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1. The diagram below shows a simple distillation to separate water and ethanol.

a) State one of the conditions for the above process to take place. (1mark)

b) Ethanol collected is 95% pure. Secondary distillation is carried out in which calcium metal is placed in ethanol
to react with water. Give a reason why the following cannot be used.
(i) Sodium metal

(ii) Copper metal

2. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
Melting Point Boiling Point
Substance Electrical conductivity Solubility
(0C) (0C)
Solid Liquid
X 37 344 Poor Poor Insoluble
Y -114 -85 Poor Poor Good
K 1610 2230 Poor Poor Insoluble
L 29 685 Good Good Good
M 614 1382 Poor Good Good

(i) Select a substance from the given date which;-

a. Has giant ionic structure (1mark)

b. Has giant covalent structure (1mark)

c. Is a gas at room temperature (1mark)

3. Solutions can be classified as acids bases or neutral. The table below shows solutions and their pH values.
Solution PH - VALUES
K 1.5
L 7.0
M 14.0
(i) Select any pair that would react to form a solution of pH 7. (1mark)

(ii) Identify two solutions that would react with aluminum hydroxide.
Explain (2marks)

4. The diagram below is a set up to investigate the effect of heat on hydrated copper (ii) sulphate. Study the
diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Why is the boiling tube slanted as shown (1mark)

(b) What is observed in the boiling tube? (1mark)

Identify liquid G (1mark)

5. Oxygen gas can be prepared in the laboratory by heating potassium nitrate

(i) Write the equation of reaction to show the decomposition of potassium nitrate (1mark)

(ii) State two physical properties of oxygen gas. (1mark)

(iii) Outline one industrial use of oxygen gas. (1mark)

6. When excess carbon (II) oxide was passed over heated lead (II) oxide in a combustion tube. Lead (II) oxide was
reduced to lead metal.
(a) Write an equation for the reaction that took place. (1mark)

(b) What observation is made in the combustion tube when the reaction is complete? (1mark)

(c) Name another gas which could be used to reduce lead (II) oxide (1mark)

a) State two differences between a luminous flame and a non- luminous flame. (2marks)

b) The apparatus shown below is commonly used in a chemistry laboratory. Give its name and state its use.
(1 mark)

a) Element P and Q have atomic numbers 13 and 17 respectively. Write down the electron arrangement of the
(i) P+ 1mk

(ii) Q- 1mk

b) Write down the formula of the compound formed between element P and Q. (1mark)

9. A form one student set up the following apparatus to investigate the percentage of oxygen in air.
(i) Write an equation to show how the percentage can be calculated (1mark)

(ii) Why is NaOH preferred to water in the above experiment? (1mark)

10. The diagram below shows a section of a model of the structure of element T.

(a) State the bonding that exists in element T. (1mark)

(b) In which group of the periodic table does T belong? Give a reason. (2marks)

11. Using dot (.) and cross (x) diagram, show the bonding in the two compound. Phosphonium ion PH+4
(P = 15.0, H= 1.0)

12. The diagram below shows an incomplete set up of the laboratory preparation of dry carbon (IV) oxide.
Complete it.
13. When a candle was burnt completely, the total mass of the product was found to be greater than the original
mass of the candle. Explain. (2marks)

14. Using reagents provided only, explain by means of balanced chemical equations how you would prepare a salt
of zinc carbonate solid.
Zinc powder
Nitric (v) acid (dilute)
Solid sodium carbonate

a) A compound Q is a solid with a giant ionic structure. In what form would the compound conduct an electric

b) With reference to iodine distinguish between covalent bonds and van-der-waals forces. (2marks)

16.A given element E has atomic number 14 and consists of Isotopes as shown below:
Isotope X Y Z
Isotopic Mass 28 29 30
Percentage abundance 92.2 4.7 3.1
(a) What are Isotopes? (1mk)

(b) Determine the relative atomic mass of E. (2mks)

17.Passing a small quantity of carbon (iv) oxide through limewater, forms a white precipitate which dissolves when
excess carbon (iv) oxide is bubbled through.
(a) Name the white precipitate. (1mk)

(b) Explain using a chemical equation why the white precipitate dissolve in excess carbon (iv) oxide. (1mk)

(c) What will happen when solution in (b) above is boiled? (1mk)

18.Some reactions of metals P, Q, R and S are given below.

Metal Reaction with water Reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid
P A few bubbles form slowly in water Vigorous reaction. Gas is given off
Q Vigorous reaction, metal melts, gas given off. Explosive reaction. Should not be attempted.
R No reaction No reaction
S Does not react with cold water. Hot metal Steady fizzing.
reacts with steam.

(a) Arrange the metals in order of the reactivity starting with the least reactive. (1mark)

(b) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between metal Q and water. (1mark)

(c) Which of the metals could be:

(i) Copper (½ mark)

(ii) Magnesium (½ mark)

19. The set-up below was used to electrolysed molten lead (ii) iodide.

Electrode A Electrode B

Molten Lead (II) Iodide

(i) State the observation that was made during electrolysis at electrode A. (1mark)

(ii) Write the ionic equation for the reaction that took place at the anode. (1mark)

20. The chromatogram of two inks and three dyes is drawn below.

(a) Name the colours of ink A. (1mark)

(b) Suggest how separated components can be recovered. (1mark)

(c) Suggest two reasons why separations occur in this method. (1mark)
21. The grid below shows a section of the periodic table. The letters in the grid do not represent actual symbols of
the elements. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a) Write down the formula of the chloride of F (1mark)

b) Giving a reason for your answer identify;

i. Metallic element with the highest melting point. (1½ mark)

ii. A non-metallic element with the highest melting point. (1½ mark)

c) Give the formula of the oxide of G. (1mark)

d) State the structure and bonds found in the oxide of G above.

e) Explain the following observations:

i. L is a hard solid with higher melting point than K. (1mark)

ii. The hydride of C is more volatile than the hydride of D. (1mark)

f) Select any two elements which:-

i. When combined and dissolved in water, form acidic solution (1mark)

ii. Form a compound that conduct electricity in both fused and in solution state. (1mark)
22. The simplified flow chart below shows some of the steps in the manufacture of sodium carbonate by the solvay

Carbon (IV) oxide Ammonium
chloride and chloride
Brine sodioum hydrogen carbonate
Step I Step II
Sodium hydrogen carbonate

Step III

(a) Identify substance L. (1/2 marks)

(b) Name the process taking place to step II. (1/2 marks)

(c) Write an equation for the process which takes place in step III. (1 mark)

23. The diagram below shows a diagram of non-luminous flame. A piece of white paper is slipped into the region
of the flame as shown in the diagram and quickly removed before it catches fire.

(a) Draw and label the piece of paper to show how it is affected by the above flame. (2mks)

(b) Explain why a luminous flame of a Bunsen burner produces bright yellow light. (1mk)

24. A piece of burning magnesium was lowered into a gas jar full of air as shown below.
Two products were formed.


Burning magnesium
(i) Name the two products: (2mks)

(ii) Which product of the two products stated above would form last? Explain. (2mks)

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