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Reported speech

Names of group members :

1. Ahda Fitria Sabila

2. Anggerto Dwiki Fadilah
3. Fadhilah Qalbun Shahih

XF (Al-Ghafiqi)
Questions about personal identity:

1. He said that his completed name is Fikri Hermawan Yudianto

2. He said that he was born in, Palu September 16, 1994
3. He said that he likes to be called Fikri
4. Sir Fikri said that he has a hobby for self-development, one of which is reading and
being alone

Questions about teaching:

1. Sir Fikri said that the reason he became a teacher was because, the first one is in
accordance with the profession with the scientific field that sir fikri studied in
college. Second, sir fikri likes to share information about history.
2. Sir Fikri tells us that his teaching philosophy is that the teacher must set an
3. Sir Fikri said that the way he connected his lessons with the real world was by
connecting events that occurred in the past with the present, using the concept
of cause and effect.
4. Sir Fikri told us the reason he teaches at Al-Azhar High School is because Al-Azhar
is one of the best schools.
5. Sir Fikri said that the biggest challenge faced by teachers today is how students
capture and understand the lesson methods and materials presented by history
6. Sir fikri said that the thing he likes most about teaching is teaching about events
that happened in the past that still have a connection in the present.
7. Sir fikri said the thing that frustrates him the most is when the material being
taught to students doesn't arrive or students don't understand the material
being taught.
8. Sir Fikri said that he wanted to know about all the students he taught.
9. Sir Fikri said that the embarrassing teaching moment he had experienced was

Questions about choosing field of study:

1. Sir fikri tells us that he chose history because history teaches the value of kindness
and honesty.
2. He said that the history major was what he expected because he had previously
enrolled in two faculties but the one he accepted was the history faculty.
3. Sir fikri told us that his best subject in school was history.
4. Sir fikri advises his students that, if later you want to choose a major, choose it
according to your abilities and desires.

Questions about students:

1. Sir fikri said that the current trend that makes him confused is the tiktok trend
about dances that are not clear.
2. Sir fikri said that he could remember the names of his students because of the good
interaction between the teacher and the students.
3. Sir fikri said that he wanted to share the bad life experiences he had with his
students so that it wouldn't happen to his students.

Questions about teacher’s personal life:

1. Sir fikri said that he is good at soccer.

2. Sir fikri said that he often spends his vacation time by walking and being alone.
3. Sir fikri said that he can cook beef curry well.
4. Sir Fikri said, if he was given the chance to win the lottery the thing he wanted to do
was buy a house in the forest or some remote place and want to spend time there.

Questions about teacher’s perspective on anything:

1. Sir Fikri said,According to Sir Fikri, astrology lessons are interesting to learn.
2. Sir Fikri said that the activity that made him feel the most to be himself was studying
3. Sir fikri said that according to him the bad thing that people often do is blaspheme.
4. Sir fikri said the thing he brought the most in a friendship is trust because sir fikri
upholds trust.
5. Sir fikri said if he could get rid of one of the responsibilities then he wanted to give
up his responsibility to teach.

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