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BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

Module number and title


Cardiff Metropolitan University Level 6 BSc (Hons)

BSP 6000- Strategic management
Business & Management Studies

Student name & CMU ID Assessor name

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

August 2021 12th Sep 2021

Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Approximate Date of

Semester mid presentation Assessment Type Assessment Submission
(group assessment) 2000 words 50% Mid module

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature: Date:

Marks awarded

First assessor

Second assessor

Agreed grade

IV Signature Date

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

BSP 6000 Strategic management - PRES 1

Assignment Feedback
CMU Registration Nos:

First assessor feedback

Mark Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Total
allocated 20 20 20 20 20 100

Assessor name & Date

Second assessor feedback
Mark Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Total
allocated 20 20 20 20 20 100

Assessor name & Date

Agreed mark

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

Strategic management– BSP 6000

Group Presentation

Weighting of assessment: 50% total marks

Word count: 2000 words

Learning Outcomes Covered

 Employ a range of problem solving techniques and approaches, which can be used to
understand and resolve theoretical and practical strategy related situations.
 Appreciate the areas of uncertainty, incompleteness, ambiguity, contradictions and
the limits of knowledge relating to strategy and its environment.
 Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts, uncertainties and data
relating to strategy, which will enable them to frame questions, make judgements and
develop solutions to theoretical and practical problems relating to strategy and its

You work as a group of marketing consultants to an organisation of your choice. Your

company has been approached by the board of your chosen organisation to clarify/ review
the following in preparation for a meeting with the key shareholders. Based on your review,
you are required to make a presentation to the board covering following areas.

1. Critically analyse the macro and meso (industry) environmental changes that affect the
company using two relevant frameworks (20 marks)
2. Critically analyse the internal environment of the organisation with a summary of finding
using a relevant framework. (20 marks)
3. Identify and critically discuss the main growth options available for the company (20
4. Recommend one of the option identified in question 3 with adequate justifications (20
5. Critically discuss key requirements for the effective implementation of the
recommended option. (20 marks)

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

Demonstrate strong theoretical knowledge and analytical skills. Provide a good level of detail
and depth to discussion. Use at least 10 - 15 academically valid references to validate your
answer for higher marks.
Follow university guidelines for presentation writing, referencing and delivery. Provide correct
intext and endtext references according to Harvard method.

Use grammatically correct language.

Utilise the word count in proportion to marks allocated for each question.
Take into account the instruction verb ( critical, analyse etc.) in question when
structuring answers.

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

Information about presentation preparation

 Form groups of four (04) members

 Each group will make a 20minute PowerPoint presentation. Use 20 slides maximum.
Presentation will be followed by a 5 minute Q&A session. Total time allocated per
group is 25 minutes.
 Each student will present a portion of the presentation or answer questions (advised
to divide equal time among the presenters)
 Create comprehensive slides as this is an assessment. Include good level of content
on slides.
 You may use additional materials e.g. multimedia to demonstrate your understanding
of the topic.
 Demonstration of depth of relevant theoretical understanding and applications is a
must in the presentation. Provide citations, intext and endtext references where
needed (see marking scheme).

Date of the presentation

To be informed by programme office

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

Criteria for marking

Criteria Very Good answer Good Answer Average answer poor answer Very poor answer
20-17 16-13 12-9 8-5 4-0

1 Critically analyse the macro and Critically analyse the Average analysis of the macro Weak analysis of the macro Very weak analysis of the
meso (industry) environmental macro and meso (industry) and meso (industry) and meso (industry) macro and meso (industry)
changes that affect the company environmental changes environmental changes that environmental changes that environmental changes that
using two of the framework such that affect the company at affect the company at surface affect the company at basic affect the company using at
as PESTEL, Porter’s five forces satisfactory level using level using two of the level using at least one of the least PESTEL framework
and competitor analysis. two of the framework frameworks such as PESTEL, frameworks PESTEL or
such as PESTEL, Porter’s Porter’s five forces, and Porter’s five forces
five forces, and competitor analysis frameworks
competitor analysis.

2 Critically analyse the internal Analyse the internal Average level analysis of the Weak level analysis of the Very weak analysis using one
environment of the environment of the internal environment of the internal environment of the of the relevant framework
organisation with a very good organisation with a good organisation with a poor provided
organisation with a surface summary of findings using one
summary of findings using one summary of findings
level summary of findings of the relevant frameworks
internal analytical tool such as using one internal
value chain or resource analysis, analysis tool such as value using an internal analysis
or portfolio analysis chain or resource tool such as value chain or
analysis, or portfolio resource analysis, or
analysis portfolio analysis

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

3 Very strong identification and Strong identification and Average level attempt in Poor level attempt in Very poor level attempt in
critical discussion of the main discussion of the main identification and discussion of identification and brief identification of the main
growth options available for the growth options available for the main growth options discussion of the main growth growth options available for
company using Ansoff matrix the company using Ansoff available for the company options available for the the company using Ansoff
matrix using Ansoff matrix company using Ansoff matrix matrix
4 Recommendation of one option Recommendation of one Recommendation of one Recommendation of one Recommendation of one
(identified in question 3) with very option with good option with average option with weak option with very weak
good justifications using SAF justifications using SAF justifications using SAF justifications using SAF justifications using SAF
framework framework framework framework framework

5 Critically discuss key requirements Discuss key requirements Average discussion of key Key requirements for the Key requirements for the
for the effective implementation for the effective requirements for the effective effective implementation of effective implementation of
of the recommended option given implementation of the implementation of the the recommended option the recommended option
at very good level using one recommended option given recommended option given at given at weak level using given at very weak level using
framework McKinsey 7s model or at good level using one average level using McKinsey McKinsey 7s model or any McKinsey 7s model or any
any other relevant concept. framework such as 7s model or any other relevant other relevant concept. other relevant concept.
McKinsey 7s model or any concept.
other relevant concept.

BSc (Hons) in Business & Management Studies

 The assignment should be submitted as a SOFT COPY in a Powerpoint format ONLY

on or before the due date.
 Student full names and CMU ID numbers must be clearly mentioned in the first or
last slide of PPT
 The soft copy should be saved directly to ICBT sis as one file. Documents saved in
different files and/or in subfolders will be rejected.
o Softy copy should be named as BSc -BHL (subject number)- followed by the
Cardiff Met (CMU) student ID number
 E.g. for BSP 6000 Strategic management
o BSc - BSP-6000 -20** ****

 Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. ICBT and Cardiff
Metropolitan University have all the right to re call for softcopy of any assignment at
any time during the course.

 Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some
instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).

 All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a

reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.

 Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that
you can hand over the assignment. No late submissions are allowed. (Please refer to
the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions).

 Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission, mitigating

circumstances procedure.

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