that the effect of the retarder on the C3S
API RP 10B-2 [5]. The slurry cup rotates at 150 rpm ± 15 rpm and hydration is less significant in C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 than in C1-0.5.
the torque, exerted on the paddle attachment, is measured in BC Most of the retarder added to C1-0.5 delayed the hydration of
[5]. The time taken to reach 30 BC is commonly considered as the C3S so that the acceleration period of C1-0.5 began much later.
time available for pumping and placing an OWC slurry in the well- On the other hand, the second peak of C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 appeared
bore. In a cementing operation, the value of 70 BC is generally earlier when compared to C1-0.5 due to the rapid hydration reac-

accepted as the maximum consistency for the OWC slurry to be tion of C4 A3 S and C12A7 in the CSA cement which reduced the
pump able. According to API RP 10B-2 [5], thickening time is effect of added retarder. Fig. 2(a) also shows the effect of added
L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102 1097

Fig. 2. Heat flow of OWC slurries with 0.5% bwoc of superplasticizer and 0.5% bwoc of retarder in comparison to that of APIG: (a) 0 to 144 h, (b) 0 to 36 h, (c) 0 to 6 h, (d) 0 to
192 h.

CSA cement and gypsum on hydration heat flow. The samples C5- in the case of C5L-0.5, probably due to fast dissolution of C4 A3 S and
0.5 and C5L-0.5 show second peaks at similar times while C5H-0.5 C12A7 phases or during formation of ettringite [38]. Since no gyp-
shows a later second peak although with higher intensity than that sum was added to C5L-0.5 sample, ettringite might not be formed
in C5-0.5 and C5L-0.5. As the gypsum amount increases relative to due to insufficient amount of sulfate present, and lack of additional
cements, formation of ettringite and C-S-H are delayed possibly 

due to gypsum’s adsorption onto the surfaces of Class G and CSA gypsum might delay the hydration of C4 A3 S and C12A7. A small peak
cement particles, retarding hydration of the cements [36]. was not detected in the case of C5H-0.5 which seemed to have suf-
Fig. 2(b) shows the heat flow for a time duration of 36 h. The ficient amount of gypsum. During the induction period, occurring
APIG slurry registered a second peak at an earlier time when com- approximately between 0.5 and 3 h, the C-series slurries showed
pared to the C-series slurries which had CSA cement and gypsum. higher heat flow than the APIG slurry. This supports the contention
This is because there was no retarder and SP in the APIG slurry. A that considerable amounts of ettringite or monosulfate might be
small peak preceding the second peak was observed in C5-0.5 and formed in the C-series slurries during the first 3 h.
C5L-0.5 at 8 h and 12 h, respectively. These peaks are associated Fig. 2(d) illustrates cumulative heat flow of the slurries. The
with the formation of ettringite, as reported in literature [37]. In APIG slurry, without retarder and SP, had the highest cumulative
C5H-0.5 sample with a higher amount of gypsum than the other heat flow among the slurries. The hydration delay induced by the
samples, some unreacted gypsum might have disrupted the hydra- addition of retarder is the highest in C1-0.5 due to the lowest
tion of CSA cement and the formation of ettringite, and accordingly amount of CSA cement and gypsum among all the C-series slurries,
no small peak associated with ettringite formation was observed. thus showing the lowest cumulative heat flow. As mentioned
This effect is clear when comparing the second peaks of C5-0.5 above, the retarder effect was diminished with the increasing
and C5H-0.5 in Fig. 2(b). The second peak is related to development amount of CSA cement in the slurries.
of early-age compressive strength. However, it has no relationship
with SGS and consistency of OWC slurry since they occur during 3.2. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
Stage II (Fig. 1(b)) before the second peak. In other words, despite
the second peak occurring at an earlier time, it does not always Fig. 3(a) shows XRD patterns of Class G and CSA cements used in
lead to a shorter gel transition time and a more predominant the OWC slurries. The crystalline phases present in the anhydrous
RAS property. Rather, the gel transition time and RAS property Class G cement were C3S (Hatrurite), C2S (Larnite), C2F (Brownmil-
seem to be associated more with the induction period of heat flow lerite), calcium sulphate anhydrate, gypsum and minor quantity of
than the acceleration period (see Section 3.3). phases MgO (Periclase) and C3A. The main phase of the CSA cement

Fig. 2(c) shows the hydration heat flow for a total time duration was Ye’elimite (C4 A3 S) and C2S (Larnite) and C12A7 (Mayenite) and
of 6 h. This clearly represents the induction period. The acceleration a minor quantity of CT (Perovskite).
period of the APIG slurry began after about 3 h, which was very dif- Fig. 3(b)–(e) show XRD patterns of the C-series slurries. The
ferent from the C-series slurries. A small peak was observed at 0.5 h XRD pattern of C1-0.5 at Day 1 was not recorded since it was not
1098 L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of raw cements and OWC slurries with CSA cement and gypsum [P: Ca(OH)2, E: Ettingite, A: C3S, B: C2S, F: C2F, C-S-H]: (a) Raw materials (b) C1-0.5 (c)
C3-0.5 (d) C5H-0.5 (e) C5-0.5 (f) C5-0.5 early age.

hardened. In Fig. 3(c) and (e), the presence of ettringite was shown in Fig. 3(c), (d) & (e), which indicates that most of C3S phase
observed at Day 1, and the intensity of the peaks corresponding was hydrated during this period.
to ettringite was similar between 3 and 28 days. This indicated that Fig. 3(f) shows XRD patterns of C5-0.5 measured at 3 h and
most of ettringite was formed within 1 day. Although the total 1 day. Hydration of C5-0.5 was stopped by using isopropanol as
amount of CSA cement and gypsum was increased from 1 to 5%, soon as consistency of the slurry reached 100 BC, 3 h after begin-
intensity of the peaks related to ettringite formation was not sig- ning the test. Intensity of the peak at 18.1° assigned to portlandite
nificantly changed. Chemical and mineralogical changes of the in C5-0.5 was very weak at 3 h, while that of the peak assigned to
OWC slurries with CSA cement occurred mostly within 1 day. ettringite at 3 h is almost the same as that at 1 day. It may be

Meanwhile, intensity of the peaks associated with portlandite attributed to fast dissolution of C4 A3 S and C12A7 phases in the
(CH), C3S, and C2S were significantly changed with time. As curing
CSA cement sample and the resulting precipitation of ettringite.
age increased from 1 to 28 days, intensity of the peaks related to
Intensity of the peaks corresponding to C3S were much lower at
portlandite gradually increased and that of the peaks related to
1 day than at 3 h. This result confirmed that reaction of CSA cement
C3S and C2S decreased. The broad peak corresponding to C-S-H at
29–30 ° increased with time. In particular, intensity of the peaks and gypsum are predominant compared to hydration of the C3S
related to C3S reduced significantly between 1 and 3 days, as phase in the Class G cement at a early age (within a few hours).
L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102 1099

3.3. Static gel strength Some sulphate from gypsum might have remained unreacted in
the C5H-0.5 sample, and the unreacted sulphate is likely to have
The SGS results of APIG slurry and OWC slurry samples incorpo- retarded the hydration of CSA cement. From Fig. 4(a) and Table 3,
rating CSA cement and gypsum with a w/b ratio of 0.40 are shown it can be observed that the gel transition time of the APIG slurry
in Fig. 4(a). The consistency of the slurry was measured for the first sample was the longest among all the samples (68 min) despite
10 min to simulate pumping of the cement slurry under typical not containing any retarder or SP additive. Ettringite or monosul-
wellbore conditions, and thereafter the SGS was measured. A SGS fate could not form rapidly in the APIG slurry due to lack of CSA
of 50 Pa corresponds to a condition when the OWC slurry begins cement. As a result, development of SGS in the APIG slurry was slo-
to transition from a fluid state into a gelled state and gradually wed down considerably.
loses hydrostatic pressure during the gelation stage.
It is clear that a higher amount of CSA cement led to a more 3.4. Consistency
rapid development of SGS. The hydration of CSA cement and gyp-
sum may lead to the formation of an ettringite network. The ettrin- Fig. 5(a) shows the consistency results of the OWC slurry sam-
gite network in the OWC slurry samples resulted in a loss in ples with CSA cement and gypsum. It was desired to limit the
physical plasticity of the OWC slurries, and increased the SGS. thickening time test duration of the OWC slurries to about 5 h
The SGS development between 10 and 40 min was slightly higher for realistic application. C1-0.5 and C3-0.5 OWC slurries could
in C3-0.5 than in C5-0.5 although C5-0.5 had a higher amount of not reach 100 BC within a 5 h duration with a 0.5 %BWOB retarder
CSA cement. This was also observed in the C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 sam- dosage due to very significant retardation effect. Therefore, the
ples with a lower w/b ratio of 0.32 (Fig. 4(b)). This indicates that an retarder dosages were readjusted accordingly such that consis-
increase in the SGS might depend not only on the amounts of CSA tency of the test samples could reach 100 BC within 5 h. The pur-
cement and gypsum, but also on the competitive hydration pose of this test was to study the thickening time profile of the
between Class G and CSA cement. Table 3 shows the gel transition OWC slurries for a desirable RAS property. The RAS property can
times of the OWC slurries tested. The gel transition times of C1-0.5, be understood as the time taken for consistency to increase from
C3-0.5 and C5-0.5 with a w/b ratio of 0.40 were 36.0, 28.5, and 30 to 100 BC. In Fig. 5(a), the C-series samples show different initial
21.0 min, respectively. These are much shorter than those reported consistency behaviour. This can be attributed to several factors.
in previous studies [7,13,16]. The sample C5-0.5 had the shortest Both the retarder and SP additives possess mildly dispersing prop-
gel transition time justifying the high dependency of gel transition erties imparting fluidity to the slurry on preparation. Gypsum,
time on the CSA cement amount incorporated. It must be noted introduced as a mineral addition, lowers the initial consistency
that the gel transition times of the OWC slurries with a lower w/ drastically and delays the hydration of CSA cement thus slowing
b ratio of 0.32 also follow a similar trend, confirming the predom- down the formation of ettringite. The SP and increasing amounts
inant effect of CSA cement in early-age gel strength development. of retarder and gypsum disperse the slurry resulting in lower con-
A comparison between the gel transition time for C5-0.5 and sistency for a considerable period. As a result, C5-0.5 showed the
C5H-0.5 (Table 3), shows that although the time taken for SGS to lowest initial consistency in comparison to the other C-series
reach 50 Pa differs, the gel transition time is relatively unchanged. slurries due to the highest dosages of retarder and gypsum. The

Fig. 4. Static gel strength (SGS) results of OWC slurries with 0.5% bwoc of superplasticizer and 0.5% bwoc of retarder in comparison to that of APIG: (a) w/b ratio = 0.40 (w/
b = 0.44 for APIG sample), (b) w/b ratio = 0.32.

Table 3
Gel transition times of OWC slurries.

Sample %BWOB w/b Time to reach Time to reach Gel transition

50 Pa (A), min 240 Pa (B), min time (B-A), min
G cement CSA cement Gypsum
APIG 100 – – 0.44 48.0 116.0 68.0
C1-0.5 99 0.7 0.3 0.40 47.0 83.0 36.0
C3-0.5 97 2.1 0.9 29.5 58.0 28.5
C5-0.5 95 3.5 1.5 34.0 55.0 21.0
C5H-0.5 95 2.5 2.5 51.0 72.5 21.5
C1-0.5 99 0.7 0.3 0.32 41.5 66.5 25.0
C3-0.5 97 2.1 0.9 24.0 49.5 25.5
C5-0.5 95 3.5 1.5 28.5 49.5 21.0
1100 L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102

Fig. 5. Consistency results of OWC slurries (a) Effect of CSA cement and gypsum (b) Effect of retarder dosage (c) Comparison of C5-0.5 and APIG.

consistency of C1-0.2 was initially high, at about 30 BC, and contin- Table 4, it is clear that C5-0.5 has a much faster TRAS (17 min) than
ued to increase over the next 4 h. CSA cement content in C1-0.2 that of APIG (104 min), showing closer RAS tendency with shorter
may not be enough for quick gel coalescence within the first few overall thickening time. This shows the significant effect of the
hours and the combined effect of the retarder and gypsum further mineral additions on RAS property.
delayed cement hydration. The initial consistency of C3-0.2 was The amount of chemical retarder significantly affected the over-
5 BC, increasing steadily to reach 100 BC after 125 min. Here, it is all thickening time, but had little effect on RAS behaviour. This is
apparent that an increase in CSA cement content resulted in steady supported by the consistency results shown in Fig. 5(b). The thick-
ettringite formation in a few hours opposing the influence of the ening time of C3-0.2 was 124 mins and that of C3-0.3 was about
retarder. The consistency of C5-0.5 remained low for 135 min 340 mins, while the consistency of C3-0.4 was less than 10 BC dur-
and after about 140 min, the consistency began increasing quickly ing the first 5 h due to the retardation effect. This demonstrates
to reach 100 BC within a few minutes, appearing to be analogous to that the retardation effect in measuring thickening time is highly
RAS behaviour. Delayed increase in consistency can be attributed sensitive to retarder dosage. It can be observed that TRAS consis-
to higher gypsum content that slowed down hydration of CSA tency profile of C3-0.2 is very similar to C3-0.3 (Fig. 5 (b)). TRAS
cement. Upon hydration, the ettringite formation occurred rapidly in C3-0.2 and C3-0.3 was 70 and 60 min respectively, although
due to higher CSA cement content in C5-0.5 compared to C1-0.2 C3-0.2 and C3-0.3 had different amounts of retarder (0.2 %BWOB
and C3-0.2. Shorter TRAS of the C5-0.5 sample (Table 4) indicates and 0.3 %BWOB, respectively). This suggests that the retarder does
that loss of fluidity and formation of a hydrated gel occurred within not greatly influence RAS property although it extends overall
a few minutes. It is possible that with increasing amounts of CSA thickening time. A major factor which enhanced RAS tendency of
cement and gypsum, the OWC slurry is more likely to show RAS the samples tested was found to be the mineral additions, CSA
behaviour due to rapid ettringite formation. From Fig. 5(c) and cement and gypsum.

Table 4
Thickening times of OWC slurries.

Sample w/b %BWOB Chemical Time to reach Time to reach 100 BC (B), TRAS (B-A), min
additives 30 BC (A), min min (Thickening time) (for RAS property)
G cement CSA cement Gypsum Retarder SP
APIG 0.44 100 – – – – 197.0 301.0 104.0
C1-0.2 0.40 99 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.5 7.5 250.0 242.5
C3-0.2 97 2.1 0.9 0.2 0.5 54.0 124.0 70.0
C3-0.3 0.3 0.5 281.0 341.0 60.0
C3-0.4a 0.4 0.5 – – –
C5-0.5 95 3.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 181.0 198.0 17.0
TRAS of C3-0.4 sample could not be calculated since consistency of the sample did not reach 30 BC within the test duration limit of 5 h.
L. Namkon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 1093–1102 1101

4. Summary and conclusions Conflict of interest

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