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BAND TOGETHER TO DEFEND AGAINST But you have allies beside you.

The dangers of the

OTHERWORLDLY THREATS: Creatures of the supernatural can make strange bedfellows, but a
night wreak havoc upon human lives. Some of it helping hand can provide a small light in the
sporadic and unprovoked, some of it well overdue. darkest hour of those initiated in the occult.

► Roll d20 for a Person of Interest ► Roll d20 for a Location

1 August Bennett, Traveling salesperson 1 Bramblewick, town receding into a swamp

LO-FI FANTASY RPG • RILEY MARTINEZ 2 Horace Jones, Superstitious grave digger 2 The Blackburn Family Estate
3 Odette Thibaut, Maid, gossiper 3 Drifthaven, an eerily quiet fishing village
4 Granville Moore, Discredited chemist 4 A crossroads in a windswept moor
5 Mateo Gil, Fisherman, cursed by the sea 5 The Atticus Hall Plantation
6 Sister, a nun who does not speak 6 A recently Unearthed catacomb
7 Fredrick Carter, Gentleman, Doppelganger 7 An unmarked graveyard
8 Byron Edwards, Struggling author 8 A sun-bleached desert
9 Minerva, Reclusive hunter and trapper 9 Snake church in the mountains
10 Edgar King, Coal Miner, can see spirits 10 Cornfield filled with strange circles
11 Kindred, Venerated Vampire Lord 11 Small roadside attraction
12 Thomas LaVelle, Photographer, inventor 12 Brooklake, a sleepy town with a secret
13 Ximena Moreno, Factory worker 13 Sacred Hearts, medical ward
14 Luther Morgan, Occult investigator 14 The Ascendant, a coastline shipwreck
15 Maddison Ward, Plague doctor 15 Charwick, an abandoned town
16 Genevieve Kaplan, Mortician, widower 16 Castle Helmsfield
17 Issac Adebayo, Sailor, Merfolk 17 Gloaming Woods, misty home of the fae
18 Sophia Watson, Lycanthropy inflicted 18 An abandoned saw mill in the woods
19 Samuel Lee, Busker, Seer 19 The crowded streets of London
20 Lafayette King, Studies necromancy 20 Lowridge, a young frontier town

► Roll d12 for an Adventure

1. The corpse of a demon was found in a 7. You receive a concerning letter from an old
church. The local clergy are keeping it friend about their inheritance and
secret until they discover how it entered. something about a family curse.
2. A town’s water supply has been touched by 8. Locals report small rhythmic tremors and
the Cosmic, imparting strange visions onto beating heart sounds coming from the
those who drink it. ground before the weather shifts.
3. An order of werewolf hunters forcefully 9. Travelers tell tales of people getting lost in
takes charge of a town after a string of a ghost town that seems to disappear into
disappearances. the mists at the stroke of midnight
4. Everyone in a graveyard is brought back to 10. The citizens of a mining town suspect
life and brings old family secrets with them something unholy has been unearthed when
as they return to town. all the miners start acting differently.
5. Mechanical devices from another time are 11. In a certain location, two moons can be
being dragged up from a small local well. seen in the sky which seem to be causing
6. Everlasting Day descends upon a an uptick in lycanthorpic transformations.
community and citizens haven’t been able 12. A group of kobolds mobilizes a regiment to
to sleep since. search for a stolen artifact.

24XX rules made by Jason Tocci under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0) • Art by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)
PLAY: Players describe what their characters ► Choose your character’s specialty. ► Take camping provisions and ☽2. Most ► Invent or roll for cursed object details.
do. The game moderator (GM) advises when an individual items cost ☽1 each. Ignore small
NOBLE: Skilled in Fencing (d8) and Riding (d8).
action is impossible, requires extra steps, transactions (e.g., crowbar, knife, meal). CURSED OBJECTS
Take an expensive piece of jewelry, a family
demands a cost, or presents an avoidable risk.
crest, and either a rifle (bulky) or riding horse. ARMOR: Leather (breaks once for defense), 1 One half of a set of wedding bands
Players only roll to avoid risks.
shield (break up to 2x, bulky), Suit of Armor (☽2, 2 A saber marked with dried blood
HUNTER: Skilled in Tracking (d8) and Trapping
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die — higher with a break up to 3x, bulky). 3 A rifle pilfered from a battlefield
(d8). Take a crossbow (bulky) or a hunting dog.
relevant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or 4 The memoir of a forgotten author
TOOLS: Medical tools (scalpels, needle and
circumstances. If helped by circumstances, roll CLERGY: Skilled in Medicine (d8) and Blessings 5 A fang hanging from a necklace
suture, bandages), Repair Kit, Grappling Hook,
an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their (d8). Take some incense and a censer. 6 Soil from a barren land
Writing Set, Censer, Animals (Riding Horses,
skill die and share the risk. Take the highest die. 7 A misaligned compass
BANDIT: Skilled in Forgery (d8) and either Hand- Hunting Dogs), A Holy Symbol
8 A vial of wren’s breath
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if to-hand (d8) or Shooting (d8). Take either a
WEAPONS: Sword, Axe, Mace, Polearm (bulky),
you succeed at all. If risking death, you die. sword or pistol.
Crossbow (bulky), Longbow, Pistol, Rifle (bulky), SOURCE
3–4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial SCHOLAR: Skilled in Academia (d8) and either Blunderbuss (bulky).
1 A remorseful spirit
success. If risking death, you’re maimed. Occultism (d8), Arcane (d8) or Alchemy (d8).
2 A grief stricken individual
Take a writing set and a blank journal.

5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better. 3 The God you fear most
GRAVE-ROBBER: Skilled in Sneaking (d8) and 4 The whims of a Fae Court
If success can’t get you what you want (you
Vandalism (d8). Take a change of clothes and a 5 A childhood companion
make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!), you’ll at
shovel. 6 The object itself, awoken
least get useful info or set up an advantage.
A curse can be a large breadth of things. The 7 The will of the forest animals
► Choose your character’s origin.
LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but more terrible history of a land, the looming dread of a 8 A celestial body
than one bulky item may hinder you at times. HORROR: Invent two traits, like lycanthropy, fae shared secret, the anger of a scorn being
magic, wings, or undead. beyond comprehension. However, they come in PRICE
ADVANCEMENT: After a job, increase a skill
a common form for combating the supernatural
(none ➡d8 ➡d10 ➡d12) and gain 1 silver (☽). COSMIC: You have a form to better blend in 1 A drop of blood for every use
called a cursed object.
when walking among people. Take a Veil (looks 2 Two silver pieces from a demon
DEFENSE: Say how one of your items breaks to
human, breaks harmlessly for defense.) Cursed Objects have three main components; A 3 A contract with a vampire lord
turn a hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is
Increase 1 skill. Source, a Price, and an Effect. The source is 4 A promise to destroy the Source
useless until repaired.
what originally made the curse, anything from 5 A whispered secret for every use
HUMAN: Apply 3 skill increases (from no skill
HARM: Medical/repair expenses cost☽1. If the divine to a human feeling very strong 6 Knowing how you will perish
➡d8 ➡d10 ➡d12). You can take new skills
killed, make a new character to be introduced emotions can be a source. A price is what must 7 Your most precious memory
and/or increase skills you already have.
ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism. be done in order to use the object. An effect is 8 The ability to fall in love
► Choose or invent skills (if prompted by origin). what the curse does.
RUNNING THE GAME: Lead the group in setting
lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or Academia, Alchemy, Arcane, Blessings, Climbing, To be the source of a cursed object yourself,
rewind/redo scenes for pacing and safety, and Fencing, Forgery, Hand-to-Hand, Legerdemain, you roll a d6. No study or preparation will sway 1 Divine the direction of your heart’s desire
invite players to do likewise. Present dilemmas Marksmanship, Medicine, Occultism, Riding, the hands of fate. A 1-2 result means that the 2 Create a warding circle of magic
and problems you don’t know how to solve. Move Sneaking, Tracking, Trapping, Vandalism. GM/another player will choose the price and 3 Shoot a blast of searing hot light
the spotlight to give everyone time to shine. Test effect of the cursed object. A 3-4 result means 4 Heal a fresh wound
For inventing skills, there’s no limit to what you
periodically for bad luck (e.g., run out of ammo, you get to choose the price or effect. A 5+ result 5 Attract an evil force to the wielder
can choose. However, an avoidance of social
or into guards) — roll d6 to check for (1–2) means you get to choose both. Describe the 6 Detach your senses from your body
skills (Reading People, Diplomacy, etc.) is
trouble now or (3–4) signs of trouble. Offer process by which you curse this object. 7 To see through the eyes of animals
recommended. Let arguments and play out
rulings to cover gaps in rules; double back during 8 The right to break a single demonic contract
naturally and resolve within the fiction.
a break to revise unsatisfying rulings as a group.

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